ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, October 23, 1991 Page 5 A voice for Jewish women Judith Plaskow calls for redefinition of Judaism That's University alumnus Richard Fracker on the far left, performing what might look like calisthenics but what is actually the choreography of Ann Carlson, who, along with visual artist Jerome Sirlin, poet Allen Ginsberg and composer Philip Glass, collaborated to create the modern opera Hydrogen Jukebox. Wolverime owls crack of doom inhe Jukebox by Alissa Citron Judith Plaskow has a distinctive and powerful voice, which resonated through Hillel's auditorium* earlier this month. "The story of the Je- wish people has been told by a male perspective," she said. Plaskow is calling for enormous change in con- temporary Judaism, in an attempt to uncover and release the silenced voi- ces of Jewish women. As she pro- 'In a tradition that has a blessing for eating your first watermelon of the season... it is incredible that there is no blessing for the birth of a baby, no blessing for weaning, the onset of menstruation or menopause -Judith Plaskow claimed in her lecture, "What the Jews received at Sinai was only half the story." When asked in a recent interview why she wants to work within Ju- daism, and not simply abandon it as irredeemably patriarchal, Plaskow said, "I feel most at home, I find the strongest sense of community, with Jewish women struggling with the Jewish tradition. That's where the biggest pieces of my identity come together." In her new book, Standing at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Per- spective, Plaskow challenges the essential framework of Judaism, as it marginalizes and subordinates women. She discusses a transforma- tion of the religion, one in which women would participate in de- fining what Judaism is and what it would become. Plaskow asks in her book, "How, then, might the central Jewish categories... change as women appropriate them through the lens of our experience?" Plaskow rejects other Jewish feminists' attempts to gain equal ac- cess to an existing male system. "For me, then," she writes, "fe- minism is not about attaining equal rights for women in religious or social structures that remain un- changed, but about the transforma- tion of religion and society." Equal access, she said, confronts women with extreme contradictions. In her lecture, Plaskow used the example of a woman who is permitted to lead a traditional service and in- vokes the people to pray to "the God and God of our fathers." This woman is faced with the exclusion of women from the tradition. Plaskow contended that a three- stage transformation is occurring which will create a Judaism that in- cludes the history, concerns, senti- ments and realities of women. One stage involves careful criticism of the tradition. This forces the Jewish woman to confront her prohibition from religious leadership roles, her linguistic exclusion and her legal disabilities within Jewish law. She added that women must realize that these are not sociological accidents, "but rather they emerge from a male-centered understanding of rea- lity that permeates Judaism from top to bottom." In the second stage, women must discover and recreate a history which involves their own back- ground. And finally, in the third and most important stage, women must create a Judaism reflective of their own experiences and spirituality in the present. What does Plaskow hope to see arising from these new changes in Judaism? In her lecture, she talked about reconceptualizing God with female sensitivities and images in mind, "to create a God present in community rather than above it." She used this idea as a starting point, for removing all hierarchies from the religion. Furthermore, she said that there is a need for a creation of rituals for women's experiences, and that this is starting to be realized. "In a tradition that has a bles- sing for eating your first water- melon of the season, seeing a rain- bow, seeing a friend you haven't seen for a long time, it is incredible that there is no blessing for the birth of a baby, no blessing for weaning, the onset of menstruation or meno- pause," she said. "All those turning points in a woman's life need to be ritualized. For example, the birth of a baby girl, for which there was nothing, but which is now very widely celebrated." ~- -- - by Greg Baise D id you think that if Allen Ginsberg and Philip Glass invested their amazing energies into an opera, it would be a conventional one? Of course you didn't. And unconventional, demanding operas created by such heavyweights call for the best performers, able to rise up to the challenge of staging a multimedia production like hydrogen Jukebox. It shouldn't be that surprising that there's a Wolverine who can accept that challenge. Michigan alumnus and tenor Richard Fracker per- forms as the businessman, one of the six characters or, perhaps more accurately, characterizations, in Hydro- gen Jukebox. Fracker isn't the most conventional Wol- verine, either - he has four degrees from the Uni- versity, the most recent being a master's in music, which he completed in 1984. Since then, he has gone on to become a professional opera singer and performer, and an acclaimed one at that. Besides his involvement with the hydrogen Jukebox tour, Fracker has a series of roles this season with the Metropolitan Opera. Before coming to the University, Fracker wasn't the musician's musician that he is today. While he was in a school working toward a bachelor's degree in political science, he participated actively with the University Glee Club, with Willis Patterson. "He was instru- mental in encouraging me to take some lessons," Fra- cker said in a phone interview. After some voice les- sons, Fracker accepted a full scholarship to the Uni- versity's Music School. Fracker spoke from "enemy territory," smack dab in the middle of the Buckeye - Columbus, Ohio - where the hydrogen Jukebox company performed last weekend. The piece premiered at contemporary music festivals in Philadelphia and Charleston in May of 1990, but it continued to be a work in progress even af- ter these performances. Fracker, who has participated with the company since the beginning of production, explained, "The piece that you get now has evolved quite a bit from where we started." Some songs have been added, others deleted; the visuals of Jerome Sirlin and the stagings of Ann Carlson have been developed and perfected. Hydrogen Jukebox is a collaborative production be- tween high-profile contemporary music composer Glass and high-profile Beat poet and countercultural figurehead Ginsberg. Twenty-one of Ginsberg's poems serve as the libretto for the opera. They range from the personal "To Aunt Rose" to poems of political out- rage to the frenzied Beat experiences of "Howl," Gins- berg's landmark poem and the poem from which the opera gets its title. The poems date from the '50s to the '90s, and they include recent works such as the addi- tional verses of "CIA Dope Calypso," which names the names of corruption - people like Bush and No- riega and other shiners with whom we grew up. This is easily the most physically demanding show of Fracker's career thus far. He explains that the mix- ture of performing the difficult music of Glass and ex- ecuting the stagings and choreographies of Carlson is quite challenging. "Nowadays, it's important that you not only sing well, but you must also act well on stage," he commented, showing how much contempo- rary musical theater has changed. "Twenty or thirty years ago there was a very heavy emphasis on the scene. When an opera singer went out there, the key thing was' that they sing extremely well. But times have changed a little bit, and people are less accepting of just having somebody kind of stand out on the stage and sing. They want to see you become part of the drama. They expect much more, probably because of television, video tapes and the pop influence. People are very visually ori- ented." Fracker explained the loose, non-narrative structure of the Jukebox: "The design of the piece is really kind See BOX, Page 8 Plaskow In a loud voice full of con- viction, Judith Plaskow refused to set boundaries on the place to which these changes would lead. She did say, "Today women are taking the power to define our own experience, and refuse to settle for Jewish theo- logy and practice which does not include this experience." Innovative artistry on parade at the Performance Network by Vicki Briganti ings and printed excerpts of Satori Circus' performance, like Fenda Fenda Fenda A strange blend of Victor Borge and the Velvet Underground, with a little Elvis and Bob Dylan thrown in for good measure, Jonathan Richman will take the stage at the Ark by shower (as opposed to storm) tonight, gyrating and cooing his way through classics like "Pablo Picasso" and "Everyday Clothes." The audience, hoping to hear some of Richman's new tunes, as well as the old stand-bys from his Modern Lovers days, promises to go soft and start to flirt when the Man, with a Fender Stratacaster strapped over his jeans and sweater, steps onto stage. He's playing two shows, alone, at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $11.50 in advance, $13 at the door, available at Ticketmaster and Schoolkids. Song, dance, video, slides, poetry and music prevailed at . the Performance Network's preview performance of a new series which offers an outlet for unique artistic expression. The premiere show, New Forms 1: The Opening Number, which ran on September 27 and 28, exemplified the types of innovative artistry that can be expected on Wednesday nights, once a month, at the Network. Program manager Johanna Broughton describes the se- ries as an opportunity "to give de- veloping artists a space to play in Ann Arbor, to get people's re- sponses, to bounce their material off the audience and (to) try works out." The individual talents fea- tured at the New Forms variety show included Arwulf Arwulf, Satori Circus (Russ Taylor), Frank Pahl and Natalie Sternberg. Arwulf previewed his work-in- progress, Das Sonnenlcht Spricht; The Sunlight Speaks. His creation focused on the imagination of musi- cian Anton Von Webern by project- ing onto three screens images, paint- Webern's favorite poetry. Arwulf not only used nature scenes as visual stimulation, but further challenged the senses by incorporating We- bern's music and interpretive dance into the slide presentation. "This is a series I'm dedicating the rest of my life to," says Arwulf. "I hope to cover five centuries of artists' work, which is rather ambitious, but I think I can do it." The full version - of The Sunlight Speaks will pre-I miere at the Network in the spring. Arwulf's, encompassed many art forms, including song, dance and puppetry. During his opening num- ber, "Emblem," Taylor, with a pink tutu around his waist, a crown on his head and a wand in his hand, pa- raded around the stage and random- ly tossed glitter into the audience. Because of the bizarre nature of See FORMS, Page 8 ANNARbOR I 5TH AVE AT LIBERTY 761.700 ,- $3 DIYHOSEOEP Hairstyling to Please! 6 Barber Stylists- No waiting DASCOLA STYLISTS opposite Jacobson's 668-9329 *3.00 DAI'' SHOWS BEFORE aPMxetin 1$3.00 ALL. DAY TUESDAY"'.-(Cpton STUDENT WITHI.D. 8350 BARTON FINK (R) MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO (R? Combo Coupon Buy a large popcorn and -' receive a free large drink with this coupon Expires 10131/91 1991 Autumn Las Vegas Night Saturday, Oct. 26th from 5 pm to 12 midnight i WIN UP TO $500 . Admission $2 per person " Refreshments from our kitchen (for more info call 231-1811 after 2 pm) Fall Fashion 1991 Get the look. SEMESTER & SPRING BREAK SPECIALS BAHAMA VACATION" $359.00 per person T ^IvvAre- - CF]l Lil r iiiciuucs: 9 Sty ateituer: I