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September 05, 1991 - Image 50

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Page 8-The Michigan Daily/New Student Edition - Thursday, September 5, 1991





pass all bars

by Marc Beginin
In addition to academics, many
students are drawn to Michigan to
fulfill the promise of an exciting
social life. Ann Arbor's thriving
bar scene has always attracted Uni-
versity students and locals alike.
However, when many of the most
popular local bars raised the age of
admittance from 19 to 21 during the
past school year, there was a ques-
tion of whether this would still be
the case for the many students under
the age of 21.
A fear of isolation to dormito-
ries, libraries, and ice cream parlors
gripped the underclass community.
Many of us knew that we would
always have dorm get-togethers, as
well as house and fraternity parties
to fill this social vacuum.
But what about the live and loud
music, obnoxious dancing, gaudy
dress, greasy appetizers, and the
permeating beer and cigarette stench
that only a bar atmosphere can fur-
nish? Could we forego all this
"culture" and still have a fulfilling
college experience? Probably.
However, choice is the key word
here. Although many of the "main-
stream" popular bars, especially in
the South University district, have
ceded our patronage, there are still
many viable, exciting, and often pre-
ferred alternatives.
For example, Ashley's on South
State Street, once aspeaceful and se-
cluded hide-away, has recently
opened up its basement with full
bar and live music to the public. Its
quaint size and charm easily rival
the pretension of its mainstream
competitors. Since its revamping,
Ashley's has attained a loyal fol-
lowing and is great for a group of
two to 20 to enjoy a quiet personal
atmosphere or a fast-paced social
Better make it to Dominick's
while the weather permits. Located
on Monroe across from the Law
Quad, 80 percent of the seats in this
establishment are located outside. A
favorite during spring, summer, and
early fall, Dominick's offers good
food, drink, and comfortable ac-
commodations for 80 of your clos-
est friends. A great place to hang
out before a night on the town, Do-
minick's is usually most popular in
the afternoon and early evening.
If you're into entertainment,
The Blind Pig, located on First
Street, is a must. A variety of live

music upstairs is enhanced by a
plethora of activities on the lower
level including pool, darts, pinball
and video games. PASS-TV dis-
played on large screen televisions
makes the Blind Pig a great location
to enjoy sporting events. However,
you must be at least 19-years-old to
gain entrance and a varying cover
charge accompanies entertainment
on the upper level.
If you enjoy a club atmosphere,
dancing, and an alternative crowd,
The Nectarine Ballroom on Lib-
erty Street may be for you. The jury
is still out as to what type of estab-
lishment the Nectarine will be-
come, as it closed for remodeling
this summer. Formerly a dance club
known throughout campus for its
designated gay nights, the club will
still probably have an emphasis on
dancing to alternative music. The
Nectarine Ballroom probably will
continue to attract the most diverse
clientele from within and without
the University.
How about partying on campus?
The U-Club, a private club for Uni-
versity students, staff, faculty and

their guests located on the second
floor of the Michigan Union, hosts
a variety of entertainment from dif-
ferent organizations on campus. For
example, the University Activities
Center (UAC) features Laughtrack,
a student-run comedy extravaganza
featuring a headline comedian each
show, and rock and alternative mu-
sic from Sound Stage. House music
night on Fridays is one of its most
popular evenings.
However, the U-Club recently
modified its drinking policy. In-
stead of serving alcohol from 11
a.m. to 1:30 a.m., alcohol will only
be served from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. This
may make no difference to those
who don't drink and/or are underage,
but the impact of the new policy is
bound to curb at least some busi-
Don't forget: Ann Arbor is less
than a ten-minute drive away from
Ypsilanti, the home of Eastern
Michigan University. Bars such as
Tommy's, located in the Spaghetti
Bender's back room on Washing-
ton Street, offer an escape from Ann
Arbor's increasingly militant atti-

You better believe these two hip cats are 21. That's because they're on
the patio of Charley's, one of several campus bars to close its doors to
underaged customers.

Continued from page 7
that funky Guatemalan thang, Ann
Arbor is definitely a mecca for new
bohemian attire.
And the first number to call for
the latest and greatest in tiedye and
harem pants is 995-DEAD. Guts
frisbee champion of the world and
In Flight co-owner Pad Timmons
said those last four digits sum up
the philosophy of the store.
"Our philosophy is no-pressure
sales. We try to make everybody
feel comfortable in the store. We
always say hi, how ya doin', smile,
and let them look around, and don't
follow them. And we always play
Grateful Dead music," Timmons
said with a smile.
Flying high above State Street,
this second-floor oasis doesn't have
as wide a variety of skirts and pants
as some other import stores in the
city, but it more than compensates
with specialty items, most
uniquely, its made-from-hemp
clothing brand Stoned Wear.
It also carries the city's widest
variety of Dead paraphernalia, from
T-shirts to stickers to patches to
stuffed dancing bears. Jewelry,
hackeysacks, frisbees, patchouli, and

bubbles round out the inventory of
this deadicatedly ramblin' and rosey
tour stop.
While Collected Works also
dabbles in southern hemisphere
fashions, if it's authentic Latin
American camisetas that you desire,
Orchid Lane runs all the way to
the border and back, bringing mer-
chandise from their own Ecuadorian
co-op to two Ann Arbor stores.
"I have had women come in here
infuriated because they found out
the South American worker was
only paid 50 cents for the $500
Anne Klein dress they just bought,"
said storeowner Nancy Elias.
"We're bringing clothing directly
from craftspeople to Ann Arbor."
A headquarters for large, loft-
beautifying tapestries as well as
wooly, parka-weight sweaters in the
fall, and the hot spot for sundresses
and batik t-shirts in the spring, Or-
chid Lane charges you a price worth
paying for clothing with real old.

tudes and policies regarding under-
2lers. Monday, its most popular
evening, is Greek night and coveris
reduced to $2 for members of fra-
ternities and sororities. Three pool
tables, a pop-a-shot, and a multitude
of other games offer a breather from
vivacious dancing and partying.
The Cross Street Station and
Theo-Door's, both located o
Cross Street in Ypsilanti, are two
exciting getaways from the Ann
Arbor bar scene. Theodore-Doo's
offers a "main-stream" environ-
ment, with dancing and high cover
charges on popular nights. The
Cross Street Station extends a com-
fortable and friendly atmosphere,
with little, if any, pretension, while
featuring local bands and entertain-
What? You have a dependable car
and you're nineteen? Well, what's
stopping you - go to Canada, eh?
Windsor is a mere 45-minute drive
from Ann Arbor, and, as you rtiay
know, the drinking age on the other
side of the border is nineteen. The
feeling of freedom when crossing
See BARS, Page 9
"It's just as important to look
good underneath as it is on top,"
said Linda Liechty, owner of the
Van Buren lingerie store on State
While its window displays have
delighted shoppers for more than 63
years, showing off what some say is
the world's largest collection of*
green teddies on St. Patrick's Day,
the shop continues to provide stu-
dents with bras and tap pants and
robes, oh my.
Liechty failed to mention a
definitive price range for her un-
mentionables, but she did comment
that she is continually amazed by
the prices students will pay for that
special something to impress that
special someone.
However, if you find silks and
satins a little too slippery and opt
for a more breathable cotton blend,
a return trip to Urban is in order.
And at the end of any great ad-
venture lies a frontier. In this case,
you may choose to travel to the out-
skirts of campus and visit Ayla on
Main Street.
Although store owner Narmeen
Sesi admitted that Ayla "caters
more towards the professional
woman than students," she said that
students occasionally tour through
the shop to view outfits otherwise
only sold on Fifth Avenue and
Rodeo Drive.
And while the names on the*
clothes at Patricia Miles may not
turn heads in Milan, this store, oth-
erwise renowned for its Christmas
tree dress, also carries high-priced,
one-of-a-kind fashion statements.
Ann Arbor stores have style,
they have grace, but they make this
campus an expensive place
Urban, In Flight, Ayla too, if
you have credit, they'll love you.
Prices with an attitude, students
that are in the mood -
Check your wallet - if you can
do it - shop Ann Arbor, there's
nothing to it.




m m

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