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November 13, 1991 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-13

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, November 13, 1991

Continued from page 1
still-unofficial re-election cam-
paign, Bush blended an attack on the
Democrats with a fresh prescription
for the economy, which has not re-
bounded strongly from the reces-
sion as the administration had
"Right now the signals are
mixed" on the economy, he said.
"I'd frankly like to see the credit
card rates down. I believe that
would help stimulate the consumer
and get the confidence moving
again," Bush said.

Bush spoke a day after a fresh
poll showed his job performance
approval rating down 6 points in the
past month and 29 points since
Bush told a New York luncheon
audience that Americans are weary
of the Democratic-controlled Con-
gress, its "endless appetite for
sideshows that have really kind of
embarrassed our country" and law-
makers' "overindulgence in perks
and privileges."
He blamed Congress for block-
ing his proposals on transportation,
energy, unemployment and crime,
declaring: "Sometimes I get this
sinking feeling that the Democrats

believe that they can win only if
times are bad. They have a vested in-
terest in seeing us fail."
"I don't think that he has offered
any sense of leadership on any of the
issues that might be able to pull us
out of the economic mess that we
are in," said House Majority Leader
Richard Gephardt. "If he has been
mugged, he has been mugged by his
own unwillingness to lead."
Bush made his comments at a
$2.2 million fundraiser, the third in
a series of galas with the Republican
Party's elite, as he builds his cam-
paign war chest before making the
formal announcement that he will
seek a second term.

Continued from page 1
government investment strate-
gies. "The money is there,"
Clinton said.
"Health care has to be afford-
able, affixable and accessible. We
need to cut needless spending and
give attention to the matters at
hand," Virginia Gov. Douglas
Wilder said.
The six candidates repeatedly
criticized President Bush for a
lack of attention to domestic
"The president of the United
States just doesn't seem to under-
stand that there is a life-and-death
struggle going on in America to-
day," Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey
said in his opening statement.
"Increasingly, I believe
Americans are growing distaste-
ful of that kind of leadership."
Harkin said, "Old George Bush
was over in Rome a couple of
weeks ago. He said there wasn't a
recession 'over there' - meaning
here, our country! Old George
Herbert Walker Bush. He still
can't get it right. He was born on

Continued from page 1
Cherrin said he wrote a letter to
MSA President James Green, com-
plaining that he had been inter-
viewed in MSA chambers and never
received the promised response.
"They hushed me. I don't want

to get anybody in trouble or any-
thing. I was just really upset that'
they never called me back due to
poor leadership," he said.
Davies said Cherrin was not
called back due to a breakdown of
communication. "It was sort of a
communication gap between us,"
she said. "We were really sorry about

it. It wasn't anything against Dan
CC candidate Sejal Mistry was
interviewed in the President's office
but commented, "Personally I just
don't think it's that big of a deal.
Breaking the rule is not at all alter-
ing the elections or the campaign."

third base and thinks he hit a
Tsongas said he decided to run
for president out of anger, after
"watching George Bush take
America over the economic edge."
Tsongas also linked Bush to
racism in today's politics. "David
Duke is the son of George Bush,"
he said.
Brown was more indirect in
his criticism. He stressed the cor-
ruption associated with incum-
bency, and urged working people
to take this country back from the
"politicians sucking on the um-
bilical cord of status quo. I want
'David Duke is the
son of George Bush'
- Paul Tsongas
former Mass. Senator
dacy is not about me it is about you,
the people."
Forum moderator Paul Duke, a
senior corespondent for public
television in Washington and the
moderator of the television pro-
gram "Washington Week in Re-
Continued from page 1
"There's a lot of redundancy. They
keep repeating the same thing."
Cheryl Hanba, the new School of
Art representative who was ap-
pointed to the assembly last week to
fill a vacancy, said she was glad she
joined because University students

view," said, "I thought (the candi-
dates) were all lively and pungent
and they all showed they are ready
to take on a fight with George
Bush. We may have a lively Demo
cratic race yet."
Most delegates interviewed af-
ter the forum mentioned being im-
pressed with Harkin.
Charles Hall Jr., a delegate rep-
resenting the Retail and Wholesale
Department Store Labor Union of
New Jersey, said, "Harkin has la-
bor in his guts. He is a working-
class man and he understands the
needs of the working man."
And Marty Urra, a delegate
from Florida, added, "I was very
impressed with Harkin. He seemed
to be saying what is on my mind.
He seemed to express my anger. We
need a candidate who can communi-
cate that message."
Other delegates were reluctant
to pin down their support.
"It might be too early in the
game commit to any one candi-
date," said Dan Delia, a representa-*
tive of the International Union of
Roofers, "(New York Gov. Mario)
Cuomo is still in the back of many
peoples minds as a possible





'The LSA student
government meetings
are much more
entertaining because
we get to the point and
we actually get things
- Andy Petrella
Assembly member
should be more aware of student is-
Business Rep. Sandra Dixon was





L 1e

Library Studies Rep. Paula
Jabloner, who did not attend the
meeting last night, will also be re-
moved from the assemblv at neX

also removed from the assembly last week's meeting since she has accumu-
night after acquiring 12 absences. The lated 13 absences.
assembly allows members to miss 12
roll-calls, taken before and after each LSA Rep. Brett White also plans
assembly meeting and at committee to resign from the assembly. His spot
meetings. is up for re-election next week.






Continued from page 1
them," she said.
Asked by members of the audi-
ence why she was not supporting
any of the other five Democratic
candidates, she replied sharply,
"Why not go for the best? Why
not go for Tom Harkin?"
Second-year law student Bren-
dan Meyer said he was pleased
with what he heard at the rally.
"I read about Harkin over the
summer," he said, "I was first at-
Continued from page 1
Whichever message Demo-
cratic voters ultimately embrace,
one things is clear: the process
that began in Detroit yesterday
has the potential to choose a vi-
able challenger for the 1992 race
- and one which won't merely go
through the motions, as many had
previously speculated.

tracted to his candidacy because I
opposed the war and he voted
against it."
"Harkin has a direct approach.
He can stir things up. Hopefully,
he can stir up the voters," Meyer
University alumnus Charles
Cares was happy with Harkin's
choice of speech topics. "He's a
great speaker. It was nice to see
him talk about economics."
Harkin stopped in Ann Arbor
last night after the AFL-CIO Na-
tional Convention in Detroit.
"We may have a lively Demo-
cratic race yet," Duke said.
But, those elections were
waged during relative economic
prosperity. The tenuous state of
today's economy will be the key
factor in next year's election,
Duke said after the forum. "If the
economy is still in the tank, all
bets are off on Bush," said Duke,
the host of weekly public televi-
sion show, "Washington Week in




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