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October 30, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-30

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. j
Clouds and showers;
High: 64, Low: 43.
Mostly cloudy;
High: 60, Low: 43.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

that's scary.
Page 5.

Vol. CII, No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 30,1991
Sharpton soapbox
stirs heated debate
si aby Robert Patton being playedtoday is wedon't tlMaY adec ebrcue
Daily Minority Issues Reporter about racism, we talk about the re Sharpton of antiSemitism, ese
Audience members who paid to sponse to racism," Sharpton said. cially in relation to statements he
e sthe Rev. Al Shpton at his "Rather than hite people made on his marches durin
seNh e.A most controversialan bellicose ing we're causing trouble, they lnebtenBak n aii
~~"44 ""got their money's worth last night need to look at the system and Jews following the riots in Crown
at a nearly-full Power Center. make it more human," he said. Heights, N.Y.
" a fe i After Sharpton gave an emo- Moses Stewart, the father of Sharpton denied the charges,
tional speech lambasting the gov- Yusuf Hawkinsw a Black youth who saying he thought the Hasidic
ernment, the media, and others who was shot to death by whites in Ben- community got special treatment
\ hav criticized his tactics, the floor sonhurst, N.Y. spoke next. His from the police.
MHELEG/ was opened to questions from the speech focused not on his son's "I took a position that there has
Aaudience. death but on the need for women, been preferential treatment for the
cusmgrotts ess:icar omn itysp Sra os
Shabpton came out fighting, ac- and especially women of color,hin e Hasidi ommunity" wha
cu hose who criticized his ac- government, said. "I am not anti-Semitic to
8 tics of playing a "shell game," try- Statements made by audience question the wrong in the Hasidic
MICHELLEGUDal ing to divert attention away from members during the question and Community."
theliseofrsersessi e sharpl Cdie LSAfirst-year student Alex
A student asks Rev. Al Sharpton a question during the open forum portion of last night's Student Soapbox. "theeol raruase ies wershand
The holeturnroud gae vied.See SHARPTON, Page 2
and-white Protesters: Sharpton'spreads
hate, promotes racial division
i irnlemer d there are other speakers who would
Open Your Eyes, a group rahrtadidetsteyad
formed to protest the ideas of Rev.rathm tnisive ita smhes
Al Sharpton, welcomed audience Sharpton would.
members outside the Power Center Fliers distributed to guests ex-
as nigt witdsh flega bla kpressed the group's view that, "Al
laost nigt wdtsersdangde wthlswacks-ug
and-white ribbons to symbolize re on m ssonastorderltc
opposition. against white, Black against Black.
Gr hoe a He calls himself a leader, but com-
Gp member sn o umyead. munities live in fear of his marches
" eenn sthe openfrm that-npocmtins."
p £;N N Sharpon should never have been in-adpolmtns
vited to speak at the University be The flier listed specific actions
H UUcause it lends him a legitimacy that taken by Sharpton that the group
'x he does not deserve, disagrees with, as well as sug-
} ."We are not protesting Al gested questions for audience
ws sp shadrypitwontrsapr UAbri sphe r e members to ask in order to
uprotesting his ideas," Ilna
'\ \ ~ ~ \~.Greenfield, RC sophomore and' Platform."
..N.N N\, member of Open Your Eyes, said. Most people entering the
* "He pretends to help the racial sit- Power Center either pleasantly ac-
c ation but "Is dangerous because he cepted or rejected the flier, but
MICHELLE GUi/aly UG ANER/aiy.spedhaeiBlc-itrl- some supporters of Sharpton ques-
SRev. Al Sharpton and Moses Stewart, father of Yusuf Hawkins, addressed students during a Student Soapbox last night The program tosrasht.n"lc-ht tioned members of Open Your
was sponsored by Viewpoint lectures, a part of UAC. Members of the group said See PROTESTS, Page 2

Low specialty week turn-ou

i I

by Lynne Cohn
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite hours of planning and fierce
hope, campus organizers of specialty weeks
such as Investing in Abilities Week are dis-
appointed with the low turn-out and seem-
ing disinterest of University students and
The University has been swamped during
the last month with specialty weeks, and
students, faculty and staff are feeling over-
loaded with awareness.
"On this campus, there is sometimes
over-saturation - there is so much going on
a here," said Priti Marwah, the MSA repre-

sentative who planned Alcohol Awareness
Week, Oct.13-18.
Marwah said limiting awareness pro-
grams to one week each month might in-
crease attendance.
"These programs involve commitment
and compromise," she said. "A lot of lead-
ers. on this campus are committed to the
power and the role they play but not to the
Marwah said Alcohol Awareness Week,
planned jointly by MSA and the
Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic
Association, cost about $15,000. Since it
was the first time these groups have worked

together to plan the week, Marwah said
they can learn from it and apply it to next
About 100 programs on alcohol abuse
and awareness, including a session with
Danny Sugarman, former manager of the
Doors, generated good-sized crowds, though
Marwah was not impressed.
She estimated that about 150 people
came out for Sugarman, about 275 for a U-
Club event, about 150 for the BYOB forum
and an average of 20 people for each work-
"Attendance was not what I hoped for
but what I expected," Marwah said.

it disapp
"(Alcohol) is a touchy subject on this cam-
pus. Students need to start making some re-
sponsible decisions about their drinking." I
Marwah said that next year the planners1
should start gearing the week towards first-
and second-year students, to start with new
students and make it a growing tradition.
Investing in Ability Week, which ran
Oct. 7-11, concentrated on issues such as ac-
cessibility, learning disabilities and em-
ployment. Spurred by former Gov. Jim
Blanchard's original idea and carried on by
Gov. John Engler, this is the first time that
the week has been organized on campus.
Emily Singer, learning disability coordi-

at Services for Students


Disabilities, said attendance averaged at 15
people per event. She said she expected and
hoped there would be a higher turn-out.
Singer said she felt the programs were
effective for those people who showed up.
"Part of what kept us from falling apart
that week was reaching one person more
than before," she said.
Despite increasing despair during the
week, Singer and Brian Clapham, the campus
Affirmative Action representative, have
gotten some positive feedback.
"I do think it was worth it," Singer said.
See WEEKS, Page 2


MSA adds environmental
commission to fall ballot

by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter

The Michigan Student Assembly
passed a proposal last night which
added a constitutional provision to
formalize the Environmental Issues
Commission on the election ballot.
The assembly also supported resolu-
tions to change University family
housing to include homosexual cou-
ples and extended family, and to call
for The Michigan Daily to review its
advertising policy.
The Environmental Issues
Commission was recreated this
semester. The election will deter-
mine the future existence of the
MADRID, Spain (AP) - In a
marked departure from decades-old
hard-line attitudes, Palestinians
sienaled vesterday that they would

An amendment sponsored by
Rules and Elections Chair Brian
Kight, to remove the Peace and
Justice Commission when adding
the Environmental Issues
Commission, failed.
The resolution to support chang-
ing the University family housing
policy to include lesbian, gay, bi-
sexual, and extended families passed
22-3. The resolution calls on the as-
sembly to notify the Housing
Office, the Board of Regents, and the
University community of MSA's
backing of the change.
Rackham Reps. Maria Yen and
Amy Polk who sponsored the reso-
lution argued that the current defini-

tions of family were too restrictive.
LSA Rep. Jeff Muir said that
equal access to family housing
should be provided to everyone and
that the University should not play
the role of a "social engineer."
However, LSA Rep. Johnathon
Line voted against the proposal, stat-
ing, "I make my judgements based
on the law of God, not MSA or the
law of the land."
The assembly also passed a reso-
lution calling on the Daily to donate
the proceeds of "The Holocaust
Controversy: The Case for Open
Debate" advertisement run on Oct.
24 "to an appropriate organization,
See MSA, Page 2

Police get
ready for
by Lynne Cohn
Daily Staff Reporter
October 30, the night before
Halloween when "devils" take the
town, has become a night to be
feared in and around the city of De-
troit. Devil's Night antics in the
past have ranged from incidental
crime to arson, leaving neighbor-
hoods and families in fear.
Detroit police officer Allene
Ray said an excessive amount of
crime is not unusual for the Detroit
"Crimes happen every night in
this city," she said. "Last year's
Devil's Night was just like any
other night."
The city is trying to safeguard
_ _._ot n .,, .. mhtoto*it _

is ready for conference

Evident from Husseini's state-
ment was that statehood has become
the target of more realistic hopes,
rather than a condition that Israel

The conference opens today with
the Palestinians attending in a joint
delegation with Jordan. They hope
to have an independent team when


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