Page6-The Michigan Daily- Friday, September 6, 1991 On the street beat, police use pedal patrol u. ., HBO& %At;l by Melissa Peerless Daily Crime Reporter Some University students equate police with speeding tickets and breaking up good parties - all things they'd rather do without. But the Ann Arbor Police De- partment (AAPD) is trying to change that image by implementing a new "community policing" pol- icy. The Special Problems Unit, or SPUDS, is a company made up of five officers who are trying to show students, and other Ann Arbor resi- dents, the benefits of being pro- iected by a police force. Lt. Jim Tieman said, "We are try- ing to get a little closer to the stu- dents. What we are doing in this area is combining old ideas with new technology. It's just a new name on something that has been used before. We want to get back in touch with the community." 'The main goal is to keep the rowdiness down to a dull riot. The reason we use the bikes is that it's much faster than walking and less intimidating than a patrol car' - Lt. Jim Tieman As part of the "community policing" program, a team of two bicycle-riding police officers has been established to patrol campus at bight. "The main goal is to keep the rowdiness down to a dull riot. We patrol the area near bars and parties. The reason we use the bikes is that it's much faster than walking and less intimidating than a patrol car," Tieman said. : He added that the department al- ready considers the program, which began Wednesday night, to be a suc- cess. "Students are more apt to come up to a police officer when he is sit- ting on a bike on the corner. It doesn't seem to be that big of a deal," he said. Another aspect of "community policing" involves the delegation of police officers to specific areas of Ann Arbor. This replaces a method in which officers rotated from neighborhood to neighborhood on a nightly basis. Tieman said the police decided to change to this patrolling method in order to better serve Ann Arbor res- idents. "We will still be available for your crimes, for your car accidents; for your emergencies. Now, we will be able to respond better to the lesser calls too - the noise com- plaints, the quality-of-life type is- sues," he said. One of the patrol areas is com- prised of south Ann Arbor, from Hill St. to Burns Park, and from Tappan Ave. to Olivia St. The resi- dences in this area are primarily in- habited by students. The officers as- signed to this section of town, Offi- cers Cogghe and Forbes, have been dealing with common problems of families who live near students. "Last night, we talked to the presidents of fraternities in that area. We also talked to the neigh- bors of the fraternities. Now the frats are planning to tell the neigh- bors when they have parties," Cog- ghe said. Tieman added that the police are also trying to help the students in their concerns. "Frats have a real problem with bicycle larceny. We are trying to figure out a way to actually bring the registering material to the fra- ternity houses and register all of the bikes with the city of Ann Arbor," he said. Tieman said that the department has implemented this program now because the time is ripe in Ann Ar- bor to improve police-resident rela- tions. "It's certainly not like it was when I started on the police force in the 1970s. From the students, it was 'We hate police.' From the police, it was 'Stop the students from riot- ing.' There has been a positive move from both sides. We would never deny the students the right to speak their piece or to protest. They have respect for us. It's more flexibility versus the old hard-fisted days." During the next few months, the AAPD plans to implement some more new programs and fine-tune the existing ones. "Around the first of the year, we plan to hold a seminar for city offi- cials, community members and Uni- versity officials to introduce what the police department is doing in this area," Tieman said. Goat anti-body may help heart patients WASHINGTON (AP) - Up to 40 percent of operations to open clogged arteries fail when the ves- sels develop new blockages. Now a laboratory study with rats shows that an antibody may prevent this problem,.offering new hope for hu- man heart disease patients. Researchers at the University of Washington say they used an anti- tody extracted from goats to keep arteries clear in rats that underwent a procedure called angioplasty, an operation commonly used in human heart disease to open up blocked ves- sels. A report on the research is to be published today in the journal Science. Dr. Russell Ross, principal sci- entist in the study, said the research is based on the theory that a natural substance called platelet derived growth factor, or PDGF, plays a dole in new blockages that develop inside repaired arteries. The blockages are a common problem in the treatment of heart patients. About half a million Americans annually receive operations to open arteries that have narrowed due to cardiovascular disease. These opera- tions include bypasses, in which ves- sels are implanted to permit blood to flow around a blockage, and an- gioplasties, in which a small bal- loon is threaded into a blocked because it goes back to where it was before or gets even worse," he said. Earlier studies had suggested that PDGF, which the body produces to heal wounds, may play a role in creating the blockages. To test this theory, Ross and his team first needed an antibody against PDGF. They obtained this substance by injecting human PDGF into goats. The goats' immune sys- tems responded by producing an an- tibody which neutralizes the action of PDGF. The scientists then performed angioplasty procedures on 39 rats. "We used a balloon catheter, the same kind of instrument that is used in patients, except it was much smaller since a rat is small," said Ross. The balloon was inflated in a neck artery of the rats, causing dam- age to the vessels, just as occurs in human angioplasty. In half of the rats, the re- searchers injected doses of the PDGF antibody, The other rats, used as a controls, received another goat antibody. The result, said Ross, is that 41 percent of the rats which received the anti-PDGF substance did not de- velop blocked arteries at the angio- plasty site. Arteries in the rats that did not get the anti-PDGF thickened and narrowed, he said. Asked if he thought the tech- nique could be used to help human -- - I