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October 07, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-07

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Morning showers;
High: 51, Low: 36.
Moty sunny, warmer;
Hih: 59, Low: 42.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom

'M' takes lead in
race to Pasadena.
See SPORTSmonday.

Vol. CII, No.6 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 7, 1991 eCwhgng ,19

* put forth
by Haitian
(AP) - The Senate president said
yesterday legislators were consider-
ing naming a Supreme Court justice
to replace exiled President Jean-
Bertrand Aristide and calling elec-
tions within 90 days.
Dejean Belizaire said no decision
on such an appointment had been
made but that it could come as early
as today or tomorrow after talks
with political and business leaders
to settle on a solution to the crisis.
"We are not the government, but
we are the only legitimate civilian
institution that can make deci-
sions," Belizaire said of the Na-
tional Assembly, Haiti's parlia-
ment, which was elected with Aris-
tide last December.
He said any proposal for resolv-
ing the week-old crisis must be ap-
proved by the Senate and Chamber
of Deputies, which form the Na-
tional Assembly.
Backing up claims by Gen. Raoul
Cedras, the armed forces' provi-
sional commander-in-chief, that the
military did not want to govern, Be-
lizaire said the army had refused to
assume interim power.
"We have no government to keep
the state going," the Senate presi-
dent said. He said "there was very
little time" to reach a solution.
See HAITI, Page 2

Final audit frees


of research

abuse charges

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Administration Reporter
A sigh of relief came from the Fleming
Administration building Friday as federal
auditors released their final report vindicat-
ing the University of charges that it incor-
rectly billed the government for millions
of dollars in research-related costs.
The Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) report said it still ques-
tioned $1.9 million worth of costs which
the University used to determine its rate of
billing, but that the University will not be
required to return any funds which it has al-
ready received.
"What they're recommending is that the
next time we negotiate that the federal ne-
gotiators keep in mind they don't believe
that the $1.9 million is agreeable," said
Walter Harrison, executive director of
University Relations.
Federal auditors began examining the
University's cost rate last spring. After
HHS finished its report, the University was
given the chance to respond to the audit
claims. A final report was to be issued in
October, but the information was leaked to
the press before the University completed
its response.
The complicated process for determing
research-related costs contributed to several
conflicting news stories, some charging in-
correctly that the University had misspent
millions of dollars.

"The problem was a very confusing draft
report was released to the media and they
misunderstood," Harrison said. "Whoever
leaked it knew exactly what they were do-
ing. They were trying to discredit the Uni-
Tom Butts, executive director of the
University's Washington, D.C., Office, said
he was relieved by the report. "All of the
things that we were worried about before
seemed to be cleared up by this audit re-
port," Butts said.
The HHS and Department of Defense be-
gan investigating several research universi-
ties around the country early last spring af-
ter it was revealed that Stanford University
had mischarged the federal government for
millions of dollars unrelated to research
costs. Stanford President Donald Kennedy
resigned after auditors reported that the
school included a yacht, wedding reception,
and bed sheets as a part of the school's cal-
culations for research overhead.
Universities nationwide negotiate rates
with the government to cover costs such as
building maintenance or administrative
charges which are not related to specific re-
search projects. The original audit examined
$52 million of the University's overhead
costs, and questioned $7.9 million.
After negotiations with the government,
the University agreed to withdraw $5.9
million of those charges, leaving $1.9 mil-
See AUDIT,;Page 2

Haw eyes piercedK
Michigan fullback Burnie Legette races away from Iowa defender Leroy Smith in
Saturday's game at Iowa City. The Wolverines defeated the Hawkeyes, 43-24. For
complete football coverage see SportsMonday.

Students question police

use of weapons or

by Robert Patton
and Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporters
For the second time in three weeks, stu-
dents are questioning the circumstances
surrounding arrests by the campus police
and their decision to threaten to use their
Last Thursday night, officers of the
Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD)
and the University Department of Public
Safety and Security (DPSS) pursued an un-
armed Black male across the Diag and, after
questioning him, arrested him on an out-
standing warrant.
The police acted with guns drawn.
In September, campus police pulled

their weapons outside CRISP after chasing
a suspect who was also arrested on an out-
standing warrant.
A spokesperson for DPSS continues to
defend its actions - although it would
not release reports on the first incident and
referred questions about Thursday's inci-
dent to the AAPD.
"This is a City of Ann Arbor case. They
started it so any details about the case need
to be obtained from them," said Lt. Vern
Baisden of DPSS.
Baisden added that since DPSS officers
came to the scene in order to aid Ann Ar-
bor officers who had called for their help,
any action taken was mandated by the Ann
Arbor Police Department.

Although officers of the AAPD re-
fused to comment specifically on Thursday
evening's incident, Staff Sgt. Khurum
Sheikh explained the general procedure
that police use when they arrest a suspect
on an outstanding warrant.
"Sometimes, the officers are investigat-
ing the suspect for something else. They
will run the suspect's name through a
computer check which will show any out-
standing warrants on the suspect," he said.
"If we find a warrant with our station,
we get the actual warrant and arrest the
suspect. If, however, the warrant is with
another station, we call that station and
confirm it with them," he added.
See POLICE, Page 2

White House calls Thomas
harassment claims 'unfounded'

Court nominee Clarence Thomas "very
forcefully denied" allegations by a law
professor that he sexually harassed her
when she worked for him a decade ago, a
Republican senator said yesterday. And the
White House dismissed the accusations as
But Democratic senators called the ac-
cusations very serious and one said a delay
in tomorrow's scheduled confirmation
vote might be necessary.

Thomas himself made no comment on
the allegations by Anita Hill, which were
first disclosed by National Public Radio
and Newsday.
The University of Oklahoma law pro-
fessor told the Judiciary Committee last
month that Thomas had detailed scenes
from pornographic movies to her when she
worked in the early 1980s as his legal as-
sistant at the Department of Education and
the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission, according to a source famil-

iar with the allegations.
Hill told the committee that Thomas
had asked her out and when she refused, be-
gan to describe his sexual interests and the
pornographic scenes, but he never touched
her, the source said.
The committee did not disclose Hill's
allegations publicly before sending
Thomas' nomination to the full Senate late
last month without recommendation. The
committee told the White House of the
See THOMAS, Page 2

Avoid the Noid
Domino's delivery person Max Spenser's pizza truck was hit by a car when he opened his
door on Friday. He received a ticket for opening his door into traffic. He did, however,
deliver a piping-hot pizza to his customers in Mary Markley Hall within 30 minutes.

... Lesbians and gay males hold
rally against 'U' housing policy

by Joshua Meckler
Daily Staff Reporter
The University should discon-
tinue its discriminatory policy of
denying family housing to gay and
lesbian families, said speakers at a
rally on the Diag Friday.
"We're here to say that gays and
lesbians are family. We're every bit
as entitled to live in family hous-

to recent actions by the University
Board of Regents, who upheld the
current code for family housing.
The code does not prohibit dis-
crimination based on sexual orien-
tation in family housing.
"We're not going . to let the
University Regents determine that
this is going to be a bigoted cam-
pus," Sullivan said.

being available to people of all
sexual orientations.
Dierauer, a graduate student in
Information and Library Studies,
said, "I am in a committed rela-
tionship with a woman, about two
years now. We assumed we would
live in family housing."
Although Dierauer's partner
did not end up coming with her to


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