Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, October 22, 1991 SEARCH Continued from page 1 comment on the candidates are lead- ers in student groups such as the Black Student Union, the Pan Hel- lenic Council, the Residence Hall Association, the Michigan Student Assembly and Rackham Student Government. "I think there is an illusion on campus that students leaders repre- sent the student voice," Cherbeuliez said. She suggested that a random se- lection of students would provide a broader sample of student opinions. Cherbeuliez was also concerned that the candidates picked by the original committee were chosen from an administrative point of view rather than from the perspec- tye of students' needs. "I think the advisory committee probably did a very good good job of meeting the president's needs in finding three, not-off-the-wall suit- able candidates," she said. "I happen to think a good candidate for the vice president of Student Services is somebody who is a representative of the students to the executive board." Katie Kendell, president of the Pan Hellenic Council, said she was pleased at the administration's ef- forts to include student input in the process. "I appreciated being consulted and having a chance to meet the can- didates," Kendell said. Other students agreed there was adequate student input in the search process. "(The search) was handled very fairly. It was handled well because students were involved in every process of the search," said Univer- sity Activities Center representa- tive Joe Merendino. "It would have been nice if more students could have been involved." Chuck Han, a member of MSA's Minority Affairs Committee, said that although she is glad Black stu- dents were consulted, "It would have been nice for more minority groups to have been involved." The search process has been con- ducted in secret and administrators have refused to disclose the final- ists' names. Duderstadt said he felt a private search process was justified because a public process would limit the field of candidates. "I don't believe any University can get any good candidates in a pub- lic process. It would cripple the University and other institutions," Duderstadt said in an interview ear- lier this month. Booth Newspapers, the Ann Ar- bor News' parent company, is suing the University for violating the Open Meetings Act when it con- cealed the names of the finalists in the 1988 University presidential search which finally named Duderstadt. The judge has not handed down a decision in the case, which was ar- gued before the Michigan State Court of Appeals last March. University General Counsel Elsa Cole said if Booth wins the suit, the court may instruct the University to hold informal public hearings or release certain documents. Duderstadt said he did not think the University should release the candidates' names for the post. After reviewing the recommen- dations of the original search com- mittee and the students and admin- istrators who interviewed the can- didates, Duderstadt is expected to make a final decision on the student services position near the end of Oc- tober. Lenders turn down minorities more than whites, study shows WASHINGTON (AP) - Lenders turn down Blacks and His- panics for home loans much more often than whites and Asian-Ameri- cans, no matter what their income, federal regulators said yesterday. Last year, money-lending insti- tutions rejected 33.9 percent of ap- plications for conventional mort- gages from Blacks, 21.4 percent from Hispanics and 22.4 percent from American Indians. Rejection rates were just 14.4 percent for whites and 12.9 percent for Asian- Americans. Federal Reserve Gov. John LaWare said the figures, compiled from 6.4 million loan applications submitted to 9,300 lenders, were "worrisome data, but I'm not pre- pared to say there's discrimination until we get further into it." He called for follow-up exami- nations of selected lenders to find out why they are rejecting minority applicants. The rejection rates do not take into account such factors as appli- cants' credit and employment histo- ries, and current debt loads. Chris Lewis of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, ACORN, said thy figures were "not only an indict- ment of the banking system but a testament to the inadequacy of regu- latory efforts to eliminate mort- gage discrimination." Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez (D- Texas) chair of the House Banking Committee, called on President Bush to hold a White House summit meeting of community groups, civil rights organizations and local gov- ernment officials to devise a strat- egy for dealing with the issue. "We are very concerned about these statistics," said Rob Dugger, chief economist of the American Bankers Association. The rejection patterns were simi- lar when applicants were grouped by income level. Among low-in- come applicants, 40.1 percent of Blacks were rejected, 31.1 percent of Hispanics, 17.2 percent of Asians and 23.1 percent of whites. In the highest income group, the denial rates were 21.4 percent for Blacks, 15.8 percent for Hispanics, 11.2 percent for Asians and 8.5 per- cent for whites. The study found no significant difference in rejection rates by gen- der, with 19.9 percent of conven- tional applications from women re- jected and 20 percent from men. The denial rate for couples was 14.2 per- cent. In 19 large cities examined, Boston had the highest rejection rate for Blacks, 34.9 percent, and Wash- ington, D.C., the lowest, 14.4 per- cent. Houston had the highest rejec- tion rate for Hispanics, 25.7 percent, and Minneapolis the lowest, 8 per- cent. Considering graduate school? Take advantage of these Career Planning and Placement programs to learn more about how to apply, and how to pay for it. It Pays to go to Graduate School: Financing Your Graduate Education Learn about the many options for financing your graduate education. Representatives from Rackham Fellowships office and the Financial Aid office outline the types of aid available. 0o Y r Tuesday, 4:10-5:00 October 22 pm, CP& P Program Room Applying to Graduate School Learn about the application process and timeline for applying to graduate school. Tuesday, October 22 5:10-6:00 pm, CP&P Program Room Lbcated at 3200 Student Activities Building The Universitv of \chig; Career Planning g&Tlac nent Best Service in Town! Best Service in Town! Best Service in Town! Best Service in Town! RECHAN7( RFCRD IF YOU COULD - - - wmw - - WE ARE A ~7~9Z~LE" STHAHEAR THIS AD, TICKET CENTERII ( 1140 South University (Above Good-Time Charley's) THIS EI1I Ann Arbor, MI 48104TIS NE. Ph: 663-5800 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Fri Sat - 9- aimp..MRELEASE!. r .-Sat. a.m.- 18p.m It's ON SALE NOW, but only 'til Halloween 1 Guaranteed I Rest Prices In I I5 jTow Right " ToRgtSIMPLY RED0 How? WeS I I Stop I accept com- is , our Ip etitors' ads. todai Simply bring take I any ad tous,and test we will match usa 1 the price on the 1 we'l spot. Unless, of ,I 1o I You' course our gINnCLUDESg I ice are al- - SIMI pricsSOMETHINGlove I ready lower. I GOT ME STARTED I You save! You I Sw!ISTARS I Guaranteed! I WONDERLAND Plea; Save Today! ' Recy ,,,, , , NOISE Continued from page 1 as a deterrent, but from our perspec- tive, the way to get the most change is by promoting contact between the fraternities and their neighbors," he added. Councilmembers expressed ap- preciation for the efforts of the Greek community, noting that Greek houses were not responsible for any of the 12 noise violations given over homecoming weekend. "It is a compliment to the stu- dents, who are conducting them- selves the way that they should be," said Mark Ouimet (R-4th Ward). Council members stressed that although the noise ordinance applies to the entire community, it is im- portant that students are aware of it. "With a transient student popu- lation, there is a need to constantly reinforce the ordinance," said Ingrid Sheldon (R-2nd Ward). Mayor Liz Brater suggested that student orientation groups should be familiarized with this and all other city ordinances that affect them._ The noise ordinance, which used to have a set fine of up to $500 for any violation, now separates pun- ishments according to the number of offenses, Grady said. The limit of two years for sub- sequent offenses was added to the ordinance because it is a "realistic calendar" for the changeover of apartment landlords and others, he added. CONTRACT Continued from page 1 their relationship. Although the University will be paying the city less, Police Chief Douglas Smith said the city will benefit overall through reduced per- sonnel costs. "Basically, what we're doing from the city perspective is cutting the personnel down significantly ..." Smith said. Also under the agreement, city officers will enforce city ordinances and state statues "in accordance with city policies." This issue erupted in April when city officials withdrew Ann Arbor police from campus during the an- nual Hash Bash, because they did not comply with the University's en- forcement of higher state marijuana fines. COURT Continued from page 1 with the cigarette industry, is likely to be decided by July. "It sounds like they're dead- locked on some issues. But it doesn't tell us anything," said Cynthia Walters, a lawyer for the family of Rose Cipollone. Mrs. Cipollone, from Little Ferry, NJ., died in 1984 from lung cancer at age 58. She had smoked cigarettes for 42 years. "There are myriad issues," said Ms. Walters. "And they could be unanimous on many and deadlocked on just one." The central issue is whether fed- erally required warnings on cigarette packs shield manufacturers from suits alleging that their adver- tising conceals the hazards of smok- ing. The warnings are authorized by HOSTAGES Continued from page 1 15 Lebanese detainees" earlier yes- terday, the statement said. Earlier there had been conflict- ing reports over Turner's where- abouts, beginning yesterday evening when an Iranian news agency said he had been released. A senior Syrian official later cast doubt on whether the release had taken place. U.S. officials, speaking on condi- tion of anonymity, indicated the United States had been told that Turner was free, but didn't know exactly where he was. An editor in the Beirut office of the Iran's Islamic Republic News Agency said Turner was set free at 8 p.m. (2 p.m. EDT). The editor, who refused to be identified, said he had no further details. He did not know where the 44- year-old computer science professor had been let go. Nine Westerners, including Turner, are being held in Lebanon. Earlier yesterday, Israel freed 15 Lebanese prisoners. The releases be- gan eight hours after the Islamic Ji- had for the Liberation of Palestine CUT . Continued from page 1 necessary to the University. The University could still function without it," Truscott said. Earl Nelson, the director of Minority Equity for the state Department of Education, said the cut reflects Engler's changing opin- ion of what constitutes diversity. "This cut definitely shows that Engler does not seriously regard the issue of recruiting minority faculty members at state universities," he said. "I'm not in the Governor's chair, but I do think this shows the lack of importance he places on ob- taining diversity in universities." But Truscott said Engler is still committed to diversity. "There are still a number of pro- grams that will bring minority pro- fessors to universities," he said. "The state does not need to fund those programs when the universi- ties can bring in their own minority faculty members." Nelson said, "The purpose of the program was in trying to get recog- said it would release a hostage within 24 hours, or by 6 p.m. EDT yesterday. The group also holds American Alann Steen. It did not mention ei- ther captive by name, but its state- ment was accompanied by a picture of Turner. The prisoner releases occurred despite the ongoing battle between Israel and Shiite Muslim guerrillas in southern Lebanon. Islamic Jihad issued a statement later saying the Israeli raids into southern Lebanon yesterday threat- ened the delicate process. Israeli warplanes blasted a guer- rilla base of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah, or Party of God, wound- ing three civilians. The raid came a day after a Hezbollah bomb attack in the same region killed three Is- raeli soldiers. Hezbollah is believed to be the parent group for Shiite factions holding most of the eight Western- ers missing in Lebanon. The remaining missing Western- ers are four Americans, two Ger- mans, a Briton and an Italian. 01 0 0 nized minority scholars to come to Michigan and have an impact on stu- dents in the classroom. Ninety per- cent of tenured faculty state-wide are white, compared to 18 percent of students who are minorities. These statistics greatly show the need for more faculty members of color at universities." Engler also cut the Teacher Excellence Program, which re- warded outstanding professors. But Holbrook said the cut to the King/Chavez/Parks program is a more serious loss to the University. "We have several programs of our own to reward excellent teach- ers, but we don't have any programs like the minority recruitment pro- gram," he said. "This is a drop in the bucket and the state didn't do its homework when it cut this pro- gram." Holbrook said the situation could be worse. "Considering our alternatives we have to consider ourselves very fortunate. The cut is a problem, but it is not major," he said. into store y and a spin! ask nd I play r you! re g to PLY it!!!! se ycle 0 TIbr Lwbr au 4aiZU The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscription rate for fall/winter9l1-92 is $30; all other subscriptions via first class U.S. mail are $149 - prorated at Nov. 1, 1991, to $105. Fall subscription only via first class mail is $75- prorated at Nov.1 to $46. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. 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