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November 29, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-29

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Vol. Cl, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Thursday, November 29, 1990 Mhigan Dit


may hit
'U' hard
by Sarah Schweitzer
wily Administration Reporter
With the state legislature's pro-
posed 8.5 percent budget cuts to all
state programs looming before them,
University administrators are gearing
up with nervous anticipation for
what could translate into huge cuts
for higher education.
In reaction to a state budget
deficit which estimates place at $300
million to $1.3 billion, state legisla-
ors last week proposed funding cuts
for all state programs. The deficit re-
duction plan could result in $80 to
$100 million in cuts for higher edu-
University officials, although un-
sure of when and if the cuts will ac-
tually go into effect, do not rule out
the possibility of implementing tu-
ition hikes,. University budget cuts
r a combination of the two to cope
with the financial crunch.
"We won't know until January or
February about budget cuts... if we
face cuts as deep as 15 percent we
would make mid-year cuts," Univer-
sity President James Duderstadt said
in an interview last week.
Tuition hikes could come either
at mid-year, at the beginning of next
school year, or halfway through the
Winter term, in which case the in-
creases are termed retroactive.
Duderstadt said the University
would "need to handle the near future
with budget cuts and then later tu-
ition hikes."
Echoing Duderstadt's uncertainty
as to when the cuts will come and
how big they will be, Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer Farris
Womack called the problem too
"ethereal" to pinpoint any possible
future actions.
"It's too early to say on any spe-
cific action," Womack said.
Womack, however, did say the
University is taking preparatory
See BUDGET, Page 2

bill passes
state House
Senate approval would provide
full funding for non-profit work

- mJEJUARE Zaily
Father Terry Dumas leads a group of 15 to 25 people in Mass at Saint Mary's Student Chapel late yesterday
afternoon. Area religious leaders say student interest in religion has increased greatly this year.

by Bethany Robertson
Daily Staff Reporter
A bill that would give work-
study students extra job opportuni-
ties with non-profit organizations
passed the Michigan House of Rep-
resentatives by a large majority yes-
Although there has been a rush to
pass legislation as the session
closes, Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle
Creek), chair of the Committee on
Education and Mental Health, said he
plans to give the bill a "friendly dis-
charge" this morning so it can move
out of committee and immediately
be addressed on the Senate floor next
Tuesday or Wednesday.
"It seems to be one of the less
controversial bills," Schwarz: said.
He explained his decision to speed
the bill out of committee saying it
will not cost any additional money
and it will benefit the "public good."
"It will probably pass 38 to noth-
ing. It's just a matter of getting all
these procedural things done,"
Schwarz said.
Students currently employed by
non-profit organizations through the
work-study program are paid 80 per-
cent by the state and 20 percent by

the employer. If the bill passes the
Senate, the state will pay all of the
wages of students working for non-
profit organizations, making it easier
for students to find jobs with these
organizations. Twenty percent of
work-study funds are under-utilized
now, and the new bill would make
use of those funds.
"This is a great opportunity for
people who want to give to the
community, that want to do charita-
ble work, but don't have the time to
do it for free," said Thieu Nguyen,
an LSA sophomore employed by the
work-study program.
Director of the University Office
of Financial Aid Harvey Grotrian
was also pleased with the bill.
"The prospect of putting students
into positions with non-profit orga-
nizations is a very exciting one if it
is at no cost to the non-profit orga-
nization," Grotrian said. "(The bill)
helps us, it helps the organizations,
and most importantly, it helps the
students who want to work in those
organizations off campus related to
their fields."
Student lobbyists from the
Michigan Collegiate Coalition
See BILL, Page 2



students this semester

by Erica Kohnke
Now, instead of spending their
time running in circles at the
CCRB, or bent over droll coursepa-
eks in the library, more students
than ever before are flexing their
spirituality and studying their
Bibles, following a campus-wide
trend of rising attendance at
religious events.
"My sense would be that there is
an increase in interest," said Father
William Stevenson of Saint Mary's
Student Chapel, who attributes this
rise to "an eclipse of mystery."
"In such a technological society,
so many explanations," lead to this
"eclipse." They don't have some-
thing to wonder about, and "sense a
need for God," Stevenson said.
"(Students) are saying 'I have
everything I want, but it isn't
everything I need,' and are still
interested in religion as a means or

vehicle for knowing and relating to
God," Stevenson said.
Echoing much of this sentiment
was Jim Winslow, facilitator of
Christians United, an "ad hoc group
of students from various Christian
groups" formed to maintain unity
and facilitate communication
among them.
"Students are grasping for a
sense of why things happen. This
campus does have a philosophical
side," Winslow said.
Joseph Kohane, director of Uni-
versity of Michigan's B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation, believes there is
a healthy level of participation and
interest in his organization this
"Jewish life is thriving,"
Kohane said. He believes "students
in general are looking for ways to
find meaning in their lives, and
religion is one of a variety of

available routes and avenues of
"There is nothing that is not of
religious significance," Kohane
continued, "and growing religions
change, and absorb the best of
what's out there. Institutionalized
religion absorbs the insights of sci-
ence and enriches it with its own
thoughts and knowledge of present
and past."
Like Father Stevenson, Kohane
sees the recent growth in
technology playing a role in some
people's new approach to religion.
"Tension between science and
humanistic approaches to
understanding the world have been
at a loggerhead. They must look at
one another to flesh out... a new
approach," he said.
Other group leaders believe that
surges in membership are an answer
to prayer, and that the students feel
See RELIGION, Page 2

*Former chiefs urge caution in Gulf

President Bush sent Secretary of
State James A. Baker III to press the
United Nations for formal support of
a possible attack against Iraq yester-
day, two former U.S. military chiefs
urged caution in the Persian Gulf.
"I counsel patience. War is not
neat, it's not tidy. It's a mess," said
*retired Adm. William Crowe, who
was chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
under President Reagan.
Retired Air Force Gen. David C.
Jones, chair of the joint chiefs under
President Carter, voiced concern with
the latest troop deployment, in
which Bush is sending 200,000
more to bolster the 230,000 already
in the gulf and to add an offensive
Jones said his fear "isn't that we
might choose to fight, but rather
that the deployment might cause us
to fight."
Baker went to New York yester-

day to personally take charge of the
U.S. effort to win formal interna-
tional support of the idea of a last-
resort attack to free Kuwait from
Saddam Hussein's forces, which in-
vaded on Aug. 2.
"The question is how much pain
we administer and how quickly and
whether we do it with the embargo
or the use of force, " said Sen. Sam
Nunn (D-Ga.) whose Armed Services
Committee began its hearings
Meanwhile, House Majority
Leader Richard Gephardt broke with
the administration and stepped ahead
of other party leaders on the subject
of military confrontation with
Saddam, announcing his opposition
to the use of U.S. military force in
the near future.
Rep. Lee Hamilton, chair of the
House Foreign Affairs' Middle East
Subcommittee, said he believes it is
time for Bush to send an envoy to

Baghdad to open talks with Saddam,
with the aim of making U.S. inten-
tions clear and exploring non-mili-
tary solutions to the crisis.
Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.VA),
the former Senate Democratic leader,
told Armed Services Committee col-
leagues he believed the world would
welcome "patience rather than im-

petuousness" before any U.S. deci-
sion to go to war.
"When we view grandmothers and
grandfathers who lost not one, but
two or three grandchildren and they
feel we took the action too hastily, I
think we'll all have the time to be
sorry," Byrd said.

China opposes U.N. resolution

Associated Press
China's foreign minister said yes-
terday his country will not back a
proposed U.N. Security Council res-
olution authorizing force against
Iraq, a day before foreign ministers
prepared to vote on the measure.
China is one of the five perma-
nent members of the Security
Council and could veto the measure.
At the United Nations, diplomats
said they didn't expect such a move
and predicted the resolution would

Roland Dumas, the foreign min-
ister of France, issued a "final ap-
peal" to Iraq to pull out of Kuwait,
warning that Baghdad had six weeks
to "allow reason to triumph."
President Bush has gathered sup-
port abroad for military action, but
he faces trouble in Congress. A lead-
ing democrat said yesterday he did-
not support the use of force against
See CHINA, page 2

Deck the Arcade
Nickels Arcade is decorated with garland in plenty of time for the holiday
shopping season.

Moore gives 'Persian
Gulf and Me' speech

Engler appoints fiscal advisors

by Tami Pollack
Daily Staff, Reporter
Although neither President
Bush, Saddam Hussein, nor Roger
Smith were on hand last night for
Michael Moore's speech at the Law
Quad, Hutchins Hall was filled with
students anxious to hear a new per-
spective on the Persian Gulf from
the "Me" half of last spring's hit
film "Roger and Me."
Th e neech entitled "If GMu

U.N. forces invade Kuwait, this
campus has to be shut down. Peo-
ple have to take a significant
stand... It's going to have to be
stopped, and it's going to have to
be stopped now," Moore said before
opening the forum for questions.
Although the question and an-
swer session lacked controversy,
Moore did his fair share of evading
the auestions at hand.

LANSING (AP) - Governor-
elect John Engler yessterday chose
his top two fiscal advisers and gave
them the chore of finding a way to
eliminate a $1 billion deficit in this
year's budget.
Engler named Patti Woodworth,
former director of the Florida Office
of Planning and Budget, to head the
Department of Management and
Doug Roberts, director of the
Senate Fiscal Agency, was named
state treasurer.

he said. "They know the personali-
ties in the legislature and are, I
think, going to be very helpful from
the very first day."
Woodworth came under fire in
Florida when outgoing Gov. Bob
Martinez gave her a $16,000 raise to
$90,000 on Nov. 16, her last day on
the job. That boosted her severance
benefits from $16,901 to $20,682.
Florida Democrats complained
that was out of line at a time when
the state was facing budget cuts, but

vices tax, he would still be gover-
Martinez was defeated in the Nov.
6 election.
The two selections drew no nega-
tive comments from, House
Democratic lawmakers who head
budget-related committees.
Roberts has estimated that last
year's budget was $300 million to
$400 million in the red and projects


Moore said.
"This is this week's discussion

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