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October 18, 1991 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-18

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Page 12-The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 18,1991

Life on road resumes
for men's water polo

No madness, but
icers skate tonight

by Tim Spolar
Daily Sports Writer
Coming off an impressive five-
game sweep of its first home tour-
nament in 12 years, the Michigan
men's water polo team hopes to ex-
tend its six-game winning streak at
this weekend's tournament in
The Wolverines will play four
matches in two days, squaring off
against Indiana, Purdue, Michigan
State, and host Ohio State. Despite
the big names, Michigan's oppo-
nents are not powerhouse squads.
The Wolverines crushed all four
opponents in last weekend's
Wolverine Invitational by a com-
bined score of 53-24.
"We're taking all of our top
players," Michigan head coach Scott
Russell said. "We're usually miss-
ing a couple of our top guns week in
and week out due to academic re-
sponsibilities, but this week, every-
one is free. We should basically cut
through the competition."

The only Big Ten team that has
even come close to Michigan in the
last couple of weeks is
Northwestern. The Wildcats and
the Wolverines have split their last
two matches, each decided by a sin-
gle goal.
Unfortunately, there will prob-
ably be no such drama in Columbus.
The Buckeyes pose the only possibil-
ity of a threat, almost entirely at-
tributable to their home-pool ad-
"We only played them once last
year (in the Big Ten championship
tournament) because they just
couldn't keep up with us," Russell
said. "They've gotten a little better
this year, so we've scheduled a few
games with them, but we haven't
had a problem with them yet."
Of the four teams at the tourna-
ment, the Buckeyes gave the
Wolverines the hardest time last
Sunday, dropping the match, 11-6, to
the home squad.
"They (the Buckeyes) have the
home-pool (advantage)," Russell
said. "And there is definitely a ri-
valry between the schools, so we're
going to have to be on our toes.
Anytime you play someone in their
home pool, anything can happen."

by Andy De Korte
Daily Hockey Writer
Lacking an official moniker like
"Midnight Madness," the 1991-92
Michigan hockey team will never-
theless appear in front of its fans
for the first time tonight at 7:30 in
the annual Blue-White game.
While last year's Wolverine
squad finished second in the Central
Collegiate Hockey Association and
skated into the NCAA Champion-
ships' Final Eight round, greater
things are anticipated. Already
highly-acclaimed, Michigan is far
and away the preseason conference
favorite of both the media and the
conference coaches.
Graduating only four seniors -
Don Stone, Jim Ballantine, Kent
Brothers, and Mark Sorenson - this
year's team remains largely intact.
For the Wolverines, this game
represents the first chance to gain
experience that the coaches cannot
simulate in practice.
"We want our team to get into a
game mentality with regards to of-
fense; forechecking and finishing
plays," Michigan coach Red
Berenson said. "We especially want
to work on our specialty playing ...
we lost Ballantine and Stone, two


Denny Felsner and the rest of the Wolverines will play in the annual Blue-
White scrimmage tonight at Yost Ice Arena.


Ma eyc
is good

)u've heard
the best


of our best penalty killers from last
To insure an accurate allotmens
of icetime per player, Berenson has
enlisted the help of seven Michigan
alumni to fill out the team lineup
and provide for three lines on both
Tim Helber ('90), Mark Miller
('79), Dave Debol ('78), Kris
Manery ('77), and Brothers will
skate for the Blue team.
Stone, the only player not on this:
year's roster to score in last year's,
Blue/White game, and Brad
'We want our team to e
get into a game
- Red Berenson
Michigan hockey coach
McCaughey ('88) will play for the
White team.
The game is the year's major
fundraiser for the Dekers, the :,t
Michigan hockey boosters club. ALI!
of the proceeds from the two-dollar
tickets go to the club. Tickets are
available at the Athletic Tick , '
Office or tonight at the door
dropoff f
on road
by Ryan Herrington
Daily Sports Writer
With the addition of Penn State
into Big Ten volleyball competitio
this season, each Big Ten team plays 2
a grueling 20-match conference ll
schedule. In addition to the physica;+
strain, players encounter a mental:
challenge in trying to stay focuse
on team goals, especially as a tnada t n
nears the midway point in confer~
ence play. The Michigan volleyba
squad faces this challenge, playin
at Wisconsin tonight and
Northwestern tomorrow.
"This is a tough time during the
season because it's just so easy for *
team to give up," Michigan coacW
Peggy Bradley-Doppes said. "There
are a lot of excuses that can b.;
To counter such a let down, the 0
Wolverines (3-3 in the Big Ten, 11;
overall) have been making adjust- p
ments in practice to keep play fresh
and lively.
"Practice is the time where w'
try to fine tune the lineups and make
some defensive adjustments,"
Bradley-Doppes said. "We hav'*
moved Aimee Smith to the right {:
side and been playing different ped&
pie in the middle to shake things up
a bit."
The coaching staff has also spo
ken to the team on how to counter
any form of mid-season slump.
"The coaches have been telling us
to just go into practice and think
only about volleyball," junir
Hayley Lorenzen said.
Lorenzen and the rest of the
Wolverines will be thinking about

the Badgers tonight. Last year's Big
Ten champions, Wisconsin (4-2, 11-
6) consistently draws crowds of
more than 1,000 people and leads the
Big Ten in attendance.
"The team thrives on the energy
the crowd gives off," Wisconsin
coach Margie Fitzpatrick said. "Our
crowd is one which applauds a good;a
rally even if Wisconsin doesn't win
the point. It's an intelligent volley-
ball crowd."
Bolstering Wisconsin's nor-
mally large turnout will be the
men's basketball team's Midnight
Madness, at which ABC commenta-
tor Dick Vitale will be present. The
event, also being held at Wisconsin
Fieldhouse, will follow the vol-
leyball match.
In the evening's first exhibition,
Michigan will need strong perfor-
mances from Fiona Davidson and
Michelle Horrigan, No.1 and 2 in
Big Ten hitting efficiency, respec-
"With this year's team, we're
stronger mentally," Bradley-
Doppes said. "We need to play well
and get their crowd out of the match *
ricyht awav_"

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