A - ouuu o TODAY Mixed sun and clouds; High: 58, Low: 43. TOMORROW Clouds, cool, rain; High: 55, Low: 37. l74t D Religion on campus. See WEEKEND. I I One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. Ci, No.10 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 11, 1991 TheM74naitY Bill to *prohibit speech codes by Gwen Shaffer Daily Higher Education Reporter 0 Michigan's House of Representatives has introduced a bill that would prohibit universities from imposing speech codes on students. House Bill (5059), the Michigan Collegiate Speech Protection Act, says that if any university receiving financial support from the state is found guilty of infringing upon a student's freedom of speech, the uni- versity must not only remove the code, but must pay that student's le- gal expenses. Rep. Steve Dresch (D-Hancock), who introduced the bill, said he be- lieves forcing students to use politi- cally correct language defeats the purpose of academic institutions. "I sympathize with the objective of providing a conducive learning environment for all students, but I think it is very dangerous to attempt to accomplish that objective through restrictions of constitutionally pro- tected speech and expression," he said. Dresch said speech codes drive unwanted attitudes underground by discouraging open discussion of "sensitive issues." "Permitting these ideas to be ex- pressed allows them to be explored and contended," Dresch said. "Universities are places where ideas are supposed to clash." Rep. Margaret O'Conner (R-Ann Arbor) is co-sponsoring the bill and said it only reinforces what the courts have already ruled. See CODE, Page 2 Bush's May speech cost 'U' $330,000 FILE PHRNLI~.JL Wolverine wide receiver Desmond Howard hopes the outcome of this year's Michigan State game doesn't come down to a two-point conversion, as it did in Michigan's 28-27 loss last year. Blue-MSU contest-to by Henry Goldblatt Daily Administration Reporter Although the excitement and controversy over President George Bush's May commencement speech has died down, the final bill has just come in. Walter Harrison, executive di- rector for University relations, re- ported yesterday that the expenses to bring Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush to the University to- talled $330,000. Harrison said he thought this graduation was the most expensive in the University's history.. When itemized, the costs in- cluded: $236,000 to pay for physical plant charges such as preparing the stadium filed, renting chairs, build- ing a stage for the Bushes, Michigan Governor John Engler, University President James Duderstadt and the University Board of Regents; $31,000 to cover security costs required by the White House; $21,000 to pay for the print- ing costs of 129,000 programs - 100,000 special programs for the general community and 29,000 pro- grams which included the graduates' names, and; * $42,000 which paid for mis- cellan~eous expenditures such as phonei lines set up for media ser- vices, buses, and parking services. Moreover, this money covered hotel and airfare expenses for the five other honorary degree recipients. decide by Matt Rennie I Daily Football Writer2 The tougher team won. 1 Those words have been ringing in the ears of every Michigan foot- ball player for the last year. t The tougher team won. n Those words have appeared in r Schembechler Hall, since the begin- ning of the footbal~season.a The tougher team won. Those words are what Michigan i State coach George Perles al- a toughei egedly used to assess the Spartans' 28-27 victory over the Wolverines ast year. The tougher team won. Those words will occupy the houghts of everyone wearing maize and blue in East Lansing to- morrow at 12:30, when Michigan sets out to prove its toughness and avenge last year's defeat. Whether Perles or anybody else n the Michigan State camp actu- ally uttered those words is moot; the Wolverines believe that some- body said it, and they're not happy about it. "If they're going around saying something like that, they better be prepared to back it up next year," inside linebacker Erick Anderson said. "If you're not excited after hearing that, there's something wrong with you." On paper, the 26-point spread in favor of Michigan appears to be ac- See SPARTANS, Page 12 .New Thomas hearing to open this morning . Nominee faces testimony from two witnesses r However, Harrison said that the $42,000 covered only a portion of the media costs and that the White House paid the brunt of the expense. Harrison said that of the special facilities which the University con- structed for the event, only the main stage is being reused in Crisler Arena. However, Harrison added that many of the supplies were rented. Harrison said the expenses were not totaled until now because the University had not been sent all of the bills. Moreover, individual units had to subtract their gradua- tion expenditures from their annual operating costs. The University had budgeted $100,000 for the commencement ex- ercises before Bush agreed to come - $65,000 is usually budgeted to cover any central graduation ex- penses and $35,000 is allocated to the schools and colleges to cover in- dividual graduation events. The University raised slightly more than the remaining $230,000 by soliciting gifts from local com- panies. "We were going out asking peo- ple for money to underwrite the commencement expenses. The University did not believe the tax- payers or the students should have to bear the added cost of bringing President Bush to campus," Harrison said. The gifts the Bushes received See BUSH, Page 2 Ex-postat worker murders four RIDGEWOOD, N.J. (AP) - A fired postal worker armed with a machine gun, grenades and a samurai sword went on a rampage yesterday, killing four people, including a former supervisor who had accused him of harassment, police said. Joseph Harris killed the woman and her boyfriend at their home in Wayne, then went to the Ridgewood post office where he killed two mail handlers as they arrived for work, authorities said. He surrendered there after a 4 1/2-hour standoff during which he set off two small explosives, police said. He had weapons including a machine gun, hand grenades and the samurai sword, which may have been used to kill the supervisor, authori- ties said. An explosive booby-trap was found at his rented room in Paterson in northern New Jersey west of New York City. "In my opinion, considering the way he was armed... he intended to kill more people," said Ridgewood police Chief Frank Milliken. Harris was arraigned on four counts of murder, two of attempted murder, two of attempted kidnap- See SIEGE, Page 2 WASHINGTON (AP) - A woman who hearings." says Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas The source said once made "unwelcome advances" will be staffer at the EEOC. called to testify at Senate hearings on sexual worked at the agenc harassment accusations against him, a source Walsh complaine said yesterday. not requested an The witness, Angela Wright, was identi- Wright's complaints fied as a former Equal Employment Op- Hill, the former portunity Commission public affairs spokes- is expected to be th person who now is an editor at the Charlotte hearings begin this (N.C.) Observer. proceedings is Thor An administration source familiar with nation to the Suprem the investigation said Wright was prepared to "He knows it's b testify that Thomas made the unwelcome ad- he wants to do what vances on a date before she went to work for off his character," the agency. Utah), who will act Thomas chaired the agency during the defender in the heari Reagan administration. Hill spent yeste The hearings set to start today also will quickly formed lega pit Thomas against University of Oklahoma a publicist retained law professor. Anita Hill, who has said he during the hearings sexually harassed her when she was his assis- brothers were arriv tant at the EEOC. hearing room today. The White House issued a statement con- "I support him firming that another witness had been called ident Bush. He adde to testify. to inject myself int "The White House has been notified by the Senate." Judiciary Committee staff that they intend to "Let's see the Se call another witness to testify against Judge ness in a fair fash Thomas," White House spokesperson Sean solved," Bush said. Walsh said last night. "We cannot discuss the The panel could details of this matter, but Judge Thomas will the weekend before deal with the allegations in the course of the . Homosexuals to rally by Mary Lederman Petitions will be Supporters of lesbian and gay male rights and purple ribbons 'A will be rallying around campus today for the support. People ma University's fifth annual National Coming by wearing a purple Out Day. The Lesbian and The rallies will mark the end of the (LGMPO) has organ Lesbian and Gay Men's Pride, Awareness, the front steps of th Commitment Week. p.m., followed by a The first rally, scheduled to be held on the at the rally will be Diag today at noon, will serve mainly as a Maurer, Universi drive for a housing petition which demands Gordon, organizer Wright was a "mid-level" It was not clear when she y or for how long. ed that the committee had FBI investigation of S, "as is normal pract;ce." aide to Thomas at EEOC lhe lead witness when the morning. At stake in the mas' bitterly fought nomi- me Court. been terribly damaging but t he can to clear this cloud said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R- as Thomas' chief Senate ngs. rday consulting with her 1 team, said Louise Hilsen, d to be her spokesperson s. Hill's parents and two ing to be with her in the 100 percent," said Pres- ed, "I'm simply not going o what's going on in the nate get on with this busi- hion, get this matter re- d hear testimony through the Senate votes at 6 p.m. See THOMAS, Page 2 today signed in the Diag area will be passed out to show y also show their support article of clothing. Gay Male Programs Office nized a rally to be held on he Rackham Building at 7 march. Featured speakers ACT-UP leader Pattrice ty undergraduate Max of the Cracker Barrel Ex-California Governor Jerry Brown speaks to 150 people in a pre-campaign speech at the Michigan Union. Jerry Brown addresses 'U' students in campaign tour by Travis McReynolds Daily Staff Reporter "I am here to recruit people to challenge the political processes," said former California governor and undeclared Democratic presidential candidate Jerry Brown to a crowd of 150 students in the Michigan Union yesterday. Brown, who is expected to announce his candidacy in the near future, told University students; "This campaign is not about me, it is about you. I am offering myself as a candi- date to stand up and fight our oppressive government." The corruption of America's political process, Brown told the crowd, is the source to create an insurgent movement to challenge my own party," he said. Brown pointed to Americans' disillu- sionment with government as the reason for low voter turnout in national elections and said that by offering himself as a candidate, he would be giving all Americans a choice. Brown's political career has run a long and varied course. In 1982 he ran for Senate, and in 1976 and 1980 he ran for the presi- dency. He chaired the California Democratic Party for two years, and worked for Mother Teresa in Calcutta for three years. As California governor from 1974 to 1982, Brown said, "I had the pleasure of cleaning up after Ronald Reagan ... I sold f p s ,x r >5 ' kx r.,k... . "!' . .... I