91 a ge 2-Tihe Michigan Daily/New Student Edition -Thursday, September 5, 1991 Freedom: Up in smoke? T'ougher Pot Law may be sin of things to come by Daniel Poux Eighteen months ago, Ann Arbor voters stepped in fiie'with the "Jst Say No" campaign sweeping the na- tion and increased the fine for possession of small quantities of marijuana from $5 - the legendary $5 Pot Law - to $25 for first offenses. Any unlucky souls caught repeatedly with some of the leafy mate- ridlon their person have had to pay up to $100 in fines, and risk possible jail time. Despite the city's crackdown on pot smokers, things are pretty much business as usual around campus and around town. The drug trade has not been driven under- ground; anyone who wants pot can still find it. How- ever, many would argue that the abolition of the pro- gressive $5 fine -- which had stood as a beacon of hope to the nation's stoners since 1972 - was not intended toliave any effect on the drug trade in Ann Arbor. Instead, as former Mayor Jerry Jernigan explained when the law was under scrutiny, the city's miniscule pot haw "was sending the wrong message," and needed to be changed. Jernigan neglected to say who was get- tlingihe wrong message, or how simply adjusting the possession fires for inflation was going to send the right message. Because the decision was left up to Ann Arbor vot- ers as a referendum on the annual ballot, Jernigan can- not be held responsible for the change of the law. And the local tokers whining about the end of an era have no ne ,to blame but themselves for failing to mobilize unregistered voters and allowing their political voices to go unheard. 'ut what can we conclude about those voters whose yoices were heard? Looking at the April 1, 1990 elec- ion.in a broader context, it is difficult to discern what Was'going on in the heads of the citizens that turned dut at the polls that day. On the same ballot, city voters approved a referen- Ouir' declaring Ann Arbor a "zone of reproductive freedom," and effectively decriminalized the practice of iortion within the city limits. Concerned Ann Ar- borites saw the storm over abortion rights gathering str~ergth on the horizon, and took preemptive measures toinsure that women will still have a full range of faxrily planning alternatives - in short, guaranteeing Ralliers seeking the legalization of marijuana voice their ideas at last year's Hash Bash. The annual event has become a campus tradition. pregnant women in Ann Arbor the right to choose. However, the same people who declared Ann Arbor a "zone of reproductive freedom" were, sadly, the peo- ple who struck down the Pot Law that served as the model for this progressive pro-choice stance. Critics may object to the link between the serious issue of abortion rights and the comparatively trivial argument over the rights of pot smokers. But the cen- tral issue is the same - both involve a person's basic right to decide what to do with his or her own body. Why were local voters so quick to stand up for the rights of pregnant women while moving to crack down on people who choose to ingest a plant that human be- ings have been utilizing for a variety of reasons for thousands of years? The importance of the issue lies in more than just getting high, as the White House, the Ann Arbor police and those witty people that brought us the "fried egg" commercials are quick to argue. It concerns personal freedoms, freedoms which con- tinue to evaporate in the 1990s. All those aspiring civil libertarians in the class of 1995 - even those who don't smoke pot - should see the danger behind the "War on Drugs" being fought even in the streets of a Midwestern college town. Two decades ago, Ann Arbor voters instituted the $5 Pot Law to stand up against laws they felt were unfair and unnecessarily restrictive to the free-thinking individ- ual. "A Joint is Not the Point," proclaimed the motto of the 1991 Hash Bash. It's more than the cause- cihlbre of a select minority of local retro-hippies; it's the basis of a skirmish in the United States' ongoing civil war over the rights of individuals. Poux is an LSA senior and a Daily Opinion Editor. New 'U' policy makes sex pay by Jonathan Chait Last spring the University installed a new sexual harassment policy which provides students with a fun 'n' easy way to get a 4.0 GPA without studying. The old way to get a free 4.0 was if your roommate committed suicide. According to rumor this policy is still around, but in fact it was discontinued years ago. What happened was, lots of guys named Butch who spent the semester on the verge of becoming academi- cally ineligible for football or wrestling were walk- ing away with 4.Os because their 120 lb. roommates were found with crushed skulls and poorly spelled suicide notes stapled to their chest (Goodbye krool wirld.) Not that I am suggesting that many athletes are stupid. I am especially not suggesting it about those athletes who can bench press my entire family and who have already picked out cement blocks with which to crush my skull. But the upshot is that the U trashed this policy, and for many years we have had to actually study to get the 4.0. But now this new sexual harassment pol- icy gives us another opportunity. The policy says that in the event of a sexual harassment complaint be- tween a teacher and a student, "The University will not look favorably upon a defense based on consent." In other words, if you want to accuse your teacher of sexual harassment, your teacher cannot use your consent to sex as an excuse. This is completely true; this is the actual policy of U of M. So what you want to do is find a way to get in bed with every TA or professor you can. (This may require juggling your schedule to make sure that all your teachers are of the appropriate sexual orientation.) The problem is that you have very little experience in seducing teachers, due to the fact that in high school your teachers tended to weigh upwards of three hun- dred pounds and have armpit sweat stains the size of frisbees. This is not the case with most'of your TAs. What you want to do, then, is let them know that you're available. Here is a list of ways, which I would like to stress to my parents is NOT based on personal experi- ence, to develop an intimate relationship with your TA: 1) Attend every section. Ask thoughtful ques- tions. 2) Go to office hours every week. Sit on your TA's lap. 3) Dress to impress - leather, chains, whips, etc. 4) After they make particularly inspiring com- ments in class, raise a cigarette lighter as if at a rock concert and hurl your undergarments at them. All of the above steps should effectively convey the idea to your TA that you think they are "that spe- cial someone." Eventually they will invite you to their apartment for an in-depth tutoring session, one thing will lead to another ... O.K. It's now the end of the semester and you are having affairs with every one of your, TAs but failing all your classes. What you do now is visit your TAs and explain that the sex has been really great and it's nothing personal, but you want to file a claim with the University for sexual harassment. Your TA will realize that, despite the fact that you were an ex- tremely willing participant, you will win the case be- cause of the new policy. They will have no choice but to offer you an A in return for your silence. Now I know what you're thinking. You're think- ing, "What if it's halfway through the semester, and I'm failing all my classes and having sex with all my TAs just like you said, and President Duderstadt sud- denly realizes that his sexual harassment policy is ridiculous, and decides to chuck the whole policy? I'll be completely screwed, literally and figuratively." What you would need to do, in such an instance, is figure out a new way to persuade your TA to give you an A. I would suggest using cement blocks. Chail writes a humor column which appears regularly in Weekend magazine. B A Ptrcbr-MM IL*Or M&r 7"UP ~oLJ CAKatV: ICI 0 0 Capitalize on college's freedom by David Schwartz Your parents have just pulled away from the curb, heading home to Long Island, or Detroit, or Peoria. They sputter down the street in the Oldsmobile and disappear around the corner, taking with them those stern looks, strict rules, and that annoying 12:30 curfew that had impeded your social life since 10th grade. You turn around and look up at the dorm as you scurry back to your room, seeing more than the chipped paint. There are no parents. No intrusive teachers. Few rules. Welcome to college. Welcome to freedom. For most first-year students, Michigan is their first real experience away from the scrutiny of parents and teachers, their first opportunity to do as they wish without some- one reminding them incessantly, "You can't do that." The decisions new students face go beyond the daily battle of whether to hit the snooze button one more time or drag themselves out of bed to get to that 9:00 lecture. The pressure of being independent at college results from more than classes and homework; the demands for time come from student groups, fraterni- ties or sororities, dorm life, an unfamiliar roommate, the bar, and other distractions seemingly assembled to test one's sanity. Unfortunately, many students. come to Ann Arbor having already determined what they want to do with their years on campus. Some have settled on a major or decided which fraternity to join while still back home. The academic stress at a high-caliber uni- versity is considerable, and it is easy to ignore many opportunities and focus instead on the eye-popping salaries engineers or Wall Street analysts pull down these days. Graduate school (and the still-higher salaries of doctors and lawyers) may present an even more com- pelling option. What no one mentions enough is that all of this can be done without sacrificing every- thing else thai comes with college life. Before getting boxed in by a restrictive major, the Greek system or the student newspaper, it's a good idea to explore some of the other classes, groups or activities that are so prevalent on campus. Many students may very well end up join- ing a sorority and becoming a doctor just like they planned. However, without taking the time to look, they may pass over an organiza- tion or career which suits them even better. The college experience will be much richer for students who take the time to explore all their options: taking some classes not because they count toward their major, but because they sound interesting; ignoring their Spanish homework so they can attend a meeting of a group that they're curious about; going to par- ties even though it's not the weekend. Students who capitalize on these opportuni- ties will enjoy their college years much more. Eventually, everyone at the University finds a niche. Some are involved in student government, some are active in a Greek organi- zation, some are leaders of a student group, and some are simply students. The only way for students to find the right niche is to sam- ple more than one. In the end, college is more than simply lec- tures and homework. Living away from home, trying new things, meeting different kinds of people - these are important lessons that can't be taught in Angell Hall. Freedom is great to have, especially when it's fresh. The biggest mistake is becoming isolated quickly, because the freedom to make choices lasts only as long as we let it. Schwartz is a first-year law student and was the 1990 Daily Opinion editor. e Signing in JLINIhK UUl S 1 uuav. LSA first-year student Nicole Parisi writes her opinion on the Gulf War on tan opinion board in South Quad. The war brought out strong feelings on both sides of the issue from nearly all students. t D , A Y E STo 4 JOIN Yo nTIw NK I I Michigan Indian Employment & Training Services 0 F . . ...... ME=