The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 3
*1ives of
by Nicole Hennessey
The Diversability Theatre, a dif-
ferently-abled acting group, por-
trayed their lives as physically dis-
abled people in a performance last
eKight in South Quad as a part of
"Investing in Abilities" week.
The program entitled "The In-
visible Elephant" compared physi-
cal disabilities to the burdensome
task of owning an elephant.
In the half-hour performance, ac-
tors used various gestures and po-
etry to demonstrate the overbearing,
yet not insurmountable, limits of
*physical disabilities.
The Diversability Theatre's mis-
sion statement is "to tear down bar-
riers through artistic expression, al-
lowing differently-abled people to
work together and to perceive them-
selves and others as whole human
The seven-member group bases
all their material on their own ex-
periences as disabled individuals.
* Chris Baty, a University alum-
nus and an actor in the troupe, said
that through the group's question
and answer session at the end of the
performance he hoped to educate
people, who have problems
"I felt some people in the audi-
ence were a little intimidated and
0didn't know how to act," Baty said.
The;two-year-old group has
never performed at the University,
but they have performed earlier this
year in nearby cities. The group is
also involved in theater skills
workshops which they hope will
help for future performances.
"We want to perform in a major
production at a large Ann Arbor
theater developed by us, for us, and
about us," Lena Ricks, chairperson
of the Diversability Theatre, said.
The group, an independent pro-
ject of the Ann Arbor Center for
Independent Living, receives fund-
ing through the service organiza-
tions Kenny REHAB and Very Spe-
cial Arts Michigan.
Emily Singer, one of the coordi-
nators of "Investing in Abilities"
*week said the week will take place
again next year.
She said the University needs to
be aware of disabled people all year,
not just for one week.
New group says
'U' and city police
harass minorities
by Rob Patton
Daily Minority Issues Reporter
Recent incidents involving alleged abuses
of police power have sparked the formation of
a new activist group on campus.
The Ad-Hoc Committee to Stop Police
Brutality began meeting this week "in re-
sponse to past and more recent incidents of po-
lice brutality and harassment," according to a
statement released by the group.
Fifth-year Rackham student Andrew
Williams, a member of the committee, said
the group formed in response to a recent inci-
dent where a man was chased through the Diag
by police with weapons drawn, and Black
women were questioned -- allegedly ran-
domly- about their association with the man.
However, Williams stressed that the incident
was not unique.
"A lot of people who came to the meeting
felt that the most recent incident was the
straw that broke the camel's back, and that
this fits into a larger pattern of police brutal-
ity on campus and in the community,"
Williams said.
The report released by the group echoed the
sentiment that recent incidents involving the
police on campus "fit into a long and repug-
nant pattern.
"We are fearful that (these incidents)
will be swept under the rug with all the other
past incidents of brutality. Our coming to-
gether represents an effort to make sure this
doesn't happen."
Williams added many in the group are
against the University having a police depart-
ment at all.
"What's disturbing to all of us is not just
the incidents of brutality but the very pres-
ence of the University police force itself;"
Williams said. "It's an increasing police pres-
ence on campus which we don't feel is neces-
sary when we already have six other police
forces in Washtenaw county."
Williams also said the recent incidents
called into question the administration's com-
mitment to people of color on campus.
"How committed are the University and
Duderstadt to diversity and the ideas of this
Michigan Mandate when people of color and
people of different sexual orientation who
come here are harassed by the police?" he
Williams said another concern of many
members of the group involves reports that
the University police will no longer be under
the jurisdiction of the Ann Arbor Sheriff, and
that the University is planning to hold hear-
ings on the matter in December when students
are on vacation.
"It seems to be a pattern that matters im.
portant to students are discussed when they
aren't around," Williams said.
Williams stressed that the group had yet
to choose a spokesperson, and that they were
not necessarily speaking on its behalf.
The group plans a Diag rally on Monday at
Pillar of strength
LSA junior Jerrold Fox analyzes the colossal truncated columns outside Lorch Hall
for his History of Architecture class yesterday.
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Student essays published in book on ethnicity
by Lauren Dormer
Daily Staff Reporter
Inside Separate Worlds, a book
composed of essays written by
Black, Jewish, and Latino students
for the University course "Ethnic
Identity and Intergroup Relations,"
has been published by the
University of Michigan Press.
The essays, written in 1989, fo-
cus on the authors' personal feelings
and life experiences as members of
ethnic groups.
"Essays and autobiographies
raise personal issues and connect
them to the more theoretical and
academic readings," said David
Schoem, an assistant dean for under-
graduate education and the editor of
the book. "I've found that students
want to hear the voices of their con-
temporaries, as opposed to those of
people in the '50s and '60s."
The book was not published un-
til August of this year because the
initial drafts of the essays com-
pleted in 1989 first had to be sent to
the publisher for approval and then
had to be revised and rewritten by
the authors the following year, said
Of the 23 members of the class,
14 chose to have their work included
in the book.
"The students were concerned
with sharing their writing as well
a- sharing their personal experi-
ences," said Schoem. "They had to
feel confident that they would be
taken seriously, not misunderstood
or misinterpreted."
University alumnus Steven
Blonder, oneof the authors and now
a student at the University of
Chicago Law School, said,
"Initially I thought it would be
strange to write about such personal
ideas and experiences, but I think
it's important to be honest with
yourself and with others."
Anne Martinez, an author and
now an Office of Minority Affairs
employee, said, "It was good to get
a feeling of what others were writ-
ing about and it was interesting to
hear what others had to say about
my essay."
'The students were
concerned with
sharing their writing'
- David Schoem
Editor of Inside Separate
The authors said that although
they were a little apprehensive
about having their personal
thoughts and feelings published,
they were looking forward to seeing
the essays in a compiled form.
LSA senior Matt Wexley, whose
work also appears in the book, said,
"My first reaction to the book was
that I was a little nervous that 30
pages of something so personal is
available for everyone to read, but
it's a good thing because it's a topic
that not many people discuss or un-
In his introduction, Schoem
stresses that the ideas in the autobi-
ographies are representative of the
authors' feelings at the time of
writing. "This is their story at one
particular time in their lives, but
people are changing constantly," he
Because of this time bound qual-
ity of the writing, some authors said
they would be curious to know how
their opinions on ethnic identity had
changed over the years.
Shapiro said, "I think that it
would be amazing to get us all to-
gether in ten years to write follow-
up chapters."
Other authors include Amelia
Valdez, Carlos Arturo Manjarrez,
Max Gordon, Sherri Lynn.
Campbell, Leslie Riette Fair,
Nicole Hall, Andre Reynolds, John
Diamond, Joey Goldman and Sabrina
Inside Separate Worlds is now
being used as a textbook in a section
of English 125. Students in the class
have written positive letters to the
authors, Wexley said.
The book is available at several
bookstores including Borders.
bigg A Division of
mac National Reproductions Corporation
County circuit court to hear
arguments on abortion laws
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Alpha Phi Omega. Union, Anderson
Rm. Pledge meeting, 6 'p.m. Chapter
meeting, 7 p.m.
U-M Chess Club. Michigan League. 1
p.m. Call 994-5824 for info.
Academic Affairs Commission. Guild
House, 802 Monroe, 5 p.m.
"Beyond 1492," John Powell. Guild
House, 802 Monroe, noon.
"Writing Film Comedy: From
Screwball to the Carnivalesque in
Plot, Character, Dialogue," Andrew
Horton. 2520 Frieze, noon.
"Role of the Ocean in Climate
Change," WallaceBroecker. Chem
Bldg, rm 1640,4 p.m.
"Pornography, Animal Research and
Women's Rights," Dr. Roberta
Kalechofsky. Ann Arbor 'Y,' 2 p.m.
Judith Plaskow. Irwin Green Aud,
Hillel, 7:30
Safewalk, night-time safety walking
service. Sun-Thur, 8 p.m.-1:20 a.m. and
Fri. and Sat. 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Stop by
102 UGLi or call 936-1000. Extended
hours are 1 a.m. -3 a.m. at the Angell
Hall Computing Center or call 763-
Northwalk, North Campus safety
walking service. Sun-Thur 8 p.m.-1:30
an. and Fri. and Sat. 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m.
Stop by 2333 Bursley or call 763-
"Throne of Blood," film. Lorch Hall
U-M Ninjitsu Club, every Friday. Call
662-2306 for info. IM wrestling room,
U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club,
practice. CCRB Martial Arts Rm,
U-M Women's Lacrosse Club. Friday
practice. Oosterbaan Field House, 9-
U-M Taekwondo Club. Friday work-
out. CCRB Small Gym, rm 1200, 6-8
U-M Turkish Student Association,
get together night. 429 Mason, 7:30.
National Coming Out Day, rally and
march. Rackham steps, 7 p.m.
Week Celebration Dance. N. Campus
Commons, 10-1:30 a.m.
Institute for Industrial Engineers,
happy hour. Dominick's, 4 p.m.
"Why We Fear the Big Bad Wolf,"
grads and young professionals veggie
shabbat potluck with Prof. Eric
Rabkin. Lawyer's Club, Law Club, 7:30.
"Classroom Accommodations for
Students With Disabilities," TA
training. Union, Pendleton Rm, 9-
noon and 1:30-4:30.
Vietnamese Student Association,
Harvest Moon Festival. Trotter
House, 8 p.m.-1 a.m.
"M*A*S*H*" film. Hillel, 8 p.m.
"The Wall," film. Hillel, 10 p.m.
Drum Circle, percussion and rhythms.
Guild House, 802 Monroe, 7:30.
Israeli Dancing, every Sunday. $2.
Hillel, 8-10 p.m.
U-M Ultimate Frisbee Team, Sunday
practice. Fuller Field, 1-2:30.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors. An-
gell/Mason Computing Center, 7-11.
611 Church, 7-10.
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - A
Kalamazoo County circuit judge
will hear arguments today on
whether a Michigan law requiring
minors to have a parent's consent
for abortion is constitutional, at-
torneys in the case said yesterday.
Judge Philip Schaefer denied a
request from pro-choice groups on
March 29 for a preliminary injunc-
tion barring enforcement of the law
until its constitutionality was
He said then that pro-choice
groups "fight an uphill battle" in
trying to prove that the parental
consent law violates the Michigan
Constitution since the U.S. Supreme
Court has upheld similar statutes in
other states.
"Michigan has a long tradition
of opposition to abortion, of in-
tensely defending state statutes in
light of federal interpretations and
of hallowing the relationship be-
tween parents and children," his
ruling said.
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