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December 05, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-12-05

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Cloudy, late snow;
High: 26, Low: 9.
Partly cloudy;
High: 33, Low: 15.


The Katzenberg
who would be
Page 5.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vol. CII, No. 47

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 5, 1991

Copyrght :191
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Captors release
last U.S. hostage

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) - Journalist
Terry Anderson, the last American hostage in1
Lebanon, was set free yesterday by pro-Iranian
Islamic radicals and said faith and stubborn-
ness helped him survive the nearly seven-year
His release ended a brutal saga in which
Shiite Muslims kept 13 Americans in chains,
killed three and bedeviled two U.S. presiden-
A joyous Anderson grinned broadly, raised
his arms and warmly greeted friends as he en-
tered a conference room at the Syrian Foreign
Ministry. He later left to meet his 6-year-old
daughter, Sulome, for the first time.
Anderson said sheer determination got him
through his captivity.
"You just do what you have to do. You
wake up every day, summon up the energy
from somewhere ... and you get through the
day, day after day after day," said the AP's
chief Middle East correspondent.
"I was lucky enough to have other people
with me most of the time. ...My faith. Stub-
bornness, I guess," Anderson said.
His appearance was delayed for hours. U.N.
officials said they believed he had been delayed
by a snowstorm in Lebanon.
Anderson's kidnappers turned him over to
Syrian security officials who delivered him to
U.S. Ambassador Christopher Ross in Damas-
Anderson, wearing a white shirt and a dark
cardigan he received only Tuesday from his
captors, joked about tight-fitting shoes. He

said they were his first new pair since he was
"You can't imagine how glad I am to see
you," an emotional Anderson told reporters.
"I've thought about this moment for a long
time and now it's here, and I'm scared to death.
I don't know what to say." He hugged and
kissed Alex Efty, an AP correspondent.
Ending the news conference, he explained:
"I have a date with a couple of beautiful ladies
and I'm already very late." He was referring
to Sulome and her mother, Madeleine.
Asked what his last words to his kidnap-
pers were, he rolled his eyes and said simply:
Anderson was to leave later in the evening
for Wiesbaden, Germany, where recently re-
leased hostages Joseph Cicippio and Alann
Steen are resting and undergoing medical ex-
aminations. Anderson was being accompanied
by Larry E. Heinzerling, AP's deputy director
of the World Services division.
A U.S. military doctor in Wiesbaden said
Steen suffered brain damage and was subject to
periodic seizures because he was kicked in the
head during his captivity.
President Bush called Terry Anderson in
Damascus "to express the love and admiration
that all Americans have for Terry," said
White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater.
A flurry of contradictory reports early in
the day about Anderson's whereabouts mir-
rored the agonizing cycle of raised and dashed
hopes for release from his 2,455-day ordeal.
See HOSTAGES, Page 2

Double your presents, double your fun
Terry Shubell, South Quad Office Assistant, puts the finishing touches on the South Quad Christmas tree as a menorah
glows brightly nearby.
State debating ofME T

by Stefanie Vines
Daily Government Reporter
A state pre-paid tuition program could
be changed to a new savings-bond plan if
Gov. John Engler has his way.
Board members of the Michigan
Education Trust (MET) met yesterday to
discuss Engler's proposed change from the
guarantee that MET would pay a child's
tuition bills to a new program where the
government would issue state-backed, tax-
free bonds designed to help families save
for college.
Under the current MET program, es-
tablished in 1988 by former Gov. Jim
Blanchard, parents pay in a lump sum and
MET guarantees to cover tuition at any
state public university when the child
reaches college age.
University President James Duderstadt
is a member of the MET board and will
help decide the future of the program.
The state has sold 55,000 MET con-
tracts. The Financial Aid Office estimates
that only one or two University students
currently use MET to pay for their tuition,
although more are expected to use it in the
next five to 10 years.
* Rep. Pat Gagliardi (D-Drummond
Island) said Engler's move is politically
"He never liked the program because it
was established under Blanchard, and he

has also refused to take on universities that
are increasing tuition rates," he said.
Mary Dettloff, spokesperson for House
Speaker Lewis Dodak (D-Montrose), said
she is concerned about the current MET
"Our concern is that Engler's new pro-
posal doesn't guarantee that you can cover
the cost of tuition if you invest in MET.
Also what about all of the current MET
contracts? Will they be honored if the cur-
rent program is scrapped?" she said.
'What about all of the
current MET contracts?'
-Mary Detloff
Pat Brown, spokesperson for Rep.
Morris Hood (D-Detroit) and co-chair of
the Higher Education subcommittee, was
also concerned about the guarantee for cur-
rent MET contracts.
"I just hope that all of those parents
and grandparents using the program will
be guaranteed by MET," she said.
John Truscott, Engler's press secretary,
said Engler wants the current contracts to
be guaranteed.
"Engler has asked the legislature to
guarantee the current MET contracts, but
in 15 years when many of these students
are college-age the contracts may not be

honored if the Governor in power then
does not have the funds or integrity to do
it," he said.
Truscott said former Gov. Jim
Blanchard never actually made provisions
to guarantee MET contracts.
"It is not accurate to say that the
Blanchard administration was going to
guarantee tuition, but Engler has taken
provisions to do that. The American people
were lied to by Blanchard," he said.
Executive Director of University
Relations Walter Harrison said the
University's main concern is for the future
students who have MET contracts.
"Right now there are very few students
using MET, but in five or 10 years many
people will want to use it. Since many of
these people plan to send their children to
Michigan we have a vested interest in the
program," he said.
"The Governor is playing politics with
MET because the program was initiated
under Blanchard and it was popular,"
Brown said. "Engler wants something
with his stamp on it, but there is no guar-
antee that you can cover the cost of the
program, especially under him."
Gagliardi said the main problem now
lies with universities like Michigan.
"The real failure lies with universities
that increase tuition. They need to keep it
more under control," he said.

Israel doesn't show,
Mideast talks recess

WASHINGTON (AP) - Mideast peace
talks recessed in less than an hour yesterday
amid recriminations on both sides. Israel de-
fended its decision not to attend the opening
session and suggested technical discussions in
the coming days.
Palestinian delegates rushed back to the
State Department to discuss the Israeli pro-
"We have suggested holding a meeting to
talk about logistics, so that when our delega-
tions get here Monday we can save time," said
an Israeli official speaking on condition of
The Israeli delegation is expected to arrive
The State Department also expressed dis-
appointment with the false start and said it
would keep trying to bring the two sides to-
gether this week. It invited all parties for a 10
a.m. session to be held today.

The State Department slammed the gov-
ernment of Shamir for starting up a new set-
tlement on the West Bank.
"Settlements are an obstacle to peace,"
spokesperson Margaret Tutwiler said. "We
are particularly disturbed at this development
on the eve of the resumption of bilateral
Israeli Ambassador Zalman Shoval said the
United States no longer would function as a
"mailman." Benjamin Netanyahu, a close aide
to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir,
said the Arabs had asked U.S. officials to con-
vey a list of 15 proposals to Israel and were
turned down.
"We told them, 'take it to Israel,"' Ne-
tanyahu quoted an unidentified U.S. official as
State Department spokeswoman Tutwiler
said she was "totally unaware there is a
See TALKS, Page 2

'U' study predicts
" slow improvement

for stalled
by Barry Cohen
Daily Staff. Reporter
A University study by the
Research Seminar in Quantitative
Economics (RSQE) is allaying fears
that the economy will suffer a
"double-dip" recession, say
University economists.
"The double-dip could happen,
but it would be driven by a spread-
ing lack of consumer confidence, not
by driving economic principles,"
said Dr. Janet Wolfe, economics
professor at RSQE. Economists de-
fine a "double dip" as a recession,
then a slight recovery followed by a
* deeper recession.
The study predicts that the na-
tional unemployment rate, holding

Students hold
celebration of
Zionism with
rally, election

at 7 percent, will drop to 6.5 percent
by the end of 1992 and decrease to
6.1 percent by the end of 1993.
The gross national product will
increase 2.2 percent by the end of
1992 and another 3 percent for 1993,
consumer price inflation will
slightly decline, and household pur-
chasing power will slightly in-
crease, the study said.
During 1992 and 1993, interest
rates are predicted to stay low, car
and light truck sales will improve,
and housing production will slowly
But Dr. Richard Curtin, Director
of Survey of Consumers at RSQE,
said that the economy is currently at
See ECONOMY, Page 2


by Lauren Dermer
Daily Staff Reporter


About 20 students showed their support for Israel
yesterday by singing Hebrew songs at a snow-bound
rally on the Diag, and others offered their opinions on
Israeli politics in a mock election.
The events were part of "Proud to Be a Zionist
Day," sponsored by the Union of Students for Israel
(USI) and Tagar, a Zionist student activist group.
"The purpose of the election is to show that Israel
is a democratic system and to get people involved and
informed," LSA senior Jeremy Schwartz said. "We
want to get an idea of where students stand on the is-
sues and how students feel."
The 12 parties that have at least two seats in the
Israeli parliament were included on the mock ballot,
and a brief description of their positions regarding so-
cial and economic policy, foreign affairs, and state and
religion was posted.
The results of the mock election, which were simi-
lar to those of an election on campus two years ago,
showed a roughly even split between the Labor and
Likud parties, but.more than half the votes were split
among various other parties.


Shapiro returning for
December graduation

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
Former University President

Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology, Shapiro served as the
10th president of the University

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