Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, October 17, 1991
Continued from page 1
he felt aspects of it were positive
and that the management of the
Union is working with the BGA.
"In a way it does help us. There's
less for us to worry about since we
don't have to have someone checking
IDs for the party. And I do under-
stand the need for safety.
"But the negative side is the way
the security guards treat people on
the way in, and the way it looks, be-
cause people don't want to go into a
building where they feel like
they're under constant surveil-
lance," Green said
Green said representatives of the
BGA had spoken to the Union man-
agement and the Administration
about making some changes in the
policy. He said even minor changes
like having the security guards at
the door wear jackets instead of uni-
forms and replacing the table block-
ing the door with an easel would
greatly improve the atmosphere.
"If they looked more like hosts,
people wouldn't mind it so much as
when they look like military pa-
trol," he said.
Cianciola agreed that the policy
had negative aspects and said he
hoped to iron these out. He said he
submitted the dress proposal to se-
curity and has received a positive re-
Another complaint against the
policy is that it had been unequally
enforced. Tom Oko, president of the
Graduate Employees Organization
(GEO), said that group stopped us-
ing the Union after its members saw
unequal enforcement of the new
"We had an event the same night
as the BGA and we noticed that
many of our members could get in
without having their IDs checked,
while most of the people there for
the BGA function did have them
checked," he said.
Oko said GEO opposed the policy
at its subsequent membership meet-
ing, and that the organization
doesn't plan to change its position
until the Union drops the new pol-
"We don't like the idea in the
first place and we don't like the un-
equal treatment in the second
place," he said.
Cianciola said this was simply
not true.
rule. I'm from here, and I used to
come here all the time before I was a
student. It's supposed to be a public
building but it's more like a dorm
when you have to check people in,"
she said.
But Cianciola said the Union's
purpose was simply to serve stu-
"There has been no change in the
function or main purpose of the
Union since 1904 - to serve stu-
dents, staff, faculty, and their
'Present process
inot fair,'Bush
'It's supposed to be a public building but it's
more like a dorm when you have to check
people in.'
- LSA first-year student Teresa Walderama
"I was personally present that guests," he said.
entire night and the policy was not Engineering first-year student
unequally enforced. It was enforced Josh Lavine had no problem with
equally to everyone in the build- the policy. "It doesn't have any ef-
ing," he said. feet on me, because I have an ID. I
can get in anytime I want. Why
Other students had mixed views should it bother me?" he asked.
on what the effect of the Union pol- LSA first-year student Craig
icy has been. Albright said the policy is needed
LSA first-year student Teresa for safety reasons.
Walderama, an Ann Arbor native, "You don't want to just let any-
thought the policy was wrong, and one in, because then anyone, like
separated the city from the criminals, could get in. It's primar-
University. ily for the students anyway," he
"I'm not very happy with the said.
DINNER build spirits."
At the dinner, Monaghan added,
Continued from page 1 "Cardinal Obando told me about
turnout," said Rosalie Edwards, the need for a cathedral and it
co-chair of the event. She estimated sounded like a good idea to me. I
that at least 1,000 people attended have a lot of respect for the Cardi-
the Mass. nal. A lot of money was going to
Betsy Kanitz, Monaghan's assis- help feed the people but no money
tant, said 300 to 350 people at- was going towards the cathedral.
tended the reception and dinner, It's important to feed the soul
which was followed by a concert rather than just the body," he said.
featuring entertainment by Carmel
Quinn and emcee comedian Tom "The cathedral is a symbol of
Dreesan. unity for all the people," Cardinal
In a written statement Monag- Obando said. "Even though the
han said, "While the aim of the town is so poor, they really want
Cathedral Project is to reconstruct the cathedral. It's the cardinal's
a building, our higher goal is of house where he will be able to
much greater significance: to re- teach the faith to the people."
says of Ih
a brawl that left scant joy in vic-
tory, President Bush vowed yester-
day to push for changes in the Sen-
ate's confirmation process, while
Democrats said he must share the
blame for the spectacle that
Clarence Thomas' nomination be-
"There's general agreement
around the country and certainly in
the Senate that the present process is
not fair," Bush said, a day after
Thomas' confirmation to the
Supreme Court, by two votes to
spare, ended one of the most bitter
and inflammatory nomination bat-
tles ever.
Officials said he may visit the
White House this week to take an
oath to uphold the Constitution. He
must take a second, judicial oath,
probably Monday morning at the
Bush said he would present his
ideas on changing the process fairly
soon. "I owe the people my observa-
tions and more importantly some
suggestions to improve the pro-
cess," Bush said.
"We need to strengthen the ad-
vice, as well as the consent process,"
said Sen. Sam Nunn (D-Ga.). "When
senators have legitimate concerns
about nominees, the president must
take those concerns seriously, not
simply take the position that each
nominee warrants unqualified sup-
port for political reasons."
"Very little advice on this nom-
inee was sought by the White
House, and that's why they got very
little consent," Sen. John Breaux
(D-La.) said. "I think we have to im-
prove both ends of those processes
in order to improve the system."
Sen. Paul Simon (D-Ill.) intro-
duced a non-binding "sense of the
Senate" resolution saying that the
president should conduct informal,
bipartisan consultations with some
members of the Senate before mak-
ing future selections. It urges that
the president "keep philosophical
balance in mind" in deciding on the
next nominee.
Simon, a member of the Judiciary
Committee that conducted three
days of public hearings into the de-
tails of the sexual harassment
charges against Thomas, said the
panel should have had "harder ques-
tions" for the nominee.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)
called the nrocess "inst lousy" and
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Continued from page 1
would remind them that God says
man does not live by bread alone."
Ritter said that, "through the
cathedral, the people are getting
jobs which they haven't had in a
long time."
But protesters countered that
the jobs would be gone when the
cathedral was finished and more
money would be needed for the
building's upkeep.
Marcee Meyers said, "the poor
people (of Nicaragua) are religious,
but they are also very poor."
repeated his complaints that the
allegations by Anita Hill were
leaked to the press.
Former Attorney General Dick
Thornburgh, now a Republican can-
didate for the Senate in Pennsylva-
nia, called for establishing a perma-
nent Office of Special Counsel on
Confirmation. It would privately
investigate any nominee requiring
confirmation, and report to the Sen-
Continued from page 1
for homecoming or for Alcohol
Awareness Week, the two will
come together tomorrow night at'
the U-Club's non-alcoholic home-
coming party. The party is being
sponsored by WHYT-FM and will
be hosted by disc jockey Michael J.
Events for both homecoming and
Alcohol Awareness Week began
Sunday and will continue through
Saturday night. The Tequila Mock-
ingbirds will perform at noon today
on the Diag. A free film festival
featuring "Dr. Seuss on the Loose,"
and "The Lorax" will be shown at
10 p.m. in Angell. Hall Auditorium
In keeping with the homecoming
spirit, campus residence halls will
be serving a Dr. Seuss breakfast to-
morrow morning featuring dishes
such as green eggs and ham and star-
bellied sneeches.
Homecoming organizers hope
that the pep rally, hosted by Gary
Moeller at noon tomorrow on the
Diag, will get students excited for
Saturday's game against Indiana.
Tafuri said the Wolverettes as well
as clowns and magicians will pro-
vide entertainment for the rally.
In connection with Alcohol
Awareness Week, Mitchell Ander-
son, of "Doogie Howser, M.D.," and
Valerie Kerns, a Hollywood film
executive, will speak tomorrow
night at Rackham on the subject of
substance abuse.
Information on homecoming
events can be obtained by calling the
University Activity Center.
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Continued from page 1
University Hospital where he died
yesterday morning shortly after
A neighboring resident who re-
quested anonymity said she "knew
there was going to be a problem
when (Ilene) first moved in. Three
weeks later (Joseph) showed up
with a tether on his ankle like he had
just been let out of prison."
The neighbor noticed obvious
problems between the two. "She
was petrified of him and threw him
out of here a few times. I think there
was a problem with drugs. There
were cars coming and going at all
hours of the night," she said.
However, the neighbor said she
believes that Ilene "was a good
mother to Philip. She had gone
through a lot of grief with him."
Residents of the subdivision have
been forced to come to terms with
the child's death. The neighbor said
that one resident heard the murder
through a wall she shared with
Ilene. "She's been sick all day," she
Other children in the subdivision
have suffered as well. "A lot of lit-
tle kids are very emotionally upset.
They played with him," the neigh-
bor said.
dbe A idiianNailg
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