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October 02, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-10-02

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4 9uuu~; , NI
Early showers;
High: 77, Low: 55.
High: 68, Low: 47.


Find the
Holy Grail.
Page 5.

One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Vol. CII, No.3 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Wednesday, October 2,1991

Applications flood Rackham, nation's grad schools
* by Erin Einhorn Rackham Director of Graduate Admis- eight schools in the University of Cali- reported 10 to 15 percent increases. dents they will admit each year bas

ed on

When Michelle Erhardt, a 1991 LSA
graduate, recently applied for a $6-8 per
hour secretarial position, she found herself
competing against 150 other unemployed
college graduates.
This, she believed, represented the state
of the economy today and the need for
higher level degrees for economic success.
"Unlike Bush, I don't think we're out
of this depression," she said.
Erhardt has applied to graduate school
because "it's necessary if you want any de-
cent kind of job."
She is not alone.

sions Aiko Nakatani said applications to the
Ann Arbor, Dearborn, and Flint Rackham
campuses have increased by 9 percent per
year for the past three years.
Rackham includes all graduate degree
programs not under the auspices of another
school such as law or medicine.
Graduate schools around the country
have observed a similar influx.
Judy Sui, a spokesperson for the Uni-
versity of California at Berkeley's Graduate
division, said all the graduate programs at
Berkeley experienced a 13 percent
application surge just this year, as did all

fornia system. At Rackham, enrollment has also
Sui said her department noticed the ex- swelled. "I haven't seen fall term enroll-
'The uncertain character of the economy has made
entry level jobs for B.A.'s more chancy'
-John D'Arms
Dean of Rackham Graduate School

availability of funds and faculty. Although
no official information will be available
until Friday, Nakatani believes the Business,
Education, Engineering and Natural Re-
sources schools will also witness a climb in
It's difficult to attribute the reasons
for the surge of demand for higher degrees,
said Nakatani. "Partly it's the age of the
population ... Part of it has to do with peo-
ple knowing they need more education ...
We're not sure if the economic status has
anything to do with it."
See GRAD, Page 2

treme jump after its December application
deadline and made some informal inquiries
of other large schools. They called six or
seven major graduate universities including
Harvard, MIT, Columbia, and Cornell. All

ment figures yet," said Rackham Dean John
D'Arms. "But I do predict there will be an
Each of the 168 departments in Rack-
ham individually determine how many stu-

Lesbians, gay men

hold h
by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
Ann Arbor residents and
University community members
gathered last night in the Michigan
League to discuss the University
Board of Regents' recent decision to
reaffirm the University's family
housing policy - which bars same-
sex couples from living in the facil-
The regents voted 7-0, with
Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor) ab-
staining, to uphold the current
University housing regulations at
their meeting earlier this month.
Approximately 50 people-
showed up to discuss the family
housing policy, the recently-re-
leased report by the Study
Committee on the Status of
Lesbians and Gay Men, and plans for
"National Coming Out Day",
Friday, Oct. 11.
Family housing policy revisions
- proposed separately by both


- - -

ousing iorur
members of the Family Housing Ann Arbor resident and fo
Residence Council and the University student Julie DeLau
University Housing Division - Graduate student Barb Vi
would have addressed issues of ex- expressed concern that the rej
tended family members living in voted on the policy too quickly
University family housing, the noring arguments from both h
question of students who leave for a sexual and heterosexual acti
year and wish to come back and live and the other issues proposed b
in the facility, as well as the ques- two organizations.
tion of allowing same-sex couples. Meeting facilitator Carrie.
"I'd like to thank the regents for a graduate student in the Scho
this open, blatant bigotry," said See FORUM,Pa
Swain cancels meeting in haste

Y, ig-
y the
Sol of
age 2

by Henry Goldblatt
Daily Administration Reporter
Fifty people showed up for last night's "Mass Meeting for U of M's
Lesbian, Gay Male, and Bisexual People's Communities" despite Interim
Vice President for Student Services Mary Ann Swain's last minute deci-
sion to cancel the meeting.
In a series of two memos to the Daily and other media organizations,
Swain said she decided to cancel the forum because of the large amount of
publicity it had received.
"... I will not conduct meetings on any topic with TV cameras rolling.
I do not believe that good problem solving occurs when meetings become
See SWAIN, Page 2

Hip hip Hare
Ganapati Swamo (right) and Prithusrava dasa (left) work their castanets and chant while trying to attract
students to their International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) meeting last night.
*MSA passes automatic
. .o
recogmition o rus

by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter
Another chapter in the rights of
student organizations was written
last night as the Michigan Student
Assembly approved automatic stu-
dent group recognition by a 20-4
The assembly's code was changed
to allow for automatic student
group recognition.
In the newly adopted code, stu-
dent groups must meet certain crite-
ria included in the previous code:
student groups must have at least
five members; a majority of the
members must be students; at least
two-thirds of the members must
consist of University students, fac-
ulty, and staff; and finally, individ-
ual members cannot benefit mone-
tarily from the group's activities.
However, the anti-discrimina-
tion and the anti-hazing clauses have
been dropped from the new code.

The new MSA constitution,
which includes the process for rec-
ognizing groups automatically,
must be ratified by three-fifths of
the student body who chooses to
vote in the referendum.
An amendment was also passed
allowing MSA to revoke recogni-
tion of student groups not meeting
the requirements mandated.
The assembly heatedly debated
what rights should be awarded to
student groups.
"The MSA beast has been on the
prowl to derecognize groups that
are politically incorrect. It is time
to castrate the MSA beast. We need
to take away the power that MSA
has abused for years," said LSA Rep.
Greg Morrison, chair of the Rules
and Elections Committee which
sponsored the proposal.
Although Rackham Rep. Max
Ochoa argued that unnecessary rules
should not be made, he asked the as-

sembly, "How are we going to
withdraw recognition from a stu-
dent group, assuming that it needs
to be done, if we don't have rules for
them to break?"
Other representatives argued
that the right to free speech should
not be infringed upon in any manner.
In voting in favor of automatic
student recognition, Rackham Rep.
Sean Herlihy referred to University
of California-Berkeley anti-war
protests in 1966 which the Berkeley
administration tried to shut down.
"Students responded with lots
and lots of tables and launched the
free speech movement," he said.
"I'm real proud of this legacy of
left student activism. Without this
there couldn't have been an anti-war
movement, a feminist movement, a
gay rights movement.".
Schean Griffin, the coordinating
justice for the Central Student Judi-
See MSA, Page 2

Haiti pres.
warns of
(AP) - Ousted President Jean-
Bertrand Aristide sent impassioned
appeals to his countrymen yester-
day, warning of a bloodbath and de-
scribing the army chief who sent
him into exile as "power mad."
Brig. Gen. Raoul Cedras over-
threw Arstide, the first democrati-
cally elected president in Haiti's
nearly two centuries as a nation, on
Monday. Aristide and his family
were put on a plane to Caracas,
The toll from the uprising,
staged by rebel soldiers opposing
Aristide's leftist policies, rose
sharply yesterday.
The Caribbean Human Rights
Network, based in Barbados, said
preliminary counts indicated more
than 100 people died.
A photographer who visited the
General Hospital morgue in central
Port-au-au-Prince, Frantz LaMothe,
said authorities reported 140 bodies
at that facility alone.
American tourists holed up in
the Olaffson Hotel, the setting for
Graham Greene's
famous Haitian
novel "The Com-
edians," said sol-
diers were still
shooting Tuesday
and that they
feared for their
The interna-
tional airport has
been closed since A~ t
Monday afternoon, when rebel sol-
diers seized Aristide at the National

Wimbledon, dude, Wimbledon"
David Woyticky, a first-year graduate public policy student, returns a
shot to friend John Hughes at Palmer Field yesterday.

Older students deal with unique challenges-

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Higher Education Reporter
LSA sophomore Stephen Rassi
switched from sorting mail after 18
years and is now sorting through
lecture notes instead.
Although he was accepted to the
University in 1973, Rassi could not
afford the tuition and went to work
for the post office, intending to stay
just a few months. At the age of 36,
Rassi finally decided to get a bache-
lor's degree. Although it took him
almost two decades to get up the
courage, Rassi said he always knew
he would go back and finish his de-
"T .._aA .-xrnl th. .rg m.-

Administrators say non-traditional u ndergrads return
because of changing job market demands, recession

ety of reasons more adults are decid-
ing to return to college, or attend-
ing for the first time. Often, these
students must overcome obstacles
not experienced by more
"traditional" students.
David Beaumont, coordinator of
special student initiatives at
Washtenaw Community College
(WCC), said the bulk of WCC stu-
dents are not recent high school
"There are a host of reasons why
thpvu ori- .tPndinrv r . crpi-,tPr in

usually good for education. People
decide to go back and improve their
marketability," said Bill Headley,
assistant director of admissions for
Oakland University of Rochester,
"You see a lot people who are

reasons we hear students give most
often are that they didn't have
enough money, or they went into the
military after high school in order
to get the financial aid."
One of the biggest fears many
non-traditional students said they

classroom and being the oldest one
there. It's hard because you aren't
into that whole social scene that
people just out of high school
have," Gokee said.
Coordinator of Adult Services at
Michigan State University Patricia
Reis cited several other common
"triggers" which lead older stu-
dents to return to school.
"The most frequent triggers are
divorce, death of a spouse, loss of a
job, having an empty nest, an unfin-
ished degree from earlier in life, and
an increase demand in the job mar-
ket," Reis said.
Linda Rider said being laid off
from her job gave her the incentive

'When the economy is bad, it is usually good
for education. People decide to go back and
improve their marketability'

-Bill Headlev

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