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December 03, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-12-03

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Vol. CI, No.62 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, December 3, 1990 The Might 01i


chance of war



Associated Press
Saddam Hussein's armies rattled
nerves around the Persian Gulf yes-
terday with the first test of surface-
to-surface missiles since the inva-
sion of Kuwait. The Iraqi president
said the chances of war in the region
stand at about "50-50."
In Washington, Secretary of State

James Baker said the United States
would not attack Iraq - provided
Iraqi troops are withdrawn from
Kuwait and foreign hostages are
Iraq, meanwhile, told the Soviet
Union that it could lose its influence
in the Arab world if it sent troops to
the Persian Gulf. This comment was

apparently in response to a warning
from Soviet Foreign Minister Ed-
uward Shevardnadze, who said last
week Moscow would send in soldiers
if Soviet citizens trapped in Iraq were
The official Iraqi News agency
quoted an Iraqi Foreign Ministry
spokesperson as saying Shevardnadze

"seems to be looking for a pretext to
send troops to the region."
More than 350,000 troops are in
the Persian Gulf as part of the U.S.-
led multinational force. American
troops, now numbering more than
240,000, are expected to swell to
around 400,000 by next month.
The U.S. military refused to say

whether the American forces went on
alert yesterday when Iraq launched
surface-to-surface missiles in what
appeared to be test launches.
The missiles were fired - and
landed - in Iraqi territory, U.S. mil-
itary officials in Saudi Arabia said in
a statement. Officials refused to say
how the missiles were detected.

The forces in Saudi Arabia were
reported to have been put on "yellow
alert" - one category below full
combat alert - last week, after the
U.N. Security Council approved a
resolution authorizing use of force
against Iraq if it does not withdraw
from Kuwait by Jan. 15.
See IRAQ, Page 2

earn sP Mark Orringer $220,855 Gilbert Whitaker $167,000
Section Head, Dept.ofThoracic Surgery Provost & V.P., Academki Affairs
Lazar Greenfield $210,357 James Duderstadt $162,839
Chair, Dept. of Surgery . .University President
.Tadataka Yad. .. .. $200,750 Frris Womack.$157,461
Chair, Dept. of internaiMedkine V.. and Chief Financial Officer
U again
George Zuimeda $200,316 Lee Bollinger $156,006
Vice Provost of Medical Affairs Dean, Law School
DaMichelleClaytonySa:R:oe arvi Kirs $ Jon Cosovich $151,152
Professor of Thoracic Surgery V.P Development/Communications
The top ten University salary Julian Hoff $193,248 Douglas Van Houweling $152,004
earners are professors and section Section Head, Dept. of Neurosurgery Vice Provost, Information Technologies
heads of Medical departments, and John Forsyth $190,100 Peter banks $150150
432 University employees will Executive Director, University Hospitals.pean, Engineering Administration
make more than $100,000 this Paul Lichter $175,438 Edward Cooper $150,000
year, the latest Faculty and Staff Chair, Dept. of Opthalmology Associate Dean, Law School
salary supplement shows. Thomas DeKornfeld $173,040 Robert Zajonc $143,790
The supplement is produced by Professor E:meritus of Aesthesiology..Director, ISR Administration
the University in accordance with David Kuhi $170,156 Harold Johnson $137,081
the state's Freedom of Information Professor of Internal Medicine and Radiology Dean, School of Social Work
Act which mandates salary records .. . Daily Graph.c
of all public officials be released SOURCE: University of Michigan Faculty and Staff Salary Record Daily Graphic
upon request. It will go on sale be- Affairs ($200,316). stadt, $162,839; Vice President and University Relations Walter Harri-
ginning Dec.10. None of the top ten salary earn- Chief Financial Officer Farris son $113,474
For the third year in a row, Prof. ers could be reached for comment. Womack, $157,461; Vice President Of the 1990-91 salaries Wom-
Mark Orringer, section head of the The highest non-medical salary for Development and Communica- ack said, "All salaries went up.
Department of Thoracic Surgery, is at the University was that of tion Jon Cosovich $151,152; Vice (The) salary program was on order
the highest earner with an annual Gilbert Whitaker, provost and vice President for Goverment Relations of four to five percent. That would
salary of $220,855. His salary last president of Academic Affairs. Richard Kennedy, $119,183; Vice be an increase of four to five per-
year was $210,338. Whitaker earned $167,000 in President for Student Services Mary cent."
Four people will earn more than 1990-91, $53,855 less than Or- Ann Swain, $112,360; Vice Presi- University President James Dud-
$200,000 including: Orringer, Lazar ringer, and $19,040 more than the dent for Research William Kelly, erstadt is the only one of the top
Greenfield, chair of the Dept. of salary of his predecessor Charles $110,255; Vice Provost for Minor- five highest paid administrators
Surgery ($210,357); Tadataka Ya- Vest, whom he replaced this year. ity Affairs Charles Moody, who did not receive a raise this
mada, chair of Dept. of Internal The University's other executive $109,197; Vice President for Com- year.
Medicine ($200,750); and George officers' salaries ranked in order: munity Affairs Henry Johnson, Womack said that the Univer-
Zuidema, vice provost of Medical University President James Duder- $96,923; and Executive Director of See SALARY, Page 2

Kohl wins in
first reunited

BONN, Germany (AP) - The quarter
coalition led by Chancellor Helmut ers.
Kohl, whose deft maneuvering "This
paved the way for German unity, told the
yesterday overwhelmingly won the and som
first free all-German elections since Kohl
1932. winning
The balloting capped a breathtak- 33 perc
ing transformation that began with Democr
a revolt last year against East Ger- Lafonta
many's Communist government work sa
and led to the merging of East and Germ
West Germany on Oct. 3. network
East Germany's former ruling for Kohl
Communist Party, now called the 56 perc
Party for Democratic Socialism, Berli
won some seats in the new German year ag
Parliament, but lost much of the unitede
support it had earlier this year. Mayor1
In perhaps the biggest surprise, predece
the Greens environmental party of Diepgen
former West Germany, Europe's The A
best-known ecology movement, Kohl's
lost all their seats. Only the their B
Greens' sister party in eastern Ger- Christie
many won seats in the new parlia- their pa
ment. to abou
A jubilant Kohl was greeted at Democr
his Christian Democrat party head- fore the


s by a throng of well-wish-
is a day of great joy," he
im. "This is a great success
nething to be proud of."
's center-right coalition was
g 55 percent of the vote to
ent for the opposition Social
rats of his chief rival, Oskar
ine, the ARD television net-
any's other main television
k, ZDF, put the percentage
l's coalition even higher, at
In, divided until just over a
o by the Wall, held its own
elections. Social Democrat
Walter Momper lost to his
.ssor, conservative Eberhard
n of Kohl's party.
ARD television network said
Christian Democrats and
3avarian sister party, the
an Social Union, increased
rliamentary seats from 305
ut 316. It said the Social
rats, who had 226 seats be-
vote, captured about 240.

Two squatters ordered
out of William St. home

by Donna Woodwell
Daily City Reporter
Two homeless squatters have no
legal right to occupy a city-owned
house on William St.,15th District
Court Judge Pieter Thomassen ruled
"There is no indication that the
defendant had lawful title" to the
property, Thomassen said. The oc-
cupants have until Dec.10 to move
out of the house before city officials
ask the police to remove them from
the property.
The house, located at 116 W.
William, is one of three houses

which city council has debated re-
placing with a parking structure for
more than two and a half years.
The house is one of two homes
the Ann Arbor City Council plans
to relocate to a nearby location.
Jerry Schneider, member of the
Homeless Action Committee
(HAC), a local activist group which
lobbies for the rights of Ann Arbor
homeless, said the committee will
appeal the eviction
"We weren't pleased, but it was
not an unusual ruling ... homeless
people have no rights. The city ad-
ministration doesn't want poor peo-

ple living in Ann Arbor," Schneider
Before the city bought the house,
HAC had permission from the pre-
vious owner to use the property,
along with a neighboring house at
337 S. Ashley, for low-cost hous-
ing, Schneider said.
However, Chief Assistant City
Attorney John Van Loon said HAC
"members broke into the house.
Since they weren't thrown out they
decided they had a legal right to oc-
Thomassen said HAC "is not a

American composer Aaron
Copland dies of stroke at age 90

(AP) - Aaron Copland, the pio-
neering American composer who
used folk songs and jazz in writing
plainspoken classics such as
"Appalachian Spring," "Rodeo," and
"Billy the Kid," died Sunday in
Phelps Memorial Hospital in
Westchester. He was 90.
Copland, who lived in Peekskill,
0 N.Y., had two strokes and res-
piratory problems and died from
complications stemming from them,
according to his lawyer, Ellis
Freedman, who announced his death.
Admired by colleagues as the
"dean of American music," Copland
-was a major force in gaining interna-
tional recognition for the nation's
20th century composers. His honors
included a Pulitzer Prize, a Presiden-
tial Medal of Freedom, the Guggen-
heim Foundation's first music fel-

melody played by clarinet and fol-
lowed by five variations.
His ballets "Billy the Kid" and
"Rodeo" also combined cowboy
tunes and folk songs with original
Despite his success, Copland
stopped composing after 1967,
spending much of his time at his
home in Peekskill, N.Y., and direct-
ing recordings of his works.
Born Nov. 14, 1900, Copland
was the youngest of five children.
His parents, immigrants from East-
ern Europe, owned a neighborhood
department store in the New York
City borough of Brooklyn..
Copland's maternal grandfather,
Aaron Mittenthal, a Yiddish Yankee
peddler, moved to Dallas and opened
a dry goods store there in the 1870s.

Holiday cheer
Various University administrators celebrate the holiday season with a round of 'Jingle Bells' at the 45th annual
Martha Cook Messiah Dinner. Susan Duderstadt, wife of President Duderstadt, led the chorale.
Rebels seize capital of Chad;

leader Hal
Rebel leader Idriss Deby entered the1
capital in triumph yesterday, and
Libyan news reports said deposed
President Hissene Habre had been+
killed near the Sudanese border.
Deby arrived in N'djamena in a
black Mercedes, escorted by all-ter-
rain vehicles. He refused to recognize
the remnants of Habre's government
as the country's legitimate authority.

bre reported
president of Chad's National Assem- Chad, be
bly and the highest-ranking politi- was pus
cian left in the capital. victories
Deby urged reconciliation with "The
Goukouni Oueddei, the president he the esca
and Habre together toppled in 1982. on boar
Oueddei is exiled in Libya. country
Deby served as Habre's chief mil- monitor
itary adviser from 1982 to 1989, agencyc
when the president accused him of patch a
nlnttino cnnn 1He fled tn Sudan had he

efore dawn Saturday. Habre
hed out by a string of rebel
reports by news media on
pe of Habre with his family
d an aircraft to a neighboring
were not true," said JANA,
red in Rome. The news
cited no sources for its dis-
md did not say when Habre
n le-A t nrnviAA n fur.-

William Wyler's 1948 "The

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