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November 01, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-11-01

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Partly sunny, cooler;
High: 53, Low: 42.
Cloudy, chance of rain;
High: 47, Low: 37.

*1 4a

Ann Arbor's
Party Patrol.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CIl, No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, November 1, 1991' (

forum to
* by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
University administrators and
Department of Public Safety and Se-
curity (DPSS) representatives held a
press conference yesterday after-
noon to discuss departmental pro-
grams and goals as well as recent in-
cidents in Angell Hall and the Diag
where police drew their guns during
DPSS officers drew pistols on a
suspected felon, Kenya Teate, at 4:40
p.m. Sept. 18 in Mason Hall. The
University's Advisory Committee
on Safety and Security (SSAC) re-
leased a report last week supporting
the officers' decision to use weapons
"In the Angell Hall incident the
officer knew there was a cement
wall behind the perpetrator and
there were no students or passers-by
between the perpetrator and himself
and no one behind him," said Direc-
tor of Public Safety Leo Heatley.
Heatley added that the officer
said he felt he was in danger. "The
officer felt that if he pulled a
weapon, then (Tate) would proba-
See POLICE, Page 2

Arabs spurn
invitation to
talk in Israel

MADRID, Spain (AP) - Arab
delegates spurned an invitation yes-
terday from Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir to go to Israel to
In their first exchanges on the
floor of the historic conference,
Arab and Israeli leaders traded re-
criminations and clung to familiar
positions. The Arabs demanded all
the land they lost in the 1967 war.
Israel demanded recognition before
it would even consider yielding ter-
The atmosphere was more con-
frontational than in Wednesday's
opening session. Shamir called it a
"garden of thorns."
The Arabs argued that peace was
conditional on Israeli willingness
to give up the captured territories.
"Every inch," insisted Syria's for-
eign minister, Farouk al-Sharaa.
Shamir said "The issue is not ter-
ritory but our existence."
"We appeal to you to renounce
the 'jihad' (holy war) against
Israel," he said.

"Blessed are the peacemakers,"
said Jordanian Foreign Minister
Kamel Abu-Jaber. "We are willing
to live side by side on the land," said
Haidar Abdul-Shafi, representing
the Palestinians. Shamir began his
speech with a simple "Shalom."
Although the Arab and Israeli
delegation heads did not applaud
each other's speeches, yesterday's
session was a milestone. It marked
the first time Palestinians and
Israelis have addressed each other in
a formal negotiating format.
While the conference itself kept
to the format scripted by its archi-
tect, Secretary of State James Baker,
questions arose over how it will de-
velop when the ceremonies end and
the real face-to-face bargaining be-
"There is no better way to make
peace than to talk in each other's
home. Avoiding such talks is a de-
nial of the purpose of the negotia-
tions," Shamir said.
The Arabs want to talk on neu-
tral ground, at least until Israel

Holy Ghost FIAflV I
Artist Jose Ranezo highlights some features of the traditional Mexican altar he built yesterday for Los Dias de
los Muertos, the Days of the Dead celebration that takes place Nov. 1 and 2.

Foreign students experience

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Higher Education Reporter
While approximately 1,000
University of Michigan students
choose to study or work abroad ev-
ery year, just as many foreign stu-
dents come to the University to ex-
perience American culture and take
advantage of opportunities not
available in their own countries.
Due to the large size of the
United States and the diversity of
schools here, choosing a university
can be quite overwhelming. Foreign
students choose an American col-
lege on the basis'of location, cost,
and academic ranking, several for-
eign student counselors said.
Once here, foreign students often
must overcome not only problems
faced by domestic students, such as
adjusting to a new environment, but
the added stresses of language barri-
ers and a strange culture.
Language is the main obstacle for
foreign students, said Louise Bald-

win, program coordinator at the
University of Michigan Interna-
tional Center.
"Taking all your classes in a sec-
ond language is exhausting," Bald-
win said.
Abdullah Ov, a first-year stu-
dent from Turkey in the School of
Public Health, said although he
studied English for many years, the
language barrier has put him in some
confusing situations. For instance,
Ov was told he had University hous-
ing, only to find that this was not
the case upon arrival. Ov blames
lack of communication for the mis-
"When I went to the housing of-
fice, I was told 'I'm sorry.' I discov-
ered that in the United States, when
someone says 'I'm sorry,' that is all
- they think the problem is
solved," Ov said.
The American university struc-
ture is also new to most foreign

"The classroom system is differ-
ent, particularly for Europeans,
where going to class and lectures are
more relaxed. Here you write papers
and take quizzes, and there is a
constant pace of production that is
unusual," said Phil de Neev,
director of foreign student and
scholar services at the University of
Ov said he does not like the com-
petitive nature of the University.
"I am surprised that no students
help each other," Ov said.
Social situations are another
common area of unease for foreign
students. Making friends is prob-
lematic mainly because of the dif-
fering perceptions of what a friend
is, de Neev said.
"Americans seem superficial.
One of the biggest complaints I hear
is that Americans say, 'Let's get to-
gether,' and then they are never
heard from again," de Necv said.
David Austell, associate director

ups and d
of the International Center at the
University of North Carolina-
Chapel Hill said foreign students
experience "great turmoil."
"Societies are radically different
- from morals, to money, to mar-
riage. Even though these students
intellectually understand, the emo-
tional adjustment is very hard,"
Austell said.
Engineering senior Panop Kase-
marm said he finds Americans to be
much more open than the people in
Thailand, his native country.
"Americans are so independent
and confident. Even in a class of 400,
you can raise your hand and ask a
question," Kasemarm said.
Generally, only a limited
amount of financial aid is available
to foreign students, placing many in
a financial bind. Some of this pres-
sure is eased by offering research or
teaching assistant positions to grad-
uate students.
See FOREIGN, Page 2

awns of campus life

Director of Overseas Opportunities William Nolting waits at the
International Center for exchange students to come in for counseling.

Group urging Gov. Cuomo to run for
presidency names Ann Arbor as H.Q.

by Carrie Walco
Several grass roots campaigners
who are urging a "Cuomo in '92"
presidential bid have chosen Ann
Arbor for their national headquar-
Mario Cuomo, the three-term
governor of New York, is consider-
ing running in the next presidential
election. A large rally of Cuomo's
hometown and state backers will be
held Dec. 4 in New York to urge
Cuomo to run for office.
"I believe that Cuomo will an-
nounce his decision in the next two
to three weeks.... Certainly within a
month such a declaration will be
made," said George Wahr Sallade, a
retired lawyer and campaign orga-
nizer, at a press conference in Lans-

ing yesterday.
Sallade, the president of the
George Wahr Publishing Company
in Ann Arbor, initiated the grass
roots campaign to urge Cuomo to
Ann Arbor was chosen for its
"democratic control of the County
Commission, the mayor's office, and
the City Council," Sallade said.
Sallade also hopes that Univer-
sity student contact throughout the
state will elicit a stronger demo-
cratic support base.
Sallade and supporters have sent
letters to all of the state Demo-
cratic chairs and will contact them
during the next week.
In the case that these party mem-
bers can not or will not support

Cuomo, Sallade said he has asked
"other delegates in each state for
support, to create a groundswell of
delegate support for Mr. Cuomo."
Sallade will continue his leader-
ship in the campaign and set up an
official organization in Michigan
and in other states, and then meet
with Cuomo's chief political advi-
sor in Albany, N.Y.
"Mr. Cuomo will welcome la-
bor support and he's going to get
some," Sallade claimed. He con-
firmed this by stating Cuomo's
strong affiliation with labor due to
his political background.
"We do need leadership in world
affairs, but most of all we need to
develop a domestic policy that will
develop a method of meeting the

problems of unemployment, medi-
care, and the problem of making sure
the United States continues to de-
velop sustained economic growth,"
Sallade said.
"I think Cuomo has sufficient
experience in government to lead
the United States in meeting these
domestic challenges. We need a full-
time President. I think we have a
part-time President now, who de-
votes most of his time to interna-
tional affairs," Sallade added.
Sallade said he does not believe
there is or will be any organized op-
position in Michigan to Cuomo be-
cause New York is a state with a big
education budget and problems that
are similar to Michigan's. This
See CUOMO, Page 2


Experts: civil rights bill may
increase discrimination suits

battle over a new civil rights law,
lawyers for both workers and em-
n ,'.,.' . rP nn nrnnuirdt ni'i;ntc.__

The civil rights bill, which the
Senate passed overwhelmingly
Wednesday and which President
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