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November 28, 1990 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-28

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Vol. Cl, No. 59 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, November 28.1990 CopyrhtV 99

by Nicole James
Daily Staff Reporter
WApproximately 120 students at-
tended the mass meeting of the Anti-
Gulf War Coalition yesterday at 7:30
in Hutchins Hall.
The coalition which is a part of
the Michigan Student Assembly's
Peace and Justice Commission.
Peace and Justice Commission
chair Paula Church said the coalition
was formed when someone who had
recently returned to the Middle East
was concerned about the lack of ac-
tivism on campus.
"There is an emergency crisis go-
ing on that needs to be dealt with,"
said Church.
The Nov. 18 teach-in on the
Persian Gulf prompted Jeanette
Bradley and Amy Jarvis, first year
Residential College students, to at-
tend the meeting, which they became
aware of through sign-up sheets at
the Teach-In.
"I'm really concerned that the
U.S. is planning on getting into a
war and I think we need to do some-
thing to stop that," said Bradley.
Jarvis went to the meeting to find
out how to start being involved in
the anti-war activities.
Coalition members informed stu-
dents of recent events in the Gulf and
provided information on anti-war ac-
tivities planned by existing groups,
including a protest at the Farmer's
Market at 10 a.m. on Dec. 8, the day
designated for a national anti-war
All those who attended voted on a
platform and political position for
the coalition. The platform is a mod-
ification of the statement of princi-
* ples of the National Campaign for
Peace in the Middle East, a coalition
representing more than 100 groups.
The new coalition platform calls

rSwain holds
r . first forum

by Jay Garcia
Daily Staff Reporter


When someone asked students
who had gathered for a University
forum on deputization a simple
question, she got a simple answer.
The student asked who supported
the University's decision to depu-
tize campus police.
No hands were raised.
"It's clear to me people in this
room do not agree with deputiza-
k tion," University Vice President for
Student Services Mary Ann Swain
said, but added, "I'm in support of
the deputization plan. I want to be
very clear about that."
Swain announced the forum -
designed in response to what many
/Daily saw as inadequate communication
between students and administrators
- in a letter received by the Daily
last weekend.
To support the deputization
plan, Swain cited an increase in

felony crimes on campus and the
need for faster response time for
crimes. Swain said there were "four
incidents of weapons being pulled
on central campus since Septem-
Response times to crimes will
be faster if there is a deputized force
in a station on campus, Swain said.
Currently Ann Arbor police, in
conjunction with non-deputized
University security officers, respond
to campus crimes.
"I'm much more concerned my-
self about the felons on campus
with guns," Swain added. "A secu-
rity officer is only asked to call a
deputized officer if they see a crime
being committed."
Many of those who attended said
they were angered by the lack of
student input into the University's
decision-making process.
"There needs to be some way for
See FORUM, Page 2

Mary Ann Swain, interim vice president for student services, gets barraged with questions at last night's
forum on campus safety issues. The forum, which attracted approximately 70 students, faculty, and staff,
addressed deputization of campus security officers. A second forum with Swain will be held Thursday
evening in Stockwell dormitory.

Major succeeds Thatcher as prime minister

LONDON (AP) - John Major,
endorsed by Margaret Thatcher as the
politician closest to her heart, was
elected by the Conservative Party
last night to succeed her as prime
Major fell two votes short of
winning a majority in voting among
the 372 Conservative Party members
of Parliament, but his two oppo-
nents quickly conceded defeat and the
party confirmed Major as the winner.
Thatcher, ending eleven and a half
years in power, intends to submit
her resignation to Queen Elizabeth II
this morning, and Major will then
be called to lead the government.
Major, the chancellor of the, ex-

chequer, emerged from his official
residence at 11 Downing St. Thurs-
day night smiling and holding hands
with his wife, Norma. He had first
accepted congratulations from
Thatcher, who stepped in from the
prime minister's official residence
next door.
Major received 185 votes, two
short of a majority. Former Defense
Secretary Michael Heseltine received
131 and Foreign Secretary Douglas
Hurd had 56.
Hurd and Heseltine conceded
within minutes, and party officials
declared Major elected.
"It is a very exciting thing to be-
come leader of the Conservative

Party, and particularly exciting, I
think, to follow one of the most re-
markable leaders the Conservative
Party has ever had," Major said.
"Our job now, I think, is quite
clear. We are going to unite totally
and absolutely, and we're going to
win the next general election," said
Major, 47, who will be the youngest
British prime minister in this cen-
Thatcher said she resigned to let
someone from the Cabinet stand
against Heseltine. Major and Foreign
Secretary Douglas Hurd both joined
the race, but before the vote her aides
spread the word that she was backing

"I am thrilled and delighted John
Major is to succeed me as prime
minister of this country," said
Thatcher in a statement.
The son of a circus performer and
at one time a welfare recipient, Ma-
jor personifies the values of self-re-
liance and hard work that Thatcher
has preached to the nation.
Heseltine, who precipitated
Thatcher's downfall, said Major's
election "lays the basis for the unity
of our party."
Hurd said the party needed to
unite, and "John Major is the right
leader for this task."
Opposition leaders derided Ma-
jor's election as "Thatcherism with a

different face." The Conservatives'
main rivals, the socialist Labor
Party, demanded a general election.
"John Major is a Thatcherette,"
said Labor Party leader Neil Kin-
nock. "It means that the policies that
brought the poll tax, recession,
heavy mortgages and rising unem-
ployment will go on."
During his five-day campaign,
Major said he would review the "poll
tax," an unpopular local tax brought
in by Thatcher, but he gave no other
hints of differing with her.
Major shares Thatcher's opposi-
tion to a single European currency
and shares her belief in tight restraint
on government spending.

Gorbachev, Yeltsin
.reach compromise

U.S., U.S.S.R. set
deadline for Iraq

MOSCOW (AP) - Mikhail
Gorbachev and political rival Boris
Yeltsin clashed yesterday over a pro-
posed treaty binding the 15 Soviet
republics, and emerged with a com-
promise that Yeltsin called "a vic-
tory for common sense."
Gorbachev's Communist Party
allies in the Russian republic's
Congress of Peoples' Deputies tried
to persuade the body to vote on a
new union treaty that Gorbachev is
pushing to arrest the disintegration
of central authority.
"There will be no (Soviet) Union
without Russia, nor will Russia be
able to exist without the union
(treaty)," Gorbachev told reporters
during a break.
"We've got to pass it in one or
two months, or it will mean the
breakup of the union."
Six republics already have said
they will not sign the treaty pact.
The Soviet president did not
speak during yesterday's session, but
smiled broadly from an isolated bal-
cony in the Grand Kremlin Palace as

his allies engaged in a boisterous
floor fight.
Yeltsin, who quit the Commu-
nist Party last July after being
elected president of the Russian Fed-
eration, hammered out a compromise
under which the Congress would de-
bate the union treaty but not vote on
Congress voted 696-199 to allow
an "exchange of opinions" on the is-
"It wasn't a victory for anybody.
It was a victory for common sense,"
Yeltsin told a reporter.
But Yeltsin's supporters were
seething at what they viewed as a
double cross by Communist
deputies, who agreed on Monday not
to include the union treaty on the
They feared that the Russian
Congress, having agreed to discuss
the treaty, might vote to pass a reso-
lution endorsing it, and so prejudice
the issue before the voters.

Associated Press
The United States and the Soviet
Union have fixed Jan. 15 as a dead-
line for Iraq to get out of Kuwait, or
face the possibility of a military
strike to drive them out, diplomats
said yesterday.
Three Americans, waving Iraqi
flags and criticizing their govern-
ment, arrived in Jordan after being
freed by Saddam Hussein.
The deadline for an Iraqi with-
drawal had been the only sticking
point in a draft U.N. Security Coun-
cil resolution agreed upon by the
five permanent members of the
council. The measure is expected to
be voted on by the full council on
In a fresh sign that the Baghdad
government is bracing for war, the
Pentagon said Iraq is rapidly increas-
ing its troop strength in Kuwait and
southern Iraq. It said Iraq has
450,000 troops in the region, an in-
crease of 20,000 over last week.
Sen. Sam Nunn, the chairman of
the Senate Armed Services Commit-
tee, meanwhile, questioned whether
it is reallyin the "vital interest" of
the United States to use military
force to liberate Kuwait, the oil-rich
emirate Iraq seized on Aug. 2.
"The question is not whether mil-
itary action is justified," Nunn said.
"The question is whether military ac-
tion is wise at this time and in our
national interest."
The hearings were called in reac-
tion to Bush's decision to send an
additional 200,000 troops to the gulf
to provide an "offensive military

At the United Nations, the stage
was set for a Security Council meet-
ing tomorrow to consider the
strongest measure yet against Iraq.
The resolution calls on Iraq to re-
lease all foreign hostages, withdraw
its troops and restore Kuwait's gov-
ernment by the first of the year.
Western diplomats speaking on
condition of anonymity said Secre-
tary of State James Baker and Soviet
Foreign Minister Eduard Shevard-
nadze had settled on Jan. 15 as the
deadline for an Iraqi withdrawal. The
diplomats said they had reached the
agreement in the past 24 hours.
The United States had already se-
cured the backing of the other per-
manent members of the Security
Council for the measure. The per-
manent members have the power to
veto council resolutions.
Altogether, nine votes on the 15-
member council are needed to ap-
prove the resolution. It is supported
by at least six of the non-permanent
council members: Canada, Finland,
Romania, Ivory Coast, Zaire and
Yemen, the council's onlyArab
member is believed likely to abstain
or vote against it.
Malaysia and Columbia's votes
are uncertain. Columbian foreign
minister Luis Jaramillo said yester-
day that Columbia still has not de-
cided how to vote, but would prefer a
diplomatic solution.
Cuban Ambassador Ricardo Alar-
con has said his country could not
sunnort the resolution. The Soviet

Detecto knows
While weighing themselves is something most first-year students dread,
Jonathan Abramson dares to step on the scale. Abramson is trying to make
weightfor intramural wrestling matches last night, today, and tomorrow.

.Bush discusses trade with Mexico's


MONTERREY, Mexico (AP) -
President Bush said yesterday the
U.S. economic slowdown could
make it harder to obtain a free trade
pact with Mexico, but pledged to
"write a new page in North
American history" with his veto pen
if necessary to stop protectionist
Bush wrapped up a two-day state

In a key agreement, the pair re-
solved a U.S.-Mexican disagreement
over the question of whether
Mexico's vast oil industry should be
open to U.S. or other foreign in-
vestment. Salinas has insisted the
state-run and subsidized oil industry
be exempt from the free-trade talks.
Treasury Secretary Nicholas

The two presidents also an-
nounced that both governments
would work toward opening nine
new border points-of-entry to ease
congestion at crossing stations and
to make it easier for both Americans
and Mexicans to travel across each
other's borders.
Roman Popadiuk, a White House
spokesperson, said "both the United

right one."
Salinas said the free trade pact
would help Mexicans find jobs in
their own country instead of having
to cross the border to find work.
Bush held a breakfast meeting
with a group of Mexican and
American business leaders, then met
for the second day with Salinas and

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