Page 4-The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 27, 1990 J1bE £rrdbrgau 1uatin EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Viewpoint Duderstadt responds to anti-deputization protests NOAH FINKEL Editor in Chief DAVID SCHWARTZ Opinion Editor Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. ... e :a il Open parties IFC limits opportunities for under-21 students IT'S A SAD DAY FOR UNIVERSITY of Michigan revelers. Gone will be those magic first few weeks of school when Greek organiza- tions subsidize student partying. From now on, we'll have to buy our own beer. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) will ban open fraternity parties, effec- tive Jan. 1. Any fraternity throwing a party must have a written guest list, or printed invitations. Violators will be penalized. This is an especially harsh blow for the under-21 crowd. Most bars in town have recently raised their general ad- mission age to 21, meaning the list of feasible weekend party projects has dwindled down to almost nothing. This should put an enormous strain on the dorms for a festivity outlet. Though it's terrible news for hap- less party-goers, it is a tremendous public relations coup for the IFC. The Greek system gets good press for a policy that will basically accomplish nothing beyond depriving students of a good time. The major stated aim of the ban was to reduce legal liability and risks of damage to fraternity property. But liability exists whether one issues invitations or not. And fraternities con- cerned about damage to their property were never forced to have open parties in the first place. But the IFC is not to blame; the Greek system must look out for itself. With the new University drug and al- cohol polices, the IFC recognizes that it is in eminent danger of an administra- tive crackdown. The IFC wisely foresaw the inevitable confrontation between them- selves and the University's policy. They then decided to forego an "important rush marketing tool" in the interest of public relations. The new policy attempts to prove that Greek or- ganizations can police themselves - before the administration gets around to it. Of course, there are a myriad of ways to get around the new IFC pol- icy. The fraternity can issue as many invitations as Kinkos can print, or they can use the phone book as a guest list. If implemented properly, the new rule accomplishes nothing. But if fraternities decide to end open parties, gone are the days of free Milwaukee's Best. Thatcher Labour opposition now faces a tougher challenge MARGARET THATCHER, UNDER pressure from her own party, stepped down last week as Prime Minister of Great Britain. With her departure, an era of British politics comes to an end after Thatcher served more than 11 years as prime minister and 15 years as head of the Conservative Party. The British, other Europeans and Americans should all lament the prema- ture resignation of Thatcher, but for different reasons than most die-hard Tories. Recent decisions and rifts in her government made the Conser- vatives ripe for defeat in the next general election, which must be called by mid-1992. The head of the Labour Party, Neil Kinnock, expressed the feelings of the opposition when he declared last week that Thatcher would have been easier to defeat than her successor. Because the Conservative govern- ment has shown a lack of concern for the genuine needs of the English popu- lace, a Labour government would be preferable to the continuation of Con- servative rule. In the end, it was a com- bination of Thatcher's internal policies and her attitude toward the European Economic Community (EC) that ul- timately caused her downfall. This spring, she spearheaded an un- popular poll tax, which caused a wave of protest and rioting across Britain. This regressive tax would force both poor and lower middle class citizens to pay the same fee as the rich. Michael Heseltine, the principal challenger to succeed Thatcher as head of the Conservative Party, has proclaimed that he would force a review of the un- popular policy. Thatcher has been a stubborn oppo- nent of Britain's full integration into the FC, in the process costing her the sup- port of much of her party. Her Deputy Prime Minister, Sir Geoffrey Howe, resigned after having criticized his former political ally for her recalci- trance. Now, when Western Europe seems headed for an unprecedented merger which will provide vast bene- fits, Thatcher seems like a voice from the past. At this point, a Labour government would be the best for Britain. Unem- ployment stands at 11 percent with a large increase in homelessness and a decline in the quality of health care. Britain has been overtaken by Italy and Spain in terms of rates of growth. The Labour party has overhauled its image under the able direction of Kinnock, abandoning many of its outdated socialist cliches. There is no longer a silly obsession regarding the nationalization of indus- tries or on unilateral disarmament. Labour has ideas for revamping Britain's welfare state, showing more concern for the fate of the hard-hit British poor. There is a clear commit- ment to civil liberties and free speech, which have suffered in England during the Thatcher reign, particularly with the terrible repression of Catholics in Northern Ireland. Thatcher has been a staunch sup- porter of the United States leadership, and helped her country in many ways. But many of her gains are overshad- owed by actions that have proved a detriment to the British people. Furthermore, Kinnock is an enthu- siastic proponent of European unity, from which Britain would surely bene- fit. Unfortunately, the Labour Party would have had an easier road to vic- tory with Thatcher at the helm of the Conservative Party; still, there is hope that British voters will welcome a long- needed change in the head of Parliament. By James J. Duderstadt In recent weeks a number of questions and concerns have been raised by students and others about campus safety and secu- rity at the University of Michigan. There continues to be some misinformation and confusion about these issues, and it is clear that we need to do a better job of keeping members of the campus informed about University safety and security plan- ning. I want to begin by clarifying some of these matters. First and most importantly, crimes against people and property are a serious and growing problem on our campus and on campuses across the nation. Unfortunately, here at Michigan, we expe- rience more crimes than our peers in*the Big Ten and many other universities of our size. This is not a record we can be proud of nor one we can accept. It is dam- aging to our quality of life and learning. We know that faculty, students, and staff are concerned about safety and with good reason. In just the last few weeks, there were three different incidents on the central campus involving interception of suspects found to be armed with dangerous weapons. You will be able judge the crime situation for yourselves when we provide you with regular crime reports beginning next term. I think we all understand that crime on campus and elsewhere is a complex prob- lem that will not be solved simply or easily. Many of its causes are deeply rooted in social inequity and must be ad- dressed as a priority by our entire society. But in the meantime, the leadership of the University has the obligation to do every- thing we can to make this campus a safer place. We believe that ultimately the most ef- fective deterrent to crime on campus will be you and your fellow students. As you become better informed and involved in crime prevention efforts, you will be able to protect yourselves, your friends, and your property more effectively. But the University must provide adequate support for you, and we must take into account the needs of the total University community. Some immediate steps we are taking include improving lighting and transporta- tion services, adding more emergency phones, and initiating widespread educa- tional programs that will be gearing up next term. We will also be expanding the presence of deputized University officers on campus. These are among many actions recom- mended to the University by the Task Force on Campus Safety, headed by Dean Paul Boylan of the Music School, which included students, faculty and staff. This Task Force studied the crime problem care- fully and consulted widely before making their report on which we are basing our security planning. Now let me turn to the slogans we have been hearing and seeing this past few week: "No cops, no guns, no code." "No Cops" The "no cops" slogan is actually quite misleading. Obviously, we have always had police on the campus - but they have been Ann Arbor Police or Washtenaw County Sheriff's Deputies. We have also had two deputized University officers for the past two years. The issue before us is not really no police, but whose police. One of the recommendations of the Safety Task Force was to expand the use of deputized University officers in our ef- forts to deter crime. Our decision to do so was not an easy one nor was it taken lightly. There have been extensive discus- sions, consultations, surveys, and data col- lection, much of which is publicly avail- able at the University Library. We have listened carefully to arguments both pro and con over many months and in many arenas. In the end, the Board of Regents and the leadership of the University had to do what we believed was right and in the best interest of the University. The principal argument for increasing deputized University law enforcement offi- cers is that campus-based officers will be more sensitive to the problems of the University, more responsive to the unique needs and values of our community, more familiar with the campus and its people, and will have the University as their only priority. These are the reasons that all of Michigan's public universities and the great majority of America's universities across the country long ago formed their own campus police units. Students will have a voice in planning and oversight of security programs includ- ing law enforcement. One mechanism for interaction with and accountability to the broad campus community will be an over- sight committee on campus safety, which will include four students, four faculty, and three staff now being appointed by the Provost. It will be chaired by a faculty member. I can also assure you that the Board of 'Campus-based officers will be more sensitive to the problems of the University, more responsive to the unique needs and values of our community, more familiar with the campus and its people, and will have the University as their only priority.' campus closely and can be depended upon to investigate and report problems. Let me be absolutely clear on one score. There is no intent to use police or other safety personnel to interfere with the private lives of students, nor will they be involved in policing off-campus hous- ing or other student events off the cam- pus. The only job for the campus police is to try to prevent serious crime and protect campus people and property. There is another misleading rumor that I would like to lay to rest. This is that the University is creating a campus police force in order to curb dissent. This fear is groundless; and, frankly, it makes no sense. I have stated for the record on many occasions that our security plans are aimed at deterring crime and that is all. We have well-established guidelines developed by the University Civil Liberties Board that protect free speech, free assembly, and dissent that we value, respect, and enforce. I think we demon- strated this commitment last week. If there should be cases of violent or illegal dis- ruption - and I sincerely hope there will not be - the University will continue to have to rely on the Ann Arbor police for protection as in the past. We do not have enough officers to deal with violent dis- ruptions nor are we foolish enough to try. Let me now clarify our overall plan. The University will be adding approxi- mately 24 of our own deputized officers over the next three years - enough to provide roughly two deputized officers per shift per day by 1992. Eight highly-quali- fied recruits are currently undergoing a rig- orous training program and will be ready for active duty in January. Some of the policies governing cam- pus police behavior include prohibitions of racial or sexual discriminatory harass- ment, discrimination based on sexual ori- entation, and Civil Liberties Board guide- lines protecting free speech. Our new po- lice officers and other security personnel receive continuing education and training including instruction by staff of the Office of Minority Affairs, LGMPO, Affirmative Action, SAPAC, and extensive training in all aspects of human relations. Complaints about violations of University policies and values will be investigated vigorously. "No Guns" The "no guns" slogan, while dramatic, is also misleading. Actually, we can ex- pect to have no more armed police on campus after we have our own force than now when we rely on Ann Arbor police - all of whom are armed and a number of whom may be on campus at a given time. Under our new system, there should be fewer armed personnel on campus per av- erage shift. I certainly understand and sympathize with those of you who have ethical con- cerns about guns and the use of force. I share this concern and am dismayed by the rising tide of violence in our society, especially that involves deadly weapons. But we cannot ignore the increasing num- ber of incidents involving weapons on campus that pose a risk to lives. At least some of our officers must be reliably close at hand and able to defend others and them- selves when absolutely necessary. There will be no authority to use weapons ex- cept in defense of human life. Our current security plan differs from the more common practice of other cam- puses where all officers are routinely armed. We have heard and sympathize with community concerns about excessive force and want to try a more conservative exper- iment that we believe reflects the special values and traditions of Michigan. Thus, our safety officers on routine patrol and in other ordinary interactions will not be deputized or armed. The regular security personnel will continue to carry out their duties just as they do now, and you will notice no dif- ference except that more staff should be available when you need them. The newly- deputized police officers will be housed in accessible offices around the campus to re- spond to requests for assistance in dealing with potential felonious assaults and sus- table but necessary price to pay for im- proving campus safety. "No Code" Finally, another slogan we have been hearing says "no code." I must confess that this strikes me as political oppor- tunism. The development of a code of stu- dent conduct really is not an issue for the University administration. Rather it is, or should be, a student issue - and a student responsibility. Student governments on most other college campuses in America have stepped up to their responsibility for their own cit- izenship as members of the campus com- munity by working with faculty and ad- ministrators to develop a set of guidelines for student behavior (e.g., prohibiting as- saults, rape, drug sales, arson, etc.) cou pled with appropriate sanctions for violat- ing these guidelines (e.g., probation, edu- cation, suspension, expulsion). These range from entirely student-enforced honor codes (North Carolina, Virginia, Stanford and our own College of Engineering) to rather detailed policies with student-faculty judiciary bodies (Michigan State, UC- Be'rkeley, Harvard). For the past decade or more the Michigan student government has rejected any attempts to develop such policies, and hence we now have a "no rules of any kind" situation on this campus that un' dermines the quality and safety of student life. Our situation is nearly unique, and we believe it allows the criminal and/or sick behavior of a few people to infringe on the* rights of the majority of you. In any event, I do not believe it is my role, nor the role of the University admin- istration, to develop such a code. Rather, I believe the students themselves should step up to their responsibility to help de- velop a set of such guidelines for student behavior as one of their duties as citizens of the University community. Faculty have such policies. Staff have such poli* cies. The Interfraternity Council system, has made important strides in self-gover- nance in the past year or so. And our Michigan students need to develop general policies to govern themselves. We have repeatedly challenged students to propose a workable mechanism for student policy, development, but so far none have been forthcoming. In the absence of a "code," th University has put in place an interim pol- icy concerning discriminatory harassment because incidents of bigotry were infring- ing on the right of minorities, women, and other students to learn. We also put in place a temporary policy on alcohol and; substance abuse as required of all colleges and universities by federal law. These are responses to specific needs and are not, steps towards a "code." Let me say it plainly again so there will be no possibility of misunderstand- ing. We have no comprehensive code now, and the University has none planned. This is not a priority for me or members of my administration. At some point, like all communities, I believe that students will take the initiative to work on this issue. Some Final Comments Our University is a large, complex, and diverse place. There are many avenues for formal and informal interaction that give' students a voice in policy. Students are appointed to all the most important University bodies that advise Executive Officers, and they have the opportunity to contribute to policy formulation, over- sight, and evaluation. Normally there are regular meetings with MSA leaders; and, while this year the leadership has chosen to avoid them, I cer- tainly hope the meetings will soon be re- sumed. We include representatives of stu- dent governments of schools and colleges in retreats -with regents, officers, faculty, and staff at the beginning of each academic term to discuss strategic issues. In addi- tion, I meet regularly with student organi- zation leaders, Daily editors and reporters, and I have a lively exchange with at least 200 students each week on electronic mail. As many of you know first hand, I do try to get out to meet with you in classes, residence halls, Greek houses, and count- i U' official seeks meetings with students To the Daily: I have been thinking a great deal about the events of the past days and weeks. One fact stands out; I have not done a good job of finding ways to enter constructive discussions with students, especially about issues of concern to them, including campus safety, the new alcohol and drug policy, and the student- sponsored social events policy. To begin to rectify this situation, I will hold a series of open forums for stu- held in the North Campus Commons tonight from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The dates and places for the others will be announced on that same day as all the arrangement have not yet been final- ized. The locations for the other forums will be on central campus. I look forward to meeting and talking with students on these occasions. Mary Ann Swain Interim Vice President