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November 27, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-27

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Windy, chance of snow;
High: 39, Low: 28.
Mostly cloudy;
High: 42, Low: 31.

1t*~~It ruU

A gaggle
of Blue sports
this weekend.
Page 8.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

Vol. CIl, No. 43

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 27, 1991



Holocaust ad
author wins
Texas battle

by Philip Cohen
Daily News Editor

The University of Texas at
Austin, and its student newspaper,
the Daily Texan, are caught up in a
rapidly-spreading controversy over
the publication of an advertisement
that denies the history of the Holo-
Before a crowd of about 70 peo-
ple, the university's Student Publi-
cations Committee last night voted
6-5 against running the ad - but
fell one vote short of the two-
thirds needed to overturn a review
committee's previous decision to
run it.
The meeting was attended by lo-
cal Jewish leaders, students and fac-
ulty - and also by Bradley Smith,
the man who wrote the ad and has

across the country for the Commit-
tee for Open Debate On the Holo-
"The Jewish community defi-
nitely let their viewpoint be known,
and in great numbers," said Daily
Texan Wire Editor Matthew Sey-
At the same time, the committee
also voted to postpone publication
of the ad until January, so students
would not be tied up with
Hanukkah and exams when the paper
hit the streets.
The advertisement, which claims
that histories of the Holocaust are
exaggerated fabrications, has been
printed by the Daily, the Duke
Chronicle, The Daily Northwestern
and the Cornell Daily Sun. Student
papers at a number of other schools,
See TEXAS, Page 2

Say 'Heisman'
Sports Illustrated photographer Brad Trent does a photo shoot of Desmond Howard and Elvis Grbac in the Fishbowl yeste-rday morning.

placed it in

student newspapers

Congress labored yesterday to economy
complete its work for the year by jobs."
passing major bills to build "The ti
* highways, aid the Soviets and the gam
protect Americans' bank deposits. House Sp
Partisan rancor persisted over crime Washingt
and the faltering economy. "The f
"'Twas the night before recess to conclud
and all through the land, the this sessi
economy was stagnant, employees not. I will
were canned," began a poem recited Bush I
by Sen. William Roth (R-Del.), for goi
arguing for a last-minute tax cut. considerir
"The Democrats do not want to and for h
address jobs in America," said Rep. crime bill

struggles to conclude 1991 session

ay (R-Texas). "America's
is hurting and we need
ime has come for an end to
esmanship," thundered
eaker Thomas S. Foley (D-
president either wishes us
de our business and adjourn
on of Congress or he does
abide by his desires."
blasted at Congress anew
ng all year without
rg his own tax proposals
aving failed to produce a
to his liking. The version

favored by Democrats would do
little to make sure the convicts on
Death Row are executed without
endless appeals.
"If they want to pass this, let
them pass it today. ... This idea of
dancing around - that's not good
enough for the American people,"
the president said.
Democrats struggled to find a
majority to pass the crime measure
without GOP support. The bill
calls for a five-day waiting period
for handgun purchases and expands
the federal death penalty to 53
See CONGRESS, Page 2

Bush supportsJ
urges Congress
White House shifted gears yester-
day as President Bush voiced enthu-
siastic support for a tax-cut package
by House Republicans, launching a
you-go-first war with Democrats
over action or adjournment.
The president urged Congress to
vote on the GOP package before
leaving town for their year-end
House Speaker Thomas Foley

Republican tax-cut legislation,
to end session before holidays
immediately accused Bush of That idea got a cool reception
gamesmanship, and said if the presi- from Senate Republican Leader Bob
dent wanted serious consideration Dole, who said, "It seems to me we
of a tax cut, he should call on law- are not going to resolve anything by
makers to stay and deliberate over staying here next week or coming
Thanksgiving. back in December."
As Congress worked into the And Bush said there was "no
night, Democrats said Foley was point in Congress sticking around,
considering bringing the House back in my view. .. Congress has-been
into session Dec. 10 for public hear- here all year long."
ings comparing Democratic tax pro- With the 11th-hour tax-cut pro-
posals with the GOP plan. See BUSH, Page 2

Cost, time constraints create

limits on

by Mona Qureshi
Daily Staff Reporter
When the bells of Burton Tower
chime at 5 p.m. -today, many University
students will have gone home for
Thanksgiving break. But a number of out-
of-staters won't be travelling home for
the long weekend.
"I know a lot of people who aren't go-
ing home this year," Business student
Will Guimont said. Originally from
Portland, Ore., Guimont said a lot of peo-
ple he knows are taking side trips to
nearby places like Chicago; he plans to
visit Indiana with his wife.
With a longer holiday break just
around the corner, expenses and the short
time spent at home are the reasons stu-
dents are staying around for Thanksgiv-
ing, Guimont said.
School of Music sophomore Stephanie

[hank sgiving travel
Fybel, from Rolling Hills, Calif., agreed. Guillen of Costa Rica does not plan to re-
"Last year, it was too hectic," she said. turn home for Thanksgiving or winter
"The time change, the cost, and the aggra- break. Here on a one-year program with
vation of airports ... It wasn't worth all the School of Natural Resources, Guillen
that trouble." said that since he will be at the Univer-
Fybel said it will be the first time in sity for only one year, it is not necessary
for him to return home for either occa-
sion. He is spending the holidays with his
brother in Toronto. For Thanksgiving, he
said, "I'm staying here and doing tons of
LSA senior Mirra Klausner of
Shawnee Mission, Kan., said she plans to
visit relatives in Washington, D.C., over
Thanksgiving rather than go home.
19 years she has not spent Thanksgiving "It's not going to be too long before I
with her family, but she plans to see them go home for winter break," Klausner said.
during the winter break. Until then, she She said she understands others are not go-
said, she will spend Thanksgiving with ing home for Thanksgiving because of the
her'boyfriend's family in Pennsylvania. costs, and suggested that out-of-state stu-
First-year graduate student Sergio See TRAVEL, Page 2

Ezra Millstein, a Natural Resources sophomore, waits for students to board the
commuter yesterday afternoon. Millstein is going home for the Thanksgiving holiday, but
many out-of-state students have decided that it is not worth the trouble.

strike ..:.
again. at I....
Croatian s Q
ZAGREB, Yugoslavia (AP) - ..
The Serb-dominated Yugoslav V
military staged new attacks on the
Croatian city of Osijek early
yesterday, the second day of a U.N.-
sponsored truce.
Sporadic fighting continued to \
the east and south of Zagreb, the
Croatian capital, even as the federal.
army began withdrawing troops
and heavv weanons from other ''j.*

More students commute, fewer
live near campus, 'U' reports

by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
An increasing number of stu-
dents are moving out of private
housing units near campus and rely-
ing more on commuter transporta-
tion, according to data compiled by
the University Housing Division.
Housing Program Director Ed
Salowitz presented the information
to the Ann Arbor Planning Com-
mission at its meeting last night.
The figures showed a breakdown
of the types of housing students live
in, compared with past figures.
Among the details:
U the number of commuters to
-. ., , - . ..., .,.. A r,...

students living in residence halls
(27 percent), sororities and fraterni-
ties (4 percent), University family
housing (4 percent), and cooperative
housing(1.5 percent).
Salowitz said he thinks the M-14
highway has probably encouraged an
increasing number of students liv-
ing in areas outside Ann Arbor to
commute rather than live near cam-
"Now, some of the commuters
are able to come up with more hous-
ing for the same dollar, and you may
be willing to put up with a 15-
minute drive if you're going to get

chair Sam Offen said he thinks the
University housing data is also im-
portant to the Planning Commis-
"There might be a way to use the
data to see if there's an adequate de-
mand for greater housing, and see
whether or not zoning will acco-
modate the demand," he said.
Salowitz said he believes many
students have been lured away from
nearby private housing by more en-
ticing units farther away.
"Once you make the basic deci-
sion that you're going to live on the
periphery of campus, what differ-
enre dne it make 'hnw ,far vou're

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