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September 09, 1991 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1991-09-09

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Mixed clouds and sun;
High: 84, Low: 64.
Possible t-stornw;
High: 84, Low: 62t.



Wolverines win in
Magic show.
See SPORTSmonday
Page 1.

A century of editorial freedom
Vol. CI, 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 9, 1991 cpyighDal
New policy requires I.D. to enter Union
'U'says I.D. check surprises
policy ll
i c seE both students, oficers
Daily Staff Reporter DPSS and an independent security Union.
Don't leave home without it. agency, who guard each entrance to The biggest problem, Wegerzyn
That was the sentiment echoed the Union and check patrons for said, was that orders placed by stu-
Sby a number of security officers identification. dents in neighboring residence halls
whose job was to check for student "The question we've been trying could not be picked up by students
by Henry Goldblatt identification at all entrances to the to deal with is 'How do we ensure a who did not know to bring their I.D.
Daily Administration Reporter Michigan Union Friday and safe, fun environment (in the "I got a call from someone who
Administration officials im-....Saturday nights. Union)?"' said Michigan Union said they couldn't pick up their
plemented a policy Friday morning As the result of a new policy is- Manager Frank Cianciola. pizza. That's the first I heard of it,"
which bars students without.sued by the Michigan Union with Many students did not expect said Wegerzyn.
University identification from the the cooperation of a number of other the new policy. After he discovered the new pol-
Michigan Union on Thursday, University departments including "I hadn't heard anything," said icy on Friday night, Wegerzyn spoke
Friday and Saturday nights between the Department of Public Safety and Jeff Katz, an LSA sophomore who to Cianciola, who made no comment
9 p.m. and 1:30 a.m., said University .Security (DPSS), the Housing forgot his I.D. and was denied entry to him on the policy, but did say
Housing Program Director Alan Division, and the Student Services into the Union. that provisions would be made to
Levy. office, all those entering the Union "I don't really think it's fair to let people pick up orders from the
In addition, University students must be students or accompanied by us as students and I don't think it's restaurant.
may bring one guest into the build- students bearing their student I.D. fair to the restaurants inside the The decision took security per-
ing, but the guest must present pc-cards. Union," Katz added. sonnel by surprise as well.
ture identification which they must 4= a "It's a Michigan Union policy to Restaurants in the Union were as Paul Vaughan, a security officer
ards at one of the three strolled monitor traffic into and out of the confused as the students. with the DPSS said, Its a
gur arne of the t ore atrdol Union," said Ian Steinman, the "Were we notified? No. Are we University administration decision.
entrances of the Union. Students Housing Security Supervisor on losing business? Yes. Am I upset? We were notified on Friday... at our
STEPHEN HENDERSONDaiy duty at the Union Saturday night. Slightly," noted Larry D. regular briefing."
other schools may gain entrance as This sign was posted Friday evening at all Union entrances. The sign The policy is being enforced Wegerzyn, the co-manager of the A DPSS officer who would only
well. announces the new policy requiring people to show valid University I.D. jointly by security guards from the Little Caesar's franchise in the SeeiUNIONPge2
See POLICY, Page 2 before entering the building.

Brater: dirt excavated
for house showed no oil' R

'U' student faces
charges in beating
by Jennifer Si.vrbr

by David Rheingold
Daily Staff Reporter
Mayor Liz Brater said Friday
that she received telephone calls in
April warning of possible oil con-
tamination at a site to which the
city moved a house, but after she
looked into the matter, found no
indication that oil was present.
Test results released in August
revealed that the ground contained
excess levels of oil, which the city
will have to clean up.
A May 22 memo addressed to
Brater stated that the initial exca-
vation of the house's basement did
not reveal any substantial contam-
ination. Satisfied that it was not
present, she said she dropped the
The city had moved the house
from 116 W. William St. to 340 S.
Ashley St. on April 21 to serve as
low-income housing for the
Shelter Association of Ann Arbor.
The house then rested on slats over
the basement, awaiting the Shelter
Association's developers to install
the foundation.

But when developers in July
drilled deeper to install the foun-
dation, they came across an uniden-
tified substance.
After testing the ground be-
neath the site, located at 340 S.
Ashley St., the city discovered an
excess level of oil - which was
not toxic -but still required a
"I think what happened is when
the Shelter (Association) started
digging, they went deeper than our
initial investigation," Brater said.
The matter first came before
Brater in April, when Bob Thorson,
who previously owned an auto re-
pair garage on the site, heard that
the city was planning to use the
land for residential purposes.
Thorson said he attempted to
contact Brater to warn.her of possi-
ble contamination before the city
moved the house.
After several weeks of exchang-
ing telephone calls, during which
the city moved the house, Thorson
finally discussed his concerns with
mayoral secretary Peg Eisenstodt

on May 13, according to a memo
she wrote later that day to the
Brater said she submitted the
matter to former City Attorney R.
Bruce Laidlaw for further investi-
gation because she thought legal is-
sues were involved.
City Council members said she
did not inform the council of this
On May 22, Laidlaw informed
her in another memo that he con-
tacted Housing Services manager
Larry Friedman, who said the city
proceeded with the excavation of
the basement despite "some con-
cern of contamination."
But Laidlaw added: "It was felt
that, if there were contamination,
we could clean it up. However, the
excavation which was performed
on the site did not reveal any sub-
stantial contamination."
Satisfied that there apparently
was no contamination present,
Brater said she dropped the matter.
City Councilmember Mark
Ouimet (R-4th Ward) said he

thinks Brater also should have in-
formed the council of the possibil-
ity of contamination.
"I think she should have made
everyone on council aware of it, but
this need of hers, to hold back in-
formation and not communicate, is
again costing the city a lot of
money," he said.
But Councilmember Thais Pe-
terson (D-5th Ward) defended the
"Basically, if we were told that
they dug and there was not found
any evidence of contamination, why
would we be required to do any-
thing ...? If that's the message
(Brater) got, she was perfectly jus-
tified in accepting the evidence,"
Peterson said.

LSA sophomore David Donahue
is currently facing prosecution by
the Nassau County, N.Y., District
Attorney's Office for allegedly at-
tacking a teenager last June in what
some have described as a racially
motivated attack.
Alfred Jermaine Ewell, the 17-
year-old Black teenager allegedly
beaten by Donahue and his friends,
was hospitalized for head injuries
after the incident. Although he was
released from a New York area hos-
pital in early August, Ewell said
Friday he is still suffering from the
According to Nassau County
Assistant District Attorney Fred
Kline, there was a confrontation be-
tween Ewell and Shannon Siegal, a
friend of Donahue's, at a party near
Atlantic Beach on June 2.
Siegal allegedly hurled racial ep-
ithets at Ewell and his white girl-
"Mr. Ewell was referred to
more than once as a nigger," said
Nassau County Police Deputy Chief

'U' coalition delivers thoughts
to chew on to MSA president
Group opposesfundingcutsforsenices, newmaintenance fee

Kenneth Carey.
A few hours later, Siegal,
Donahue and three others met Ewell
on the boardwalk. They then al-
legedly beat him with baseball bats,
and then assaulted two white men
who had rushed to help Ewell.
Donahue, who was unavailable
for comment this weekend, was one
of five suspects originally charged
with 2nd degree attempted murder,
1st degree assault, and 4th degree
criminal possession of a weapon.
Donahue's assault and attempted
murder charges were dismissed by a
grand jury, but the criminal posses-
sion charge remains. Donahue also
faces charges of 2nd degree riot and
4th degree conspiracy.
Ewell has also filed a civil law
suit against Donahue and his friends.
The court case has been adjourned
until Oct. 10 for a pre-trial
Donahue, a member of the Sigma
Chi Fraternity, has returned to the
University for the current term.
Israel will
building In
West Bank
JERUSALEM (AP) - A defi-
ant Yitzhak Shamir vowed yester-
day that Israel will build more Jew-
ish settlements in the occupied Arab
lands and hinted that U.S. pressure
to halt construction could endanger
Middle East peace talks.
Contradicting previous Israeli
assurances, Shamir also said settle-
ment expansion is necessary to ab-
sorb Soviet Jews.
His remarks apparently were
aimed at President Bush, who has
asked Congress to delay considera-
tion of an Israeli request for the
United States to guarantee $10 bil-
lion in loans Israel needs to pay for
the absorption of Soviet Jews. The
guarantees would allow Israel to

1 by Purvi Shah
Daily MSA Reporter
This candy bar is leaving a sour
taste in some mouths.
Recent fliers, including one dis-
plying a Snickers bar, have attacked
Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) President James Green for
cutting student services and not
challenging the newly-instituted
$50 student maintenance fee.
A coalition of University com-
munity members - including repre-
sentatives from MSA, the Ann Ar-
bor Tenant's Union (AATU), the
Graduate Employees Organization,
and gay rights groups - organized
to post the fliers.
"The fliers would be a low-cost,
high-impact thing that we could
do," said Rackham Rep. Amy Polk.
The cost of the fliers was paid from
out-of-nocket exnenses.

The new proposed budget for
MSA, Student Legal Services (SLS),
and the AATU will be placed on the
table during the meeting tomorrow
night. The vote on the budget will
be taken next Tuesday, at the earli-
SLS is slated for an across the
board 9 percent salary increase,
while AATU is projected for a 46
'There's a whole host
of things that Green
could have done that
would not have been
- Amy Polk
MSA Representative

for student groups and less to these
so-called student services," agreed
LSA rep., Greg Morrison, who
would like to see money spent on
items that would affect the general
student population.
Green stressed that the student
reduction for MSA fees did not
trade-off with the proposed AATU
reduction. "The fifty cent reduction
did not come from the AATU," he
said. "If the fee were $12, we
wouldn't be proposing more money
for the AATU."
Polk argued, however, that the
decrease in funds was based on
Green's personal political motives
and said she believes measures such
as reforms should have been dis-
cussed and effected before punitive
actions were taken.
"I think that they're a politi-

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