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December 06, 1990 - Image 1

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Vol. Cl, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, December 6,1990 CPYfght1

by Bethany Rob
Daily Staff Reporter

faces $2.47




State Senate approves education cut

A one percent cut to higher edu-
cation funding was approved by the
state Senate yesterday and was ex-
pected to pass the House last night,
but University officials said they
were thankful higher education was
spared the 9.2 percent across-the-
board cuts implemented for other
state programs.
An estimated $300 million to
$1.3 billion state deficit caused the
mid-year cuts.
"We seem to have been cut far
less than other state agencies, for
which we arevery grateful," said Ex-
ecutive Director of University Rela-
tions Walter Harrison.
The cuts translate to a $12.6 mil-
lion loss in funding for universities
statewide. Harrison said the cuts will
result in a $2.8 million loss for the
University's three campuses includ-
ing a $2.47 million loss for the Ann
Arbor campus.
Harrison said he did not think

yesterday's cuts would result in tu-
ition increases.
"I would not think that a cut of
one percent would affect tuition,"
Harrison said.
University Provost Gilbert
Whitaker said he appreciated that
higher education cuts were less se-
vere than those in other areas, but
that he expects more cuts in the near
"We think this is the first of- two
cuts. One percent is not really a big
problem, but we think it will proba-
bly grow some," Whitaker said.
There will probably be more cuts in
January when Gov.-elect John En-
gler takes office, he said.
Whitaker will discuss the Univer-
sity's plans to deal with the budget
cuts Monday afternoon before the
Senate Faculty Assembly.
Whitaker's speech is titled
"Excellence on a Revenue Diet."

Whitaker refused to comment on
University plans until the speech.
Executive Director of the Presi-
dent's Council Glenn Stevens also
said state-funded education is likely
to see more cuts in the future.
"This is round one. This is not
going to solve state budget issues,"
Stevens said. The Presidents' Coun-
cil is composed of the presidents of
Michigan's 15 public universities.
As the legislature discussed plans
to cut higher education funding, a
report concerning tuition policies at
Michigan colleges and universities
was distributed to university liaisons
yesterday at a meeting of the Senate
Select Committee on Higher
"It is the general conclusion of
this select committee that Michigan
is on the threshold of a major educa-
tional crisis if tuition increases are
not kept at or below the cost-of-liv-

ing increase in future years," the re-
port stated.
Alma Smith, legislative director
for Sen. Lana Pollack (D-Ann Ar-
bor), said the purpose of the report
was to help universities find ways to
diminish the disparity between tu-
ition rates and funds available to stu-
dents. Pollack is a member of the
Select Committee on Higher
The report suggests several ways
to limit tuition increases, including:
basing University expenditures
on state aid and and tuition funds.
Today's tuition rates are decided by
subtracting state appropriations from
expenditure desires.
creating different tuition levels
for the first and last two years of un-
dergraduate education, a policy cur-
rently in place at the University.

See BUDGET CUT, Page 2
" I

Another student
called to service

by Lisa Sanchez
Daily Staff Reporter

LSA sophomore Jon Hochhauser takes a nap near the Angell Hall
computing center. He slept for an hour because he didn't get much sleep
the night before.
Student in
- U A-,rboretum-


by Melissa Peerless

A University student was raped
and beaten in the Nichols Arboretum
late Tuesday afternoon. The 21-year-
old woman was walking her dog
when the attack occurred.
A man allegedly came up behind
her and hit her on the head with a
rock or other hard object, knocking
her unconscious, said Detective
Thomas Tanner of the Ann Arbor
Police Department, who is in
charge of the investigation.
"She has an injury to her head.
She was either knocked unconscious
or blacked out. She thinks she was
assaulted. It's apparent that she
was," Tanner said.
After regaining consciousness,
'the victim walked to the apartment
she shares with another woman,
Tanner said. Her clothes were torn
and she was suffering from bruises
and scratches as well as the head
Her roommate took her to Uni-

versity of Michigan Hospital where
she was treated and released.
The victim has no memory of the
incident or her assailant.
In addition, police were unsuc-
cessful in locating clues at the crime
scene. "We searched the Arb today
and didn't find anything down there,"
said Detective Tanner.
The Nichols Arboretum is main-
tained and cared for by a division of
the School of Natural Resources.
Gil Jaeger, Superintendent of the
Nichols Arboretum, declined to
comment on the incident.
"We don't want to make any
comment because we don't know if
it was a rape yet," he said.
Julie Steiner, Coordinator of the
Sexual Assault Prevention and
Awareness Center, said that this oc-
currence does not make the Arbore-
tum an unsafe place.
"I can't remember when the last
See RAPE, Page 2

Braden Murphy was watching
television when his phone rang last
Thursday. When he answered the
call, the voice on the line told him
to start packing.
It wasn't his parents reminding
him to plan ahead for winter break,
however. Private, First Class Braden
Murphy's U.S. Marine Corps Re-
serve unit was preparing for active
"I wasn't surprised. I'm prepared
and ready to go," Murphy said of his
new assignment. Following his high
school graduation in 1989, the first-
year LSA and Residental College
student underwent six months of ac-
tive-duty training for the U.S. Ma-
rine Corps.
Boot camp at Parris Island, S.C.
last winter was followed by Marine
combat training at Camp Lejeune,
N.C. Murphy also received six
weeks of communications training at
Does 'I
by Tami Pollak
Daily Staff Reporter
Although local draft counselors
say it is unlikely that Congress will
authorize conscription legislation in
the near future, some University stu-
dents are still scared they might be
"If there was a draft, I'd probably
try to get out of the country, and if I
got caught, I would go to jail ...
From the beginning of this thing, I

29 Palms, Calif. in the Mojave
Desert before rounding out his educa-
tion by enrolling at the University
this past September.
Since then, Murphy has fulfilled
his military obligation by participat-
ing in drills one weekend each
month. In addition, he is required to
take part in two weeks of active-duty
training each year.
Although he could not reveal his
unit's destination, Murphy said he is
unsure how long his military status
will be activated.
Murphy said earning credit for his
classes was his greatest concern
when he first received his orders, but
after consulting his professors, he
discovered that he will not have to
repeat his first semester.
When his active-duty tour is
completed, Murphy said he wants to
return to the RC and major in politi-
cal science or history.
See MURPHY, Page 2


Braden Murphy has been called to active duty.

Jncle Sam want you ?

always have thought that there
would be a draft," said LSA sopho-
more Gordon Merritt.
Currently, all forces involved in
the Middle East have enlisted volun-
tarily or have been called from re-
serve duty.
"There's really very little chance
that Congress will see the need for a
draft ... Basically, a draft would only
make opposition to the Persian Gulf
worse," said Richard Cleaver, a draft

counselor at the American Friends.
Service Committee, a Quaker
Cleaver also said he has been re-
ceiving daily calls from students
concerned about the exact procedures
that would be followed if Congress
authorizes a draft.
The responsibility of organizing
a draft lies with the Selective Service
System, an agency of the Executive
Branch of the federal government.

According to the Military Selective
Service Act, it is this agency's mis-
sion to "deliver untrained manpower
to the armed forces in time of emer-
gency ... and to administer the alter-
native service program for conscien-
tious objectors."
If Congress passes an act of con-
scription, Selective Service Reserve
Officers would reopen local offices,
which have been closed since 1976,
See DRAFT, Page 2

.............................. ............... ................................................................................................


'U' to hold
seven days of
MLK events

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Bush: prospect of Iraqi
withdrawal not likely

by Gwen Shaffer
Daily Staff Reporter


Students will have the opportunity to participate in 9 A
seven days of events commemorating Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day 1991, beginning. Jan. 14.
The theme of the celebration is "King: Making His
Dream Our Reality," the University's Office of Minor-
ity Affairs announced this week. Jan. 21 classes will
not be held so students can attend the day's activities.
"The committee selected the theme because they felt
it best reflected not just Dr. King's dream, but what we
want individuals in the community to think about and
their role in making it a reality," said MLK Day Coor-
dinator Andrea Monroe-Fowler.
This year's speakers and events are diverse and 10:
should appeal to many students, Monroe-Fowler added.
"We think there are enough topics during the day
that no matter what vour interests, there will be some-

:tiff 2 :::3 ::: :fi:":t :
sday, Janury 15 Monday January 21Z' nt
Candlelight Memoria U Student Workshop:
Service - Trotter Hou :.> Assimiation/Cultural
Hegemony: The:
>nday, January 21 , Psychology of Self :
Opening Event:
Native American NOON Annual Urnty March.
ceremony, The Races
of Humankind" per.. 1-6 P.Various events span-
formed by Kevin Locke..... sored by ndividual
departments, units and
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: organizations<
Ms. Adelaide SanfordK
Regent, State University 7:30P Closing Address::
of New York MoletiAsante
Rackham Auditorium Afrocentncity.
Rackham Auditorium
30 A Concurrent Panel>
Discussjons, locations 9 P Fim:.
to be announced: sar e6ep&Wit Anger
starring Danny Glver .

WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State
James Baker appealed yesterday for broad sup-
port of the administration's Persion Gulf pol-
icy so he can credibly tell Saddam Hussein
when they meet: "Get out of Kuwait or risk
all." The Iraqi President was reportedly offering
yesterday to put "all issues" on the negotiating
table, but President Bush said he's not opti-
mistic about prospects for an Iraqi withdrawal
from Kuwait.
Baker said he would not negotiate with
Saddam on the visit, which the State
Department said had been formally accepted by
Baghdad. And he added a new warning: "If force
must be used, it will be used suddenly, mas-
sively and decisively."
Israel, too, gave Saddam one of its most
forceful warnings to date, saying it would
"destroy his security, hurt him until he is
"nrrv" if he usecrrent neace moves a a

world go out and try to find a way to save face
for he who has raped and pillaged that coun-
He said he was not optimistic Saddam
Hussein would leave Kuwait without a fight.
Baker, laying out a hard U.S. line before
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said
international sanctions against Iraq have not
worked. He added that he was "very pes-
simistic" they would if given more time, as
some congressional Democrats have strongly
recommended, and said the threat of attack now
holds the best chance for peace.


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