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November 01, 1991 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-01

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 1, 1991 - Page 3

recipien ts
evict ion
DETROIT (AP) - Housing ad-
vocates are expecting a flood of
evictions now that a month has
passed since welfare benefits were
cut off to able-bodied adults.
But about 5,000 former General
Assistance welfare recipients who
live in some downtown Detroit ho-
tels have been spared evictions orig-
inally scheduled for today as the
building owners await a ruling
from the state appeals court.
The court will hear arguments
Monday in the state's appeal of a
awsuit brought by Michigan Legal
The buildings' owners reached
agreement yesterday with the
United Community Housing
Coalition to delay putting the ten-
ants out, even though they're losing
money in the meantime, said Jerry
Jankowski, who owns three hotels,
two in the city's deteriorated Cass
"The utilities are killing me and
t have no income," said Jankowski,
estimating $23,000 in October
losses for one building. "They're
going to force us into bankruptcy."
The owners are waiting until at
least Tuesday to see if the appeals
court will quickly allow benefits
to be reinstated to the 82,614 child-
less adults who received General
Assistance until the checks stopped
t. , .
"It's not a lot of time, but at
least it gets us past the weekend,"
said Ted Phillips, executive director
of the community housing coalition
that helped negotiate the agreement.
, Phillips said as more of the for-
mer welfare clients are evicted and
homeless, fewer are in a position to
work if they could find a job.
"There is not a significant num-
ber of people who are going to get a
Job or an education in the streets or
the shelters," Phillips said. "This is
a very troublesome time."
An Ingham County Circuit
Court last month ruled against the
state and ordered the benefits to be
restored retroactive to Oct. 1.
The circuit court said the state
had not provided adequate notice of
the cuts to disabled general assis-
tance clients and had not established
an adequate plan to identify which
clients are disabled and deserving of
state assistance.
The appeals court then granted a
stay of that ruling until the state's
appeal is decided.
Jankowski said he hopes the ap-
peals court will lift the stay to
provide some breathing room for his
* tenants and himself.
Many of his tenants have physi-
cal or mental disabilities,
Jankowski said.

Stoney takes
his last stand
for the season


Roll 'em
Sandy Hofman, a film project service employee, runs the film "Full Metal Jacket" for Communication 320
yesterday in MLB Auditorium 3.1
Croat ships sail through
Serbian naval blockade

by Ben Deci
Daily Staff Reporter
Supporters, critics, and curious
on-lookers crowded the Diag yes-
terday as Stoney Burke preached
revolution for the last time this
Although he is not leaving the
University, Burke is discontinuing
his series of orations until next
semester. He said that any tempera-
ture below 55 degrees makes him
stay home.
Burke is going to use his extra
time to pursue more lucrative pass-
times. These include janitorial work
at K-Mart and cemetery grounds-
Among Burke's audience yester-
day was an entire class from River
Rouge Middle School. These unsus-
pecting visitors were on a field trip
to the University's campus when
they stumbled upon Burke speaking.
"He's weird and old and ugly,"
said Jason Calsmolski, an eighth
grader. Calsmolski's appraisal was
supported by classmate Mike
Wisinski, who heckled Burke exten-
Burke's rapport with children
was demonstrated further when he
spoke with a young boy from the
Soviet Union. After several limited
attempts at communication with
the youth, Burke shrugged his
shoulders and handed him a com-
plementary condom, which the
boy's mother was quick to return.
Burke believes that his mission is
to inspire discourse from several
different ideologies. "I dress like a
wierdo so people who believe in the
trash that is our government will
stop and talk to me," he said. "It
works just like flypaper."

'I dress like a weirdo
so people who believe
in the trash that is our
government will stop
and talk to me. It
works just like

Burke also draws an audience by
throwing out outrageous state-
ments about what he claims is the
U.S.'s flawed system of govern-
ment. When asked his solution,
Burke answers simply:
A Michigan native, Burke has re-
turned to his old stomping ground
to visit his parents, and to "plant a
seed of belief in all those n&i.n-
derthal craniums out there."
Although he planned to write a
book during his stay at home,that
particular project has not yet been


- Stoney


DUBROVNIK, Yugoslavia
(AP) - A flotilla bringing badly
needed food and medicine sailed
through a federal navy blockade into
this ancient port yesterday, as
Serbian-led federal forces attacked
elsewhere in Croatia.
Thousands of people jammed
Dubrovnik's dock to greet the
Slavija ferry and 28 other boats car-
rying 850 people, including
Croatian leaders, delayed by gunfire
and a search by federal authorities.
Crowds, waving olive branches
and Croatian flags, cheered as Stipe
Mesic, the Croat who heads
Yugoslavia's virtually defunct fed-
eral presidency, walked down the
Slavija gangplank, miles from the
federal army's hilltop positions
overlooking Dubrovnik's stone
Roaring "Stipe!" the. emotional
mass waved banners bearing slogans
such as "Welcome to our Croatian
Dubrovnik." They sang Croatia's
anthem and wept.
Dubrovnik became a symbolic
prize in Croatia's war after federal
troops and gunboats laid siege a
month ago.
Mesic's success in negotiating
safe passage with the military
through the Navy blockade was a
morale booster for Croats in their
four-month-old war with Serb in-
surgents and the Serb-led military
that flared after Croatia declared

Apparently mindful of world
opinion as an increasingly isolated
Serbia prepares for peace talks spon-
sored by the European Community
(EC) Tuesday, the Navy let the
flotilla enter Dubrovnik.
The EC has set a Nov. 5 deadline
for Serbia to accept a plan to turn
Yugoslavia into an association of
sovereign republics within their
present borders.

That would effectively mean
Serb guerrillas and the army would
be pressured to relinquish the one-
third of Croatian territory they
have conquered.
Serbia's already ravaged economy
faces threatened EC sanctions if
Slobodan Milosevic, its hard-line
president, rejects the plan.
A senior State Department offi-
cial said yesterday in Washington

completed. However, he said it has.
not yet been abandoned either.
Stoney's last verbal bout was
held with Jon Bierman, an LSA se-
nior, who gave him a run for his
money. Among topics discussed
where communism, U.S. foreign.
policy, and the merits of capitalist
The Diag may be a little quieter
in the winter months, but Burke as-
sures he will return. In the mean
time, he says "Don't give up ir tti(
cold political atmosphere. We7car
be the next revolution."
Sarah Schweitzer contributed to
this report.

Congressional redistricting.
willincrease minority reps.
Associated Press virtually all the new minority seats
The U.S. Congress elected in will be Democratic.
1992 will include far more Black "The Democrats have been able,
and Hispanic members than any by artful gerrymandering, to draw
Congress in history. That is being districts which represent Black and
ensured now, in one of the most sig- Hispanic voting strengths but also
nificant rounds of redistricting ever. don't benefit Republicans," said
New rules have added a new di- Bernard Grofman, a political science
mension to this old political blood professor at the University of
sport - the once-a-decade exercise California, Irvine.
of redrawing the lines that divide "This thing could wind up being
one political district from the next. a virtual wash nationwide -- that
As a result, Rep. Martin Frost (D- they gain in suburban seats, we gain
Texas), who chairs the Democrats' in minority seats, and nobody gains
redistricting organization, Impac any advantage," he said.
2000, estimates there will be about Both sides agree it's too early to
20 more minority-group lawmakers tell who will win in this year's re-
in the next Congress. districting, which is based on the
Democrats and Republicans say 1990 census.

A resident of the Croatian city of Dubrovnik cries with joy at the
appearance of Yugoslavian President Stipe Mesic on Wednesday.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Serbia, the most powerful of six
republics, rejected the plan, saying it
amounted to dismantling the
Yugoslav federation and that it
wants to protect ethnic Serbs in
Italy said yesterday the EC peace
process should be wrapped up by
mid-December, leading to recogni-
tion of all Yugoslav republics.
the United States is prepared to

African Students Association.
International Center, rm 9, 6 p.m.
U.S.S Intrepid, Star Trek club.
Dearborn Civic Center, 1 p.m.
Alpha Phi Omega. Union Ballroom.
Pledge mtg 6 p.m. Chapter meeting, 7
U-M Chess Club. Michigan League. 1
p.m. Call 994-5824 for info.
Feminist Women's Union. Union,
Pond Rm, 9 p.m.
"Teaching and Writing About
Intergroup Relations," David Schoem.
Guild House, 802 Monroe, noon.
Safewalk, night-time safety walking
service. Sun-Thur, 8 p.m.-1:20 a.m. and
Fri. and Sat. 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Stop by
102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Extended
hours are 1 a.m. -3 a.m. at the Angell
Hall Computing Center or call 763-
Nrthwrao _ North Camnul safety

"Onibaba," film. Lorch Hall Audito-
rium, 7 p.m., free.
U-M Ultimate Frisbee Team, Friday
practice. Mitchell Field, 7-9.
U-M Ninjitsu Club, every Friday. Call
662-2306 for info. IM wrestling room,
U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice. CCRB Martial Arts Rm,
U-M Women's Lacrosse Club. Friday
practice. Oosterbaan Field House, 9-
U-M Taekwondo Club. Friday work-
out. CCRB Small Gym, rm 1200, 6-8
Professor Rasmussen's Research
Group, brown bag lunch. 1706 Chem,
"Homophobia in the Classroom,"
TA Training Program, 4050 LSA, 4
Custodial Appreciation Week.
Awards Ceremony. Hill Auditorium,
Literati. RC Auditorium, 7 p.m.
"Kiss of the Spider Woman," film.
Hillel, 8 p.m and 10:15 p.m.
Drum Circle, percussion and rhythms.
Guild House, 802 Monroe, 7:30.
Israeli Dancing, every Sunday. $2.
Hillel, 8-10 p.m.
U-M Ultimate Frisbee Team. Sunday



support such sanctions.
Milosevic is also under pressure
from nationalist extremists not to
give up Croatian territory.
Milan Babic, leader of Croatia's
ethnic Serb enclave of Krajina, re-
jected pressures from the "highest
Serbian authorities" to accept the
plan, the Yugoslav news agency
Tanjug reported.
gold bond
Quality Dry Cleaning
and Shirt Service
332 Maynard St.
across from Nickels Arcade



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