The Michigan Daily -Friday, September 27,1991 - Page 3 Berkeley students help homeless by Gwen Shaffer Daily Higher Education Reporter University of California at Berkeley students can now help the city's homeless population and know the money won't be spent on drugs or alcohol. A new program called Berkeley Cares allows people to buy "Vouchers" at 27 local shops. People give the vouchers instead of cash to area homeless, who may re- deem them at participating stores. According to the 1990 Census, there are about 500 homeless people liv- ing in Berkeley. Berkeley Cares was launched in July and is supported by a coalition of civic, business, social service and student organizations. For one dol- lar, a set of four 25 cent Vouchers can be purchased to be given to homeless individuals and families. The Vouchers are redeemable for food, laundry, and bus transporta- tion at participating local busi- nesses and agencies. "Right now there are only 27 merchants selling the Vouchers and 11 merchants redeeming them. In November, we will go city-wide," said Judy Miller, homeless coordi- nator assistant for the City of Berkeley. The Vouchers are not redeemable for alcohol or tobacco products. "We've noticed a decrease in ac- tive pan-handling since the program began, because people can't get drug and alcohol money anymore," Miller said. Most people said they feel the program has had a positive affect on the Berkeley-area. "I've seen a lot of unity around an issue no one took notice of be- fore,' Miller said. "The program is broad-based with a lot of effort from many sources involved," said Eric Zarate of the University County Affairs Office. Local merchants participating in the program said they were enthusi- astic about becoming involved with Berkeley Cares. "I think most people in the Bay Area who would like to assist the 0 homeless are reticent about it be- cause they don't know where their money will go. They worry they might be doing more harm than good. There is also concern that you might be giving your money to a professional pan-handler," Jack Stuckrath, general manager of Owl Drug, said. "I think it will help those in need to get off using money for drugs :and alcohol and use the Vouchers for necessities," said Phoenix Optical owner Ken Pardini. Students have been supportive of Berkeley Cares since their return to school in September. "Voucher sales have gone up since school started," Miller said. Stuckrath said his store sells an average of 30 Vouchers per day. Pardini said that sales vary greatly. I Senate panel expects close vote on Thomas WASHINGTON (AP) - Two more Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee said yesterday they oppose the nomina- tion of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, setting the stage for a close vote by the panel tomorrow. Alabama Sen. Howell Heflin, often a pivotal vote on the commit- tee, and Wisconsin's Herb Kohl said they had decided against Thomas. But Heflin and other critics con- ceded he is likely to be confirmed handily by the full Senate, even if he gets a worst-case, 7-7 tie and no rec- ommendation from the committee. Thomas was virtually guaran- teed at least half the committee's votes, with all six Republicans and Democrat Dennis Deconcini of Arizona having already declared their support for the conservative black jurist. Colorado Republican Hank Brown filled out the solid GOP bloc yesterday. Meanwhile, a legal newspaper reported that Thomas, now a U.S. Court of Appeals judge, may have tried to avoid controversy at his confirmation hearings by postpon- ing the release of an opinion he wrote in an affirmative action case. The Legal Times of Washington said Thomas has withheld the ma- jority opinion in the three-judge panel's decision that reportedly strips from a woman her license to operate a new radio station in Middletown, Md. She had been awarded the license under the Federal Communications Com- mission's gender preference policy, part of its program to broaden industrial opportunities for women and racial minorities. Four Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, includ- ing Chairperson Joseph Biden (D- Del.) remained undeclared on Thomas on the eve of the panel's ipproval Thomas. The votes of Southern Dem- ocrats, who rely heavily on the support of black voters for re-elec- tion, have been seen as vital to Thomas' confirmation hopes. Those senators were instrumental in de- feating the Supreme Court nomina- tion of Robert Bork in 1987. Thomas' prime Senate sponsor, Sen. John Danforth (R-Mo.) ro-' mained confident. "I have no doubt= 'It is clear that Judge Thomas will be confirmed by the full Senate ' - Alabama Sen. Howell Heffi vote. But all four, also including Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio and Paul Simon of Illinois, have been critical of him. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) announced his opposition earlier in the week. Heflin, a former federal judge with particular influence among the Senate's Southerners, said doubts lingered about whether Thomas "might be part of the extreme, right-wing movement." "The doubts are many. The court is too important," Heflin said. But he added, "It is clear that Judge Thomas will be confirmed by the full Senate." Heflin's prediction was bol- stered when Sen. John Breaux (D- La.) later said he would vote for that Judge Thomas will be cq firmed," he said. But Ralph Neas of toe Leadership Conference on Ci4k Rights, which opposes Thomas' nomination, said Heflin's vote "creates a totally new dynamic in the Senate process." "The opposition underscores the fact that, contrary to the White House press campaign, the confir- mation of Clarence Thomas is not a. done deal," Neas said. A close committee vote could lengthen the time its takes to get Thomas' nomination before the full;.r Senate, especially if Democratic leaders believe some senators need more time to study the hearings record. r It's only a penny at Meijer Ashley Renee Hoyag from Milan, Mich., looks disenchanted with her horse ride at Meijer. Bank officials support student loan legislation by Ben Deci Daily Staff Reporter Banks involved in the Guaranteed Student Loan (GSL) program said yesterday that they would support new legislation which will remove them as a step in the loan process. This legislation, which was re- cently introduced in the House of Representatives, seeks to eliminate the role banks play as the lending institution. Instead, the loan money will come directly from colleges and universities to pay for students' tuition. "There will be across-the-board increases in the maximum amount available for lending to students of all classes. For example, the maxi- mum that a first-year student could borrow if the legislation passes is $6,500, up from $2,650," said Tom Butts, University associate vice president for Government Rela- tions. "That money will come from the money we save by eliminating the third party. This could affect thousands of students at the Uni- versity of Michigan." "There probably isn't a bank in the country that will complain about that. The profit margin (for the banks participating in the pro- gram) is too small, and there is a lot of work involved in the process," said a bank vice president who asked to remain anonymous. Butts said the University would internally fill any new positions created by the legislation. In the current system, a bank loans money to a student and charges a certain interest rate. This rate, which 'is lower than the typical interest rate, is paid by the govern- ment. The government, in turn, 'You have tons of forms to fill out' - Deanne Milklaski RC first-year student charges the student an even lower interest rate. This rate begins to ac- crue only after the student graduates. A spokesperson for Comerica Bank said, "Student loans are only a small part of our business. There wouldn't be any kind of material impact if the legislation were to be put into effect." Deanne Milklaski, a first-year student in the Residential College who participates in GSL, said she is not pleased with the current loan process. "You have tons of forms to fill out. All the paperwork is bu- reaucratic B.S." New GNP revision surprises analysts WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. economy declined at a worse- than-expected annual rate of 0.5 percent last spring and a large increase in laid-off workers seeking jobless benefits early this month, the government said yesterday. The downward revision in the gross national product and the 8.9 percent increase in the number of Americans filing for unemploy- ment benefits were the latest signs of a weak economy, analysts said. Analysts had been expecting the GNP report to show newfound weakness from April through June, but they were surprised that the drop was put at 0.5 percent with consumer and government spending and business restocking of invento- rie allrenvised lower- GO BLIJ GO AVI If you need to rent a car for a day, a week, or to tailgate orn the weekend, stop in at our Avis location in Ann Arbor. You',ll find SuperValue Rates on a wide selection of dependable GM- and other fine cars. 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Chem Bldg, rm 1706, noon. "Nested Paleozoic 'Successor' Basins in the Southern Appalachian Blue Ridge," James Tull of Florida State University. Chem Bldg, rm 1640,4 p.m. Furthermore Friday Hall Computing Center or call 763- 4246. Northwalk, North Campus safety walking service. Sun-Thur 8 p.m.-1:30 a.m. and Fri. and Sat. 8 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Stop by 2333 Bursley or call 763- WALK. "Hallelujah!" and "Bright Road," films. Angell Aud A, 7 p.m., free. "Harakiri," film. Lorch Hall Audito- rium, 7 p.m., free. "A Soldier's Story," film. Hillel, 9 p.m. U-M Ultimate Frisbee Team, Friday practice. Mitchell Field, 7-9. U-M Ninjitsu Club, every Friday. Call 662-2306 for info. IM wrestling room, 6:30-8. U-M Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, practice. CCRB Martial Arts Rm, 6:30-7:30. U-M Women's Lacrosse Club. Call 996-8591 for info. U-M Rowing Team, novice practice. 2:30,3:30,4:30,5:30. Ice Cream Social, Japan Student As- sociation. Stucchis, S. 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