Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Monday, September 16, 1991
Continued from page 1
touted his bid to "start investing
here in America."
"There .are those who say that
we're a longshot, that we can't
win," Harkin said in remarks pre-
pared for delivery. "I'm here to tell
you that George Herbert Walker
Bush has feet of clay and I intend to
take a hammer to them."
His announcement was a sharply
liberal call for a return to tradi-
tional Democratic values, the "new
vision" he said was spelled out by
Democrats ranging from Franklin
Roosevelt to Harry Truman to John
"For the last four years, the
hardworking men and women, the
farmers, the small business owners,
the people who pull the load and
pay the taxes in this country have
been getting hit below the belt,"
Harkin said. "I'm running for presi-
'The people who pull
the load and pay the
taxes ... have been
betrayed by the greed
and selfishness of
George Herbert
Walker Bush and J.
Danforth Quayle'
-Tom Harkin
lowa senator
dent because I believe the American
people are hungry for a new vision
of America."
Harkin is in his second Senate
term and has emerged as one of its
leading liberals and most persistent
Bush critics.
With his announcement, Harkin
becomes the third Democrat to enter
the race formally, joining Virginia
Gov. Douglas Wilder and former
Massachusetts Sen. Paul Tsongas.
Decisions are expected soon from
Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton,
Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey, and two-
time presidential contender Jesse
Jackson. Former California Gov.
Jerry Brown also is considered a
likely contender.
Harkin was elected to Congress
in 1974 and was in the House for 10
years before ousting Republican Sen.
Roger Jepsen. He was re-elected last
year and spent the summer testing
the presidential waters.
His candidacy sets the stage for a
battle within the Democratic Party
between liberal activists who play
an important role in the nominating
process, and moderates who argue
the party can't win the White House
until it moves more to the middle.
Harkin has argued that Bush is
vulnerable, despite his high standing
in the poiis following the Gulf
War and the collapse of communism
in the Soviet Union. He pointed to
polls showing that most Americans
are uncomfortable with the nation's
direction, and he said that only a
traditional Democratic appeal can
capitalize on that sense.
Harkin's candidacy has tactical
significance for Democrats. Iowa's
presidential caucuses in February are
the first test of strength. Because of
his presence, other contenders have
largely conceded those caucuses to
him and activity in Iowa has been
Continued from page 1
had been justified, members of the
University community joined to-
gether in a group called Concerned
Citizens to protest what they saw
as an unwarranted use of force.
Concerned Citizens member
Tonya Clowney argued that if the
group had received support other
than from Black individuals last
year, the incident would have not
occurred Saturday.
"When we were doing a
Concerned Citizens forum, it
wasn't a race thing, it was a student
thing," said Clowney, an LSA
sophomore. "The Macing would
have been less likely to happen if
(everyone) could have given us some
Although Concerned Citizens is
not currently active, the group plans
to keep working on the South Quad
incident to develop a policy that
would prevent unwarranted use of
police force.
Although MSA President James
Green did not have an opinion for or
against the tear-gassing, he said, "Of
course we're always nervous when
any kind of force like that is used."
LSA Rep. Melissa Saari echoed
his comments. "It's really unfortu-
nate that something like that has to
happen. I think this might worry
students a bit," she said. "I don't
know if those means were necessary
or not. Obviously, it does concern
students. I've heard talk from ev-
eryone. It is a big issue."
Police have a tough job playing
the mediator between the students
and the University, argued Rackham
Rep. Ben Witherell, who is also
wary about of the use of Mace
Saturday morning.
He said, "I don't know very
much about the incident, but it
would seem to me that using tear
gas on a group of college students
on South University was probably
not necessary. Sometimes just the
police being there and acting author-
itarian can incite things to happen
like bottle and rock throwing.
"Obviously, students shouldn't
be throwing bottles and rocks re-
gardless. It's hard to blame anyone.
I'm sure there were plenty of stu-
dents that should have been arrested.
But then again, to go tear gas a
whole crowd seems a little bit ex-
treme to me."
Interfraternity Council (IFC)
President Matt Commers said the
incident was not pertinent to the as-
sociation. The IFC held a forum last
Thursday with the police depart-
"I don't see it affecting us in any
way specifically. I think that we
have a positive working relationship
with the Ann Arbor Police
Department," he said.
Unless students protest,
Clowney visualizes a bleak future.
"It depends on if the students
decide they want to fight back, but
they weren't eager to do it before,
and I don't know if they'll be now,"
Clowney said. "The police have
nothing to stop them. It'll continue
to happen if there's no stand with
dedicated people. It's a student
thing. It can happen to any student."
Continued from page 1
Rick's American Cafe, on Church
Street, and Good Time Charley's and
O'Sullivan's, on South University
Street, throughout the night.
But the crowd began to swell
shortly after 1:15 a.m. when Ann
Arbor fire marshalls began clearing
the overcrowded bars, forcing more
students onto the street.
Sheikh said Ann Arbor officers
initially walked through the
streets, asking people to disperse.
But when the crowd had taken
over the entire block of South Uni-
versity Streeet between Church and
East University streets, the police
called in assistance from the Washt-
enaw County Sheriff's Department,
the Ypsilanti Police Department,
the Pittsfield Police Department,
Michigan state troopers and Uni-
versity officers.
Sheikh said about 50 to 70 offi-
cers responded.
LSA sophomore Mike Carter
said a few skirmishes occurred be-
tween people in the crowd before
the police started heavily pa-
trolling.tHowever, Carter ex-
plained that bottles and stones did
not start flying until police used
bullhorns to threaten the "illegal
assembly" with tear gas.
"The police gave the crowd am-
ple time to disperse, but they just
wouldn't move," said Charley's
doorperson Will Thompson, an LSA
"I didn't see a lot of bottles be-
ing thrown, but I saw the glass in
the street this morning. Still, while
the crowd really wasn't violent,
tear gas is meant to disperse a huge
crowd, and that's what the police
needed to do," Thompson said.
Ann Arbor police began shoot-
ing tear gas cannisters above the
crowd at about 2 am. - approxi-
mately -15 minutes after the bull-
horn announcements, Sheikh said.
A line of about 20 officers wear-
ing riot gear locked arms and began
"sweeping" South University,
pushing the crowd either toward
Washtenaw Avenue or onto inter-
secting streets such as Church
Meanwhile, police sprayed the
crowd with between five and 12
cannisters of tear gas, bystanders
"Everyone pretty much ran once
the gassing started," said LSA
sophomore Chris Baker, who was
looking for a place to eat about five
minutes before the spraying began.
Bob Miller, an Ann Arbor resi-
dent who watched the proceedings
from the stairway to Wherehouse
Records above Charley's, said the
crowd ran in the direction it was
pushed until the smoke dissipated.
Then, he said, people filtered back
onto the streets.
"Police were also Macing indi-
viduals," Miller said. "It was
ridiculous to watch. If someone
turned around and there was a cop, it
was like, 'I'm going to get you if
you don't disperse, or I'll give you
three seconds to disperse.' They
were playing taunting, stupid
Amy Hess, a senior at Amherst
College who visited for the week-
end, said she was Maced in the face
after the majority of the crowd had
"There were just a few people
left on the street, and I wanted to
ask someone about what had hap-
pened, and so I said, 'Excuse me, of-
ficer,' and she turned around and
Maced me in the face," Hess said.
"Nothing like this could ever hap-
pen at Amherst. People just
wouldn't let it happen."
Hess returned to South Univer-
sity Street Saturday night to look
for the officer that Maced her, and
said she was considering filing a
complaint report. Ann Arbor police
said that only one report has been
filed against officers, although sev-
eral students Saturday morning said
they had taken down specific badge
numbers of officers who used Mace
without provocation.
But LSA senior Chad Costley,
who watched the streets being
cleared from his house at South
University and Elm streets, said the
officer's use of tear gas was
'It might have started
out like a pep rally,
but the chemistry
started turning'
-- Khurum Sheikh
Ann Arbor staff sergeant
"If I were a police officer, and
there was a huge crowd throwing
bottles at me, there's no question I
would throw tear gas," he said.
"You can't really hurt anybody
with tear gas, but when you throw
stones or bottles, that can be really
Sheikh said yesterday that offi-
cers used Mace not because they in-
dividually felt threatened, but be-
cause the situation itself was
Ann Arbor police said three of
their vehicles were damaged in the
melee. Five officers, and one of the
six arrested individuals were in-
jired, Sheikh said, but all were
treated and released from Univer-
sity Hospitals.
According to a police statement
released Saturday, four people were
arrested for felonious assault, and
two more for malicious destruction
of police property and inciting to
Police said arraignment is sched-
uled for today, and that five of the
six suspects were students.
Many students involved in the
tear gassing also commented that it
seemed like the police were so inter-
ested in clearing the crowd that they
ignored real violence, such as a large
fight in front of Taco Bell on East
University Street.
"I told one of the cops in the line
that there were some town people
involved in a bad fight," said LSA
junior Andy Preda. "The cop didn't
care, he said ... 'Fuck 'em, they can
kill each other."'
Ann Arbor police said they had
no reports of incidents outside Taco
Bell, although the manager of the
restaurant said yesterday that the
fight had been bloody.
While Ann Arbor police heavily
patrolled the South University
Street area again Saturday night, and
while traces of tear gas still lin-
gered in the air, there were no fur-
ther problems.
"I think the police just like to
disperse crowds," Miller said. "If
the police don't do anything or if
they had left, the students would
have cheered, and tired themselves
out and left. As long as police are
there, though, it's like taunting, and
the students remain."
- Ben Deci contributed to this
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