0 /II inv stityr Ul dance to the rock I roll st t_ a t h be alright Nineteen-eighty-four has long since passed, but in the arts and elsewhere, many feel that Big Brother, or at least his confused Big Cousin, still looms large. In the case of radio, this omniscientpresence comes not in the form of a right-wing lobbying group or a small faction of Congress, but in a long-standing government agency that has been cracking down on "indecency" in broadcasting, targeting mainly smaller alternative stations. The University's student-run station, WCBN, calls itself Radio Free Ann Arbor. While the station's free-form format still warrants the use of this phrase, the control the Federal Communications Commission (Fcc)wields over the station indicates the moniker may not be completely accurate. In the late 60s, the FCC implemented a 14-hour ban on broadcast indecency between the hours of 6 AM and 8 PM. The commission is seeking to increase that ban to 24-hours - all day, every day. The bill proposing this ban is stalled in the U.S. Court of Appeals. wCBN program director Andy Flynn cannot speculate on the bill's future but he has his hopes about its ultimate fate. "It's up in the air," he says of the bill's chances of becoming law. "I certainly feel that it should not be a twenty-four hour thing." There are all sorts of problems with a 24-hour ban, explains Flynn. Not the least of these is the vague definition of indecency, both in the English language and in the standards set by the FCC. One definition names only seven words - shit, fuck, piss, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits - now known as the George Carlin words after the comedian created a monologue based on the seven "obscenities." It was a complaint against Pacifica- network radio station WBAI in New York for broadcasting Carlin's routine that led to the initial FCC indecency regulations. It is important to note that the ban covers broadcasts that may be deemed "indecent". Other freedom of speech debates, such as the one surrounding rap music and so- called pornography, center on works that are potentially obscene. "Indecency" regulations cover a wider range of material. "Regulations" is the other key word in this phrase, Flynn points out, because the original FCC ruling called for a monitoring of indecency rather than the all-out ban which is now in effect. Not only that, but a small college radio station was fined last spring for playing an Uncle Bonsai song, "Penis Envy," that does not use any of the Carlin words. Closer.to home, Detroit rock station wLLZ was fined at the same time for playing a Bangles parody called "Walk with an Erection," another tune that contained none of what Flynn calls "the forbidden words." "The FCC'S definition of indecency is really nebulous," Flynn says. "It makes it difficult for a programmer to know exactly what it is we can and cannot do. It's frustrating." It is possible that these songs fall under a second definition of indecent - anything that has the subject matter of sex or bodily processes - but, Flynn points out, if this were the operative definition, "half the songs on pop radio" would be banned. Being fined by the FCC does not create a financially strapping situation for commercial stations like WLLZ. However, most college radio stations, some of which have already been targeted, do not have such ample means of preservation. "If WCBN were to be fined, it would be, for the station's existence, a more serious situation," Flynn says. But CBN'S progressive nature, not only in its format but in its preventativmeasures, may preclude such a setback. "Our general policy is that anything that may be controversial, the programmer or D.J. should have a valid reason for doing it and they should explain what they are doing," says Flynn. In other words, CBN tries to do what the majority of broadcast media cannot even fathom - educate its audience. "I've always encouraged people not to use disclaimers but to use explainers," claims Dr. Arwulf Arwulf, a longtime CBN D.J. The station came under fire in 1986 when a D.J. played a song titled "Run, Nigger, Run," without taking these preventative measures. For obvious reasons, there was a public outcry against the apparent racism of the record's title, although the piece is actually an old slave song about running away. Whether or not the outcry was warranted, this incident tainted the station's history. Just mention the name of the D.J. or make a reference to the incident, and station employees who were around for the controversy are likely to get up and leave the room. But, controversy aside, Flynn explains that songs like "Run, Nigger, Run" are rooted in American folk traditions and can be used as educational tools rather than confrontational weapons. Arwulf agrees with this theory and, following the 1986 incident, began a weekly show that airs during winter term called "Face the Music." The show operates on the theory that it is better to address the offensive elements of society rather than cover them up, and Arwulf examines the permeation of pop culture by elements that are racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive or harmful to a group of people. Flynn describes "Face the Music" as "a seminar on the dark side of American culture and how it's reflected in recorded music." "This kind of record sold really well in the 1920s," Arwulf explains of the questionable single. Rather than ignore that fact, he says, people should come to terms with the ugly aspects of America's past, not to mention its present and future. "You use this air signal to wake people up and make them think." Paradoxically, songs like "Run, Nigger, Run" and other potentially offensive material do not fall under the FCC'S definition of indecency. But, explains Flynn, 'They (musicians) are just as sure to offend people by material that is not FCC- objectionable." "There are all kinds of things that we can do within this (regulation) that we don't want to do," he continues: thus, the policy of issuing disclaimers or "explainers." Flynn says he talks 9th his staff members to figu out ways to deal with potentially objectionable material but the fundamental advice he gives D.J.s debating whether or not to play FCC- targetable material is simple: "Don't chance it. It's not worth it." Surprising words coming from a bigwig at the bastion of Radio Free Ann Arbor, but Flynn knows CBN would be radio free nothing without its license, which, should the FCC become involved, would be in a precarious position. Flynn is keenly aware of this and has taken precautions. "The license is held by the Regents and we seek to avoid irresponsible bro casting of any sort because hat we do down here is so special, so important and unavailable elsewhere on the dial, we take measures to ensure that our on-air staff is aware of the legalities of the situation," he explains. This is not to imply that the station has become an extension of the administration. "I feel that CBN - and the Daily along with precious few other forums - is where students are allowed to express themselves freely, and we allow people to say a lot of controversial things," Flynn says. He points to CBN's coverage of the recent student anti-deputization protests, which was favorable to the protestors rather thar the" administration, as an example of this free expression. While music, not news broadcasts, seems to be the primary focus of the FCC ban, the source of WCBN's national news shows, the Pacifica network, has come under fire since the ban took effect. Pacifica network broadcasts are generally regarded as an alternative news source, slightly to left of but in the same vein as National Public Radio's All Things Considered and Morning Edition.. Many FCC-watchers believe this liberal reputation is the reason Pacifica stations have been targeted by the commission. Regardless of which aspects of radio are targeted or why, Flynn and Arwulf agree that the current and proposed bans are a threat. "The FCC has taken some action in the past few years that is really, troubling to broadcasters," says Flynn. Arwulf puts it more bluntly: "I think the crackdown is despicable and should be fought every step of the way." Arwulf also clearly articulates what he believes the regulators are doing. "They're helping ignorance to happen," he says. But Flynn vows he won't let that ignorance permeate his airwaves or his station, and he dismisses claims that CBN is tame compared-to othi college broadcasting networks. B1 does concede the present climate not a desirable one. "I don't feel that we're tame b means and I don't like this role c having to censor things and havin have my staff consider specifics o language or lyric," he says. "It's a shame that the prevailing climate fear makes us cautious but I do f cautious. We have a lot to protec text by Kristin Palm " photographs by Anthony M. Croll 8 WEEKEND November 30,1990