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November 12, 1991 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-12

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Page 8-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, November 12,1991

Continued from page 5
robin" interviews. Each morning,
after seeing a film, they would
escort you to a table with about
seven other reviewers. A member of
the cast or crew from last night's
movie would talk to you for about
15 minutes, and then move to
another table. The big names were
there - Steve Martin, Angela
Lansbury, Martin Short, Rebecca
DeMornay, David Ogden Stiers
(who was a dick, incidentally).
But the real twist on your brain

comes when you interview "lesser"
stars, like Ernie Hudson, known to
millions as the Black Ghostbuster.
As a mentally retarded man in his
new movie, The hand that Rocks the
Cradle, he's lousy, "a bit too
goony" as the critic from USC put
it. But when you sit down and talk
to Hudson, you can't help but like
him. He's just a nice guy who went
to Wayne State who decided to be an
actor, and is just doing his best to
get good roles and support his very
cute children. You can't even blame
him for the clich6d bullshit, about
how good his movie is - what

would you say in his place? He's
just a person, like you, making the
best of his situation. And I'm sup-
posed to objectively judge his per-
On the final night of the junket,
Saturday, November 2, after the
Beauty bash, we saw a spectacular

watch a naked woman dance around
with feathers while the real test pi-
lots are out there pushing the enve-
lope. I was living in a completely
unreal and dreamlike world. I was
living in a movie. God knows, I had
an unbelievable time, but you've got
to wonder about a profession that

And then there were the 'round robin'
interviews. Each morning, after seeing a film,
they would escort you to a table with about
seven other reviewers. A member of the cast
or crew from last night's movie would talk to
you for about 15 minutes, and then move to
another table. The big names were there -
Steve Martin, Angela Lansbury, Martin Short,
Rebecca DeMornay, David Ogden Stiers (who
was a dick, incidentally)

display of fireworks over the head
of a huge helium Mickey Mouse. At
the exact same time, I realized
Griffith's legendary Intolerance
was being screened at home - the
film event of the year. And it oc-
curred to me that what I was doing
had nothing to do with film at all.
Like in the end of The Right Stuff,
where the hot-shot astronauts

pretends to provide objective re-
views while engaging in the indul-
gent, vulgar spectacle of the junket.
You've got to wonder if that's what
I'll be doing for a living...
A series of biased and unobjec-
live interviews with Angela Lans-
bury, Steve Martin and other
Disney stars will appear in future
issues, about once a week.

The MGM sci-fi drive-in rivals Ann Arbor's favorite diner, The Earle, in in"-
timate surroundings, quality, French cuisine and cozy tables for two.


Continued from page 7
hapless simpleton who added an

ironic twist of humor to their frus-
trating emotional trap. Tim Mor-
ley, who played Martin, became the
perfect integration of audience and
actor as he blended in with the set'

and watched the gruesome twosome
break out in passionate violence.
Similarly, a ghostly old man in
the set's sidelines provided another
link between audience and actor.


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Thom Johnson as the old man not
only became an important link to
Eddie's and May's past, but, like tit
audience, was unable to help them
escape their emotions.
The four characters themselves
were what made the story. As Sam
Shepard's intensity calls for soq'
bizarre technical effects, it is diffi-
cult for a low-budget communjt-
theater to fulfill his vision. But aja
one-act play, the set itself ditrj
need to be spectacular, and it wasnt.
May and Eddie were simple peopAc
leading difficult lives. The excite
ment of Shepard's conflicted world
in Fool for Love lay beyond thcf
Fool for Love plays through
November 23, Thursdays-Saturdays
at 8 p.m., at the Ann Arbor Civil:
Theatre. Tickets are $7, with 2-for"
Sue Uselman
Continued from page 5
mischief and precocious maturity.'
is almost a disappointment whe
the movie inevitably comes out,,
the flashback in 1971, becaus
Heard, though he acts his part weii.
spoils fantasies of what Buddy
might be like fully grown. Hat,;
quirky pre-adolescent face, with ,:
searching brown eyes and out-P"-
scale ears, serves perfectly to conve,,
a curiosity about adulthood th4
doesn't yet understand its meaning,
While all of Rambling Rosq's
performances are uniquely adept,
Dern's characterization of Rod
stands out. She carries the mov!%
with her combination of naivete ar"C'
hard-knocks experience, rendermn
Rose kind and sexually enticing
Rose would hurt no one knowingly.
but she pushes all the limits in r-
der to find her place.
In all, Rambling Rose is a charac
ter movie and a period piece, filme:
in the warm oranges of a Geor -
summer. Its pace is languid, somc*
times a bit slow, but its fully d&
fined characters with their endedk,
ing complexities make it somethiiig
to be seen.
RAMBLING ROSE is playing t

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Continued from page 5


against white/ It shouldn't be a
fight/ Axl Rose is Love!?"
Seager remembers how the s50
came about: "It was first a joke o-
the Hendrix album, Axis: Bold 'A'.,.
Love. But once the title came abotk
I decided to think about them amu
their lyrics. It's not too dissimvhir
to Andrew Dice Clay's appeal "I
think it's not just a problem with
Axl Rose's lyrics, but it's more
that he reflects a large portionf6
society that relates to his lyriC'S
That's even scarier to me, the masses
that are singing along with him.
And it's an even bigger drag, because
I like Guns N' Roses' music."
As for the future of Mar's
Danish, things are looking great.
"We plan on taking mostJo'
December off, and hopefully tour
ing with the Beastie Boys," Seagec
says. "If that doesn't happen, we r;
hoping that Morgan Creek can get
us a release date in Europe, so we can
tour over there for the first time."
Either way, Mary's Danish is ddTi-

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