Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Friday, September 27,1991 LOST. GOLD & SILVER PULSAR WATCH on S. University, Tappan or Hill. Call 741-9758 w/info. Lost on 9/13/91. '61 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 4 door, black. Call 761-1252. FOR SALE: BLOCK M SAIL. 28x28x15 feet. Maise and Blue. $49. Call 465-4062. FUTONS! Lowest prices & quick delivery! Call Metawampe 1-800-338-8661. Free brochure available. NIYATA 310 RACING/SPORT BIKE- 53cm w/Shimano components. $200/obo 998-1620. RCA COLOR T.V. Good condition, reasonable price. Call 429-9025. TV/VCR RENTALS: Rent a 19" color TV, two semesters for only $99.95. Service included. For fast, free delivery call Col- legiate Rentals, 1-800-999-4008. YUGO '86. CLEAN, WELL MAINTAINED, 26,000 mi. $1200.00 Ph. 662-4812. '82 DATSUN PICKUP w/ cap-99K miles, some rust but runs OK-$1250 Kurt-663- 8699. ***VERY PRIVATE ROOM*** Has own hallway in well-kept 4-bedroom home of grads. 4 minutes from Union. $325/ neg. Call 668-2818. 1IDRM. APT. PACKARD NEAR HILL. Spacious, furnished, quiet bldg. Parking. 12 or 8 month lease. No pets. 665-4617. 1320 S. UNIVERSITY PARK PLAZA. A two bedroom apt in best location. Modern decor nicely furmished. Includes heat, water, pkng. Hurry for the best deal. Call 761 -8223. 2 BEDROOM UNIT near Kerrytown/ Zingerman's. New carpet, paint. Perfect for single or couple. Washer/dryer. Central air. $550/ month. Call Sherri or Jen at 761-9766. BURNS PARK LOCATIONS-WOW! Hurry for best deal on last 2 and 3 bedroom, furnished apts. Includes heat, water, parking. Don't wait, call today-- 761-8223 for more info. CAMPUS - 2 BEDROOM Packard at Bill and Packard at E. Univ. Large enough for 4. Newly furnished & carpeted. A/C, heat & water included. Parking available. $695-$750. 668-6906. CAMPUS LOCATION Spacious furnished room, 2 blocks to campus. Private refrigerator, share kitchen and bath. $225/up. Call 996-1444. CAMPUS TWO-BEDROOM DELUXE Designer building corner Lawrence and Thayer for young professionals. Close to Medical Center, Rackham. Take a look. Campus Rentals 665-8825. Bill or Christy. SHOREVIEW APARTMENTS *Roomy 1 & 2 bedroom apts. *Heat & Water included *Newly decorated *Intercom system *Emergency maintenance *Overlooking Huron River & Argo Park *Laundry facilities *Pool *Near U of M Security deposit: $275...1 month free rent Call us at 761-3404 or come see us at 420 Kellogg St. COMFORTABLE, FURNISHED ROOM for quiet student in Burns Park home nr. campus. Fridge & TV. Non-smoker. $275. 665-7267. FOREST PLACE-721 S. Forest. HURRY! To receive best deal on a 2 bdrm. furnished apt--recently remodeled. Includes heat, water, pkng. Don't wait on this one, call 761-8223 today. GREAT ROOM 3 min. to Union. Prking. & Indry. $250/mo. Louisa 747-8513. LARGE TWO BDRM. APT., 1130 S. Forest, furnished. Includes heat, water, parking. Big enough for four. 12 or 8 month ]ease. $600/mo. MODERN MANAGEMENT EXCELLENT CAMPUS LOCATIONS: 1 BR, 2 BRS. Rooms with kitchen privileges. We will arrange roommate situations. 12, 8, or some 4 month leases. 668-6906 418 E. Washington. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. Furnished. 317 East Jefferson. Heat & Water included. Clos'e to campus. $470/mo. 668- 8057. ONE BEDROOM API'. Historic bldg. near campus. Light, spacious. Rent negotiable. (Includes all utilities) 662-9429. PARKING ADJOINING CAMPUS Covered/Uncovered lease. Campus Rentals 665-8825. ROMANTIC Spacious unfumished 1 bedroom in nice Victorian house 2 blocks from Business and Law schools. Lovely fireplace in bedroom. Available now, 996-1444. ROOM FOR RENT! Features: laund. rm., game rm., pop mach., pool table, TV rm.,util. incl.! CHEAP! Men Only. Sing., doub. avail. Call 665-6883 NOW!@ ROOM PRIVATE ENTRANCE & bath near Rackham/Freeze. Lease, $315 no pets 665-4986 ROOMS FOR RENT - TOP CAMPUS LOCATIONS! Share kitchen privileges with housemates. All utilities included. Fully furnished. $250- $375. TOP FLOOR SINGLE (M/F). Available in Bursley. Ideal for engineering students. Call 763-2669. Give message. CLASSI FIEDS PERSONAL ***** MONICA, HAPPY B-DAY ***** Hopefully the future will build upon the past, beginning today!!! Love, your one and only, -Steve. **ATTENTION: Supreme Course Transcripts, the LS&A lecture notetaking service, has notes for these classes avail. at Michigan Book & Supply, 317 S. State: Anthro 161, Anthro 368, Astro 102, Astro 112, Comm 103, Comm 320, Econ 201, Econ 202 Econ 402, English 318, Env Stud 320, Geog 101, Geol 100, Geol 101, Geol 111, Hist 161, Hist 200, Hist 332, Hist 366, Ling 211, Phil 365, Phys 125, Phys 126, Phys 140, Poli Sci 395, Psych 170, Psych 331, Psych 368, Rees 395, Soc 392, Soc 467, Soc 468. Call 665-4990 for info. **Study Smart** COVER CHARGES, ATTITUDE PROFILES, or the real thing? Call the Per- fect Mate for the perfect date. 994-3538. YOU SHOPPED THE REST, now come and try the best! The Village Apothecary, 1112 South University. STUDENT SERVICES APPLYING TO GRADUATE PROGRAMS??? Stanley H. Kaplan has the best prep courses for LSAT, MCAT, GRE, GMAT, DAT, & more!! Classes forming NOW. Call 662-3149 or come visit us at our new location at 337 E. Liberty for more information. possess peop lepower and experience leadership Register now for the fall leadership seminar October 5, 9am-5pm peoplepower And learn to become an effective leader SODC, 2202 Michigan Uniion 763-5900 registration fee $12 ERIC'S SPORTS Umbro shorts & all sports equip. We honor all shoe coupons. 419 E. Liberty 2 blocks off State St. 663-6771. JOIN THE NEWEST TEAM IN TOWN! If you are a highly-motivated, service-orien- ted individual looking for a part-time job to fit into your schedule, or a full-time job with a future, Wendy's has the opportunity you seek! We are currently seeking enthusiastic people to help us fill the following shifts: breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening shifts. Selected individuals will receive competitive starting wages of $5.00 per hour, free meals and uniforms, frequent merit raises, perfor- mance and wage reviews and the chance to work in a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere and have the opportunity for advancement. If you'd like to be part of our team, apply in person at The Michigan Union, during regular business hours. EOM Now hiring experienced waitstaff and bartenders for catering throughout the Union. We want people with lunch (10am-2pm) and/or weekend availability. Pays $3.20/hour plus an automatic 16% gratuity. Please apply in person at 1310 Michigan Union during business hours. NCC CAFETERIA HELP & WAITSTAFF. Exp. preferred. Morning & lunch shifts. Call Barb or Darlene at 764- 2142. PART TIME help wanted for local retail showroom. Mid-mining to mid-afternoon. Musical background or computer experience a plus. Apply in person Tues-Fri. 9am-5pm to: Shar, 2465 S. Industrial, Ann Arbor. PIZZA MAKERS: Flexible hours. Days, Eves., Late nights. Call 761-1111. Anytime. RESEARCH ASST. in Humanities. Excel- lent library skills. Approx. 10 hrs./wk. Ex- cellent pay. Call Mary Price, Institute for the humanities at 936-3519. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es- tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male between 21-40 years of'age and a graduate student or a professional 5'10" or taller we need you. Donors will be paid $50 per ac- ceptable specimen. For further information please call 434-4766. SITTER NEEDED FOR 8 1/2 and 13-yr. olds. Wednesday eves. from 5:30-8:30 pm. $4.50/hr. Call 971-2926. SUMMER 1992 JOB OPPORTUNITIES ACT NOW! Works Corporation is offering summer management positions state-wide to hard-working and motivated students, from freshmen to seniors. Call 1-800-238-3254 for more information. TALK ON THE PHONE and get paid for it. Take orders for Dominos Pizza. Flexible hours. Days, evenings, late nights. Call 761- 1111. THE BLUE FRONT NEEDS HELP. Flexible hours. Decent pay. 701 Packard at State. Apply in person. TYPING: RESUMES, COVER LETTERS, & APPLICATIONS. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515. GOING PLACES A STAMOS TRAVEL celebratoire! Greek- town Detroit dinner show - November 11. 663-4400. BAHAMA CRUISE $99 PER PERSON 5 day/4 night hotel. Plan now for your break. very limited offer. Call now. 1-800-621- 0572. Free Spring Break Trips to students or student or anizations promoting our pring Break packages... Good Pay and Fun. Call CMI 1-800-423-5264 FREE SPRING BREAK TRIP & CASH!!! Cancun, Jamaica, and Bahamas. Sell trips on Campus and earn free trip and bonus cash! Four Seasons 1-800-331-3136. ROMANTIC FALL GETAWAY! $49-69/ nightly incl. cute, cozy log-cabin lodging. Outdoor hot tub, boat, canoes & much more. Call 616-276-9502. S.T.S., THE LEADER in collegiate travel needs motivated individuals and groups to promote Winter/Spring Break trips. For in- formation call Student Travel Services, Ithaca, NY at 800-648-4849. TWO TICKETS TO PHOENIX, Round trip from Detroit Metro. $200 each or best offer. Oct. 5 - Oct. 19. Call 663-0881. WORLD SPECIALS: Amsterdam fr. $618, London fr. $479, Paris fr. $638, Frankfurt fr. $658, Glasgow fr. $598. Eurail pass fr. $230. Tokyo fr. $840, Taipei fr. $904, Hong Kong fr. $925, Bangkok fr. $1011, Seoul fr. $941, Singapore fr. $996. Ask for Dan. $129 or $189 anywhere in the USA on Continental Airlines! Bring your AMEX card and Con- tinental voucher. Ask for Claudia or Ann at REGENCY TRAVEL 209 S. State or Call 665-6122. EXPERIENCED SINGER looking for young rock band. Call Philip at 274-4492. HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 302 E. Liberty. 665-8001. Repairs authorized by Gibson, Guild, Martin, Yamaha, Alvarez, H.D. . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. : .: . .: ::::: : NEEDED: 4 TICKETS FOR FLORIDA -ST. GAME. Call Curt. 675-3309 HELP! ALUM NEEDS 2 TIX FOR FL. STATE game. Please call 998-0431. I NEED FSU tickets! Help out a student, Big Buckos! Call 996-8697. FLORIDA STATE TIX on 50 yd. line. 2 together. Sec. 23 662-0429. Best Offer. 4 FSU TKTS. TOGETHER ON 47 YD. LINE. Best, 669-2979. Sharon. Leave message. ABSOLUTE TOP DOLLAR paid for U of M football tickets. 668-7707. FSU vs. UM: 1 ticket for sale (Sec. 25)Best offer. 998-0544. WEEKEND FLIGHT: To Sarasota, round- trip. Fri., Oct. 4th, a.m.-Sun. Oct. 6th, p.m. $150/best. Call John at 747-6208. INDIANA TICKETS NEEDED. Top dollar paid. Call Jason anytime 995-1584. 2 MICHIGAN SEASON TICKETS. Sec- tions 24 & 27. Call 663-1547. U-M SEASON TICKETS. Two great seats together- sec. 26. Call Brian at 994-3337 4 FLORIDA ST. TICKETS $30 or best offer! Call Eric 764-0856. leave message. WANTED: FSU tickets $$. Call 741-5956. FOR SALE: Florida St. vs. UM & season tickets. Best offer. Call now! 996-0422 U-M FOOTBALL Season Ticket for Sale. Call Stu at 996-9159. ABSOLUTE NEED: U of M Tickets vs. FLA. ST./Michigan ST. Call Now 572-7745 I NEED ROOMMATES! on Catherine, prkg., newly dec., near Kerrytown. 449-4797. ROOMATE WANTED to share room in 2 bdrm. apt. Next to CCRB, All new furniture. $298/month (water & heat incl.) Call 994-9346 for info. APPLE IMAGEWRITER II Lightly used for one year. $300. 665-2139. I WANT TO BUY a Mac or rent one for the semester. Cash. Mike 665-0985. ANNOUNCEMENTS "DO NOT HESIrATE TO -EDI TATE." public talk by Zen Master Samu Summ, Mon. Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m. Zen Buddhist Temple, 1214 Packard at Wells. 761-6520. All Welome. y donation. I NEED I TICKET for Florida State game. Call 764-3037 anytime. DATEBOOK: Monthly voice mail per sonals in magazines for upscale singles in Washtenaw & Oakland. Postcard w/ name & address gets you details/form by return mail. Datebook, P.O. Box 14, Union Lake, MI, 48387. 313/360-6397. 3 BDRM. ON CATHERINE. 3/4 people, near Campus, Kerrytown, Med Center. New- ly decorated, Off-street prkng. 449-4797. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 with studies. All new -- carpet, kitchen, bath -- in area near Central Campus. Washer/dryer, central air. $1100.00/ month. Call Sherri or Jen at 761-9766. 6 BDRM HOUSE near central campus. Low Rent. Oakland Management 761-7491. 8-MONTH LEASE. Rooms available in four bedroom house. Downtown, hardwood floors, large bedrooms, parking, and laundry. $375-475/mo. (cl. all util.) Call 996-9300, days or 995-1949, eves. ACT NOW: Fum. 1 bdrm. Apt. w/AC. State/ Packard area. On site prkng., lndry. No pets. Call Dan anytime. Chestnut Properties 994- 4683. ATTRACTIVE, LARGE ROOMS on Campus. Kitch., lndry., prkng. $239 & up. 995-3276. AV-AIL. NOW In older house 2 blocks from campus, nice 2-bed. incl. utilities. $650/mo. 332 E. Madison 665-5620. AVAILABLE NOW- 2 lrg. bdrms., patio, parking. Close to Med School & Campus, air, heat incl. $620/mo. 663-6829. L I GO BLUE! RUSH TO CALL AUDIO AR- TISTS, 663-9398. Music & lights for all oc- cassions (run by Students for Students). Now for some music, "Hail to the Victors." HEY STUDENTS, keep that lean summer look all winter long. Have your own personal trainer! Phone Chris 930-2771. 0 SPANISH TUTORING. Native speaker. 995-8273. Aft. 996-2396 eve. Ask for Jorge. TYPING- Resumes, cover letters, and applications. A2 Typing, 994-5515. WORD PROCESSING: Term papers, etc. Quick turn around. Pick-up & delivery avail. Call Janice 663-9445. SHOOT with the BEST! I WeAs - D AIi4M ACROSS 1 I am present: Lat. 6 Sell or soap 10 Tennis tournament rating 14 Island W of Hong Kong 15 Corner 6 Roof projection 7 1938 musical 0 Word with coffee or tea 1 Baseball slip-up 2 Wispy white clouds 3 Mortise's partner 5 Whines 6 Weber opera 8 Chimney sweep's milieu 30 Mutuel or passu lead-in 31 Type type 32 Polar explorer John 35 1989 musical 9 Norm: Abbr. 10 Rails 1 English f urniture designer 12 Stop sign, in Nantes 13 Pass through . membrane, as a liquid 15 Morocco's capital 7 Soviet workers' co-op 8 Analyze a sentence 9 Extinct U.S. coin 1 - de cologne 2 Title for Joan Sutherland 3 Like some showers 4 Former mideast org. 5 Actress Rita from Humacao 6 Violinist Isaac 7 List of feast days 8 Dread 9 "Perfect" number 10 Approaching the end of a cycle: Geology 11 Tidal bore 12 Between Tinker and Chance 13 Corned beef hdqtrs. 18 Curling or waffle 19 Shrewdness 24 Name for a Viking 25 Pocket bread 26 Elects 27 Thai money 28 React smugly 29 Discharges from milit. service 31 Bronte heroine 32 Aroma 33 "-! poor Yorick" 34 Salinger heroine 36 Mideast land 37 Wrongful act 38 Parcheesi, e.g. 42 Gone 43 Heraldic band 44 Worrier 45 Rajah's consort 46 Element 18 47 Titled Turks 48 Gasp 49 Sicilian resort 50 On 52 Ripener 53 Partakes 55 Actor McKellen or Holmes 56 Hawaiian baking pit RENEW MORYES WPA ELENA ENOLA ALL BLACKJACKED R A U LEDGE ANONYM SI BONEY ANEMI AS M RSEL CHS7E/N I NE E V EE RS G M s T IA S COL A S S W AN E CK CH I LD S POR E AR A DS C A RRI C 0 S UM 0S HDECIDE G~P R PSORN N NO0D TOR T E T RI TE 9/27/91 -Learn to Anticipate the the Exam's Thinking -Develop Comprehensive Exam Strategies -Review Videotapes for Additional Practice Professional Instruction - Affordable Tuition Next Classes for the Dec. 7th LSAT begin: Wed. Oct. 16th ,CEL 996-1500 Test Preparation 1100 South University HEL P WANTED. **NOW HIRING days & evenings part, full time. Yes Yogurt & Sandwich. 668-6603 ACHIEVE JUSTICE! Work for Mich. Citz. Lobby. 2-10 pm, M-F. $312/wk. 663-6824. ALL POSITIONS NEEDED. Apply in person. Heidelberg Restaurant, 215 N. Main. ATTENTION STUDENTS! Part-time job. Early a.m., Mon. thru Sat., approx. 12 hrs./ wk. In Ann Arbor apply: Mister Rubbish, 11655 Venture Dr., Whitmore Lake. Equal Opportunity Employer. BABYSI'TER-RELIABLE, caring co-ed needed for 2 pre-school sibs. Mon 12-2 PM and other flex hrs. exp. Call 994-1125. CHILD CARE FOR GIRLS, 9 & 4. Light housekeeping, m/f, 3-6 pm. Flexible hrs., avail. around exam times. Car Preferred. Non-smoker. $5/hr. Call 6-10 pm & weekends: 761-4830. CHILDCARE ASSISTANT in family day care home. 6 hrs./wk.- 2 Need enthusiasm & ability to initiate activities. $5/ hr. starting. Judy, 662-4812. COM1PUTER TECHNICAL CONSULT- ANT sought to advise and assist users with micro computers and software in part-time position. Must possess skills in software training and in trouble-shooting equipment problems. Experience with UM computer systems a plus. Send resume to Tracy Willoughby, 3012 Dana Building, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48109. Questions, phone 763- 2228. Work study is preferred but will con- sider other applications. COOK: SUNDAYS, @ 5 HRS. includes planning, shopping, cooking and cleanup for chaplaincy group supper. Also occasional weeknight dinners; car necessary; references. Inquire at 665-0606. EXPERIENCED BABYSITTER NEEDED for two children ages 2 and 6 months. Tues. WANTED: MALE SUBJECTS for psychology experiment on perception at U of, M. Experiment takes 1.5 hours & pays $10. To qualify, must have vision correctable to 20/20 vision and be a native English speaker. Call 763-4215. WORD PROCESSOR familiar with MS- word/DOS, printing at MTS, approx. 10-15 hrs./week. Over 2 months, excellent pay, work study preferred. Call Institute for the Humanities, Mary Price at 936-3519. WORK STUDY POSITION in hemotology/ oncology lab for Fall Term, 1991. One year of biology or chemistry laboratory experien- ce preffered. Call Dave at 747-1429. WORK STUDY for social research project. Grad student preferred. Follow up telephone calling, editing questionaires, & misc. clerical tasks. Must be available to work one evening & Sunday afternoon rotation. Call Susan at 936-0442. Monday, Sept. 30, 7:30 p.m. Student Publications Building 420 Maynard Street 0 ft Instructions: Form must be filled out completely. Mail check and form to: The Michigan Daily Classifieds, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI : 48109. Payment (check or money order only) must be enclosed with the ad. Out-of-town advertisers must send cashier's. " check or money order. Deadline: One business day prior to publication by 11:30 am. NO REFUNDS - - a q C 1 3 4 6 7 8 9 14 15 17 1 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 129 30 31 i- 1 1 ~1~14~ ~1-t-1- - 'I Hzi~ t 1F hi ~ '~ Ill ~ - -t-I-.-t-I- -- ~ -Ii~ - - - -I.- ~LII - - - -. 1 1 1 t 22 0 a I I I I a I . . . ..................... - - - - - - ---g----(p----e-c-rc - o 10. Lost & Found 20. For Sale 30. Automotive 100. Help Wanted 110. Business Svcs 120. Going Places Start Date: # of insertions Days , . -TJ 1 TT? A T C s a - " 1