The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 27, 1991 - Page 3
Parties to
D.C. talks
and the Palestinians edged closer
yesterday to accepting a resumption
of Mideast peace talks with Israel
here on Dec.4.
They raised "any number of
questions" in their replies to a joint
U.S.-Soviet invitation, and the Bush
administration is insisting on un-
qualified acceptances, Margaret
Tutwiler, the State Department
spokesperson, said.
Israel is expected to give its an-
swer after a Cabinet meeting today.
The replies from Syria and the
Palestinians "show a readiness to
espond positively," Tutwiler said.
Without disclosing the contents,
she said there would be no U.S. re-
ply to the questions even though
they are "sincere."
"Our proposal is out there," she
added. "We are not accepting
Monday was the deadline set by
Secretary of State James Baker, but
only Jordan and Lebanon accepted
*Washington as the site and Dec. 4 as
the starting date.
Syria takes the position that Is-
rael should agree beforehand to ne-
gotiate on a basis of giving up land
for peace. Syria's aim is to reclaim
the Golan Heights, which it lost in
the 1967 Six-Day war.
The Palestinians want the Bush
administration to issue visas to
Calestine Liberation Organization
members who are advisers to the
Palestinian delegation.
Tutwiler said waivers of the
Congressional ban on PLO visas
would not be issued for the Wash-
ington talks.
In Jerusalem, Hanan Ashrawi, a
spokesperson for the Palestinians,
said "our response is that, in princi-
ple, the Palestinians have no objec-
*ion to attend the bilaterals in
Washington. The final decision is
pending. Several issues have to be
worked out."
She said some were practical,
procedural issues and others dealt
with "issues of substance."
Baker, in consultation with So-
viet Foreign Minister Eduard She-
vardnadze, set the time and place to
4esume the Mideast peace conference
after the Arabs and Israel were un-
able to come to terms.
They conferred again yesterday
by telephone, and Shevardnadze "is
working on his end as cosponsor."
The administration has sent Is-
rael and the Arabs what U.S. offi-
cials called "suggestions" on how
to tackle the tough issues ahead if
&and when the talks resume.
DNR compiles ranking
of state's pollution sites
Leaking underground tanks found most often
LANSING, Mich. (AP) -
Michigan has 3,347 ranked pollu-
tion sites, but leaking underground P1 0o i e
storage tanks push the total figure
to about 8,500 sites altogether, the
Department of Natural Resources The following is a list of the 23 worst pollution sites in
(DNR) said yesterday. Michigan, including the county they are located in. The
But DNR officials said sites are list was released yesterday by the Department of Natural
slowly being cleaned up, and few Resources.
major new sites are being found.
However, the agency is finding G & H Landfill, Macomb
about 200 leaking underground Fivenson Iron and Metal, Alpena
tanks a month. General Motors Power Train, Bay
"We are discovering historical Mount Clemens Coatings and Plastics, Macomb
releases" from long-buried gasoline Portage Creek-Kalamazoo River, Kalamazoo
and oil tanks, said Andrew Hogarth Auto Specialities, Berrien
of the DNR. "We're not finding the
big monster sites like we did 10 or Bay City Middlegrounds, Bay
15 years ago." Bofor's Lakeway Chemical, Muskegon
The list released yesterday is a Cleveland Street Landfill, lonia
proposed ranking of Michigan pol- Du Wel Bangor, Van Buren
lution sites. After hearings and re- Hartley and Hartley, Bay
view by the Legislature, the DNR Petroleum Specialities Inc., Wayne
will issue a final list next spring to Port of Monroe Landfill, Monroe
be used in deciding where to spend
money on cleanup in the fiscal year Rose Township Dump Site, Oakland
beginning next Oct. 1. State Prison of Southern Michigan, Jackson
For the current fiscal year, offi- Village of Douglas Contamination, Allegan
cials said, $80 million came from Arkona Road Landfill, Washtenaw
the state's 1988 bond program, $70 Cannelton Industries, Chippewa
million from the federal Superfund Duo Tank Products, Van Buren
program and a small amount from Manistique River Slips, Schoolcraft
the state's general fund. Marathon Oil Prod Laketon, Muskeon
So far, about $275 million has MaahnOlPo9aeoMseo
been spent on pollution cleanup, of- Sunstrand Heat Transfer Inc., Cass
ficials said. Cleanup action is un- Tri Township Landfill, Berrien
derway at about 6,000 sites.
The list ranks the sites under a
new scoring system which reflects for No. 2 was Fiveson Iron and while 14 have been "delisted" be-
the risk that each site poses to the Metal in Alpena, a scrap metal and cause of cleanups and five more were
environment and public health. salvage yard, and General Motors dropped for technical reasons.
Still No. 1 is G & H Landfill in Power Train in Bay City, where dis- Meanwhile, 78 of the worst sites
Macomb County's Shelby Town- carded machinery leaked PCBs. are on the federal government's list
ship, where millions of gallons of According to DNR officials, of Superfund sites which get federal
industrial waste liquids were more than 500 sites which appeared money for cleanup.
dumped in the late 1950s to 1966. on the pollution list since it started The leaking tanks are being found
The 80-acre site is now closed. in 1984 have been totally cleaned up. so fast they haven't all been ranked,
"It is a major problem site," "We're doing everything we can following a new program to combat
Hogarth said. "It received more in- to speed up the cleanup process," such pollution by digging up rusted
dustrial waste than any site we're Hogarth said. tanks and replacing them. More than
aware of." Compared to the last list, the 4,000 leaky tanks have cleanup activ-
Jumping from obscurity to a tie latest list includes 619 new sites, ities underway.
Next, number 27 (You're number 95)
Mitch West, an LSA senior, is one of many students who waited over
half an hour for a computer at the Union computing center yesterday.
U.S. erects shelter
for 2,500 Haitians
military task force began putting up
the first tents at the U.S. naval base
in Cuba yesterday to provide tempo-
rary shelter for 2,500 Haitian boat
Pentagon spokesperson Pete
Williams said the decision to trans-
fer the Haitians to the Guantanamo
naval base was made because of
"intolerable" overcrowding aboard
Coast Guard cutters which have
been rescuing the refugees.
"I don't know what alternative
the (defense) department or the
Coast Guard has," Williams said.
About 1,000 Haitians are aboard
two Navy ships and 3,100 others are
aboard 15 Coast Guard cutters.
The Haitians have been fleeing
their troubled land in large numbers
for the past four weeks following a
military coup. None have been able-
to find a permanent home except for
120 who have been admitted to the
United States as political refugees.
About 350 have been accepted on
a temporary basis in Honduras and
Venezuela. The Bush administration
repatriated 538 Haitians last week
but a federal judge halted the prac-
tice the day after it was started.
The administration is attempting
to have the order reversed, saying
the overwhelming majority of the
refugees are economic refugees who
are not entitled to admission to the
United States. The Rev. Jesse Jack-
son and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-
N.Y.) led a protest in front of the
White House demanding that
Haitians be admitted.
The 850 military personnel being
dispatched to the base included sol-
diers from Fort Lewis, Wash., and
Fort Bragg, N.C. The 135 tents they
will set up have a capacity for about
20 people each. Officials hope all
will be in place by the weekend.
In Cuba, base commander Capt.
William McCamy said, "My direc-
tion is to start building a camp."
McCamy said some Haitian refugees
are already being housed at an old
National Guard camp on the base.
The Coast Guard said it rescued
506 Haitians aboard seven sailboats
on Monday, bringing to 5,054 the
number picked up by its cutters
since Oct. 29.
ROTC does not provide scholarships to all of its students, and those
that do receive money are not compensated for room and board. This in-
formation was incorrectly reported in an editorial in yesterday's Daily.
Eleanor Schwartz, the author of a letter to the editor in Monday's
Daily, was spelled incorrectly.
.What's happening in Ann Arbor today
We the people
A copy of the Constitution hangs outside the entrance to the Law Library. George Sperling, a 1940 graduate,
gave it to the University in 1989 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.
Two Detroiters die after state welfare cuts
U-M Baha'i Club, weekly mtg. Stock-
well, Rosa Parks Lounge, 8-9:30.
Korean Student Association, weekly
mtg. Ugli Lounge, 5 p.m.
Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan, weekly mtg. 4109 Union,
Recycle U-M, weekly mtg. Dana Bldg,
Student Lounge, 7 p.m.
Students Concerned About Animal
Rights, weekly mtg. Dominick's, 9 p.m.
MSA Environmental Commission,
weekly mtg. Dominick's, 5 p.m.
('Stepwise Electrophilic Additions -
Synthetic Utilization of an Old Con-
cept," Ron Caple, University of Min-
nesota. 1640 Chem, 4 p.m.
"Supercritical Fluid Extraction: An
Overview," Michael Akard. 1650
Chem Bldg,4 p.m.
"The Stationary Bootstrap" Dimitris,
Politis, Purdue University .451 Mason,
3 p.m.
"Technology, Development and
Democracy," Kenneth DeWoskin.
1014 Dow, 3:30-5.
Dec. 1. Both services will resume full
operation on Monday, Dec. 2.
U-M Ninjitsu Club, Wednesday prac-
tice. IM Bldg, wrestling rn, 7:30-9.
U-M Women's Lacrosse Club,
Wednesday practice. Oosterbaan Field
House, 9-10:30.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors. An-
gell/Mason Computing Center, 7-11.
Ultimate Frisbee Club. All skill levels
welcome. Oosterbaan Fieldhouse, 7-9.
U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
Wednesday workout. CCRB Martial
Arts Rm, 8-9.
U-M Taekwondo Club, Wednesday
workout. CCRB Martial Arts Rm,
6:30-8 p.m.
Guild House Beans and Rice Dinner.
802 Monroe, 6-7.
Support Group for those ages 17-25
whose parent has died. Gabriel
Richard Center at Saint Mary's
Chapel, 7-8:30.
"Thinking About Majoring in En-
glish?" Talk to English Advisor Derek
Green every Wednesday. Haven 7th
floor lounge, 4-5.
The Yawp Literary Magazine,
manuscripts and artwork accepted.
1210 Angell.
"Against Greed," submissions ac-
DETROIT (AP) - While attor-
neys argued over a ban on police in-
terference with a tent city protest-
ing homelessness, two men cut off
welfare died in an abandoned house
The men died from fumes of a
portable heater inside a house on the
city's southwest side, police and the
Wayne County Medical Examiner's
Office said.
The men were using a portable
charcoal heater when they were
overcome by fumes. Keith Hunter,
an investigator for the medical ex-
aminer, said they died of carbon
monoxide poisoning.
A third man was rushed to
Detroit Receiving Hospital, where
he was in critical condition yester-
day afternoon, hospital spokes-
person Diane Cooper said.
Neighbors told WJBK-TV and
WWJ-AM the men were Cuban
immigrants who came to this coun-
try as part of the Mariel Boat Lift
of 1980. They reportedly became
homeless when the state ended
outside Cass United Methodist
Church in the city's impoverished
Cass Corridor neighborhood.
The protest is needed "so you
don't have people having to resort
to putting burning barbecue coals in
a stove and dying," group
spokesman James Ford said yester-
Ford said the group will put up
other tents at the church and else-
"We're not interested in inter-
fering with anyone's constitutional
rights," attorney David Fink, repre-
senting the city, told Watts.
About 20 people gathered at
Englerville on Tuesday afternoon.
Some went through an outdoor
table covered with donated clothing
while others took shelter from the
icy wind inside the tent, partly
filled with blankets, sleeping bags
and clothing.
"We do plan to put up another
tent," said a homeless man who gave
his name as Ronald. He blamed
Wayne County medical personnel remove the first of two bodies from
an abandoned home on Detroit's southwest side yesterday morning. The
men died from fumes produced by a charcoal grill they were using for
formation about the victims.
The bodies were found as attor-
neys for Detroit and a homeless
rights group returned to court to
clined to issue a preliminary injunc-
tion but kept her temporary order in
effect until a hearing next Monday.
Watts approved terms under which