Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Wednesday, October 16,1991 (T e 41V ian4all 20 Maynard Street Arbor, Michigan 48109 ANDREW GOTTESMAN 747-2814 Editor in Chief 4 Ann gf ALL AG REHERE sA INP~IIJAL LAWA g*E HNT~ECii~AN" Ii i V Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan STEPHEN HENDERSON Opinion Editor I Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. le' : " .;r5 ...... ....... .............._t "... Ji:........... .._ . r: xr.. "."r... ;.. .... T.",".o:°ho m a s r %... ....r ::.r.r.... r ":::::': ", r:":: r Nobody is without guilt%::.:":r :::" . i i n Wash}},"r.r.:yr:.."-'ington: fiascor ::: "' o ... A$D x MT rr Is! " o b0 0" Pa V 6 1~x " 9 heendless melodrama that hasplaguedClarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court is over. The Senate, with a 52-48 vote, decided last night to ignore overwhelming doubts about Tho- mas' views and character and confirmed him as an Associate Justice. This decision was not a surprise. As the hear- ings and debate played out over the past several weeks, it became increasingly clear that President Bush's nominee would have the majority of sena- tors on his side. However, the predictability of the vote does not excuse the fact that the decision could be catastrophic - with the shock waves to be felt for decades to come. The focus in the past week-and-a-half has been on allegations that Judge Thomas sexually ha- rassed Anita Hill, a former co-worker at both the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and at the Department of Education. senators from both sides of the aisle have publicly stated their judgements on the credibility of Hill's testimony, - and many have said that they made their final decisions on Thomas' confirmation based on that judgement. Although the character of any person who is being appointed to a post as important as Supreme Court Justice must be an issue, character alone 4 must not be the deciding factor in making such a. decision. Judge Thomas, in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee and in public, provided plenty of other worthwhile reasons to f vote against his nomination. The questions that linger about Thomas' char- V acter also exist with respect to his views on Consti- tutional issues. Where was the impassioned Tho- mas who ardently defended his character last Sat- St urday morning when the committee was question- ing him about his stand on a woman's right to choose? Where was his determination when he - was asked about freedom of expression and civil rights? -- - - - -- - - ..r . .,-- ---.. .. ...--- .. . .. . The fact that Thomas responded to these que- ries with inadequate answers and cold indifference is at the center of the problems that existed with his nomination. How can the Senate show its confi- dence in a man who, based on his testimony before the committee, apparently has no views at all? And what message does it send to women across the United States when the one issue that was consistently in the spotlight - Thomas' al- leged sexual harassment of Hill - is ignored in the Senate's final decision. Whether or not Hill's tes- timony seemed believable, the courage she exhib- ited in coming forward is trivialized by Thomas' confirmation. Why would any woman, in light of these events, risk what Hill did when it appears that her concerns would be falling on deaf ears? There is no one pair of shoulders on which to place the blame for this fiasco. The President, the Senate, the media, and the public are all culpable in some form. Had the Democratic leaders in the Senate put one-half the effort into emphasizing the shortcom- ings in Thomas' views that they had into his character, he might not be an Associate Justice- Designate today. Had Bush ignored politics in the first place and chosen a judge with incontrovertible qualifica- tions, the events of the past weeks might never have transpired. But the fact remains that the events did tran- spire. On whatever basis they made their deci- sions, the senators confirmed Bush's nominee. And all hope is not lost for Thomas. He has it within his power to uphold mandates of courts past, and to protect the fundamental rights that citizens of the United States are privileged to enjoy. But for now America can only sit and wait for time to tell us the answers to questions that Clarence Thomas should have answered in the Senate cau- cus room two weeks ago. - - - =M-===WMMMJ r:{.,r.rrx."rxawrr.r}rrxa.:xrrx,+xh+rr crrrrr r.";,rrrrx "rr:": :v:x"<.LxL r . rtrrvsr +:ti""rr" x:{"rrm 'ex xlrxo-m x:.;. : "V:.L".V:::::::.1":: :" :1Y.1Y.1:1":. t': r}:........... . 4.. . .. .. ~.K..1:.14114 x..1.:1 r..V.1h . h..: {' :ti ":11.'.V.. 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".. ------------- More on students' To the Daily: Last year, Corey Dolgon and the Student Rights Com- mission (SRC) of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) utilized radical tactics to fight the University's Speech Code and the deputization of campus security they failed miser- ably All they accomplished was the polarization of campus and the alienation of the administration against students' concerns. Thanks, Corey. This year, the SRC is taking a dramatically different approach. We are actually investigating those incidents or policies which threaten stu- dents' liberties to formulate our opinions about the necessity, propriety, and legality of those actionsand to formulate effective responses. For instance, finding out what exactly happened on South University the night of the teargassing incident is vital to presenting our concerns to the Ann Arbor police andCity Council. In fact, our investiga- tion has uncovered major discrepancies between the police's official report and student witnesses'. Armed with these differences, the SRC will present a credible student response. Instead of utilizing counter- productive knee-jerk dema- gogic protest techniques, we wish to establish a constructive working relationship with the powers who effect student rights. Only by presenting professional and well-thought criticisms and alternatives may the SRC effect University and governmental policy-making. Yes, I sound like a lawyer, but lawyers eliminated the uncon- stitutional Speech Code, while Dolgon's protests did nothing. I prefer to get things done, not self- aggrandizement. Furthermore, contrary to Dolgon's Daily piece entitled "SRC sells out student interests" (10/10/91), the SRC has been very active this year. Subcommis- sions are working on the South University teargassing incident, the speech code, the shanty policy, The Union policy, and Ann Arbor's noise ordinance. Moreover, the SRC is taking a hard look at campus security. Dolgon, for all his complaining, has not aided the SRC. In fact, last year he resigned from the MSA in the middle of his term; and a couple of weeks ago he saw and walked by the SRC's Teargassing Subcommission recruiting table at the Fishbowl. Where is Dolgon? Meanwhile, the Daily is hampering our efforts through false opinions and absent reporting. Where is the Daily? Michael Warren SRC Chair To the Daily: Jamie Green's response to my criticism of MSA's Student Rights Commission (SRC) is simply a tortuous performance of deflection and personal attack. And, still, he sticks his foot in his mouth. He claims he replied, "Who cares?"to talk of police threats to 'gas students', not to the macing of students. I may have been wrong, but Green misses the. point. Both were atrocious behavior. Instead of supporting students, Jamie ingratiated himself to Interim Vice President for Student Services Mary Ann Swain. Green says I called him racist. rights... I never did. I said recent police behavior was racist and the SRC has not responded. Instead of answering the charge, he countered by 'promoting' me to an 'upper class white' and said my charges were insulting to people of color. Maybe Green assumes that all white people are from privileged class backgrounds like himself, but I am not. Again, he misses the point. Unlike Green, I never intended to speak for anyone. People of color have already addressed these issues. I was only pointing out harassment and SRC inactivity. Finally, Green says he's working behind the scenes to modify policies. But modifying policies that are wrong doesn't help students; it legitimizes bad policies. This is how we get sold out. Green says I'm living in the sixties. I just hope student rights didn't die in the sixties! Corey Dolgon Rackham student The Daily encourages responses from its readers. Letters should be 150 words or less and include the author's name, year in school and phone number. They should be mailed to: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard 48109, or they can be sent via MTS to: The Michigan Daily Letters to the Editor. The Daily does not alter the content of the letters, but does reserve the right to edit for style and space consider- ations. If you have questions or comments, call Stephen Henderson at 764-0552. r . t j' Democrats :S Y5 Party should stop waiting for Cuomo and get a platform M ario Cuomo is dithering again. The governor ' of New York - the apparent messiah of the k Democratic Party - is toying with the idea of running for President of the United States. He may not even run, but is content to continually test the waters without committing himself to the presi- dentialcontest. And while the Democratic hierar- chy sits on the edge of its seat, drooling at the prospect of Cuomo's candidacy, someone.should wake up and realize he is not the divine figure that he has been portrayed to be. Mario Cuomo is by no means a better qualified candidate than the others who have announced their intentions to capture the Oval Office. Each of the six declared Democratic candidates has a clear record on their stances on national issues. Senators Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Bob Kerry (D-Neb.) have a solid liberal record in the Senate. Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas has proven to be a can-do politician in domestic and social issues. Mario Cuomo, though extremely charismatic, has only a state in economic despair to show for his recent work. The Democratic Party of this country should wipe the slobber from its lips and deal with the problem at hand: developing a progressive and strong platform so it can challenge the Republi- cans in the coming election. The Democratic Party has offered little in the way of policy proposals, outside of arguing against whatever the Republi- cans propose. Democrats have too often pulled their punches when arguing for needed social programs, while the Republicans have walked all over the opposition party with their cold-war poli- tics. George Bush, while being one of the most domestically-blind presidents in recent history, would win a presidential election by a landslide, were it to be held today. The primary reason for the President's upperhand, besides his political victory in the Desert Storm, is that the Democrats have failed to construct a sufficiently strong platform from which to launch an offensive. It doesn't have to be that way. The Democratic Party must realize that simply saying Bush has ignored his own country's needs, while true, is not enough. They need to formulate some concrete ideas for domestic reform. Simply saying "more domestic spending" is not enough. Cuomo is not the shining force that will save the Democratic Party in 1992. There will be no mes- siah. The Democrats can only win if they have the courage to criticize boldly President Bush's bungled domestic and foreign policies. '{.}Y.Y:.W:::.YJ.YJ.Y."J: JJJ: JJ.:":.Y."."XJJ.V VtJW.1"t. YttJ.N".YJJJJ.Yl"VJ.1Y1'JtJ:tJJJJ:J"hY.Y'.V: X~XNJ:."J YJr'.VJ1 ":.Y ".V.Y. ". 41 Y"". Y Y" f ..n........,}..... ..r ..................1.....................M1..M1.....M... :r{ :"h':"}?Y....W{":"'r}}}:" }Y lr. J"L .J~W r viiC"W3 . : 11v.hx:3 0''}r''v'."""fsr".$'L ...M1.. .l{.. .n. r: }.: F.. 1r"" ."Jrh" : {::{ .L{. r. yr " w hheil{}SFr::.": rr i . ."}:: .. Jr"r.. rrr.....r..rr " f .. J. JJ ."r.":::."."."."."."."."::."."."."."."."." "rr."."."."."."."n"~: J " "."}."}."rJ:."."."."."."." ." ." r v."r J ...' ::ti : :.. '{ f "t :v% r l .M1S . fr{r{ ri .rr;r{ M1 . r.: 1 .L ":"f'}! ":'Y:}Y "J "J}:'JF " .,r......,.. "r7F "}: J.hV {:J Y~ 1" YF.. . M1v::::::".":.v:." ."."."s f . r .1.J ."J.' 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'dc.,:tx,..+fr c.{.. f r om Puerto- Rico deserves red Peace activist Israel should not imprison Abie L ast week, Israeli peace activist Abie Nathan was sentenced to his second prison term in two years for having met with Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leader Yasser Arafat. Israeli law bars its citizens from having contact with members of organizations that it brands as terrorist groups. This law applies to all citizens of Israel including those Palestinians living in East Jerusa- lem. As a result, any Palestinian holding Israeli citizenship who meets with the PLO can be ar- rested and sent to prison for up to 18 months. This law is specifically directed at private citi- zens. It targets certain individuals like Arafat, making it illegal for anyone to meet with them. The law has resulted in the imprisonment of many Israelis and Palestinians holding Israeli citizenship. If the government of Israel refuses to meet with the Nathan for talking with PLO PLO, that is its decision to make. However, to impose this ideology on private citizens is appalling. A person should be able to speak with anyone about anything without fear of being arrested. The government of Israel is clearly trying to keep the masses from engaging in politics that it disagrees with. Maybe individuals can make progress where by John Vandermeer To many Puerto Ricans, Pedro Albizu Campos is much like George Washington is to Ameri- cans. Campos, a Harvard- educated lawyer (whose Magna Cum Laude diploma was denied simply because he was Black) spent his life struggling for the independence of Puerto Rico, for which he suffered severe persecu- tion and repression by the colonial government of the United States. In trying to accomplish what George Washington did in this country - to "convince" a colonial power to leave - he spent much of his later life incarcerate. en the circum- stances of .:,s. death are still unclear due to the refusal of the U.S. government to release his prison medical records. This year, celebrating his 100th birthday in light of demo- cratic reforms throughout the world, we're filled with the hope that North Arericans will finally take the example provided by Mikhail Gorbachev, Boris Yeltsin, Czech president Vaclav Havel, and Polish leader Lech Walesa seriously, and that independence for Puerto Rico will be as orderly and peaceful as that for the Baltics. We are convinced that the time has come for the U.S. government to abide by the rulings of the United Nations and join the ranks of the world's civilized countries in letting their colonies go. The United States occupied tions, participated in electoral politics, and engaged in other, forms of protest against occupa- tion that would be regarded as legal in the United States. The response of the American forces was violent. One particu- larly vicious response was the massacre of Ponce, in which 20 people were killed and more than 150 wounded, when the police opened fire on a peaceful demon- stration in Puerto Rico's second largest city. The Nationalist Party and its leadership were not involved in terrorism or violence. In fact, they remaining colonies. Moreover, while Gorbachev grants indepen- dence to the Baltic republics, President Bush has not only been unwilling to provide for the self- determination of the Puerto Rican people, he has gone even further to promote the incorporation of Puerto Rico as a state. In these days when "democ- racy is breaking out all over," we can only hope that what we see in the freedom of the East European countries, the independence of the Baltics, and the new relationship between Russia and the other republics of the former Soviet We're filled with the hope that North Americans will finally take the example provided by Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Czech president Vaclav Havel and Polish leader Lech Walesa seriously, and that independence for Puerto Rico will be as orderly and peaceful as that for the Baltics. 0 governments are failing. Abie Nathan is not plotting to overtl- Israeli government nor is x clling national s Nathan is simply mneeting and talking with- one the Israeli government dislikes. The : in the Middle East is des, grate. People Me- ,:Ion Abie Nathan are taking an active role in trying to create solutions. Arresting these private citizens is an infririgment on their individual rights. What will be next? did precisely what the Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians did in the late 1980s - They asserted their right to self- determination and independence. The contemporary history of the Baltic republics bears a striking resemblance to that of Puerto Rico. In both cases great superpowers took possession of their sovereign nations as war booty. The people of the Baltic republics denounced their illegal occupation under the Nazi-Soviet Union, will give inspiration to American leaders. Will you permit your leaders to continue to use double standards in measuring self-determination? Will you somehow communicate to your president concerning Puerto Rico, as the Russian people communi- cated to their leaders about the Baltics, that a great country does not have to maintain colonies in the "new world order?" No country remains occupied forever and we do not believe Rvlrt D;,- l n i nmt nnhnn, nn Nuts and Bolts RW E . MMFNWILEIBCKTO E PERPETRATR5 F fl THE cmmrz.. -A~' ~Ycxj SRE? LUMUS is THE = PON'T 4MOST LAID'-49 1IVK SO".. BKI E: /. r , BE FINE DN A by Judd Winick TO HAur \ Q FFE C . 4