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December 10, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-12-10

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Vol. Cl, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Monday, December 10, 1990 .N Michigan a

*break up
party at
s. Quad
y Tm!Pollak
wily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor police used chemical
mace to disperse combatants in sev-
eral fights that broke out at an Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority party early
Sunday morning at South Quad.
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
tor of University relations, said that
at 1 a.m. Sunday morning Housing
Security received calls from residents
f South Quad complaining about
fights breaking out and excessive
Although Housing Security was
present at the party, reinforcements
were requested when officers deter-
mined the situation was beyond their
control. One security officer was as-
saulted, Harrison said.
Housing Security then called the
Ann Arbor Police Department for
According to police reports,
about three to four hundred people
were still in Dining Room Two
where four to five fights between
large groups of males were in
Ann Arbor police officers tried to
break up the fights by shouting in-
structions to the crowd. When these
efforts failed, officers directed chemi-
*cal mace at combatants to disperse
the fights.
Tiffany Hunt, a first year engi-
neering student, was at the party
when police arrived.
"They were just macing people at
random. I don't think that would
have happened if it had been a differ-
ent event... I don't think that would
have happened if it wasn't a Black
*Greek Association event," Hunt said.
Sgt. Richard Kinsey of the Ann
Arbor Police said, "It sounds like it
turned into something like a bar
room brawl... The group was of an
overwhelming number."
See FIGHT, Page 2

-. 0 ..:, V.".Rally held
g'~'4 4..*4..4 .'



Gulf war
First campus rally
draws more than 200
by Jon Casden
Daily Staff Reporter

Jamal Young (center), a second-year Rackham student, speaks for civil rights here and abroad in a anti-war rally on the Diag
Friday. George Davis (left), a second-year Rackham student, and Devmlin Ponte, an LSA junior, joined in the protest as well.
City protests intervention

by Lynne Cohn
Daily Staff Reporter

More than 400 Ann Arbor residents
gathered to peacefully demonstrate against
American intervention in the Persian Gulf
"I am here to prevent a war that will be
bloodier than Vietnam," said Susanna
Short, a University Pilot Program instruc-
tor. "There is already a strong racism
against Arabs, and I know it will be peo-
ple of color and poor people doing most of
the fighting. My students are scared."
The protestors marched from the
Farmer's Market to downtown Ann Arbor
and back to the market area.
Ann Arbor residents Anne and John
Quist brought their young daughters.
"They (children) are old enough to under-
stand," they agreed. "We don't like guns,
and we want to teach our children to stay
away from negative attitudes."
An area high school teacher said, "The

U.S. is there for oil; it is a rich people's
decision." He declined to state his name in
fear of losing his job for joining the
The rally stopped at City Hall where
Dr. Elizabeth Allen from the University
Nursing School, first-year law student
Karima Bennoune, Ypsilanti's First Con-
gregational Church Pastor John Rohde,
and Secretary for American Friends Service
Committee Richard Cleaver spoke out
against U.S. intervention in the Persian
"The troops in Iraq will be blown to
the stone age," Allen said. "If we have a
commitment to the children of the world,
please do not let bombs hit Iraqi children.
I can believe that somebody gives a
"We are the mainstream," Cleaver said.
"We represent the position of the Ameri-
can people. It is abundantly clear that there
is no possible gain from war in the Gulf.

We are the people; we make the decision.
No war in the Gulf!"
"There are two positions: war now and
war later," Bennoune said. "Seven out of
ten Americans oppose war in Iraq. How
can we fail to recognize that we are dealing
with human beings? It may be time for an
Intifada of our own; demand justice at
Many protestors wore "keffiyas," Ara-
bic scarves, to symbolize Palestinian re-
sistance to the Israeli occupation. Rindala
Bydon, a Lebanese LSA senior, said, "I
am here to support peace."
"I don't believe the stated reasons are
the real reasons why we are in the Gulf,"
said Ann Arbor resident Rose Hochman. "I
believe it is a move intended to preserve
the Pentagon budget."
Danny O'Donnell, an eleven-year-old
protestor, carried a "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
sign because "I am against war," he said.
See CITY, Page 2

The first major campus protest against American
intervention in the Persian Gulf drew more than 200
people in a Diag rally last Friday. Speakers represent-
ing a wide range of student and local groups addressed
the protestors before they marched to the Union,
where the rally ended.
Paula Church, head of the Michigan Student
Assembly Peace and Justice Committee began the
rally by yelling to the large gathering: "We're a
coalition of students who don't want a war!"
Many speakers proceeded to talk about various is-
sues concerning U.S. involvement, such as its effects
on the environment, homelessness, minority rights,
and the relationship of the University to the U.S.
After Dalyn Park spoke on behalf of the Ann Ar-
bor Green party, University economics prof. Tom
Weisskopf roused the demonstrators with his speech
on a possible Gulf war.
"The (Bush) administration is sending people to a
war no one understands anything about," Weisskopf
told the crowd, which responded with approval.
Weisskopf scoffed at Bush's claim that the war is
-for American protection. "The only job being pro-
tected is the job of our president," he said.
MSA President Jennifer Van Valey introduced a
different perspective to the rally, as she pointed to the
University involvement in the U.S. military. "The
University of Michigan does chemical weapons re-
search... This wouldn't be happening without the
University of Michigan," she explained.
Other speakers also used the rally to address issues
indirectly related to the Gulf crisis.
"America is about using people of color to protect
the American way of life that we can not participate
in," said Emory Smith, coordinator of the Baker-
Mandela Center.
Earning the loudest cheers of the day, second-year
Rackham student Jamal Young continued along the
same vain as Smith. "Sixty-five percent of the peo-
ple on the frontline are of African ancestry," Young
said. "The bottom line is that we live in a country of
Zeid Zalatimo, a member of the General Union of
See RALLY, Page 2

*Speaker examines

Lawyers Guild endorses
anti-deputization demands

by Purvi Sha
Daily Staff Rep
Advertising e
Dr. Jean Kilbour
roles in the med
crowd of more 1
*ham Auditorium
than 200 were tu
Women ares
and demented ho
said in a speec
University Activ
"Ring around the
us and still no
hasn't washed hi
Kilbourne di
*her film "Killi
held a question;
on advertising's

roles in media
3h men, children, and other social
orter issues such as racism.
xploits women, said Advertising distorts reality by
me, an expert on sex only presenting the traditional Amer-
dia, to an overflow ican nuclear family where the father
than 1,000 at Rack- works and the mother stays home.
Friday night. More This view applies only to nine
irned away from the percent of modern households, Kil-
bourne said.
seen as sex objects The image of women the media
usewives, Kilbourne presents has not improved, Kil-
h sponsored by the bourne stated. "No one looks like
ities Center (UAC). that, not even her," said Kilbourne
e collar is still with referring to a model in a cosmetics
one asks why he advertisement.
s neck." One million dollars an hour is
splayed slides from spent on cosmetics, many of which
ng Us Softly" and are hazardous to women's health,
and answer session added Kilbourne.
impact on women, The image of men in ads is also

by Shalini Patel
Daily Staff Reporter
The University chapter of the Na-
tional Lawyers Guild has endorsed
the demands of the student move-
ment opposed to the deputization of
campus police officers and a code of
non-academic conduct
In a letter to Michigan Student
Assembly President Jennifer Van
Valey dated Dec. 1, the group de-
scribed the current University cam-

distorted, Kilbourne argued. "The
women are sex objects, and the men
become success objects. Men should
always strive to be invulnerable. It's
a model that ultimately makes most
men feel like a failure," she said.
Advertising trivializes social is-
sues, including child care, Kilbourne
said. "There's all kinds of solution
to this, but all we get offered is En-
joli and Hamburger Helper," she
said. See SPEECH-, Page 2

pus safety policy as "ill-considered"
and supported demands issued to the
administration by Students for a
Safer Campus and MSA's Students
Rights Commission.
"One of the tenets of the guild is
that law should not be used to op-
press people," guild member Steven
Pick said. "A code will work as
Pick, a third-year law student,

First of freed hostages begin
return trip home from Iraq

proposed the endorsement as a re-
sponse to the wave of protest that
swept the campus the week of Nov.
Van Valey spoke to the guild
about deputization at the group's re-
quest two weeks ago. The guild did
not invite a member of the adminis-
tration to speak.
The endorsement stated, "The pre-
See GUILD, Page 2
in alley
by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
A 20-year-old woman was sexu-
ally assaulted at 11:45 Saturday
night, presumably in the alley that
runs behind the 500 block of E. Lib-
Ann Arbor police arrived on the
scene shortly after the incident was
reported by one of the woman's
companions at 12:13 a.m. yesterday,
said Lieut. Richard Cygan.
The officers found her "hysterical
and crying," according to police re-

W BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The
first Americans to be freed under an
Iraqi decree releasing all foreign
hostages left Baghdad yesterday on a
U.S.-chartered flight for Frankfurt,
Germany, ending a four-month
"I am stunned and still cannot be-
lieve it, it seems like a miracle,"
said Lyonell Hoffman, who had
worked as a contractor in Kuwait be-
fore Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion.

The first foreigners to leave
Baghdad under the decree issued by
Saddam Hussein were a group of 240
hostages, mostly Italians, who left
aboard an Italian-chartered jumbo jet
for Rome earlier yesterday.
However, Western diplomats
complained that Iraqi authorities had
thrown up some last-minute bureau-
cratic roadblocks to the exodus.
Foreigners in cities other than
Baghdad were told they must obtain

ficials were working quickly yester-
day, processing an estimated 80 exit
visas an hour. One diplomat said
that it normally takes up to half an
hour to process a single visa.
In addition to the Americans
aboard the Frankfurt-bound jet, air-
port sources said passengers in-
cluded 93 Britons, 31 Canadians, 12
Irish, five Greeks, three Austrians
and one each from Argentina,

I ~ 1 44.44.4 ____________________

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