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November 16, 1990 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-16

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Look for a special edition
of the Daily tomorrow
. with deputization
protest and MSA
election coverage.

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Look for a special edition
of the Daily tomorrow
with deputization
protest and MSA
election coverage.

Vol. Cl, No. 53 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, November 16, 1990ig


by Josephine Ballenger
Daily Crime Reporter
Sixteen students were arrested and
a public safety officer was injured
following a rally yesterday to protest
the deputization of campus security
The movement began Wednesday
t 3 p.m. when about 35 students
from Students for a Safer Campus
(SSC) began their sit-in at President
James Duderstadt's office in the
Fleming Administration Building.
Students called for the University
to reverse its decision to arm campus
security officer and demanded more
student input into University deci-
The anti-deputization movement
continued at 1 p.m. with a rally in
Regents Plaza yesterday, which drew
more than 400 students.
The demonstration - sponsored
by Michigan Student Assembly's
Students Rights Commission (SRC)
- lasted about one hour before a
few students forced their way inside
the building's unlocked eastside
* Despite campus security officers'
resistance, students propped open the.
door and half the crowd stampeded
into the Fleming Building.
Once inside, students ran up and
down the hallways, writing with
chalk on the brick walls, pounding
on doors, and chanting.
The rest of the crowd remained
outside the building, at the west and
east entrances.
*aInfighting among students soon
began, as protesters debated going to

the second floor, staying on the first
floor, or leaving the building. Stu-
dents debated whether to use force or
remain peaceful.
Some students said those who
wanted to use violence were from the
Revolutionary Workers' League, not
SSC or SRC. No one at the time
claimed to be from RWL.
Students attempted to get to the
second floor, where more than 20
SSC protesters were still staging a
sit-in, but the stairwell door was

University alumnus Henry Hardy
and several students tried to shove
their way through the door while
two security officers physically
barred their entry. Most of the
protesters opposed the move, but a
few gained entry and fled upstairs.
Director of Department of Public
Safety and Security Leo Heatley
eventually joined officers S. Rich-
mond and Paul Vaughn, helping to
end the struggle. Heatley later said
See PROTEST, Page 2 'i

' U,


Regents turn

away Si
by Sarah Schweitzer
Daily Administration Reporter
Students on the speakers list for
the public question-and-answer ses-
sion of the monthly University's
Board of Regents meeting were
turned away by University security
officers yesterday.
That action may have violated the
state's guarantee of open meetings of
public bodies.
The question-and-answer session
was originally scheduled to be held
in the Anderson Room of the
Michigan Union, but was moved to
Crisler Arena.
The location was changed in order
to reduce "the threat to safety" posed

by student protestors outside the
Fleming Administration Building,
according to a resolution read by Re-
gent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) at
the opening of the meeting.
Ten people were scheduled to ad-
dress the regents, but none spoke.
The regents had moved their
meeting from the Fleming Building,
where it is normally held, to the
Crisler Arena.
Regent Phil Power (D-Ann Ar-
bor) said the University believed its
decision to change the location of
the public comments session was
within legal boundaries.
Power said the University offi-
See COMMENTS, page 12

Fourteen stage protest in
'U' information building

*by Matthew Pulliam
Daily Staff Reporter
Fourteen students, protesting al-
legedly misleading statements in
The University Record, staged a sit-
in for more than four hours at the
News and Information Services
Building yesterday.
The students chose to test the
limits of security tolerance and left
at 6:29 p.m., an hour and a half after
*the building's closing time and only
two minutes before arrest warrants
were to be issued.
The protest, organized by Stu-
dents for a Safer Campus (SSC), fo-
cused on the results of a campus
safety survey issued by the Institute
for Social Research and printed in
the Nov. 12 Record, and was held in
tandem with the sit-in and rally at

the Fleming Administration Build-
The survey indicated strong stu-
dent support for "development of a
University police force," a result
SSC claims is not representative of
current student opinions.
About 70 percent of the students
voting in last spring's Michigan
Student Assembly elections indicated
opposition to a deputized campus
police force.
Rackham graduate student Patrick
Kennelly, who took part in the sit-
in, said that he is fearful of the im-
plications of an armed police force
on campus. "When people are armed,
there is the potential for a fatal mis-
understanding," he said.
The activists, who entered the
building at 2 p.m., sat in the main

first-floor hallway and discussed their
goals and demands with each other
and Director of News and Informa-
tion Services Joseph Owsley.
In response to the SSC's argu-
ment that the University regents
made decisions "behind the students'
backs," Owsley said, "The students
aren't here to govern. The regents are
here to govern."
The direction of the protest and
the fate of the protesters inside the
NIS Building came into question
around 3:30 p.m. when security
announced that the building was.to
be placed in a state of "lock-down,"
in which case only NIS employees,
administration officials, and security
personnel would be allowed to enter.
Windows and doors were closed
See SSC, Page 2

Protesters sitting in front of the Fleming Building yesterday (top). Elsewhere
on Regents' Plaza, John Youtt, an LSA senior, waved in victory after writing
with chalk on the top of the Cube. For more photos, see Page 12.

Spending a night in the Administration Building

by Ian Hoffman
and Noele Vance
Daily News Editors
For 26 hours students outside the
Fleming Administration Building
knew nothing of those occupying
the president's offic except what
could be communicated by hand sig-
nals, taped messages and an occa-
sional cellular telephone call.
LSA sophomore Roger Saylor
and engineering sophomore Grant
Wilcox were among the 45 original
students who took over the building
late Wednesday afternoon. The fol-
lowing is their account of the events
that transpired during the first
t evening..
3 p.m. - One student requests an
appointment with President Duder-
stadt and is denied. Forty-five people
enter the lobby of Duderstadt's of-
"The secretary was quite baffled.
She didn't know what to do. We
gave them a list of demands," Saylor
Walter Harrison, executive direc-
* tor of University Relations, read the

big felony charge," Wilcox said.
Shortly thereafter, the building's
telephones were disabled.
5:30 p.m. - Students bide their
time playing music on tin cups and
shaking containers with seeds. As-
sistant to the President Shirley
Clarkson monitors the students
while reading a stack of newspapers.
"Shirley wasn't mad or anything.
She seemed to be joking a lot; I
don't know if that's her manner or
what," Saylor said.
6:30 p.m. - Students receive re-
ports that no one is allowed upstairs
without a press pass. CNN reporters
bring students food.
8 p.m. - Department of Public
Safety and Security Officer Robert
Patrick arrives.
"Patrick was mingling, he would
sit in groups talking to people. He
told someone not to eat nuts because
of the cholesterol," Saylor said.
8:30 p.m. - The first security
guard comes on duty.
"He was a very kind and consider-
ate officer; he let us do what we

Fortress Fleming ready for protest

by Amanda Neuman
Daily Staff Reporter
The fortress-like Fleming Administration Building
in Regents Plaza, which students took over in the last
two days, is well-equipped to withstand protests.
The building, designed by architect Alden Dow and
completed in 1968, was inspired by the modern Dutch
artist, Mondrian, whose works called for the division of
a cube into an abstract pattern.
Its solid appearance is enhanced by the total absence
of windows on the the first level except for the two
Romanesque-arched entrances. The asymmetrical win-
dows on the upper levels are like gunslits, too small for
a person to fit through.
Rumors have circulated for years that the building
was designed to keep out protesters such as those who
were active on campus in the 1960s.
Orientation leaders impart the rumor that the Flem-
ing Building was designed to be riot-proof. Supposedly,
the windows are at foot-level so rock-throwing students
could not target administrators inside during protests.
But University administrators say otherwise.
"It was a purely aesthetic decision on the part of the
architect," said University Planner Fred Mayer. The de-
sign was made well before the unrest of the 1960s, he

derground steam tunnels that winds beneath the surface
of the campus and connects to the Fleming Building.
The grapevine purports that there is a motion detector
where the tunnels near the building.
Some say the tunnels provide a way for the president
and the Board of Regents to enter and exit the Fleming
Building secretly. The rumors allege that the tunnels
connect to the president's house on South University
Mayer discarded these allegations, saying the sole
function of the steam tunnels, which lead to and from a
central heating plant on Washtenaw and Huron Streets,
is to distribute heat to University Buildings.
The Fleming Building, which contains the offices of
the president and of several vice presidents, is also said
to have a security system which can seal the entrances
to and the stairwells within the building in a moment's
notice. But this is pure speculation, said Executive
Director of University Relations Walter Harrison. There
is, however, an alarm system which extends throughout
the tunnel network, Harrison said.
Once called "The Administration Building," the
structure was renamed in 1980 in honor of former Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming, who served from

Approximately 600 chanting
students marched down State St. and
South University Ave. to University
President James Duderstat's house
last night to stage a sit-in on his
front lawn.
The march and sit-in were a
continuation of yesterday's protest of
University police deputization.
Students used the sit-in to plan
their future course of action.
Today at noon protesters are
calling for a general meeting on
State St. in front of the Union to
plan future action. Protesters will
propose a general student strike from
classes on Monday. The group will
also be taking suggestions from
students concerning future plans.
The protesters set up a committee
to write a general letter to University
students explaining the deputization
Protesters stressed the urgency of
the situation. "As of 9:30 tonight
there is a state of activism declared
on campus." said Jennifer Van
Valey, President of Michigan
Student Assembly.
Students emphasized the
continuation of non-violent forms of
action and activism to supplement
today's rally. "We should be
boycotting classes, camping out as
long as it takes, sending a letter to
all U of M students, and getting
ideas out to other campuses," said
LSA senior Linda Rosenfeld.
"We want to go to the dorms
room-to-room. We want to try to -
start reinstating a council of students
... that has veto power over regents'
decisions. We think that this can
bring more people out," said LSA
senior Emily Holzman.
Students agreed that the
deputization protest served as a
manifestation of vedneral student

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