Page 10-The Michigan Daily~ThursdaySept.mber~ 1991 rIITUC. 114.... _ - '-IVIL I~44 for resigi DETROIT (AP) - Magic son has asked for the resignati the Lansing school board me who described Johnson as "a dumb black kid" during his 5~ years in Lansing. William Carter made the s ments during a Sept. 12 board n ing. He said he deeply regr them, but added they were taker of context and he will not resigi Johnson said Wednesday he his family have been hurt Carter's remarks. "Not only were his comma hurtful to myself and my fain but especially to the children Lansing, Michigan, if not ev where," Johnson said in a statem released by the Lakers. "I feel it is inappropriate ~ dangerous for a man with his id and feelings to be in such a power and Influential public Position Johnson said. "Should Mr. Car choose not to resign, I would a Dejon does double - time ATLANTA (AP) - Only a fe~ athletes have played two sports in the same season. Deion S2ndi'~rc could do it in two days. Sanders, a full-time cornerback with the Atlanta Falcons, is doing double duty as an outfielder, trying to help the Braves catch the Los Angeles Dodgers in the NL West. The Braves added Sanders to their roster on Tuesday and he was in uni- form for their game with the Cin- cinnati Reds. Sanders, who left the Braves eight weeks ago to resume his foot- ball career, will play both sports for the duration of the pennant race. The Braves trail first-place Los An- geles by two games. Sanders' return was triggered by Braves general manager John Schuer- holz, who tried in vain to acquire a speedster after Otis Nixon, the major-league leader with 72 stolen bases, was suspended on Sept. 16 for a drug violation. "I talked with some other clubs trying to acquire a speed guy," Schuerholz said Tuesday. "We de- cided if Deion wanted to do it, as he said he did, we'd give him the oppor- turiity." Manager Bobby Cox said San- ders, who stole nine bases in 12 attempts for the Braves earlier in the season, will be used "mostly as a pinch runner, but knowing Deion it doesn't take him long to get any- thing back." Schuerholz said he notified Fal- cons president Taylor Smith of the move. uei,~ J oin IViagic in call COLLEGIATE FiELD HOCKEY 'M' field hocke COACHES ASSOCIATION drops to No. 16 ~ation of board member To~ 20 POLL by Tim Spolar John- that the Lansing school board seek a terested in school, but "I tried to _______________________________________________________________ Despite suffering consecuti Daily Sports Writer on of recall election against him immedi- make my point in a disgustingly of- Team Record Pts Last Week Michigan field hockey team retain4 mber ately." fensive way." big. School board President Nancy "i was trying to explain that 1. Old Dominion 6-0-0 120 1 Hockey Coaches Association weel ~hool Erickson reprimanded Carter in a Earvin Johnson was a total success 2. Massachusetts 7-0-0 114 2 ly Top 2Opoll. letter Tuesday. Erickson was not Picture, a product of Lansing 3 Mary land 4-1-1 108 3 The Wolverines' tate- immediately available for comment schools, and of elementary junior ~eet- Wednesday. high and high school athletics," he ~ Penn State 4-1-0 102 4 lOsses at the hands of l3th-ranke ~tted Carter, 66, said he was not sur- said. 5. iowa 6-0-0 96 5 Duke and eighth-ra~~ Virginia, out prised by Johnson's reaction. 6. Temple 5-1-1 88 6 Spectively, knocked them out of th "If I was in Magic's shoes I Johnson attended high school in 14th spot, down to No. 16. and guess 1 would say the same thing," Lansing, and led nearby Michigan . North Carolina 4-2-0 86 8 by he said Wednesday. "This is an em- State to a national Championship in 8. Virginia 5-0-2 75 7 The fact that the Wolverines (3 9. Connecticut 5-0-0 72 10 3 overall) have only lost to team, barrassment for his family. I've 1979. ~nts tried to apologize to everybody that School board member Adell 10. Northwestern 4-2-0 69 9 of higher national ranking on th Lily, I can conceivably think of. Flourry Jr. said Carter should re- ~ New Hampshire 2-2-1 60 11 road - has obviously impacted th( sign, as did the Lansing branch of the 12. Northeastern 2-4-0 54 15 coaches' votes. of "It was a dumb thing to do, a National Association for the Ad- 13. Duke 4-2-0 48 12 Michigan's other loss this season ~ry- poor choice of words," he said. vancement of Colored People. 14. Lafayette 3-3-0 42 15 was to New Hampshire, ranked 11th Carter's comments came as he The Rev. Melvin Jones, of the 15. Syracuse 1-3-0 36 13 in the nation. ent md argued for spending more money on Union Missionary Baptist Church 16. Michigan 3-3-0 30 14 ~as athletic programs for sixth-, SCV~ said he and other black leaders have 17. Ursinas 2-1-1 24 17 third spot in the Midwest regional ful enth-, and eighth-grader5 talked about mounting a recall of- 18. Providence 320 18 NR rankings, behind fellow Midwest Carter said he was trying to fort. Johnson's parents attend Jones' 19. Boston University 1-4-0 12 18 Collegiate Field Hockey Confer- ter make the point that athletics help church, and Johnson was married 20. Delaware 1-2-1 6 NR ence members isk keep a lot of kids in school and in- there Sept. 14. Iowa (No. S nation- ....... ................... .......................... ally) and Northwestern (No. 10). .............................. ................................ ................................. ................................. ..................................... ~ ........................... .s..*.*.*. ~... .:.;......;.;... * ~ ..* ..*. * *......... . . S.*.*.....*. . . . . . 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Sanders said playing baseball wouldn't affect his football career and that he didn't expect to be fined. Sanders reported several days late when he left the Braves on July 31 and was fined $25,000. "I don't expect to be," Sanders said of the Possibility of a fine. "I'm not doing anything wrong. I'll be at practice, at the meetings and the game. What I do on my own time is my business.~~ Aside from his speed, how much Sanders can help is open to question. He hit just .193 in 49 games with Atlanta this season, with four homers and 13 RBIs. Sanders career somewhat paral- lels that of Bo Jackson, who became the most successful two-sport ath- lete of his generation with the Kansas City Royals and the Los An- geles Raiders. But Jackson never played two sports in 36 hours. Sanders plans to do just that this weekend, playing defensive back for the Falcons in Atlanta on Sunday afternoon, then heading to the airport that night to be in Cincinnati on Monday for the Braves. Schuerholz said Sanders would ;uit up for nine of the Braves' final [2 reguIar~season games, mj55ingr