Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Thursday, October 3, 1991 G4e tdt 40,l &.lt TEEK 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW K. GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON Opinion Editor _L _ . Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. i 'f . ' Come on, Dylan, loan me a few bucks. just until I find a job... pup r~ I'm starving, alright? How long have we been friends? Whaddya say, Dyl of pal? S*Burp* \. by Thomas Keenan I'll pay you back as soon as I can Gimme a break, will ya? 1 f ( r. r f k7 ) 0 Nuclear cuts Bush's proposal is too little, too late Pull my finger, will ya Teek? Your syml Y pathy is ovenvhelming, Dyl.. Many are praising President George Bush's recent declaration to reduce the country's nuclear arsenal. Indeed, we should be relieved that the process of worldwide reduction of nuclear weapons has finally begun. But if one scratches below the surface of the president's plan, the same old problems with the country's defense policy come into view. - His limited cuts of largely useless weapons systems and failure to axe other major weapons programs like Star Wars and the B-2 bomber indi- cate that Bush is still committed to cold warmilitary politics, and that his plan is largely symbolic. Rather than applaud the president for taking bold .initiatives, the American public should question why Bush didn't propose this earlier, and why his plan fails to address so many integral parts of U.S. defense policy. By announcing his plan, the president and his advisers wanted to demonstrate that the United States was in step with global changes, including the warming of relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. But the threat of war between the superpowers has been unlikely for quite some lime. The president should have proposed such changes at the beginning of his term. Most of the nuclear weapons cut will not be destroyed but will instead go into storage. Also, the cuts are mostly in tactical nuclear weapons - strategic, long-range missiles are for the most part untouched by the plan. With his demands for more money and further development of the B-2 Bomber and the Strategic Defense Initiative, Bush demonstrates how out-of- touch his proposal is with current realities. Both of these systems exist for one purpose - to counter a nuclear offensive by the Soviet Union. But this is precisely the military strategy Bush ruled obsolete in his speech Friday night. With the end of the Cold War, the time has come for the President to propose meaningful defense reductions slash the defense budget to a reasonable size. Bush should pledge to cut more nuclear weapons such as ICBM's and the MX missile, in addition to reducing the amount U.S. troops worldwide. Given all of these holes in the administration's defense policy, the current plan seems more a misleading attempt by the president at gaining popularity than a commitment to easing nuclear tensions. ,us-- %: ~ % '+ I Y 1' , ,,, , r - . li ~ is r i' D $UP v i' % ai~v4 ' , ;" Y. . ..:e{ tv ., ~ ;t:"" i :". i " i %.:: v m Brookings study The time for comprehensive military cuts is now he Brookings Institution, a nationally recog- nized think-tank, concluded that the United States could save up to $619 billion over the next 10 years by scaling back military spending. The suggested reductions would maintain U.S. preemi- nence in the world, as it only cuts out military -expenditures that are unnecessary in the post-Cold War era. The Reagan-Bush years have been a tragic story of the dangers of giving Pentagon officials an excessive allowance to spend on their military toys. They have become so enraptured in their newest and expensive technology --such as the B- 2 "Stealth" Bomber - that they haven't noticed the "great Soviet Bear" is now just a pack of lost e cubs. The age-old Pentagon scenario of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe is now obsolete. So why must this country buy an airplane that costs $800 million a piece? The country is still in a recession, and we cannot afford such wasteful spending. One year ago, the Cato Institute, a libertarian research body, proposed somewhat similar cuts in military spending. It said that by 1995, "our de- fense expenditures could be scaled back to ap- proximately $120 billion ... (even) considering' America's legitimate security requirements." The Brookings Institute study is more conservative with its cuts, making them easierto swallow forthe Pentagon and the Bush administration. The U.S. economy is far too dependent on the military-industrial complex. We cannot go on building up arms for a full-scale world war which may never come. We have limited resources and too many needs. The military has taken precedence overmany basic domestic issues such as education, health-care, and poverty. Our foreign policy president has thought it more important to involve himself in the Middle East than to ensure that the country's citizens can read, are healthy, or own a home. There is no great war on our doorstep. The only reason we need a large national defense budget is for national offense - to control the actions of other sovereign nations. We must make the cuts the Brookings Institute proposes, and specifically designate the savings to increased domestic pro- grams. Let's throw away the toy soldiers and stop playing around. Dispel the myths To the Daily: We wish to commend the Daily for running an extensive feature on "gay life;" ("Out of the closet, onto the campus," Week- end, Sept. 27, 1991) such gay- positive articles are an important antidote to the anti-gay bias of University administrators such as Regents Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) and Neal Nielsen (R- Brighton). We are concerned, however, that in its zeal to show that gay students are "just like everyone else," the Daily neglected to represent the diversity within the gay community. All of the people quoted in the article are white; the exclusion of the perspectives of gay and lesbian people of color reinforces the historical invisibility and marginalization of people from those groups. The gay men and lesbians who were quoted in the article are to be saluted for their courage - it can be a dangerous thing to "come out" in the present climate of escalating violence against gay men and lesbians. We wish to correct a dangerously inaccurate statement about AIDS made by an interviewee. In a well-intentioned effort to dispel the myth that AIDS is a "gay disease," Jerry Galea stated that "the number one transmitters of AIDS are pregnant women." In these days, when myths about mother-to-child transmission of AIDS have led women with AIDS to face involuntary sterilization and other forms of discrimination, this inaccurate statement should not go uncorrected. In the United States, male-to- male sexual contract has been the primary means of transmission of HIV (the virus associated with AIDS). Sharing injection drug equipment is the second most common means of transmission and heterosexual contact is the third. It is important to note that rates of seroconversion (getting the virus) are declining among gay men, but increasing among heterosexuals. Nationwide, children born to mothers with HIV account for only 1.4 percent of reported AIDS cases. Current data indicate that pregnant women with HIV transmit the virus to their children only 20-30 percent of the time; this transmission rate is lower than that of many hereditary diseases. These facts were verified by the Michigan Depart- ment of Public Health and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. It is very important to dispel the myth that AIDS is a "gay disease" and to fight discrimina- tion against gay men based on this myth. It is equally important to be careful with our facts so that we do not inadvertently contribute to discrimination against others. Mary Bejian Maaike Boumeester Cindy Colen Pattrice Maurer Marica Ochoa Noelle Paschalidis Andrea E. Taylor for the ACT UP Women's Causus Fraternity apologizes To the Daily: The gentlemen of Theta Xi Fraternity would like to apologize for a rush flier posted Monday evening which offended many members of the University community. As soon as we realized that some of the membership had put up the fliers, we attempted to remove all fliers. However, later in the evening we were told that some fliers remained posted; therefore, we sent another group of members to retrieve and to dispose of the remaining fliers. We hope that the students, the faculty, the rest of the University community and anyone who did find any of the remaining fliers will understand that Theta Xi Fraternity is based on the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship, and community service, and in no way would we try to offend anyone. We understand the concern that people of the University community have voiced, and we have taken steps to remove the offensive material. We have also scheduled an educational work- shop for the fraternity in order to make sure the men of Theta Xi Fraternity understand not only the issues raised by this act, but also to make sure that the membership is sensitive to the feelings and to the concerns of the University community. For any person who was offended by the flier, we at Theta Xi Fraternity formally apologize and we hope that the measures taken will prevent this from ever happening again. Ranjit Singh President, Theta Xi Fraternity The Daily encourages re- sponses from its readers. Letters should be 150 words or less, and include the author's name, year in school and phone number. They can be mailed to: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor 48109. Or they can be sent via MTS to: The Michi- gan Daily Letters to the Editor. The Daily does not alter the content of letters, but reserves the right to edit for style and space consider- ations. If you have questions or comments, you should call Stephen Henderson at 764-0552. 0 Marching menace Band makes too much noise - Behind the backs of community citizens, and under the unsuspecting noses of University students, a grand conspiracy has - over the years -radically offended the Ann Arbor justice system and blatantly contradicted the American way. Un- til now, no one has noticed; no one has investigated. Much to the dismay of the general public, the Ann Arbor police have been known to hand out a cruel, costly noise violation with only the slightest provocation. Fraternity houses have no chance of escaping the wrath of noise violation anathema. Dogs on the Diag need not bother to whisper. Even the elderly have received public condemnations for' loud, creaking bones. And yet the greatest offender has gone unpunished. The belting trumpets and tumultuous booming drums of the Michigan Marching Band have for decades heinously obstructed the levels of peace- ful silence necessary for the tranquil existence we in Ann Arbor hold so dear - and this requires immediate attention. Although the band, its members and their ille- gal instruments they carry violate section 9:362 of article I in chapter 119 of Ann Arbor's police regulations ordinance, Title IX, every time they practice, they twist the law and have clauses added to justify their transgressions. The section prohib- its "any unreasonably loud, disturbing, unusual or and gets away with it! unnecessary noise which annoys, disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace or safety of others within the limits of the city of Ann Arbor." Any person who has been dragged out of a well- deserved sleep by the pounding racket of the marching band will loudly attest, the marching tunes disturb, annoy and, most assuredly, endanger comfort. Buried deep in article I of chapter 119, titled noise control, is where angry observers can find the product of underhanded manipulation. Section 9:366 (5) mentions the general exemption of "ath- letic, musical, or cultural activities (including practices and rehearsals.)" Clearly, money or spe- cial favors were passed to yield the execution of this exception. This is infuriating. The ridiculous decibel levels spewed by the marching band and the injustice exhibited by its members need to be controlled and terminated immediately in the name of civility. As a matter of fact, the spectators at Michigan Stadium Saturday, ridiculously screaming unnec- essarily, ought to be tried and prosecuted as well. Planes flying over head should all be shot down. It's time the people ofAnn Arbor rallied for justice. These wrongs need to be righted immediately and permanently. ti 1 y.{1i: Y ... .;R1. :":{:'t . 1 } i ii Y.Q.V. l ........... ....... YY.. :Y"A". ."i: y{.:tiii ii ":'v:":":N.J ::"}:i:ti::ti tJ:Y. ::1 } Hot f rat flier wasn't "cool" As I was walking out of Angell Hall Monday night, a pink flier caught my eye. The textread: "Theta Xi, Virgin Night, Monday, Last Year in the Union," and was ac- companied by a buxom woman ::: clad in bi- kini under- wear. FEMINIST drawing was traced by from the September Amanda c o v e r Ne m n model of Neuman Playboy magazine. The model's look was seductive and inviting. Stitched into her loosely-fitting bathrobe were the Greek letters for Theta Xi My first reaction to this flier was confusion. My second reaction was disbelief and disgust. The purpose of the flier was to announce the first night of frater- nity rush for Theta Xi. According to But I do not understand why virginity and the image of a sexy, half-nude woman - who hardly conveys the stereotype of a virgin anyway -is being associated with dry rush. The correlation may have seemed like a harmless attempt to attract prospective male rushees. To the contrary, it is quite harmful. Its implications are complex and troubling. The first and most serious issue concerns the presence of the woman on the flier. Why is she there? Does her presence mean that only virgins arepermittedtorush Theta Xi? Does it mean thatavirgin will bebestowed upon each man when he arrives to rush? I believe the answer to both questions is, "No." Perhaps it was just a thoughtless oversight by the publicity committee of Theta Xi. I doubt it. Secondly, Theta Xi's letters on the woman's bathrobe imply a no- tion of ownership. It is as if this perfect woman will don the frater- nity letters and become, symboli- cally, a Theta Xi possession. It figures the fraternity chose to por- uncomfortable with dry rush, why doesn't it address the IFC, rather than try to redeem itself by splash- ing a woman's body all over the flier, as if she can compensate for a policy she had no part in making. Although I find the flier dis- tasteful, inappropriate and offen- sive, I certainly do not advocate banning it. Even if the flierwas only supported by a few Theta Xi mem- bers, they all paid for it with their dues. An apology is the least Theta Xi can do to rectify this situation. A better acceptance of their wrong- doing is for each member to read and understand my opinion. It is deplorable that Theta Xi did not show more respect for women. Climb out of your cave, guys, it's 1991. When Theta Xi drafted the ad- vertisement, did it think about whether it would accurately reflect its values as a house and the.values of the IFC? The fraternity system must continually defend its reputa- tion on this campus. This flier only gives opponents of the fraternity system more ammunition. mL_. 4 vas . n ,.1...... t..,, -., Nuts and Bolts HI4 M.Y N'AM1E5 wLu$I'M -rHE GUY1WHO SCREAMED~ A~T Y'OU BFOREN '(00/ W E R E 'TRYING T O0 E ~E N L . p1 4 rHI DIAE YU INTO H6AL1.4 Poop, ORANY ( RAP L.I IEI r n.? 17ro o (L71 GREAT.... by Judd Winick TIM SR,'M L)A fL MRECH1AR~M (h BUT H-AVE? TO 'T'HROW .~ C7 PE IT I