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September 27, 1991 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-27

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Page 4-The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 27, 1991


c e itti tgttn ttYl

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Edited and Managed
by Students at the
University of Michigan

Editor in Chief
Opinion Editor

1 'I
Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board.
} All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily' represent the opinion of the Daily.
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T his fall, Congress will seek to increase use of
capital punishment by expanding the number
of crimes punishable by death and stream-lining
the conviction and appeal process leading to the
Despite clear evidence showing .the death
penalty's ineffectiveness and misuse, legislators
are doing their best to avoid addressing serious
economic problems and controversial civil rights
issues' by playing up the importance of the death
penalty in the crime bill.
Proponents of capital punishment assert that
people who commit capital crimes do not deserve
to live, and that fear of execution is an effective
deterrent to potential criminals.
Whether capital offenders deserve to live is
debatable, but because our criminal justice system
is fallible, it should not take the chance of meting
out a punishment that is irreversible.
Over the last century, states that employ the
death penalty have executed 100 people who were
posthumously found innocent. Moreover, 400
people have sat on death row who were later found
not guilty through the process of appeals.
Capital punishment is ineffective because states
which have the death penalty' have higher or
equivalent crime rates to those states without the
death penalty.
Furthermore, the death penalty procedure is
expensive and the capital process costs the govern-
Dr. euss.
His work, wisdom will be misse
"I know some good games we could play,"
Said the cat..
"I know some tricks,
Said the Cat in the Hat.
E "A lot of good tricks.
I will show them to you.
Your mother
Will not mind at all if I do."
And he did, and she didn't.
Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr.
Seuss, died Tuesday night at the age of 87.
Although Dr. Seuss is known for "children's
literature" - whole sections of bookstores are
seemingly devoted to cats in hats - he was an
important voice for American culture as a whole.
From feet to teeth, to the environment, Dr. Seuss
stimulated minds, both young and old..
He taught us how to count, which colors are
which, always to say "thank you" and to keep an
open mind to new ideas.'
When we got a little bit older, he told us to
protect the Truffula Trees and to take life's bumps
- with-its pleasures.
"Today is gone. Today was fun.
Tomorrow is another one.

ment more than life prison terms.
Capital punishment is subject to arbitrary
prejudice; minorities, specifically Blacks, aremore
likely to receive the death penalty than are whites,
especially for interracial crimes. More than half
of those on death row did not have enough to pay
for an attorney, and the ones assigned were so
hopelessly incompetent that capital punishment
was all but assured. There is no systematicway of
administering the death penalty.
This fall, the Congress will conclude action on
the Senate Crime Bill. Among the provisions are
proposals to extend the federal death penalty to
include: murder in a national park, murder of a
federal poultry inspector, robbery with a handgun,
and other similar crimes. In addition, the bill
strikes court precedent and severely limits the
right to appeal a conviction.
This coming term, the Supreme' Court will
hear arguments on death penalty cases that extend
the rights .of the. states. If these provisions are
imposed, the death penalty will extend to new
crimes, and -the laws will greater restrict the
appeals process, making it difficult for new
Capital punishment has no place in a civilized
society and we must take action to abolish further
legislation. Without the involvement ofconcerned
citizens, we will inevitably sentence thousands of
innocent people to death.
Every day
from here to there,
funny things.are everywhere."
He taught us to hate the Grinch (well, maybe
like him just a little) and to love each other like the
Sneetches. Once done with those lessons, we started
to understand his messages as they pertain to
Most of us will never forget them. In fact, the
Lorax left us with a warning not to.
"...UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not."
And while Dr. Seuss gave his gifts to the young,
so many of us have learned from him that nearly
every American knows the Cat in the Hat.
And do we- dare tell mom?
"Should we tell her about it?
Now, what should we do? r
What would you do'
If your mother asked you?".

What's a family?
To the Daily:
I am writing to ask that all
members of the University
community take a moment to
reflecton comments made by
Karen Braun, a resident of - -
University "family" housing, as
reported in the Daily on Sept. 23
("Regents give Duderstadt 5.5%
She uses the phrase "simply
becausepeople wish to call
themselves a family." I believe
Braun is operating under the
misguided notion that people
actually chose to live in non-
traditional married heterosexual
In reality, a minority of people
in the United States today live in
the "American dream" family of
dad, mom, 2.5 kids and a few
pets. Many more people live in a
variety of other combinations,
including single parents, non-wed
heterosexual couples and same-
sex unions.
Given that our society
functions with the family as a.
basic unit, are these people then
not allowed to consider them-
selves a family?? Who defines the
word "family" anyway??
Why do people insist on
buying into the false notion that
anyone not in the "traditional"
family must somehow be an
I believe that Braun and those
who agree with her position are
actually suffering as a result. By
asking that "family" housing be
closed to all but the few who
happen to fit her model of}
"family," she prevents herself
from meeting many wonderful
people and misses the experience
of diverse lifestyles and opinions
that accurately reflect the country
we live in today.
In the final analysis, I do not
understand how the University
can claim to follow its own
affirmative action clause of not
discriminating on the basis of
marital status when this housing
is so restricted. Never mind that
the current housing policy is
clearly discriminatory against
both unwed heterosexual couples
and same-sex couples. All types
of couples who consider them-

selves "family" deserve access to
this housing!
Ann Geiger
Graduate student
School of Public Health
'U' ignores
gay/lesbian reality
To the Daily:
What President Duderstadt
seems to not realize is the fact that
one-tenthnof the student popula-
tion of the University of Michigan
is gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
He would not dare discrimi-
nate against any other group this
large, and yet, because of societal
pressures upon the people
themselves, and because of-
religious or moral objections from
people like Regent Deane Baker
(R-Ann Arbor), many members of
this group are still "in the closet,"
and so do not join in the fight for
equal rights for all people, not just
those whose minority status is
Anthony Glassman
LSA sophomore
aren't minorities
To the Daily:
I think the turn of events in the
gay/lesbian community is absurd.
Have their own lounges? Kick out
the R.O.T.C.? "Minority" rights?
For one thing, gays and
lesbians aren't minorities because
they choose their way of life;
most handicapped and ethnic
minorities don't choose to be that
way. Sexual preference does not
make a person a minority.
For another thing, gays and
lesbians don't want "equal
rights," they want "special
privileges." Having homosexual
and heterosexual lounges would
only hamper the University's goal
of "diversity" by creating sexually
segregated environments.
And why kick R.O.T.C. off
campus because the Federal
Defense Department doesn't
employ homosexuals? You can't
kick every person who doesn't
like homosexuals off campus; we

are all entitled to our own
opinions, even if the opinion of
the Defense Department isn't very
I consider myself a liberal in
social issues, but gays and
lesbians aren't being liberal, they
are being asinine.
Elizabeth Bakunovich
LSA first-year student
New 'U'



To the Daily:
I am glad to know that the
University is going to create yet
another top-level administrative
post ("Regents give Duderstadt
5.5% raise," Daily, Sept. 23,
1991). Wife of the President will
probably rank near the top of the
pecking order, as it were. All 42
vice-provosts will have to be
demoted to make room for him or.'
When will the job be adver-
tised? What will be the qualifica-
tions? As the University is an
equal opportunity/affirmative
action employee, the job will have
to be posted.
Anne Duderstadt, of course,
won't be interested in the job. Her
husband already makes too much
money, way more than they need.
Nobody needs $180,385 a year -
and a free house! Not in a decent
society like ours.
So some thoughtful underpaid
person who likes travel, entertain-
ment, and fund-raising activities
should soon be appointed Wife of
the President.
May the best man or woman
Bert Hornback
Professor of English


:Greater U.S. aid needed to prevent starvation

T he Sudan continues to'suffer under the two-
tiered oppression of civil war and drought,
which has caused great famine and hunger. - Cur-
rently, the people of that nation are near the brink
of starvation and the little U.S. humanitarian aid
they receive is not reaching the truly needy.
The State Department estimates $132.3 million
were allocated to Sudanese aid during the 1991
fiscal year. One of the main reasons more aid was
not allocated is a provisional law forbidding aid to
nations whose duly elected governments have been
overthrown or are in civil war. The U.N. aid has
been estimated to be one-third of the total aid
needed to ward off disaster. But according to the
United Nations, at least $716 million in U.S. aid
would be necessary to fully meet the need. Part of
the unmet need is being met by the European
Community, the United Kingdom and. private
groups under the auspices of the United Nations.
One conservative estimate places nine million
of the 26 million Sudanese at risk of. starvation.
from civil war or drought. Many people are iso-
lated from the major distribution centers of sup-.
plies and-relief workers are often separated by civil
unrest. The government is eager .to avoid bad*
publicity, so it holds up critical relief supplies.

These refugees, especially inthe south, are without
food, water or medical care. -
Aid is many times intercepted by soldiers, or
held up in transport centers, due to a lack of trucks,
airplanes or ships. This is something the United
States tries to avoid because it only fuels the
pending civil war.
The issue is whether the United States will
provide the aid and provide the necessary trans-
portation to move that aid into the hands of those
that really need it.
The United States must provide the equivalent
of 27,000 tons of food to ward off the impending
According'to law, the United Nations cannot
ask for more humanitarian aid, and considering the
drought and ongoing strife, it may be too late. But
at the same time,-we must also provide long term
assistance in the ability of the Sudan to provide for
Without this, Sudan will never be able to pro-
vide for itself. The United States must increase its
commitment to the Sudanese in the 1992 budget,
because when the lives of human beings are at
stake, the money has to be found to stave off mass

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by Jeff Hinte
and Todd Ochoa
Ten months ago, Kelly
Goodman resigned from the
Department of Public Safety and
Security (DPSS) when she
overheard officers fantasizing
about gassing and gunning down
student rights activists.
These activists, working with
the Michigan Student Assembly's
(MSA) Student Rights Commis-
sion (SRC), were advocating for
campus.community input into the
formation and continued oversight
of the DPSS and the growing
campus police force. Last week,
campus police officers used their
weapons for the first time.
On Dec. 4, 1990 the SRC
requested information pertaining
to the "guidelines for the carrying
nf dadl ueannne and the me nf

include references to the campus
police manual on this issue. It
stated that police "carry weapons
only for self defense or to protect
others under immediate threat of
death or serious injury and only if
there is no apparent alternative
and if the safety of bystanders
willnot be unreasonably jeopar-
Last week, campus police
directed their guns towards an
unarmed man as he lay on the
ground, while many students
looked on in shock. A recent
University statement claims that
"policies and procedures were
followed." Either the University.
lied in its previous documents or
the University is lying now -
and if it is now.telling the truth, is
the campus community made.
safer by deDloving police who are

ment, a circumstance that exists
because the University's armed
officers are deputized under the
authority .of the Washtenaw
County Sheriff.
The University's past and
present arrogance and duplicity
regarding the campus police force
points to another question: Why
hasn't the University used Public 0
Act 120 of 1990, which enables
the University to deputize its own
police officers? The only differ-
ence between using this legisla-
tion and having the county sheriff
deputize the officers is that the
legislation mandates that the
University must hold public
hearings regarding the constitu-
tion of the police force and
establish a "Public Safety
Oversight Board" comprised of
students. faculty and staff who are

Nuts and Bolts

by Judd Winick



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