Page 4--The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, October 8, 199=1 .br£rbt au1 ,rj 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW K, GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON Opinion Editor I 7^.I . Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. " afi:}'"Yr :1yY"+{<:Y:"'":;'.+'r:r"'r.%Y;}:::":"R;?'f.?r 'rRS{ :{:J?:":4J:{4:¢Y.4}k":":4}{:0 ." JA"r :::"::v.":: vr."r ::v:: .{+'.. r r,..{" .. ?. rr r..... : r.. J ".."Y:"o ."AL,.S,.. ..Y.........:?:"3??:":fi:":4?:.}". " .vA :"AV.":." ":A".:"."r: "A::":.".vr::: "."fA.r......... . {":. ''"Y "Ar .{..A..... v.... .".:v. .A:: ::".C.. ..A.......A...........A.....v:.v.... r.."AVA::".v."xA"....... A":."."::."::." ::" " v "rv..... r .A r" .A.. YT 1 ":. " J " .A JV ti"M1V."rAVMr"r " .. 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The officers attempted to bring one woman to the police station for questioning. The woman refused to go and the police did not persist. Suspecting that another woman had a gun, the police searched her purse without a warrant and without probable cause, other than the fact that she was the same race as the suspect. According to witnesses, the police were angry that they had arfived too late to make substantial arrests. It seemed that they resorted to discriinina- tory tactics simply because they were unable to conduct an effective investigation due to their tardiness. In the words of one women, "They just wanted to see some heat on somebody." It is unacceptable for the police to resort to discrimina- tory tactics in order to compensate for their inepti- . tude. Drawing their guns whenever officers deem it convenient is a direct violation of University po- lice procedure. Students were told last fall when again, harass students the University police force was formed, that they would not draw their guns unless students' lives were in danger. They were also told that University officers would be trained to be more "racially sensitive" than the ordinary police. Last Thursday's police actions were damaging to the credibility of the community .police. In addition, the credibility of the University admin- istration, which assured students that incidents such as these would not occur, has been harmed. The recent activity of the local police is an unmistakable violation of police authority and citizen rights. The pattern being set by the police this year is clearly one of misjudgment and racial insensitivity. This latest incident is only one in a series of questionable police actions that will probably go without investigation. Instead, it will be written off as, "all in a days work." We are systematically losing our rights as a result of brazen and often illegal law enforcement. Day by day, the police extend their authority into the realm of personal freedom and the right to privacy, without any oversight or accountability to check them. But students must not allow this to happen. Students must organize to oppose such blatant infringements on their freedoms. Concerned stu- dents must pool their resources and assert their frustrations with overzealous and dangerous police tactics. Only in this way will the new "muscle" tactics of law enforcement officers be curbed. Where is the SRC? 01 Term limitations Voters should find a better way opular discontent with Congress, always a con- 1 cern in American political culture, has been highlighted in recent years by a growing anti- incumbent sentiment. Angry citizens in some states have vented their frustrations by approving or pushing state initiatives on term limitations -for members of Congress. Not only are such moves probably unconstitutional; they would also only make the situation worse. Term limitations would actually complicate the legislative process more than they would streamline it, and would ironically weaken the electorate's already limited power over the decisions of public officials. The constitutional provision for unlimited re- election to both houses of Congress gives voters a sanction over the actions of their representatives. Without the fear of being thrown out of office, legislators would feel no obligation to represent eitherthe interest orithe will of their constituencies. Although the current plans in Colorado, Cali- foria, and Washington do allow formultiple House and Senate terms, they would still weaken the sanction ofreelection. Members of Congress would not take constituency opinion into account on decisions for which they may be taken to task later on in their careers, because the limitations rule out the possibility of such an indefinite tenure. Also, the tendency for representatives to cultivate close relations with certain groups of constituents to ensure reelection would become meaningless un- der term limitations. Haiti U.S. should use diplomatic, not Haiti is quiet now, as the citizens seem to be supporting a general strike to oppose the coup by General Raoul Cedras. Ousted President Jean- Bertrand Aristide has been reassured by President Bush that the United States is opposed to the new leadership and wants Aristide returned to power. While Bush did not rule out eventual military intervention, he froze Haitian assets in the United States, and moved United States forces into Guantanamo Bay. The support for Aristide is necessary. He was the first democratically elected president in Haiti. This was a step for this country, so used to the controlling force of the military. Now, it seems that some people in the military are not so eager to give up the idea of controlling the country. A step backwards like this cannot be permitted; it endangers Haiti's trek toward de- mocracy. Aristide must be restored to his right- ful position as Haiti's president. Nuts and Bolts LOMU5AN D NAT5ONGO fL 5 AMeRICNA JAM RI AN HLNTIN. 15 - AM~RmCA~4'NI to check elected officials This loss of a long-term perspective would also affect Congress' institutional workings. With the knowledge that they won't be staying around for long, legislators would have no reason or desire to uphold the Congressional norms of specialization and institutional respect, because they would only want to use the body as an avenue to publicize their own selfish agendas. If voters find the current system slothful and paralyzed by partisanship, they would be enraged by the ineffectiveness of a legislature that lacked basic operational norms and reflected only the personal interests of its members. The U.S. Congress is without a doubt in the midst of a crisis, but rather than weaken the electorate's power, term-imitation groups should work to expand it by pushing for an overhaul of the country's voter registration system. Reform of campaign finance laws.and limiting members' free mail privileges would do much more to break the incumbent advantage than limiting terms. Congress.must also deal with other problems, such as making further changes in its seniority system. Representatives must work harder to pay at-. tention to the preferences.of their constituents, but term limitations will give them less of an incentive to do so, not more. If voters want to retain their limited influence over the actions and workings of Congress, they should work to make the system more accountable, and not engage in this act of popular abdication. military pressure Sanctions are the best first step. Freezing assets in the United States will send a message to the military junta in Haiti that their actions will not be tolerated. Further sanctions by other nations will increase the effect, while at the same time, cutting available money for an already-poor nation, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. However, this cannot be allowed to turn into another multi-national military action like in the Gulf. This is not a time for "Operation Tropical Storm." It was a terrible move to bringU.S. forces into Guantanamo Bay. They are not necessary and will bring nothing other than direct confrontation. Aristide is quite right as he now speaks of using diplomatic ai d economic pressure rather than. militar intervention in Haiti. Bush should listen to him, and not exacerbate a situation by simply attempting to play the bully, and use his Big Stick in a situation that doesn't warrant it. Open 'U' family housing To the Daily: We are writing to express our unhappiness with the events that have transpired involving the proposal to change Family Student.Housing (FSH) policy to include gay and lesbian couples and families. We have lived in FSH for five years, during which time we have enjoyed the cultural and ethnic. diversities of the residents. For. the majority of FSH residents, living with and learnig about people with lifestyles different from our own is an-enriching experience. Recently, the University's Board of Regents decided to maintain the status quo and continue to exclude gay and lesbian couples/families from FSH. To exclude couples/families based on their sexual orientation is no less bigoted.than excluding families because of their color or faith. What is important in maintain- ing or achieving a healthy, safe, and peaceful existence with neighbors (be it a next-door neighbor or a neighboring country) is to respect their individual choices. We should be' judging people, and teaching our children to judge people, by how they act or interact with their . fellow man, not by what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms. Sexuality, be it hetero- or homo- sexuality, is a private manner; as such, it should not, and cannot be discriminated against. Particularly disturbing to us was the manner in which the regents dealt with this issue. Despite the fact that no formal proposal had been put forward, the regents took preemptive. action and voted not to discuss or hear public opinions on this matter.. Not only did the regents' actions preclude many FSH residents and other interested parties from expressing their views, they clearly were contrary to the University's professed stance of being a non-discrimina- tory institution. It is our hope that the regents will reconsider their decision and open this discussion to all interested parties. David Bronstein and Carla Fenson FSH residents Get in step! To the Daily: For the first time since I have - attended the University of Michigan, and now that I have graduated, I find myself com- pletely and wholeheartedly agreeing with the Daily's edito- rial, "Unfair housing: Policies discriminate against homosexu- als," (Daily, Sept. 26, 1991). It is high time that the Univer- sity, in this day and age of supposed enlightenment and diversity, accept the fact that gay men and lesbians exist, attend this school, are thriving and produc-. tive members of society and deserve the rights that are denied to them'solely based on their sexual orientation. Homosexuals have no choice as to their sexual orientation; that is how they are born. Their only choice is whether or not to "come out" and accept themselves for who they are, despite the igno- rance and intolerance of our society. The University should be ashamed to perpetuate the discrimination of homosexuals. Gay men and lesbians should have every, right to pursue their own relationships. The City of Ann Arbor has recognized domestic partnership - now it is time for the University to do-the same. Gay and lesbian couples should have the right to- enjoy their relationships; and if that means that they want to marry or live as domestic partners, they should. The University has no right to enforce outdated and discriminatory rules on individu- als' rights to privacy. If two ' people are in a relationship in which they are in effect married (despite the fact that they can't because of outdated laws), then the University should allow them to have married housing rights. Let's get with the times Michigan! Today, even progres- sive new shows, like Roc on the Fox Television Network are showing that gays do get married. This past Sunday night, it showed an African-American man marrying a white man in his own brother's home. And they dealt with it! So, President Duderstadt and the regents should get with it.and just deal with it. Homosexuals are among, us. They are real. And they deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and their basic . human rights to be themselves! Joel Davidson University graduate The Daily encourages reader responses. Letters should be 150 words or less and include the author's name, year in school and phone number. They should be mailed to: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard 48109. or they can be sent via MTS to: The Michigan Daily Letters to the Editor. The - Daily does not alter the content of letters, but does. reserve the right to edit for style and space consider- ations. If you have ques- tions or comments, you should call Stephen Henderson at 764-0552. 01 :{$$$?"'" Yti , X :^:"Y.$;v;:;:4}:{ ;{.}Sv,:Y,;,"$$?{:$r{{.YS:?." 4S},}' PM, SY"'"'f. M N S r7;:;:i" '4Y,4, X;SY,$;"m },}~^,%,~ rr, ..}:{'.;%s$:Yr.:""'v'J}{{%.,?,r.;i,." . ,Yr.. ..t.. r. ".Ss';",r.."':'. ~~ J . {" , :"f,{":" Y}",;i{M ". r?'}ttti" S"" .rvrv , "}'S''i' ''""q. " p';r,} ;'S . a{5, ;,L MINO R fr . . .:-0 '%? .i}i"rA.t 'r r...":.F :iii"'{+'.L4. 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