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September 27, 1991 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-27

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The Michigan Daily-- Friday, September 27, 1991 - Page 7

*II starts
two year
ORACLE, Ariz. (AP) - Four
men and four women embarked yes-
terday on a two-year journey inside a
stationary glass ark.
t The eight are stewards of
Biosphere II, a self-sustaining envi-
ronment materially sealed off from
the world they call Biosphere I. The
private, for-profit project is in-
tended to develop technology to
colonize space and improve and un-
derstand the Earth.
"It is a brave new step," said
crew member Abigail Alling, 31, of
New York. Her voice cracking with
emotion, she called the project "a
reminder that our future is not
fixed and not final and ever
Dr. Roy Walford, the oldest
crew member, said, "We are fearful
but loving; we court what lurks in
the labyrinth, pledging at all odds
to make ours an honest destiny."
Sex has not been ruled out among
the crew members, but pregnancy
Sally Silverstone, 36, of
England, recalled watching "the
good ship Biosphere II grow from
her magnificent stainless steel hull
to her lofty space-frame sails, and
now I feel exhilarated to be going
gut with her on her maiden voyage."

Ex-Cracker Barrel employee

protests restaurant

by Rob Patton
Daily Staff Reporter

George Frisbie, who was fired
from his job as a waiter at Cracker
Barrel Restaurant in Tallahassee,
Fla., because he is gay, is in
Belleville, Mich., today to help or-
ganize a protest of the opening a
Cracker Barrel there.
Frisbie, who worked at Cracker
Barrel for three and a half years
with "an excellent work record and
no problems from management at
all," said he was fired this January
after his manager told him he had
learned Frisbie was gay.
The chain has issued a national
directive to its restaurants stating
that "Cracker Barrel is founded
upon a concept of traditional
American values ... it is inconsis-
tent with our concept of values and
is perceived to be inconsistent with
those of our customer base, to em-
ploy individuals ... whose sexual
preferences fail to demonstrate
normal heterosexual values which
have been the foundation of families
in our society."
"The manager called me into
work on Sunday, my day off, and
took me for a walk around the
restaurant, where the customers
couldn't see us. He told me it had
recently come to his attention that I
was homosexual. He said 'Since it's

our policy not to hire (gays), we're
going to have to terminate you,"'
Frisbie said.
Frisbie said he couldn't believe
he had been fired. "My reaction was
one of shock. I was too stunned to
feel anything. I said to my manager,
'Is this legal?' He said he didn't
know, and it was obvious he didn't
care," he said.
In fact, Frisbie found, it is legal
to fire people on the basis of their

sit in," he said.
Frisbie said he is unsure what ef-
fect the demonstrations will have
on Cracker Barrel. "I don't know
whether they'll change their policy
or not. What I would hope for is
that they would come out nation-
ally and say 'We made an incredible
mistake, we sent the wrong message,
and we'll do what we can to make
up for it,"' he said.
A representative from Cracker

'Cracker Barrel is the first place I've heard of
that's openly come out and said, 'We won't
hire homosexuals"
- George Frisbie
Former Cracker Barrel Restaurant employee

sexual orientation in all but four
states, as well as a number of cities
and counties. "But not Florida, and
not Tallahassee," he said.
Frisbie said he organized a small
demonstration against the Cracker
Barrel in Tallahassee and took part
in organizing a larger one, including
a sit-in where demonstrators tied up
about 12 tables in the restaurant for
a few hours. He is now helping to
set up a rally at the new franchise in
Belleville, which is about halfway
between Detroit and Ann Arbor.
"We're planning pickets outside
and we're going to attempt a quiet

Barrel refused to comment on the
Frisbie added that discrimination
against gay men and lesbians goes
further than just Cracker Barrel.
"Cracker Barrel is the first place
I've heard of that's openly come out
and said, 'We won't hire homosexu-
als,' but I think a lot of establish-
ments don't hire people they per,
ceive as gay," he said.
"I really want to stress the im-
portance of this. If one person is
stripped of their rights, then no one
is really safe from discrimination,"
he said.

Wait... do I have everything?
An unidentified student checks all his belongings, while others study
around him in the Dow Chemistry Building yesterday.

i~ AI r . N .!I'f 'LIEDo You? IN

ftW -l

"If yOU can't get to Chinatown, Dinersty brings Chinatown to you!"

o " COMBINATION SPECIAL with Egg Roll, add 70ยข * "

" 9 All ENTREES come with white rice "'

E l. Pork Lo Mein 3,0............. 3.50
Chinese noodles with roast pork and vegetables. Comes with
cabbage soup.
E 2. Chicken in Soy Sauce A A k .......5.50
Poached fresh chicken in herb soy sauce. Comes with fried rice &
cabbage soup.
E 3. Broccoli w. Garlic Sauce A *47 - M ... 3.90
Comes with pork fried rice, cabbage soup.
E 4.* Singapore StyleRice Noodles 1 M > 3 . 4.50
Rice noodles stir fried in curry with baby shrimp, julienne strips of
pork, green and red pepper and egg. Comes with cabbage soup.
E 5. Julienne Chicken Cold Noodle A . 4.50
Cold noodle w. shredded vegetable and julienne chicken in
peanut butter sauce. Comes w. cabbage soup.
E 6. Chicken with Broccoli $ - R ......4.70
Comes with fried rice, cabbage soup.

E 7. Beef with Broccoli $- M + M......... 4.70
Comes with pork fried rice, cabbage soup.
E 8. BonelessBBQRibs * I- *t.....5.20
Comes with cucumber salad, pork fried rice, cabbage soup.
E 9. Hainan Chicken w. Rice A --... 4.90
Poached in wine and herbs. Served with cucumber salad and
Thai rice cooked in chicken broth.
E10. Sweet and Sour Chicken i t AA 4... 4.90
Comes with pork fried rice. cabbage soup.
El1.*General Tso Chicken A....T A..... 5.90
Chunks of chicken lightly fried with hot garlic sauce. A favorite dish of
Szechuan General Tso. Comes with pork fried rice, cabbage soup.
E12. Baby Shrimp w. Cashew Nuts W 1= P 5.20
Comes with pork fried rice, cabbage soup.

Pint Quart
C 1.*General Tso Chicken A . 5.70 8.80
Chunks of chicken lightly fried with hot garlic sauce. A favorite
dish of*the Szechuan General Tso.
C 2. Walnut Chicken # 5.90 9.20
With lemon hony sauce.
C 3. Hainan Chicken A*-( b1A ). 4.90 8.20
Chicken poached in wine and herbs.
C 4. Chicken with Broccoli 4r- M AI. 4.50 7.50
C 5.*Chicken w. Garlic Sauce A A r 4.60 7.70
C 6. Chicken w. Snow Peas t A r 5.20 8.70
C 7. Moo Goo Gai Pan -44 -9 #....4.70 7.60
Stir-fried mushrooms and chicken breast in white wine sauce.
C 8. Chicken w. String Beans A v* .s 4.70 7.60
C 9. Chicken w. Cashew Nuts P * A T 4.70 7.60


Pin tQuart
i. Shrimp w. Lobster Sauce *K A .. 5.20 9.20
2. Shrimp w. Broccoli 4- M OR... 5.50 9.30
3.*Shrimp w. Garlic Sauce A I 5.80 9.50
4.*Scallops w. Garlic Sauce A t 5.90 9.50
5. Scallops w. Vegetables 84 + t 5.70 9.30
6.*Sauteed Spicy Baby Shrimp -fW = 4.90 8.90
7. Shrimp w. Snow Peas * A . 5.50 9.30


(with Crspy Noodle) Pint Quart
1. Wonton Soup * 4 ........1.30 2.30
2. Cabbage Soup 8 i ,*.......1.20 2.20
3.*Hot and Sour Soup . 4 . .1.80 3.00
4. Vegetable Tofu Soup ;X A * .2.00 3.20
5. House Special Seafood Soup (for 2) 4 - 5.90
Shrimp, scallops, and fish cake. ir-, )

A 1. Egg Roll (with pork)# *....... 1.00
A 2. Shrimp Roll .. 4 .............. 1.10
A 3. Spring Roll -L .................... 1.00
Light, thin crunchy skin
A 4. Pork Dumplings (7) A 91 *K......4.40
Pan-fried or steamed.
A 5. JellyFish A r A ................ 5.80
Julienne strips of jelly fish carrots, daikan, cucumber, served


F 1.
F 2.
F 3.
F 4.
F 5.
F 6.

Pint Quart
Roast Pork Fried Rice 31A' & K 3.30 5.50
Chicken Fried Rice 0 R ... 3.40 5.70
Shrimp Fried Rice . R....3.90 6.90
Young Chow Fried Rice 4 At ) & 4.00 6.90
Thai rice stir-fried with shrimp, pork and vegetables. A famous
dish from the city of Young Chow.
Vegetarian Fried Rice A ,& . 3.20 5.50
Beef Fried Rice+ A 0 &k.....3.60 5.90



Boneless B.B.Q Spare Ribs .;
Chicken in Soy Sauce 51
Poach fresh chicken in herb soy sauce.

. 5.20


Pint Quart
B 1. Beef w. Broccolit7 M 4 ......4.90 7.90
B 2. PepperSteak *4i . ........ 4.50 7.60
B 3. Beef w. Sring Beans + m * A..4.70 7.80
Julienneof beef*tenderloin sauteed w. string beans.
B 4* Beef w. Garlic Sauce A*.' 4- M . . 5.10 8.50
Tender sliced beef sauteed in gerkc auce with green pepper,
baby corn, stewed mushrooms, bamboo shoots, carrots and
water chestnuts.
B 5. Beefw.aSeasonal Veg Q + + + 4.90 8.20
B 6. Beef w. Snow Peas * A + M....5.40 8.80

Pork, chicken, beef, or shrimp sauteed with vegetables and
Hoisan sauce, served with 4 pancakes for wrapping.
M 1. Moo Shi Pork A M....... .......7.50
M 2. Moo Shi Chicken A , i........7.50
M 3. Moo Shi Beef *- A 4- ...............7.70
M 4. Moo Shi Shrimp* A....*......8.20
M 5. Moo Shi Vegetable At. - X ..... 7.20

X 1. Poached Whole Shrimp b ' Mt... 9.80
Fresh whole shrimp poached in lemon juice and white wine.
Served with light ginger soy sauce.
X 2. Conch, Sea Scallops { N * )i..... 11.50
Thinly sliced conch, Long Island Monitor sea scallops sauteed
in white wine sauce.
X 3. Sliced Conch w. Veg. Q4 .... 11.50
X 4. Seafood Delight t *4 k t....... 12.50
A combination of shrimp, scallops and lobster meat, squid,
sliced. fishcake in a special wine sauce.
X 5. Sauteed Squid * -- f* # ................. 8.70
Sauteed with scallions and ginger.
X 6.*Jalapeno Squid Saute . *4 .t...... 8.90
Spicy and delicious.
X 7. Squid w. Black Bean Sauce A t ft 8.70
Black bean sauce is made of smoked soy beans and is one of
the most essential ingredients in Chinese cooking.
X 8. Jumbo Shrimp w. Veg.8a +I * A ..... 9.90
X 9. Mussels w. Black Bean Sauce A it A x. 7.20
Black bean sauce is made of smoked soy beans and is one of
the most essential ingredients in Chinese cooking.
X10. Mussels w. Scallions & Ginger # ,., ii* 7.20
X11. Steamed Seasonal Fish :* 4.... .12.90
Whole, fresh fish steamed with green onions and Chinese
seasoning the best technique to bring out the taste of fish.
X12. Crisp Pan-fried Fish At A n .0.....12.90
X13. Live Lobster Cantonese Style * A I 13.90
In the shell. 1 ,lb.
X14. Live Lobster w. Scallion Sauce #* . ItA 13.90
In the shell 1 i/ lb.
X15.*Live Lobster Hunan Style 4 L i #.. 13.90
Hot and Spicy, in the shell.1 lb.
(Reservation Welcome)
Chinatown - Style Roast Duck
Crispy roast duck, the most popular carry - out item in
every Chinatown. Now DINERSTY offers roast duck
fresh from our ovens every Saturday.
Find out why thousands of roast ducks are
sold in Chinatown everyday.

Pint Quart

L 1.
L 2.
L 3.
L 4.
L 5.

(soft ltoocfe) Pint uar
Roast Pork Lo Mein A . 4 0 .. 3.40 5.70
Chicken Lo Mein A 4 #*..... 3.80 6.60
Beef Lo Mein +M............ 4.00 6.80
Shrimp Lo Mein k 1 = 0....4.30 7.60
Deluxe Lo Mein 4t t 4 ........4.70 7.70
Julienne slices of'beef, chicken, shrimp and roast pork.
Seafood Lo Mein; &44 A* .....4.90 8.20
Vegetable Lo Mein ; 4 4 0 ... 3.40 5.70

V 1. Pan-fried String Beans 4 J' .i 3.70
V 2. Sring Beans Sauteed with
Ground Shrimp A v*.......3.90
V 3.* Broccoli w. Garlic Sauce .0 *$ R 3.80
V 4. Sauteed Broccoli 4 0 M.....3.60
V 5. Mixed Vegetables with
Pan-fried Tofu 4AA .~ -.....430
V 6. SaueedChingensai 40* IA1 ..3.80
chingensai is "baby bok cWo.


S i.

Pint Quart
Sweet and Sour Pork , . r. . 4.10 7.20
Sweet and Sour Chicken* A. 4.10 7.20
Sweet and Sour Shrimp * 4 k . 5.70 9.20




Pint Quart
1. Chicken Rice Noodle A .q: '.3.80 6.70
2. Beef Rice Noodlet + * .... 3.90 6.90
3. Baby Shrimp Rice Noodle T- A . 4.40 7.80
4.*Sin apore Style Rice Noodle I ; 'M * 4.30 7.70
Stir- ed in curry with baby shrimp, and julienne strips of roast
pork, green and red peppers and egg.
5. Deluxe Rice Noodle It t 0* 4.70 7.90
6. Seafood Rice Noodle A A* 0 .5.20 8.50

While Rice A ........ Sm. 0.70 Lg. 1.20.
Fortune Cookies (3) *- M i........... 0.50
Almond Cookies (3) <- P4=*.............0.50
Thai Rice .....................Sm. 1.00

D i.*Triple Szechuan Delight ) .-- *... 8.80
Beef, chicken and shrimp saut with assorted vegetables in
spicy Szechuan sauce.
D 2. Beef w. Scallops t l +.......8.20
Fresh scallops sauteed w. sliced beef *nd assorted veg.
D 3. Happy Family ......... ...10.20
A combination of jumbo shri.p, scallops, chicken and roast
pork with assorted vegetables.

Half 7.50 Whole
Roast Duck w. Rice %

i&... 5.50

i ..----..

Soft Drinks A.

;k ... S. 0.70 M. 0.80 L 1.00



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