Cloudy, snow possible;
High: 31, Low: 21.
Partly cloudy;
High: 34, Low: 18.
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New Vice
President should
listen to students.
Page 4.
One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
The MicniganDaily
Vol, CI1, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Thursday, November 7,1991 copy"g0'4:199'
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This won't hurt a bit
Dick Warsocki, a visiting artist from Omaha, Neb., practices his craft yesterday on a fellow tatooist, Miz Jo-D Bones.
Wofford victory in Pa. race
ives Democrats hope for1 92
DETROIT (AP) - The bitter cold
prompted about 150 protesters to storm the
City-County Building yesterday, urging a
moratorium on evictions in the wake of
welfare cuts.
The homeless and homeless advocates
packed into the hallway outside the Detroit
City Council chambers chanting "No housing,
no peace," and "Pass the moratorium." Police
blocked the entrance to the council office.
City council President Maryann Mahaffey
emerged to talk to the group, which
interrupted her several times to chant.
"We're tired of these stupid excuses,"
protester Joyce Ericsonshouted. "We're not
going to die in the cold."
Mahaffey, 66, and about 5-feet tall, led the
mob down the hall to the auditorium, where
about.20 police officers filed in and lined the
"I'm trying to be honest and open with
you," she told them. "We did not know you
were coming."
She said the city doesn't have the authority
to pass a moratorium to stop evictions and
encouraged the group to go to the state
attorney general with their concerns about
welfare cuts.
"We're asking the state Legislature and the
governor to come up with the money," she
Police escorted three protesters - two
men and a woman - out of the building but
said no arrests were made.
The Michigan Court of Appeals was
expected to act this week on a request to
overturn the cutoff of benefits to 81,000
childless adults, a move the state said was
needed because of budget problems. A group
of landlords agreed to hold off evicting 5,000
former welfare recipients pending the ruling.
City officials were in court this week
trying to stop the Seville Apartments Hotel
in Cass Corridor from evicting residents.
Some were ordered out of their apartments
Tuesday night.
"We're human beings. It's completely
ludicrous to cut off all these people and put
them on the streets," said Durk Barton,
spokesperson for the Emergency Committee
for a Moratorium on Evictions & Utility
Shut-offs. "We're asking the city to give the
people an opportunity to adjust."
The city council later approved a
resolution to ask Mayor Coleman Young to
create more temporary shelters at city
recreation centers. The city already has opened
two centers and plans to add a third on
'We're asking the city to
give the people an
opportunity to adjust'
- Durk Barton
Monday. City vans with yellow lights and
bullhorns round up street people every night.
"We did not designate which ones, but we
would like to see all the recreation centers
opened up," said Councilman Mel Ravitz.
Mayoral spokesperson Bob Berg said he
was unaware of the new resolution and was
uncertain whether more temporary shelters
would solve the problem.
"The task force has been meeting and we'll
be making some announcements next week on
what the city can do," Berg said Yesterday.
"(Young) is checking things out before he
makes his announcement."
The protest started in the morning outside,
but the 30-degree temperatures with fierce
*winds off the Detroit River prompted
demonstrators to head indoors. The weather,
about 20-degrees below normal for this time
of year, has been adding to the plight of the
newly homeless.
Tim Spidell, 23, who was evicted from his
apartment Tuesday, said his $210 a month in
General Assistance was cut and his part-time
job at McDonald's wasn't enough for rent.
Associated Press
Democrats savored Sen. Harris Wof-
ord's smashing victory in Pennsylvania
yesterday as evidence of increasing
strength heading into the 1992 campaigns
for the White House and Congress. A chas-
tened President Bush said "we'll try even
harder" to repair the economy and expand
health insurance.
The sensitive issue of race vied with
pocketbook concerns in post-mortems on
the off-year elections. Bush hailed the sur-
prise victory of Republican Kirk Fordice in
the Mississippi governor's race after a
campaign that stressed opposition to racial
At the same time, the president sharply
attacked Republican David Duke, the for-
mer Ku Klux Klansman running in next
week's gubernatorial runoff in Louisiana.
Bush said he'd vote for the Democrat in the
race if he had to choose.
Sponsors of term limitations for mem-
bers of Congress licked their wounds after
suffering a surprising defeat in Washing-
ton state, but vowed the issue would re-
emerge in a dozen states or more next year.
"Mark another one up for the ruling
class of career politicians," said Ann Best,
executive director of Citizens for Con-
gressional Reform.
Said seven-term Rep. Vic Fazio (D-
Calif.), "I don't think any of us should un-
derestimate the frustration and anger that
people feel."
The crosscurrents were strong in elec-
tions that reached from the U.S. Senate to
county supervisors.
While the term-limitation measure
failed in Washington, incumbents were
turned out of office in striking numbers -
Gov. Ray Mabus in Mississippi and Mayor
Kathy Whitmire in Houston among them.
House Speaker Tom Foley said the re-
sults showed that voters aren't "blind,
raging, out of control" despite their anger.
Anti-tax sentiment came through loud
and clear in New Jersey, where Democrats
lost control of the legislature after push-
ing through a large tax increase in 1990.
Wofford said his upset victory over
former Attorney General Dick Thorn-
burgh after a campaign that stressed na-
tionwide health care and extended jobless
benefits showed that Americans "wanted
to deal with problems of our own." Ap-
pointed to the Senate last spring after the
death of Sen. John Heinz, Wofford will
serve the three years left in Heinz' six-year
'U' student delivers sideline
coverage of game for ESPN
by Jennifer Silverberg
Daily Staff Reporter
Terri Taliaferro spends most
Football Saturdays in the stands
with 100,000 other fans, but during
last week's game she found herself
jon the sidelines reporting the event
for ESPN at the Michigan-Purdue
ESPN called the Communi-
cations Department about two
weeks ago to look for a student
commentator to participate in its
cable coverage. The University then
posted notices in an attempt to reach
interested students, said Jonathan
Friendly, director of the Masters
Program in Journalism,
After about 25 students submit-
ted information about their aca-
demic and on-camera experiences, 10
applicants were chosen to interview
with ESPN the day before the game.
"They came by (the stadium) at
11 a.m. and we gave them two sce-
narios that could happen during the
game - an injury scenario and a his-
torical feature on Michigan atten-
dance," said Susan Evans, ESPN
sideline talent producer. The stu-
dents were given two hours to pre-
pare 30-second reports for each
"Personally, I thought it was a
great experience because how often
do you get the chance to audition for
a major network before leaving
school and see what the pressure
situation is like," said Matt Caplan,
a senior in the Communications
Department who auditioned.
Taliaferro was notified Friday
evening that she had been chosen for
the job.
"Terri was the first to audition
and she was really very good,"
Evans said. "Her problem was that
she was a little nervous and when
you are nervous you tend to talk a
little quicker. But on the whole she
did very well."
Taliaferro delivered three live
reports: She discussed field condi-
tions; different types of footballs
used by the players; and the air-
planes that fly advertisements
around the stadium during the game.
She also interviewed Desmond
Howard's and Elvis Grbac's fathers.
"It was the most exciting, ex-
hilarating, spontaneous experience
of my life and one that I'd like to
repeat," Taliaferro said. "I know
ESPN was pleased because they said
See ESPN, Page 2
2,300 dead
as tropical
storm hits
TACLOBAN, Philippines (AP)
- Landslides unleashed by a tropi-
cal storm roared down mountains
in the Philippines, sweeping
screaming victims into the sea.
More than 2,300 people died and
1,500 were missing and presumed
dead, officials said yesterday.
The landslides hit the central
islands of Leyte and Negros on
Tuesday, burying coastal shanty-
towns under mud, debris and flood
"The water suddenly rose. Cars
and trucks were being flushed into
Ormoc Bay like toys," said Ruby
Gernale, a Red Cross official in
Ormoc, a city on Leyte that was
hardest-hit by the furious land-
"People were being carried by
the waters, crying out for help. But
we were helpless," she said. "The
current was so strong."
One horrific landslide that hit
the Ormoc area swept over shanty-
towns, crumbling the flimsy
shacks under the weight of mud and
debris. Many of those killed were
children, and workers were digging
mass graves yesterday for the vic-
The disaster came during Tropi-
cal Storm Thelma's sweep over the
region, 450 miles southeast of
Manila. The national government
in Manula rnnivhPraimje awaire of the
to a nationwide television audience.
Taliaferro, a second-year masters
student in journalism, was chosen to
be the student sideline commentator
It takes an engineer
Engineering junior Mike Thayer fights the cold yesterday to change a
flat tire on Church Street.
Police report: use of gas on South U. crowd was appropriate
by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
The Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment's internal report of the Sept.
14 tear gassing of students on South
University determined that the de-
cision to break up the crowd using
Action taken to prevent repeat of 1989
South University from Church
Street to East University so they
could clear the road for traffic.
At 2:00, police made another
Executive Deputy Chief
William Hoover said police feared
that if they did not use any force, the
crowd might have caused extensive
NCAA victory riot
"You don't get to Monday
Morning Quarterback. You have to
make a decision in the interest of
"The justification for moving
down the street... for the cost-bene-
fit analysis is very weak because the
interest in opening up traffic is ex-
tremely low compared to the poten-
tial cost of having a sweep which