Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, September 30, 1991
Seintists examine ACT-UP
G. ..! i j . U Z .J' I.L d m RS . l r.-
Great Lakes dams
ACME, Mich. (AP) -
Consumers Power Co.'s dam reli-
censing research is doing what you
might expect: building a case to
keep 66 hydroelectric dams in
But the scientists are also are
finding that where there are no
dams, Great Lakes toxins are harm-
ing inland animals.
The Consumers Power research,
which includes work from some of
the region's most credible eagle,
fish and cormorant experts, sug-
gests the hydroelectric dams have
protected some 20 watersheds from
Great Lakes toxins. The power com-
pany says that covers about two-
thirds of the bald eagle nesting ter-
ritory in Michigan.
Some of the most dramatic find-
ings were presented by Michigan
State University eagle researcher
Bill Bowerman at a Great Lakes sci-
ence symposium in Acme this week-
Bowerman looked at eagle pairs
nesting within two miles of one an-
other on the Manistee River on the
Lake Michigan side of northern
Blood taken from eaglets on the
nest below Consumers Power's
Tippe Dam had more than twice the
amount of PCBs and metabolized
DDT as eaglets above the dam. The
difference between the nests is that
the below-dam eaglets ate Great
Lakes fish.
Bowerman cited the same com-
parisons elsewhere on Lake
Michigan. He saw high levels of
PCBs on the undammed Whitefish
River in the Upper Peninsula and in-
land lakes connected to the lake, and
dramatically lower levels on wa-
terways that were blocked off from
the Great Lakes.
Consumers Power has turned the
research over to federal and state
agencies for comment. It all goes to
the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, which is charged with
relicensing the dams. Consumers
Power has a Dec. 31 deadline to turn
in the reports.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service has responded with a staff
recommendation that fish not be al-
lowed to spawn past the dams until
lake toxins are cut to the point they
do not effect eagles and other sensi-
tive species.
Biologist Tim Kubiak, one of the
authors of the Fish and Wildlife
Service report, said there is pressure
from the charter boat lobby to build
fish ladders around the dams.
Consumers Power biologist
Gary Dawson said allowing even
small numbers of fish past the dams
is "playing Russian roulette" with
the environment.
"We've got near-pristine water-
sheds here," he said Saturday.
Continued from page 1
on the average, 30 days after con-
tracting AIDS, as opposed to 18
months to three years for a white
man above the poverty line.
"The privilege of a place like the
University rests on top of a pyramid
which on the bottom is killing peo-
plc through neglect," she said.
Among the other lectures was
"Sexism Awareness," given by the
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center. It focused on
sexism's effect on both men and
women, and its detrimental impact
on the availability of AIDS treat-
ment for women.
"AIDS 101" was presented
jointly by ACT-UP and University
Health Services. It dealt with the
political aspect of AIDS, as well as
practical information on AIDS pre-
vention, testing, and treatment.
Members of the Homeless Ac-
tion Committee spoke on "Campus
and Community," a discussion of
the effect of the University's stu-
dent population on the city of Ann
The final discussion was on "Gay
Life in Ann Arbor," and focused on
problems between the gay and
straight community, as well as is-
sues within the gay community.
About 15 people attended each
session, Maurer said. "One would
always like significantly higher at-
tendance, but it's difficult to moti-
vate people to come out for purely
educational events," she added.
Rear window
Vandals broke the window of this car on S. University this weekend.
Continued from page 1
a malignancy, the better the chances
of survival. The spatial resolution
with x-rays is about a centimeter. So
you can only detect a tumor one cen-
timeter in size.
"Using short-pulse lasers, we
expect to get much higher spatial
resolution, down to one millimeter.
Thus we can avoid the use of x-rays,
and get much better resolution."
Another potential medical appli-
cation is the ability to develop im-
ages of living tissue.
Previously, the only way to get
an image of a cell would be to kill it
first, and then examine it under a
microscope. But sending a laser
'There are as many
femtoseconds in one
second as there are
seconds in 30 million
- Gerard Mourou
USL Director .
pulse through a living cell captures.
an image of the cell before it's dead.
And by combining that image with
laser holography developed by
holography pioneer and University
electrical engineering Prof. Emmett
Leith, scientists can get a truer rep-
resentation of what a live cell is ac-
tually like.
"We're using his classic holog-
raphy that he developed along with
the latest in ultrafast optics" to im-
prove tissue imaging, Mourou said.
These new applications will not
be available immediately, however.
"The idea is that it would be a
diagnostic that could potentially be
in every doctor's office and could be
done right then and there," Valdma-
nis said. But, he added, it will be
"five to 10 years before there is a
clinical application."
The electronic applications are
potentially stunning as well.
A problem in electronics over
recent years has been that, as faster
and faster transistors are developed,
there is no way to measure their
speed electronically. But with ul-
trafast optical pulses, they can be
"You are using these short
pulses to time things, tosee ... how
fast transistors turn on and off. The
only way to measure it is to use
femtosecond technology, developed
in this laboratory," Valdmanis said.
But don't count on Mourou or
the USL stopping at femtoseconds.
As technology improves, they hope
to develop even faster pulses.
"That's why the lab wasn't
called the femtosecond lab, because
it can run out," Mourou said.
Justice Dept. finds high number
of Black inmates on Death Row
a congressional debate on how to
impose the death penalty, the Justice
Department reported yesterday that
Blacks still make up a much larger
share of the United States' 2,500
Death Row inmates than of the na-
tion's population.
The department's Bureau of
Justice Statistics said that as of Dec.
31, 1990, Blacks comprised 40 per-
cent of prisoners awaiting death
penalties. The 1990 census found the
U.S. population is 12.1 percent
The study did not calculate what
percentage of the overall U.S. fed-
eral and state prison system popula-
tion is comprised of Black people.
In 1987, the Supreme Court
ruled that statistical evidence of
discrimination is insufficient to
render death penalty statutes uncon-
That ruling came in the case of
Warren McCloskey, a Black man
who was executed last Wednesday
in the Georgia electric chair for the
killing of a white Atlanta police
officer during a 1978 furniture store
Last week, the House Judiciary
Committee approved and sent to the
House floor a bill allowing legal
challenges to death sentences based
on statistical showings of race dis-
crimination. The Senate rejected a
similar provision last summer.
Under prodding from the Bush
administration, both House and
Senate crime bills would greatly
expand the federal death penalty -
to cover some 50 new crimes.
The Justice Department study
found 2,356 prisoners awaiting
death penalties at year-end, up 5 per-
cent from the previous year. Thirty-
two of them were women, and the
median age was 34.
At the time of the study, 34
states and the federal government
had death penalties on the books, but
Colorado's has since been struck
down by the state supreme court.
Of those condemned to die, 1,375,
or 58.4 percent, were white, 943 or
40 percent were Black, 24 or one per-
cent were American Indian and 14 or
0.6 percent were Asian. Those of
Hispanic ethnic origin totaled 172,
or 7.3 percent, but they include in-
mates of several races.
Continued from page 1
parent will enter the Union this
time?" Some fear that security
guards at tables discourage students
from coming to the Union.
"I certainly know in the Union
in the last week, there's been a kind
of siege mentality. It really did
seem like there was a barrier,"
Green said about the security guards
stationed at Union entrances. He
plans to talk to Interim Vice Presi-
dent of Student Services Mary Ann
Swain about modifications "to
make the policy a little less obtru-
"One of the reasons the tables
are there is that's where you put the
ID cards in all the books ... it was a
service function. If anything, I think
it was perceived as a barrier and that
was a negative," Cianciola said.
Alan Levy, University housing
program director, added he would
have liked to have had the meeting
before the procedure was instituted
to identify such glitches, but said
the Union looked into the best in-
terests of its patrons - students -
in putting the policy into effect so
''This is a University issue,"~
Levy said. "The Unionstook some
steps within its domain to deal with
what it viewed as safety and secu-
rity issues within the Union" and
should not be seen as a campus-wide
security crackdown.
Students and faculty who have
concerns about the access policy may
direct them to the Board, to Cianci-
ola via MTS, or by calling 763-5750.
Continued from page 1
tion the program, I get the equiva-
lent of blank stares over the phone.
Some local bodies may not make
students quite as aware of it as oth-
"We're very pleased with the
organization, it's gotten much
stronger," said Terri Carnahan, re-
cruiting coordinator at Ross, Dick-
son and Masback in Washington,
D.C. "They're making students
more aware of the program, but a
lot of students aren't aware and
therefore don't participate. We in-
vite 100 students back a year, and
less than 25 percent participate."
If you wanted
to get into the
automobile industry in
1913 you went to see
Continued from page 1
exposing students to the problem."
Elise Jenkins, a junior in engi-
neering, was aware of the problem
and came out to give her support.
"I'll probably be here all night and
I think it's good that they are taking
the homeless population into con-
sideration. It also shows that frats
really care and that they are not
about partying."
Richelle Rembert, an LSA first-
year student, felt that the sleep-out
was a great idea and that "it's about
time the Black group did something
positive on campus. Whenever I
come through the Diag I always see
other groups out here."
Jenkins and Rembert, like many
others, showed their support by
bearing the cold and by donating
food and money.
Engineering senior Arnie Mo-
rosky agreed with the Sigma's show
of support for the homeless and felt
that the problem should no longer
exist. "The money we have should
be put towards our own people, not
everyone else overseas."
Later that night Charles Harris
Jr., an Ann Arbor street person who
makesthis home at the Liberty Plaza,
came to visit the Diag after hearing
about the sleep-out. Harris thought
the show of support was good, "but
the homeless need more people."
Harris said it is still too easy for
people to ignore homelessness.
"There ought to be a multiple of
people here. When we can generate
people, all will not refuse," he said.
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U.S. Department of State
Monday, September 30
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