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October 04, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-04

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Cloudy, rainy;
High: 66, Low: 50.
High: 59, Low:"4.


=1NS DE.
Native Americans
at the University.


One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No. 5 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 4, 1991 Copyrgh49

-Clinton enters
'92 Dems' race

Gov't releases
new research
billing rules

Gov. Bill Clinton joined the field of
Democratic presidential candidates
yesterday promising to reinvent
government to protect a middle
class he said President Bush ignores.
"We must turn this country
around and get it working again.
We've got to fight for middle-class
Americans for a change," Clinton
said in speech interrupted by ap-
plause more than 50 times.

Drawing on the history of the
site, Clinton said Republicans have
tried to divide blacks and whites.
"In the shadow of this great
building, all of us know all about
race-baiting," he said. "They've used
that old tool on us for decades now.
And I want to tell you one thing, I
understand this tactic and I will not
let them get away with it in 1992."
Clinton said the challenges fac-
ing Arkansas, one of the nation's
poorest states, and the rest of the
country cannot be met without new
leadership in Washington to right
the nation's course.
"Here in Arkansas we worked
very hard against very steep odds to
create more jobs and educate our
people, and every one of us in our
own way tried to be one of the 1,000
points of light," Clinton said, al-
luding to Bush's program to encour-
age volunteerism in America.
"But I can tell you my friends ...
where there is no national vision, no
national leadership, no direction, a
thousand points of light leaves a lot
of darkness."~
His biggest round of applause
came when he voiced support for
abortion rights, saying Bush was
"more than willing to make it a
crime for women to exercise their
right to choose."
Clinton, 45, was the nation's
youngest governor at age 32 when
elected to his first term in 1978.
Now he's the nation's longest-serv-
ing governor.
Voters threw Clinton out of of-
fice in 1980, but he began a string of
successful campaigns in 1982 after
apologizing for the arrogance of his
first term.
See CLiNTON, Page 2

Michig an tailback Tyrone Whe atley and the rest of the Wolverines
begin their quest for a Rose Bowl bid tomorrow against Iowa.
Blue .
Run for Roses'
at Iowa Ci~ty

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) - the budget plan-
ning arm of the White House - re-
leased revised guidelines regulating
the classification of research expen-
ditures to universities across the na-
tion yesterday.
Vice President for Government
Relations Richard Kennedy said
Tuesday that these new indirect cost
recovery regulations could amount
to an $8 million to $10 million loss
in federal government funds to the
An OMB spokesperson said the
revised guidelines are the result of
recent audit reports which found
that universities and colleges across
the country have misspent and mis-
classified federal government funds
slotted for indirect research.
Indirect costs are determined by
negotiations between a university
and either the Department of De-
fense or the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS). For
each dollar spent on research, the
federal government compensates the
University with an extra fixed per-
centage to cover costs indirectly re-
lated to research, such as building
The University's total current
indirect cost recovery rate, which is
divided into space related costs and
administrative costs, is 57 percent.
The new guidelines, which take
effect at the beginningof thefUni-
versity's new fiscal year, July 1,

A 26 percent cap on the Gen-
eral Administrative costs portion
of the indirect cost recovery rate.
The University's rate for the admin-
istrative portion of the indirect cost
recovery rate is currently 35 percent.
Regulations on expenditures
which a university cannot count as
indirectly related to research. The
items, which will no longer be sub-
ject to compensation, include alco-
holic beverages, institution-fur-
nished automobiles for personal use,
entertainment, housing and personal
living expenses of an institution's
officers, and trustees' travel.
The submission of statements
proving that money has been spent
for projects indirectly related to re-
search. This certification has to -be
done within five years of the
The prohibition of shifting
excess indirect cost recovery funds
to research projects sponsored by
foreign governments.
Moreover, the guidelines allow
universities to renegotiate their
rates if desired. Executive Director
of University Relations Walter
Harrison said he was not sure if the
University will choose to renegoti-
ate its rate.
"It's pretty much the best com-
promise we could have expected,"
Harrison said.
Harrison said it is too soon to
judge the complete impact on Uni-
versity research, but added that one
possibility to minimize losses in re-
search funds would be to shift some
See RESEARCH, Page 2

Clinton is the fifth major
Democratic candidate to join the
race for the 1992 nomination.
"The change I seek, and the
change we must all seek, isn't lib-
eral or conservative. It's different
and both." Clinton said. "Out here,
the people don't much care about the
labels: left or right or liberal or
Clinton declared himself a can-
didate outside the Old State House
in downtown Little Rock at a rally
that drew about 3,000 cheering sup-
porters. The building was the site of
Arkansas' 1861 vote to secede from
the union.

by Theodore Cox
Daily Football Writer

Despite having challenged for
the nation's top ranking and ended a
four-year losing streak to a her-
alded nemesis, Michigan has yet to
play a big game. Not according to
coach Gary Moeller, at least.
Consider the chronology of
Moeller's rhetoric:
August 9th: "Our main objec-
tive is to get to the Rose Bowl.
Whatever happens to us, if we get

to the Rose Bowl, we've had a suc-
cessful year."
September 7th: "I want to go to
the Rose Bowl, and this win over
Boston College didn't put us a step
closer to doing that."
September 17th: "We're very
pleased with our win over Notre
Dame ... However, it doesn't get us
any closer to the Big Ten Champi-
September 28th: "Our focus is
See HAWKEYES, Page 11

OSU student journalists strike for editorial freedom

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Higher Education Reporter
Ohio State University's student
newspaper, the Lantern, temporarily
stopped its presses and is now pub-
lishing under protest after a contro-
versy erupted Tuesday over who has
the right to edit final copy.
The disagreement stems from
two School of Journalism policies
which contradict each other. One
policy states that the faculty ad-

viser has the authority to withhold
any copy that is potentially li-
belous. The other policy in the same
manual says "the editor has final
authority on all decisions on
whether a story should be covered."
"The director of our School of
Journalism is trying to institute a
policy of prior review, in which ei-
ther she or our adviser would have
the right to go into the system and
kill anything they deem potentially

libelous. We are saying nothing is
libelous until it is published," said
Editorial Editor Melissa Romig.
Tuesday's press strike was not
triggered by a specific incident,
Romig said, but rather by an ever
present feeling among student jour-
nalists that their editorial freedom
is being threatened.
"We are fighting the principle of
the thing," she said. "We are wor-
ried that today they may be pulling

things deemed potentially libelous,
and tomorrow it could be anything
that makes a regent look bad. Once
you start taking rights away, it is
very hard to get those rights back."
The newspaper's faculty adviser,
Mary Webster, said she could not
comment on the situation.
Tuesday's Lantern consisted of
only one story reporting the press
strike and numerous reprintings of
the U.S. Constitution's First

Amendment throughout the paper.
In response to the press strike,
the Undergraduate Student Gov-
ernment passed a resolution in sup-
port of the newspaper staff. In addi-
tion, protesters demonstrated in
front of the School of Journalism
and collected about 800 petition
signatures from students who say
they stand behind the Lantern staff.
Newspaper staff members said
they are concerned because without

an official definition, "potentially
libelous" is open to interpretation.
"Are they talking about any-
thing that could potentially go to
court? We would be willing to go
to court if we thought we would
win," Romig said.
In recent years, the issue of who
has final say over what goes into a
student run paper has been one of
conflict, said Malcom Baroway, the
See LANTERN, Page 2

take part
in CBS
'U' tour
by Uju Oraka
Students crowded tents to win
prizes and strut their stuff in front
of a camera on Palmer Field yes-
terday as part of the CBS College
Tour's two days on campus.
The tour gives students the op-
portunity to experience the thrill
of being on television - as any-
thing from a weather forecaster to
a soap opera heartthrob.
"This place is a lot of fun and it
is a great break from classes," said
LSA junior Anthony Weimert,
who acted as a CBS sports com-
mentator, played Family Feud and
basketball, and saw previews of
different upcoming movies.
The tour, which CBS has spon-
sored as part of a promotional ef-
fort; will visit 50 colleges and
universities nationwide from now
until May.
Some students explored dra-

Police draw guns
on Diag, ignite
racial tensions

by Ben Deci
Daily Staff Reporter
Last night, for the second time in
three weeks, University and Ann
Arbor police drew guns on a fleeing,
unarmed suspect on the Diag.
Police were in pursuit of a Black
man believed to have been involved
in an altercation involving several
Ann Arbor residents in front of the
First Congressional Church on
State Street.
The fight, which one participant
described as "sorta gang related,"
ended before police were able to
make any arrests. However, one sus-
pect was pursued to the Diag, where
he was frisked, told to stand against
a tree, questioned, and finally ar-
rested. All police action occurred
with drawn guns.
The police also stopped random
Black women in the hopes of finding
the Black female whom they be-
lieved to be the suspect's compan-
"The female Ann Arbor cop did

when I refused they let me go."
Sgt. Jinkerson of the Ann Arbor
Police Department said there was an
outstanding warrant on the suspect.
The warrant is for an unrelated inci-
Another Black woman, who
wished to remain anonymous, said
the police were looking for the gun
that was allegedly involved in the
incident and stopped her in front of
the Union.
"Somebody said that I was car-
rying a gun in my purse," she said.
The police search found nothing.
"They just wanted to see some heat
on somebody," she said. "Whoever
See POLICE, Page 2

CBS contemporary Rob Thomas hosts "Family Feud" as part of the network's College Tour yesterday
afternoon at Palmer Field. Engineering junior Steve Hadrill, LSA sophomore Jeff Dunlap, and LSA sophomore
Michael White wait to hear what the survey says.

Other students tried their hand
at TV journalism. LSA sophomore
Lishona Davis said she thought be-
ing a weather forecaster was "a lot
of fun" and that it was a good ex-
perience to get in front of the

not the Price is Right but it is the
closest thing. I have always been a
fan of the show and enjoyed this a
The University Activity Center
is coordinating the event.
"We began to organize this

erett said he liked what the event
had to offer students.
"I just got here and I am about
to pick up all my free stuff and win
a car. This is publicity for CBS and
we get to have fun," Everett said.


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