The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 20, 1991 -- Page; by Laura DePompolo Daily Staff Reporter 'is letsgie hik tkvugh voltiteeism Steadfast and determined, a young woman stands in the middle of the Diag on a chilly Saturday morning, a gleaming silver bucket in her hand. She waits for the single twinge of metal on metal to become the chime and jingle of a proud goal. The scene may seem silly to the average student who has barely *enough time to make it through a tough semester at the University. But according to Anita Bohn, di- rector of SERVE, a volunteer orga- nization at the University, an es- *timated 4,000 to 5,000 people cam- pus-wide volun- teer each year. But what is it that motivates these students to volunteer their. time and patience to the needy? And, once moti- * vated, where do wth ey go to be- come a volun- teer? Popular belief has it that people grant their time, knowledge and patience for the benefit of those who have a par- ticular physical, mental or eco- nomic disadvantage. While many student volunteers share this belief, others look beyond the needs of those they help to the personal rewards that volunteering can bring into their own lives. Some say this allows them to utilize the motivation it creates to their own advantage and to the advantage of the person they are helping. Karrie Garcia, a sophomore in the Sigma Kappa Sorority, explained that people constantly draw a sense of satisfaction from doing things for themselves. But she added that people experience a different, some- times deeper, satisfaction from helping people with special needs. "We do so iuch for ourselves," she said. "When you volunteer, it gives you a really good feeling be- cause you are doing something for someone else." Currently, Garcia participates in volunteer programs through her sorority. She explained that many fraternities and sororities name a philanthropic organization to which they pledge donations. Sigma Kappa's philanthropy is the Na- tional Alzheimer's Society. Last year, Sigma Kappa members sold lollypops to raise money for the fund, Garcia said. She added that her sorority also helps out in the community. Last winter, during the Persian Gulf crisis, Sigma Kappa assisted a community organization by passing out flags to local businesses. It also sponsored a bumper sticker sale. Fraternities and sororities are an important part of the volunteer world. With time, people, and money, the Greek system is a major contributor to both local community volunteer groups and to national fundrais- ing organizations. But many students pass blindly by the fraternity and sorority volunteers stationed in the center of the Diag. Some passersby - consumed in the mad panic of rushing to a class that started 15 minutes earlier or maybe because they are so accustomed to the sight - simply do not pay attention to the eager volunteers. However, it is more difficult not to pay attention during Greek Week, an extended competition designed to raise funds for charitable organizations. Mary Beth Seiler, the Panhellenic Association advisor, said that fraternities and sororities raised an estimated $50,000 during last year's Greek Week. Many of the Greek houses on campus use the ser- vices of Project SERVE to arrange contacts with vol- unteer organizations in the community. Bohn, director of Project SERVE, said there are about 150 volunteer organizations in the Ann Arbor area that are in need of either individual or group assis- tance. Such contacts include Ann Arbor schools, adult care centers, centers for abuse and chemical dependency, and many branches of the judicial system such as courts and jails. Debra Gotz, philanthropy chair for Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority, said sisters from her house visited Mott's Children's Hospital during the Christmas season last year to entertain patients who were unable to go home for the holidays. "It's a really good feeling when you help people, not necessarily by donating money, but by spending time with the person," Gotz said. ment for students interested in vol- unteer work. Like many students, Gotz was looking for a fun and fulfilling class when she enrolled in Psychol- ogy 121 - the Big Sister course. "I thought it would be a fun ex- perience for me and for the child," Gotz said. "I thought it would be a learning experience." Many Univer- sity students take advantage of the "learning experi- ence" that volun- teering has to of- fer and utilize it as their motiva- tion. "When I do u, something I usu- ally want it to come back to me," said Lance Porigow, a junior concentrating in psychology and business and a group leader for Project Out a ~ reach's course, "One to One, a Big Brother class." Project Out- reach and Project Community, a similar organiza- tion that is run through thessoci- ology depart- ment, offer vol- unteer courses in leadership, health, education, and criminal jus- tice. Students get a chance to work with many different volunteer or- ganizations throughout Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County. Jeff Howard, director of Project Community, said no students will be turned down unless the classes are closed due to space limitations. However, he added that the commu- nity contact holds the right to dis- miss someone if it finds a problem with the student. Howard said the program has received an extremely small number of rejections from community sponsors. But Project Community is not just a volunteer program devoted to helping the needy, Howard said. "Students come away knowing that there is another way to learn besides assuming a passive role in the classroom," he said. "They par- ticipate in active learning, learning that you can take with you." Jerry Miller, the faculty coordi- nator for Project Outreach, recom- mends the courses for students thinking about future careers in any of the areas covered. "It's a great compliment to in- class learning," he said. "Many students go into it think- ing that they are going to help someone else, but they really end up helping themselves," said Peter Brown, a former big brother for Project Outreach. But these volunteers say they aren't just looking for an easy way to get experience or to enhance a resume that needs some help. And such reasoning would never make a good volunteer, they explain. Evan Young, a member of Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a co-ed volunteer service fraternity on campus, does not believe that volunteering should be used only to en- hance a resume. "I knew it would look good," said Young, who once volunteered at the University Hospital. "But if I just wanted to look good I would have taken a class." APO, which celebrated its 50th year of service at the University in 1990, is another outlet for interested student volunteers. Anyone willing to volunteer 20 hours per week and attend weekly chapter meetings can join the fraternity. "I think volunteering is wonderful," Young said. "It gives people a larger perspective. So many people out there are just concerned with grades. Volunteering lets people know that there is a larger world out there." LSA sophomore Jeanette Hilgert, an active APO member, said she joined the organization because vol- unteer social service is essential. She explained that there are too many service jobs in the community that aren't filled by regular workers. The fact that so many important social service jobs remain vacant is an ongoing problem in society - one that makes volunteering special to many students here and across the country. No matter what his or her mo- tivation, each student volunteer knows there are people out there who need the help of a volunteer to bring something special into their lives, people who need to know there is someone who cares. And it is this feeling of compassion for other peo- ple that draws the student volunteers from their warm, cozy beds early in the morning on a chilly, driz- zly Saturday to go looking for the gleaming silver Volunteers find a home at Ozone Seth Persky is pretty much an average University student. He is a senior psychology major who often wonders whether he'll have to stay longer than four years to finish his degree. A native of Orchard Lake - an upper-middle class suburb of Detroit - Seth says his childhood was typical. Stephen Kellie Carbone is Henderson pretty average, too. She, like Seth, is a senior .'.. psychology major, andI may have to' stay an extraI semester or two. Her hometown is Ortonville, a small, middle-class town about 30 miles northwest of Detroit. And she, too, thinks her formative years were typical. But Laura Brown, a training and volunteer coordinator at Ozone House, says that without Seth, Kellie and up to 40 other "typical" students like them, the teen crisis-intervention center would be crippled. After spending half a day at Ozone, I would have to agree. ''The students make up about three-quarters of our volunteer staff, and they do most of the work," Brown said. "I don't think we could provide the services we do now without them." And if Ozone House were to stop providing the services it does, the more than 750 Washtenaw County teens who go there every year after running away, or being "thrown away" from home, might not get the help they so desperately need. Ozone was created in 1969, and began as a temporary shelter for teens who had left home to make it on their own. Back then, the volunteers at Ozone helped get runaways where they wanted to go - often New York City or California. Today, by contrast, the first priority at Ozone is getting homeless teens back home. Runaway youths from all over Washtenaw County come to Ozone for help. And volunteers now act primarily as mediators for teens and their parents, trying to strike a compromise between the parents' demands and the adoles- cents' desires. The volunteers endure 52 hours of training and must commit to working for six months before actually dealing with clients at Ozone. They work at least one four-hour shift per week, answering phones and dealing with new clients, and spend up to six more hours doing face-to-face counseling with the teens and their parents. That can be a tough and tiring job, especially when the volun- teers have to confront home situations that are far from ideal, as they often do. But Seth and Kellie told me the successes they've had and the camaraderie the volunteers have developed make the work worthwhile. "This is the real thing here," Seth said. "We're dealing with people's lives. And when you see the difference you can make, however small, it makes you feel good. And because the volunteers always work in pairs, Seth and Kellie told me, they cultivate working relationships they don't find elsewhere. At Ozone, they said, you're never alone. And the most striking thing about Ozone is that the vast majority of the volunteers are students. "Typical" students like you and me, but students who also feel the need to do more than grapple with the academic and social pressures of University life. Are they activists? Yes. As much as students who rally for Palestinian self-determination or who demand that abortion be outlawed, these students work to better the world as they see it. But they do it without the hoopla, fanfare and high media Top, Amy Fielek, a Business School junior, plays at Pound House, a day care center. Above, Helena Wang, an LSA sophomore, volunteers at the hospital. Below, members of a service fraternity paint a sign for rush.