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October 14, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-14

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Breezy, milder;
High: 62, Low: 44.
High: 60, Low: 42.

I iet t ti

'M' avenges loss
to State, 4 5-28.
See SPORTSmonday.

One hundred and one years of editorial f reedom

Vol. Ci, No.11

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 14, 1991

cope, ,."I. ,991
i the M+cr a Daily

Group to
police at
Diag rally
by Rob Patton
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
A group that charges the city and
University police with harassment
of minorities will hold a demon-
stration today at noon on the Diag.
The group, an ad-hoc committee
on police brutality on campus and in
the community, was formed last
week in response to recent incidents
its members say point to a pattern
of abuses of police power.
The group as yet has no
.spokesperson, but Tracye Matthews,
a third-year Rackham student and a
member of the committee, said the
rally is intended to inform people
about police brutality, and to allow
those who have experienced brutal-
ity or harassment to be heard.
"The purpose is to educate the
campus and the larger community
about the campus police's harass-
ment of members of the commu-
nity," Matthews said.
"It will also be an opportunity
for people who have been victims of
police brutality and harassment to
share their experiences with other
members of the community," she
Matthews said that members of
0 the group also feel that the day of
the rally is significant, since
Columbus Day is being observed on
"At the meeting we talked about
the significance of the rally being
held on Columbus Day. Columbus
Day represents the first occupation
of the so-called new world, and the
beginning of the racism and genocide
that took place there. There is a
comparison to be made between the
idea of Columbus occupying the
new world and the police occupying
the campus and community - be-
cause, there are so many police
around that we do feel occupied.
"There are seven police forces
around Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti,
which is really a lot of police for a
relatively small area," she said.

Witnesses try
to discredit
Thomas, Hill

friends of Anita Hill solemnly tes-
tified yesterday that in the 1980s,
she told them Supreme Court,
nominee Clarence Thomas had made
unwanted sexual advances toward
her. Hill said "he wouldn't take no
for an answer," one recalled.
Hill also quoted Thomas as say-
ing, "You know if you had wit-
nesses, you'd have a perfect case
against me," Susan Hoerchner told
the Senate Judiciary Committee,'
which is probing Hill's allegations
of sexual advances and Thomas' un-
equivocal denials.
Hoerchner and three others ap-
peared as opening witnesses on the
third day of wrenching, nationally-
televised hearings into the sexual
harassment charges. The Senate is
scheduled to vote tomorrow on con-
firming Thomas, a 43-year-old Black
federal appeals judge whose nomi-
nation has turned into a drama of
sex and politics unlike any other.
The testimony by Hill's acquain-
tances also provided a discussion
about sexual harassment: "Being a
Black woman, you know you have to
put up with a lot," Ellen Wells
told the committee of 14 white,
male senators. "So you grit your
teeth and you do it," she said, adding
that she had been "touched in the
workplace" more than once.

Outside the hearing room, re-
porters were told that Hill had
taken a lie detector test earlier in
the day. Paul Minor, president of a
private security firm in Virginia,
said he found no evidence of decep-
tion. "It's therefore my opinion Ms.
Hill is truthful," he said in com-
ments certain to cause consternation
in the ranks of Thomas' defenders.
Under questioning from Sen.
Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) Wells,
Hoerchner and the two others con-
ceded they had no first-hand knowl-
edge of the incidents that Hill al-
But they said they had no reason
not to believe their friend.
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.)
said the panel should be "sensitive
to the attempts of character
assassination of Professor Hill.
They're unworthy," he added, in
obvious reference to Republican
attempts on Saturday to undermine
the credibility of Thomas' accuser.
Hill has testified that Thomas
repeatedly pressed her for dates and
made graphic sexual references in
conversation, but never touched her.
Thomas has denied all her charges.
President Bush said he still
believes Thomas "will make it."
Bush said he had been glued to
the televised hearings, and a
See THOMAS, Page 2

Stop right there.
Michigan's Lance Dottin tackles Spartan Tico Duckett in Michigan's 45-28 victory over Michigan State
Saturday. The Wolverines held Duckett to only 58 yards rushing. For more details, see SPORTSmonday.

Hearings focus on student publications

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
Anyone with an interest in student publi-
cations is invited to attend a series of public
hearings being held by the Task Force on the
Future Governance of Student Publications
tonight and tomorrow in the Michigan
"People have strong feelings about
Student Publications, and this is a chance to
register those ideas," said Shirley Clarkson,
administrative assistant for the task force
and special assistant to the University

President. "The stronger the expression of
interests, the stronger the recommendations
will be."
President James Duderstadt directed the
formation of the task force last summer in an
effort to address growing concerns about the
lack of independence among student publica-
tions. The Michigan Daily, the
MichiganEnsian yearbook, and the Gargoyle,
a humor magazine, are all overseen by the
Board of Student Publications.
The board is made up of faculty, profes-
sional journalists, and students, and was de-

signed by the Board of Regents to oversee the
long-term financial viability of student pub-
"The president has asked us to provide
some guidance for what would be a more ef-
fective governance structure for the Board of
Student Publications, especially the Daily,"
said task force Chair Gayl Ness, professor of
sociology and public health.
In addition to the public hearings, the
committee members are in the process of
talking to University faculty, staff, and past
and current editors of the three publications.

The task force has also contacted more than a
dozen universities to examine other systems
of student publications.
"We're just trying to get as much infor-
mation as we can," Ness said.
At the center of task force discussions is
how much control the University should
hold over student publications. The current
board mainly oversees financial issues, but
t&e editors of the Daily and MichiganEnsian
said this can sometimes translate into limits
on editorial freedom and the educational pro-
See HEARINGS, Page 2

Rallies and dance conclude
National Coming Out Week

by Mary Lederman
Lesbians and gay males in the
University community celebrated
National Coming Out Day - and
the end of Lesbian and Gay Men's
Pride, Awareness, and
Commitment Week - with sev-
eral rallies, a housing petition
drive, a march, and a dance Friday.
"We are family, and whether
they like it or not, this is our
home," said Jim Toy of the Lesbian
and Gay Men's Programs Office
(LGMPO), summarizing what
National Coming Out Day signi-
fies to the homosexual commu-
Rally participants on the Diag
at noon collected signatures for a
petition demanding family housing
to become open to more than mar-
ried, heterosexual couples.
University graduate student
Carrie Bree collected signatures
and said she was very impressed
with the responses she received.
"It's going amazingly well," she
said. "People are coming up to us

and asking us questions."
Intervarsity Christian
Fellowship also held a rally on the
Diag at noon. Their band, Adam's
Brother, played through the entire
rally, eliminating the possibility
of any National Coming Out Day
Both groups held their own ral-
lies without a great deal of antago-
nism. Intervarsity member and
LSA senior Bryan Taylor said his
group did not approve of homosex-
uality because it was a sin accord-
ing to the Bible, but it was not any
person's place to condemn homo-
sexuals. "We don't hate gay people
... They deserve their rights, too."
Those rallying for National
Coming Out Day were disap-
pointed that the band blocked out
the speakers, but as Ann Arbor res-
ident and rally participant Julie
DeLaurier said, "Hey, it brings
more people. It's fine with me."
The main rally, held on the
steps of the Rackham Building at 7
p.m., consisted of several speakers

representing differing areas of con-
Beginning the rally, City
Councilmember Bob Eckstein (D-
5th Ward) read a mayoral procla-
mation declaring October 7-11
Lesbian and Gay Men's Pride
Awareness and Commitment
AIDS Coalition to Unleash
Power (ACT-UP) leader Pattrice
Maurer followed Eckstein with a
speech based on the Martin Luther
King, Jr. quote, "Truly, America is
much, much sicker than I realized
when I began this work."
Stressing the importance of
unity in the homosexual commu-
nity, she declared, "We need to re-
member what we are doing here is
fighting for our lives. Make every-
day Coming Out Day!"
An anonymous letter was read
by Billie Edwards of LGMPO re-
flecting the unfair views of society
against homosexuals. Coordinator
of the Cracker Barrel restaurant
See RALLIES, Page 2

Ann Arbor resident Dannie Sullins and junior Christopher Powers came out to the Diag Friday to celebrate
National Coming Out Day by dancing on the steps of the Graduate Library.

Three MSA reps. bail out, say time needed for other activities

I_-- _.

by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter
Three Conservative Coalition
wrl ,pnr.e.ntnt&,PC nrp not ninn-

party that opposed CC -
commented, "I'd just like to
commend Greg for the work he's
doneso far"

signed from MSA.
Two new engineering representa-
tives joined the assembly two weeks

The votes are never acted upon. It's
just something that fills the news
Wednesday mornings. The body does
not do anything for students."

mitted, and roll is taken before and
after assembly meetings and during
committee meetings. Uy does not
plan to issue a formal statement of

Although Green did not know
that Cosnowski and Uy were plan-
ning on resigning, he said, "They
will be missed certainly. Each one

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