Partly sunny;
High: 50, Low: 34.
Mostly cloudy;
High: 46, Low: 31 .
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
What do you think
is wrong
around here?
Vol. CI, No. 40
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 22, 1991
;t , "; _ ;;at
Greek alcohol
epolicy challenged
by Ben Deci
CC captures
MSA election
a third time
Daily Staff Reporter
The new six-page
Policy drafted for the Gree
by the Panhellenic (
/Interfraternity Council (1
sparked a great deal of con
due to what some have ter
extremely conservative nat
Provisions of the polic
has still not reached its fin
The registration of a
in a fraternity house that m
attendance equal to or abo
the number of members
house, and will be serving
The registration form
starting and ending tim
party, and the means that
used by the party organ
enforce state law;
No Greek house will
nization funds to purchase
without written consent
house's national organizat
consent must be renewed evt
n No bulk quantities o
(such as kegs or party balls
permitted nor will commu
hol containers any larger
liters be permitted with
written consent of the host
national organization;
All Michigan state l
eral laws, and University
garding alcohol use will be
to at the party;
All individuals atte
party, and consuming alco
present legal proof of age, a
Alcohol may be pres
during the established tim
The policy will take
Jan. 1, 1992, according to a
tained Wednesday by the D
Adherence to these pol
be enforced by a
Responsibility Committe
which will be comprised of one
Alcohol member from each fraternity and
k system sorority in Panhel or IFC.
(Panhel) This committee will visit parties
IFC) has to ensure that the provisions of the
ntroversy alcohol policy are followed. If not,
rmed "its the SRC will report its findings to
ure." the judicial body of Panhel/IFC.
y, which Possible sanctions for infractions
nal form, are: a warning, an official reprimand,
a mandatory alcohol education activ-
ny party ity, community service, service to
will have IFC or Panhel, elimination from in-
ve twice ter-Greek activities, or social proba-
in that tion.
alcohol. It is the enforcement section of
includes the policy that has created the most
e of the controversy among members of the
t will be alcohol policy drafting committee.
iizers to Bill Lewis, the president of Chi Psi
and a committee member, described
use orga- the SRC as, "an invasion of privacy
e alcohol and the first step in destroying the
of that autonomy of individual fraternities."
ion. This The policy comes at a time when
'cry year; the Greek system is under pressure
f alcohol from three main sources, said Cyndi
s) will be Mueller, the judicial vice president
nal alco- of Panhel. "We are under pressure
than two from the national system, the State
hout the Liquor Commission which has
t house's given the Ann Arbor Police a large
sum of money to crack down the
aws, fed- consumption of alcohol by minors,
rules re- and internal pressure. A lot of soror-
adhered ity members are aware of the need
for a policy," she said.
-nding a While no one in the police de-
hol, will partment could be reached for com-
,nd; ment, the 1991-92 Ann Arbor City
sent only budget does reflect an increase in po-
e of the lice spending on substance abuse
programs, from $240,422 to
ton $424,518 over the last four years.
effect o Becky Waltman, a member of
copy ob- Panhel's Social Committee, cited
aily. pressure from the University as an-
icies will other reason to adopt an alcohol pol-
Ricky Powers leads Michigan into tomorrow's contest with OSU.
Forget the records;
by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter
If the saying 'the third time's a
charm' is true, then the Michigan
Student Assembly is destined for a
great year - at least from Conser-
vative Coalition's (CC) perspective.
For the third semester in a row,
CC dominated the roster of candi-
dates elected to MSA.
Ten CC candidates were elected
to the assembly in addition to six
candidates from the Progressive
Party, five independents, and three
write-in candidates. The School of
Public Health does not currently
have a representative for next term
since no candidate was chosen.
CC captured 14 assembly seats
during the winter elections and 10
last fall, transforming the Action
Party-led assembly to a CC-led one.
CC will hold half of the assembly
seats next term.
"We worked hard. We deserve to
be in office," said Joel Martinez,
CC campaign co-manager. "That's
how the vote went, so I'm honestly
Martinez added that the new as-
sembly will keep working to form
closer ties with the administration,
but he said he hoped that the repre-
sentatives-elect would demonstrate
more responsibility by attending
meetings regularly.
New representatives argued that
despite the CC majority, the new as-
sembly will be more balanced due
to the presence of Progressive Party
members and independents.
"I hope the people who got
elected, regardless of which party
they're in, won't be overcome by
politics like they have been in the
past," said independent Rob Van
Houweling. "I think there's a lot of
room for compromise and no one has
a clear, strong majority."
CC winner Steve Stark agreed
there will probably be more lively
debate on the assembly, but he ar-
gued that representatives from dif-
ferent parties would get along well.
"They seem open and they didn't
treat me like an enemy but as some-
body from the other party whose
opinions may differ from theirs but
who is concerned for the students
by Phil Green
Daily Football Writer
Ohio State vs. Michigan. It used
to pit mentor vs. teacher, Bo vs.
Woody. Now, it's Mo vs. Cooper.
It used to be for the Big Ten ti-
tie. Now, Michigan (7-0 in the Big
Ten, 9-1 overall) has already
clinched a share of the conference
crown, while Ohio State (5-2, 8-2)
battles Illinois and Indiana for
third place.
And it used to decide whom the
Big Ten would send to the Rose
Bowl on New Year's Day. But this
year, the Wolverines clinched their
st1l tough
trip to Pasadena one week early,
and the Buckeyes are headed to the
Hall of Fame Bowl.
So much for the heated rivalry
between Michigan and Ohio State,
right? Wrong.
"This is what college football
is all about as far as I'm con-
cerned," Ohio State coach John
Cooper said. "This ballgame, if we
hadn't won a game and they were
undefeated, is still a big game or
vice versa. We look at it as the
biggest game of the year on our
schedule. And I think, in all hon-
See OHIO STATE, Page 12
first and foremost," he said. "From
understanding like that, I think
we'll be able to get many things
However, Progressive Party
campaign co-manager Todd Ochoa
said he envisions a rough ride on the
"I really think that the assem-
bly's going to sell students out. To
be part of that assembly is going to
be difficult for Progressive repre-
sentatives," he said. "I don't think
having independents is going to
make the assembly any smoother."
Ochoa denied that the CC-major-
ity results included a mandate for
the current assembly agenda since
only 6 percent of students - 2,073
- voted.
"This election was a tremendous
See MSA, Page 7
e (SRC)
See GREEK, Page 21
Lobbyists head 'U' political efforts in Lansing, D.C.
D.C. administrator thrives at 'theJ [ Political ties give Lansing liason
cutting edge of higher education' [|. an extra boost representing 'U'
v ..... v v
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
Tom Butts says he has the best of
both worlds.
The associate vice president for
government relations said he feels
very fortunate to represent one of
the country's best universities in the
nation's capital while being on the
forefront of higher education pol-
"One of the most exciting things
is the opportunity to be involved in
all the issues that are on the cutting
edge of education," Butts said.
Butts now heads the Univer-
sity's Washington, D.C. office
which works with student lobbying
groups, the Michigan congressional
delegation, and University alumni
The mild-mannered, hard-work-
ing Butts said his job entails look-
ing out for student interests in the
nation's capital in order to preserve
the quality of higher education at an
affordable cost.
Butts, who has served as a Uni-
versity liaison to the federal gov-
ernment since 1981 and has held his
current position since March, said
the unpredictability of his job is one
of the aspects that keeps him inter-
ested in lobbying.
"The interesting part of the job
is that there is not a typical day.
You never know what from one
acd c10
by Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
When asked about Keith Molin,
the University's associate vice pres-
ident for government relations in
Lansing, one comment came imme-
diately to a Lansing lobbyist's
"He's always by the coffee pot,"
said Alaina Campbell, legislative
director for the Michigan Colle-
giate Coalition - a Lansing-based
student lobby group.
Molin isn't afraid to admit that
when he arrives at the state capital,
the fourth floor public coffee pot is
the first stop on his agenda. But a
cup of decaf is not the only thing he
picks up in the lounge - it's also
where Molin gets a feel for the
day's events.
"I call it diplomacy by walking
around," Molin said.
As the University's liaison be-
tween Ann Arbor and Lansing,
Molin walks the line between ad-
ministrators and politicians. He de-
scribes his job as a facilitator be-
tween the two arenas.
"I'm a bringer-together-of-the-
people," Molin said. "I bring the
people with the questions together
with the people with the answers."
Molin began his career in poli-
tics after graduating from Northern
Michigan University in 1962. He
had a rather extended college career,
See MOLIN, Page 2
Administrators nationwide
moment to the next might de-
velop," he said.
Butts has been affiliated with
the University for most of his life.
He was born in Ann Arbor, attended
college at Eastern Michigan Uni-
versity and graduate school at the
University. He has been employed
by the institution since 1964, when
he began as an employee in the ad-
missions office. However, he left
See BUTTS, Page 2
Michigan joins the ranks of
byErin Einhorn
Daily Staff Reporter
In Michigan, October marked the
beginning of a long, cold winter for
the 82,000 former General Assis-
tance (GA) recipients who suddenly
found themselves without state
Michigan and Maryland were the
only states attempting to balance
impoverished state budgets by com-
pletely eliminating aid to single,
able-bodied adults, according to an
Oct. 7 New York Times article.
Then Maryland decided that
making the cuts would be unwise.
Previously only six states -
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Ten-
nessee, West Virginia and Louisiana,
as listed by the Federal Health and
Human Services in 1990 - did not
offer general assistance provisions.
"We don't have any
fare program for peo
single and able-bodied
Gauldin, press se
states offering
y kind of wel- Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, a
ople who are Democrat. "I've never heard of that.
d," said Mike I just never ran across it."
cretary for John Truscott, spokesperson for
Michigan Gov. John Engler, said the
siaE!is state, facing a 20-year-old budget
deficit, had no other options but to
cut the aid.
tance program would yield unfor-
tunate results for the state's poor-
est citizens.
"General Public Assistance is
most of those people's last resort,"
said Ray Feldman, assistant press
secretary to Maryland Gov.
William Schaefer, a Democrat.
"There was a concern that those
people would just be turned out on
the street with nothing."
The Maryland General Assem-
bly instead devised a plan that
would eradicate the $150 million
deficit by cutting other programs.
"The bulk came from money we
used to give to local governments,"
Feldman said.
Some local jurisdictions in
Maryland are now talking about
having to lay off teachers and fire-
See CUTS, Page 2
no general assistance
11-U -= :i
Legislators in Maryland, how-
ever, decided that abandoning the
$41.8 million General Public Assis-
Republicans: Have no fear, Bush will win election next year
by Barry Cohen
Daily Staff Reporter
While Democratic attacks
against Bush's domestic policy
continue to mount, Republicans
maintain they are not worried.
Republican officials at both the
national and state levels deny that
the Democrats are a serious threat
President in history. According to
Koops, Bush has a 60 percent ap-
proval rating across the country
and a 90 percent approval rating
among Republicans.
"The Democrats are hammering
away on issues that they have no
solution on," he added. He claimed
Democrats have presented no new
"I see the recent attacks as an
attempt by the media to drop his
number so that they can have a race
to cover," said John Truscott, press
secretary for Michigan Gov. John
Engler, a Republican.
He added that the media has ig-
nored initiatives the White House
has taken in the domestic arena. For
example, he said was little cover-
age of Bush's decision to send
Secretary of Education Lamar
Alexander to Detroit to promote
the Detroit 2000 Program, a list of
educational goals to be accom-
plished by the year 2000.
Yet Truscott said that Bush has
faced partisan conflicts in trying to
implement his domestic policies.
He pointed to budget haggling as
Bush's main road block.
Bryan Flood, press secretary to
See BUSH Page 2
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