0 Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, November 26, 1991 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ANDREW K. GOTTESMAN 747-2814 Editor in Chief Edited and Managed STEPHEN HENDERSON by Students at the Opinion Editor University of Michigan Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ROTC E MU discrimination should prompt University action An Eastern Michigan University (EMU) stu- move ROTC from campus, land grant institutions II.dent recently filed a discrimination and ha- are prevented under federal law from doing so. rassment complaint against the U.S. Army Reserve Under the Morril Act which established the nation's Officers'Training Corps (ROTC) with the Univer- land grant institutions, including Michigan Statc sity. Lee Neubeckcr, an EMU sophomore, claims University (MSU), schools must uphold "military his military science professor harrassed him by tactics," which has been applied to mean the forced making anti-homosexual remarks in class, continuation of ROTC. Neubecker was forced to withdraw from ROTC The Military continues to purge homosexuals after declaring on a form provided by the military from its ranks, with silent consent from the public, that he was gay. This practice of systematic and Congress, and universities. No Congressional ac- baseless discrimination against homosexuals can- tion has taken place since a Supreme Court ruling not be endorsed by universities, including the upheld the right of the military to bar homosexuals. University of Michigan. The majority of universities have given their tacit Over 50 schools across the country are fighting approval because of the threat of losing military to remove ROTC from their campuses. Harvard research spending and many other schools have already expelled its g ROTC program. The Michigan faculty voted last Considering the fact that the University of yearo opos th ROC'santi-homosexual policy, Michigan received $13 million from the Department yeatoi opodsus texpCso. Dept hswv of Defense last year, it is no wonder why the protest, the ROTC continues to operate on campuses disrnatoy pactie.e ociiie hsbaaty and maintains its discriminator policies.dsnmtrypatc. These discrimiatory policies operate on an .Considering the University's supposed corn- economic level as well. ROTC provides scholar- mitment to diversity and opposition to discrimi- ships that cover tuition, room and board, books, nation expressed in the Michigan Mandate, thc and stipends to all ofits students.For students from presence of ROTC is a glaring hypocritical state- low-income families with limited resources ment. The University cannot let this discrimina- available, ROTC is a valuable service. But forlow- tion continue. Only by the elimination of a bigoted income homosexuals, this service is not an option. ROTC, can Michigan restore meaning to its empty Despite the efforts of some universities to re- credo claiming equal protection for all. Bush veto demonstrates contempt for women and doctors 1-, >ASAIiE-6N; '01'- "-I-i- &14Lf Sf 6- G (-f sl -T, 6r-T P tf 'to . . '%* OU11V aC-'; .. 'Dot. 6-NNlir, LfotA FAr 6>1A5-r' ILC Ll WA I-r A SC-(!O/Vb - - f7 I,- I TS S SAfR cH14 OR.Fj)(rX 4w 9 T CRANKS INCREASE 3000% r.,r;{: -..r:":'{ {":{.:'"Y" :: {S. { .{ampp "'<{: y.-SI". Y:rr}Ch:{":. ^W . {{,1xSt":r.A.,rr.'YJx I 170 "YA rh"}. "N... t l . 1. ..t... t 1' f 1rYj.Yf .... J... " r""}}. 1 ..1 hR Jf..J. r J' 1r,,,"; "y. t .'1" ". 4r}}". . r. .."xt. '.tv. . v.".":v. .f" ... " YA! " 7"" h. J ." r1r f 1 ' 'f1 "r .Y" "A1 ..1 a .J11 .. J0 " f ? ti .."" .:Y. '.111 Y h.'r.. ti:... "" k rt .h..r r .. ..M'h" ti.r.' Y.1" r !. h rr ,rte. , 5 y {"i,1 1"'} {."" 1h "f.Yf tit{.Y" ." JY .." J 1 Y" . .fs. "r .A : .x..f 9 . ..x1Yrl.:r. "X"'Y.t .. rY. 1"r....." ..Y ". .. r. "r :{"r :1. .ALLY::"::Y:: h }}:"}: r.t " " Y "h " .1 " "hY:. '. ri1 ". 1:"1 JJ .Y"". .. h:r.Y: r:: """::AY".. ". . } i'f!., . t11 ""JA4"x hv."rr vrh"..... . irS his week the Dallas Cowboys successfully ended the winning streak of the Washington Redskins. Unfortunately, Congress failed to end the winning streak of Washington's other powerful team: the Bush Administration. President Bush is now 24 and 0, having successfully vetoed Con- gress on every attempt he has made in his presiden- tial career. Lastweek's veto was perhaps the most disturbing yet. Bush vetoed legislation that would have overturned the notorious gag rule. The gag rule refers to the decision of the Supreme Court last May in Rust v. Sullivan that prohibits federally funded medical clinics from discussing abortion with their patients. The issue of whether or not a medical profes- sional should be permitted to discuss abortion with pregnant women extends far beyond the question of legalized abortion, and beyond the question of whether or not federal funding should pay for abortions. Even many opponents of abortion recognize the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship. Fed- eral restrictions on a physician's ability to freely discuss all medical options with a pregnant woman violate the privacy of both parties. Moreover, such restrictions infringe on a doctor's freedom of speech and his or her professional code of ethics. The gag rule accentuates the President's dis- dain for the rights of women, the rights of the poor, and the rights of minorities. While abortion and abortion counseling will continue to be available to women who can afford to pay forprivate medical care, these freedoms will be denied to women who use federally funded clinics. Thirty percent of these women are under 20, and 80 percent of them. are poor. All women are entitled to basic privacy rights and an unrestricted relationship with medical professionals, regardless of the woman's race or economic status. Bush's veto and his support of the Rust v. Sullivan decision relegates basic freedom to a commodity which only the well-to-do can afford. Congressional representatives who voted to sustain the President's veto must also be held accountable for the gag rule. Polls show that an overwhelming 78 percent of Americans supported the vetoed legislation. President Bush and certain members of Con- gress may have won the veto battle for the 24th time, but they have failed 78 percent ofthe American people. When elected officials are so far out of touch with popular opinion, the only solution is to vote them out of office. Look at issues To the Daily: It appears that the Daily has become complicit with the growing tendency to document sensationalism rather than issues. The Daily has repeatedly reported petty bantering while neglecting important issues relevant to the election. For instance, in the article on the Progressive Party's fine for allegedly defaming two indepen- dent candidates, it is clear that it is superficial logistics at work rather than quality and substance of message. A real concern would be Van Houweling's poster depicting a man beating up the radicals with a baseball bat. I find that image explicitly violent and harassing. It seems that a more appropriate vehicle for such discourse would have been to contend issues. The reality is, these past two election weeks have been con- cerned with ambiguous and vague Progressive bashing rather than addressing agendas. The Progressive Party wishes to leave all this irrelevancy behind and begin to discuss the issues. Thus we have opted not to press a suit against CC for their question- able interviewing policies. Lyda Ness LSA senior and former Progressive Party Candidate for LSA Daily blew it To the Daily: I would like to express my deepest and sincerest thanks to the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for making the University a safer and better place to both live and work in. Thanks to their efforts, people throwing marsh- mallows (and we all know how dangerous they can be) can now be arrested for assault. At least when college students want to relax and have a good time for a few hours after long and arduous hours of studying, their fun will quickly end and undercover cops with fake IDs (I guess the fine and jail sentence for the fake IDs don't apply) shut the party down. So what if the DPS (or was it the Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD) _ their municipal counterparts) advised residents to use 911 as a party and noise violation line (so what if lesserscrimes of assault and robbery wait on hold). To the Daily and to those who support you, I now turn my attention. While you are more concerned with Cracker Barrel's hiring policy against homosexuals (what is the connection to the University?), making a buck off anti-Semitic ads, and worrying about Ann Arbor's recognition of same sex residences, you had the chance for an uncontested and open attack on the DPS and its follies. You missed it. You had the opportunity to bring about a change of great importance. But instead, you floundered in the moments of action and decision. The power of the press is awesome, but as long as you and a few others have your own private agenda to take care of, the student body as a whole will suffer. To the Daily and the DPS, a sincere thank you for your accomplishments. Dan Reback LSA first-year student Kugh letter wrong To the Daily: I am writing in response to E.Kugh's letter on Tuesday, Nov. 5. I am appalled and angered by the ignorance exhibited in the letter to the Daily. My reaction is not simply due to the fact that I am Jewish and have lost relatives to the atrocities committed during World War II. I am more dis- turbed that any individual would support such an obviously unsubstantiated and uneducated view when there is historical evidence, personal accounts and death tolls in the millions to support the contrary. E. Kugh tells us that he can't substantiate what he is about to write us, and that his parents have long lost the letter his mother's nephew wrote in moving. The reason for Kugh's lack of evidence is that there is none. Whether or not the Holocaust occurred is not up for question. It did happen. The evidence is in the concentration camp remains, the personal accounts of survivors, and the millions of missing Jews, homosexuals, and other perse- cuted individuals. Perhaps if Kugh could show me the letter he claims to have seen, or any shred of evidence to support his stand, then maybe I would begin to entertain the idea that the holocaust did not occur. However, like other revisionist, he can not. My only reaction left after my initial anger and disgust is to pity Kugh and others who share his, viewpoint. The revisionist philosophy is nothing more than oppressive, anti-semitic, racist and generally unsubstantiated viewpoint that does nothing more than contribute to our already troubled society. Rebecca Glaser LSA junior 01 Two-faced Bush signs bill and tries to dismantle affirmative action 01 I n the past several weeks, America has seen a resurgence of racial politics. David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, finished a highly publicized gubernatorial election with the support of 55 percent of the Louisiana's white voters. The turbulent election led to attempts by Duke's fellow Republicans to distance themselves from his racially divisive agenda. Even George Bush, who sank to overtly racist tactics in 1988 with his infamous Willy Horton commercials, has taken drastic steps to show America that he has compassion for the needs of minorities.The Presidenthad a sudden and dramatic turn of heart and decided to sign the Civil Rights Bill of 1991. This legislative measure will protect women, minorities, and the disabled from discriminatory hiring practices in the work-place. This protection has been diluted recently by Reagan and Bush appointees to the Supreme Court. The President had previously vetoed similar versions of the bill, calling them quota bills. Clearly, the President's about-face has nothing to do with any substantive change in the new bill, but rather with the pressure that Bush is under to distance himself from the racial politics of David Duke. Under the circumstances, Bush's belated sign- ing of the bill should have been emphatic and unconditional. Surprisingly, Bush, an otherwise cunning politician, stumbled and allowed his ad- ministration's true racist tendencies to be exposed. Prior to Thursday's scheduled signing of the bill, the President's counsel, W. Boyden Gray, circulated a statement saying that executive agencies should cancel all affirmative action programs within the executive branch. The statement was supposed to have been read by Bush at the signing. Instead, an outrage swelled even among the President's moderate Republican allies. The ad- ministration, hoping to minimize the damage, quickly announced that Gray had acted without the President's consent. Whether or not Gray's statement was condoned by Bush is irrelevant. The statement was a bone which the Bush administration was throwing to its far- right constituents. The racism of Bush's old- boy cronies tainted the signing of the Civil Rights bill, and demonstrated to the American public that Bush is incapable of distancing himself from the likes of David Duke. IFC overt by Matt Adler What are your most vivid memories from your first few weeks as a Michigan student? You probably remember the nervous feeling of meeting your roommate, the excitement of attending your first football game, and the night you spent hugging a toilet bowl and puking your guts out after going to a big frat party and drinking too much. This last memory might not be such a pretty picture, but it's a memory nonetheless. Currently, this first-year rite of passage is being threatened. The Inter- Fraternity Council (IFC) and the Pan-Hellenic Council (Pan-Hel) have created an ad hoc committee which is in the process of forming a new alcohol policy for fraterni- ties. d Fine. IFC and Pan-Hel have suddenly decided to get together and get responsible about alcohol. Wrong! In realityt is nenplrrhn1 stemppng Allow me to explain. Purch ing liability insurance for a fraternity is like trying to buy 1 insurance for a witness who ju, testified against John Gotti. In order to deal with the high cost insuring a fraternity, a bunch c old geriatric white men with tii like "Grandus Hegemon du Fratemitus Nationalis" got together to form something cal the Fraternity Insurance Purchs ing Group (FIPG). Together, d Grand-Poobahs were able to swindle someone into selling them a really cheap insurance policy. The only problem is th, the policy has some outlandish stipulations. The most absurd stipulation is that fraternities covered by the policy are not allowed to serve alcohol at they parties. As you may have already guessed, there are a handful of fraternities on this campus whi have the resources to buy their own insurance policies, and ar authority las- offices have told them not to serve alcohol at their parties, the ife entire Greek system should st institute a BYOB policy. If these selfish, spiteful t of individuals are successful, >f fraternities which have no ties practical reason not to serve alcohol at their parties will be forced to suffer along with the led FIPG organizations. as- Proponents of the BYOB he policy often claim that the policy should be instituted in order to combat problems like acquain- tance rape. This argument is an at absurd cover-up of their true motivations. While acquaintance rape is a problem which the Greek system should address, rape is a function ir of our sexist society which will not change simply because people bring their own beer rather than drinking out of kegs. ch There is nothing illegal about a fraternity serving alcohol at e parties. Moreover, if the fraternity Nuts and Bolts MoM, AIW'RE AZEr i.YA,S 1E Ti. MOM yj'AAyo ToL rs H-IM IN PWZSON. MOM AND PDAP, "LUMOS."L by Judd Winick So Y.'m , e ONE WHO wa A-n~oTN(, i" I i