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October 31, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-31

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Cloudy, cool;
Cgh: 57, Low: 42.
Chneof showers;
Hgh: 57, Low: 40.


Student Services
search needed
more input.
Page 4.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 31, 1991thc:'a d

Mideast conference opens in


Bush adi

vises compromise
ssential for peace

of landes
MADRID, Spain (AP) -
President Bush revived his land-for-
peace formula yesterday at the opening
of the Mideast peace conference.
Looking for a quick-fix agreement
in what could be negotiations over
many years, Bush also urged Israel and
the Palestinians to experiment on a
self-rule plan for the West Bank and
Gaza Strip.
"Nothing agreed to now will prej-
udice permanent status negotiations,"
Bush told the two nervous parties.
Bush's aim may be to get a quick
dividend for himself and his foreign
policy, and also for Arabs and Israelis
in the event a more comprehensive set-
tlement of their 43-year dispute
proves elusive.
On Tuesday, in a news conference
with Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev, Bush steadfastly refused
to repeat the land-for-peace slogan.
Gorbachev's oddly timed appeal
for aid at the Mideast peace conference
yesterday underscored his country's
secondary role in resolving the Arab-
Israeli conflict.
"The world community is becom-
ing increasingly aware that what is
happening in the Soviet Union has a

larger bearing than any regional con-
flict on the vital interest of the
greater part of today's world," the
Soviet leader said after a keynote ad-
dress by Bush.
Bush said U.S. mediators at the
conference intend "to engage the
Soviet Union as a force for positive
'Territorial compromise
is essential for peace.
Boundaries should
reflect the quality of
both security and
political arrangements'
- George Bush
change in the Middle East."
But Arab delegates were less chari-
table. They said the main Soviet role in
the region had been its economic and
political collapse following the coup
attempt in August, thereby denying
hard-line Arab states their traditional
source of arms and diplomatic sup-
Palestinian and Jordanian delegates
responded to Bush's appeal for peace
but ignored Gorbachev.

"Let's face the facts. The United
States is running the show," said one
Arab delegate, who spoke on condition
he not be further identified. "The
Soviet Union cannot even feed its peo-
ple and asks the world for food. It
will not have much of a role."
Bush suggested that a land-for-
peace approach might inhibit the
launching of face-to-face bargaining
between Arabs and Israelis and to pre-
scribe land-for-peace is to unnerve
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak
Shamir and Syrian President Hafez
Shamir appears determined not to
yield any of the land Israel retains
from the 1967 Six-Day war and Assad
is unwilling to offer peace to Israel in
exchange for the Golan Heights alone.
Determined not to upset the two
key players at the outset, Bush fell
back on vaguely worded 1967 and 1973
U.N. Security Council resolutions.
The United States went to such
lengths to satisfy Assad that the invi-
tations to the peace conference did not
even propose peace treaties as a goal.
"We seek peace, real peace," Bush
declared yesterday. "And by real peace
See MIDEAST, Page 2

Delegates attending the Mideast peace conference listen to Soviet Foreign Minister Boris
Pankin addressing the afternoon session in Madrid's Palacio Real yesterday.

Students working with'

'U' polic
by JoAnne Viviano
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite recent tensions between
students and police, a group of stu-
dents is assisting the Department
of Public Safety and Security
(DPSS) by offering their input
through its new Student Work As-
sistant Program (SWAP).
"I've worked with the officers
and find them to be a very dedicated
group of professionals," said LSA
junior Jayson Blake, "They're nec-
essary for the University."
"It makes things so much more
efficient when U of M Police can
handle U of M stuff and not have
to be second rate to city stuff,"
added Engineering junior Jully.
Superviser Lt. Vernon Baisden
said SWAP was initiated by DPSS
in May after Director Leo Heatley
realized that students could play a
role within the department.
"Our original intent continues
to be to give University of Michi-

e praise c
gan students an opportunity to earn
and learn," Baisden said. "The
learning comes from different jobs
that are meaningful, and students
also learn about the operation of a
campus law enforcement agency."
"The University was in agree-
ment and the pilot group of stu-
dents also felt there was a role;
consequently, there was nothing to
do but continue the program in the
fall and winter," he added.
The current SWAP unit con-
sists of 29 members comprising
two major staffs. The first staff
operates in the resource center. The
second performs community ser-
vice and assistance.
Publications assistants in the
resource center compile annual re-
ports, and design fliers, brochures,
and other public relations materi-
RC senior Amy Spade said she
sees her role as a publication assis-
tant as one of "reaching out toward
the University community."

"It also gives me an opportu-
nity to do things I didn't think I'd
be able to do until after college,"
she -added. ""t: great experience
for a future resume."
Other students working within
the center perform administrative
jobs, compile survey results, and
develop the department's re-
SWAP's community service
field assistants are available to as-
sist motorists in need of a jump
start, escort, or an "unlock."
Blake recalled an incident last
summer when he rescued a handi-
capped man caught in the heat. "His
van battery was dead and he
couldn't get his lift down. He got
the attention of a hospital security
guard and I went right over and
gave him a jump start," he said.
"This is -the first job I've had
where I felt I was making a differ-
ence," he added. "I feel like an im-
portant part of the department, a
contributing member."

Detroit attempts to
extinguish sparks of
Devil's Night fires

LSA sophomore Kenya Lacy
said he has performed 11 successful
unlocks since he obtained his posi-
tion in September.
"At first I thought it was just
going to be a job," he said. "But it
feels good to help. a person, to do
something important as if you're a
law officer trying to protect some-
Community service office assis-
tants work at the information
counter at DPSS. "We want to help
and do as much as we can," Park
Park comforted a wet, lost dog
which was brought to the office
Wednesday until its owners ar-
rived. "(They) were so happy and
See POLICE, Page 2

DETROIT (AP). -Police heli-
copters thundered overhead and vol-
unteers checked fire extinguishers
and flashlights yesterday as the, city
readied for air and ground defenses
against Devil's Night arsonists.
Officials activated a dusk-to-
dawn curfew to clear the streets of
youths under age 18 and minimize
the fires that annually besiege the
city on the eve of Halloween.
Fluorescent green fire trucks pa-
trolled many neighborhoods during
the afternoon as firefighters pre-
pared for nightfall yesterday.
"So far we haven't seen anything
different than the fires that oc-
curred Monday or Tuesday,"
Detroit police spokesperson Office
Allene Ray said. She declined to say
how many fires had been reported as
Devil's Night approached.
Mayor Coleman Young's office
said an arson tally wouldn't be re-

leased until tomorrow. Officials
reported 281 arson fires and made 22
arrests in 1990 during Halloween
and the two days preceding it.
Minute-by-minute fire records
show city firefighters responded to
411 fires in all categories over last
year's three-day period. The records
were released to meet Freedom of
Information Act requests filed by
news organizations.
Fire officials have said there are
an average of 60 fires in the city each
Calls from residents lighted up a
switchboard at Detroit fire head-
quarters Tuesday night, but Capt.
Charles Evancho said that wasn't
unusual. He wouldn't say how many
calls were received by the depart-
ment's "Secret Witness" arson hot-
Police helicopters equipped with
See DEVIL, Page 2

Diag jail
plight of
by Joshua Meckler
Daily Staff Reporter


The wooden cage that appeared
on the Diag late Tuesday night
wasn't a shanty.
It did, however, carry a message,
and many curious passers-by took
the time to find out just what it was
trying to say.
The structure was a mock jail
cell constructed for a one-day dis-
play by the University chapter of
Amnesty International, a world-
wide organization devoted to ending
human rights abuses in all countries.
Although Amnesty works to
prevent human rights violations
against people of all ages, the cell
was intended to raise awareness of
violations against children.
"The purpose is to symbolically
represent the fact that this is a jail
that these people live in. They're not
allowed to act as children," said
LSA first-year student Tiffany
McLean, Amnesty's publicity coor-
'N-v- - .

id's children
day, Amnesty members solicited
signatures for petitions which
protested three instances of human
rights violations.
The petitions were form letters
addressed to various foreign politi-
cal leaders calling for investiga-
tions of possible wrongdoings. One
petition alleged that a 15-year-old
Guatemalan youth was beaten and
burned by police after he stole a pair
of sunglasses.
Becky Lassman, an LSA first-
year student and Amnesty member,
said about 800 people signed the pe-
McLean said letter writing to
protest human rights violations
makes up a major part of what
Amnesty does.
"It is very effective. When I
first joined, I thought, 'What is my
letter going to do?' It's not just one
person's letter. It's the group's ef-
fort," McLean said.
An Amnesty pamphlet handed
out yesterday quoted several former

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