yi b4 .U ./< nt .x .. . . N *pcCfnc,~ nt city wil be your home for th nextC / St< a : t. ,S aA < ,5.u, few'ir yers so yo shul ge to <. .r.; 2 4 ? C4 .: . \(. \x kno it. c S 'Aa0^yti i t u c ~2/ {\ J rF y tha two ciis it is a cosmopolitan> i a' n bled o may cltues nd ack grounds soorisping s ome tof Mits n difer ent spet n Howver themotn a t x-s4 < f citing dier es arethoeyo will a£ maker ontr nwn your own Shke lake '. 3i ?xg ^,: i z a~ Whoa9 ',l is this guy~ on they right? Ctc isen showgt Reasreesthi orner aEr£ 2 stffi near you.)S . x.;.;k 3 ° C p ah'8 d e :v \, ; citywil beyou ho erte anext 3 isc" ''? o ,, y~ t j uetp7Y ~ue .f ~ \ Tur and facer [ c Y3.S;t e aLRefi n ee rc, Ann Arbor lete its p E6f r£ ° ff ~ qs ov ' ; ": C trsine in ulyie 199.che cn ci oor, lookedt te and oibea,0 Laktesl to ee5 £ s: z'£k P E£,c fir nd hecodiae, Doglas Smth. While o Ann Arbor is a lf city in 2"ut .4~ sm> uo ,ze ca"o hich to iie,; it cais b a dpoian-$f6s gpeuse one. Ann Arbor has aoe tof ese fthe ihe t ya assaumltel at s insft9Lr. ">3 r , th co nty Le se crm s suc as 5D v. v .,,rz s. v !r... YSt petty theft, are also prevalent. And while University and city police are 0,0oth working to take a bite out of -*44V, these high crime statistics, the city's k 'X criminal element is still a force to be reckoned with. K '. ...ad..' e P ge The latest '~ - s.. A,. clothes linea. People in Ann Arbor put theirr , pants on one leg at a time like ev- *eryone else, but where do they get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. those pants? Again, the city pro- vides a variety of choices for the ,z.- fashion hunter, but not without a .° price. Often, a high price... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. ~. See Page 7 < y:Eating ... .~....~....... Sooner or later (probably t soer), you're going to get sick of - ~.. ...,~. *dorm food (or sick on dorm food). When that time comes, where E-.*,.- ....-4 should you go? Ann Arbor offers ~ ... .~.. plenty of options, from the conven- _/. tional, like pizza, to the not-so-con- '/4 . ventional, like falafel. Our alleged-~~ . . ..-,,.4 experts give their advice on the - ~ where to go once you know whatF you want to eat. . See Pages 5 and 10 4~ ,.- Drinking 4. f *.-9i- -..e a