The Michigan Daily -Thursday, November 15,1990 - Page 3 Experts debate energy policies by Stefanie Vines Daily Research Reporter A forum concerning U.S. energy olicies featured speakers focusing n the energy problems forecasted for the 90s last night at East Quad. "It seemed like we needed a forum about nuclear power and other possi- ble energy sources. By talking about energy efficiency and renewable re- sPurces I think we can make our en- Ogy consumption more sustain- able," said Steve Winkelman, a Res- idential College senior who coordi- guted the forum. Susan Wright, head of the Resi- dpntial College science program, agreed with Winkelman about the purpose of the forum. "This forum is part of a continual emphasis about ways in which sci- epce and technology can be managed and directed for social purposes and choices we make about scientific is- sues. The main issue is how we can est manage our energy resources and at the same time ensure a sus- tainable amount of energy," said Wright. Three speakers focused upon dif- ferent aspects of the energy issues for the 90s. Marc Ross, professor of physics, addressed the issue of energy effi- ciency. "We have a major opportunity to reduce energy extraction and process- ing by using energy more effi- ciently. The benefits include less of an environmental impact, lower cap- ital cost, and reduced use of natural resources," said Ross. Ross continued by focusing upon tfie crisis in the Persian Gulf. "In terms of the Middle East cri- sis, I think one of the reasons we are there is cheap oil. We are running out of oil sources in the United States and it is becoming increas- tngly more difficult to find other en- Students to rally against deputization A D GAMY FELDMAN/Daily A ID S Qu it LSA senior Amy Clark examines one panel of the AIDS quilt hanging in the Union Art Lounge. The quilt commemorates the victims of the AIDS epidemic. by Sarah Schweitzer Daily Administration Reporter Organizers of today's "No Guns, No Cops, No Code" rally are hoping the rally could be the spark to light a powder-keg in the student movement opposing deputization and a non-aca- demic student conduct code. For weeks, the Michigan Stu- dent Assembly's (MSA) Student Rights' Commission (SRC) has been gearing up for the rally with a lavish campaign. The group sold ap- proximately 300 T-shirts announc- ing the date and time of the rally and barely a building or sidewalk on campus has been left free of chalked messages advertising the rally. With this massive advertising campaign, SRC leaders are expecting a turnout of more than 300 people at the 1 p.m. rally and 4 p.m. public question-and-answer session which follows the University Board of Re- gents' monthly meeting. Rally organizers hope today's events prove to be similar to the protest at the September regents' meeting. At that meeting, approxi- mately 200 students crammed into the Anderson Room of the Union for the public comments time, disrupt- ing the session with boisterous ver- bal attacks on regents concerning deputization. Regents, however, say they were unimpressed by the September protest of deputization and will probably be unmoved by today's. "It won't have any effect on my decision making process," said Re- gent James Waters (D-Muskegon). "Mere chanting slogans doesn't make a point," said Regent Phil Power (D-Ann Arbor). Administration officials concur with regents that students' chanting and protests will do little to change their minds on the issue of deputiza- tion. Executive Director of University Relations Walter Harrison said, "I pay more attention to the clarity of the argument than I do to how loud it is being shouted." The deputization issue, along with the question of a code for stu- dent non-academic conduct, is seen by some student activists as one more link in a long chain of mea- sures put forth by the University to curtail student autonomy. "The goals of the rally are to ad- dress the issues of deputization, democracy, repression and to advo- cate that students learn about the University's actions," SRC Chair Corey Dolgon said. But some students are pessimistic about what the rally today will achieve. LSA sophomore Joe Sciarrotta, i member of the Conservative Coali- tion who is running for LSA student. government president, said; "Student leaders with guitars and" throwing insults at regents is not ef fective ... The administration is no( usurping our rights, we need to sit down and talk with them in a ratio- nal tone." ergy sources. Efficiency is part of a long-term answer," added Ross. Bob Williams, a physicist at Princeton, focused upon other sources of energy that are less costly than oil. "Wind power is one type of source that can be converted into electricity at high efficiency levels at a lower economic cost. Bioenergy is also a widely available resource often cheaper then imported oil. It offers favorable economic opportunities" in a more practical form, said Williams. Mary Sinclair, a University doc- toral candidate in Natural Resources and an environmental activist, urged more citizen action. "The most important action you can take is to organize- a group of citizens to show politicians your concern about an issue. Do some- thing this week to help, do some- thing now," said Sinclair. Ed. school testing new techniques Teachers seek to help those with learning difficulties enjoy reading i' THE LIST What's happening in Ann Arbor today Meetings Lesbian & Gay Men's Rights Organ- izing Committee, weekly meeting. Union, Rm. 3100, 7:15-8:30. Michigan Video Yearbook, weekly meeting. Union, 4th floor, 6 30. Amnesty International, weekly meeting of local chapter. B116 MLB, 7:00. alestine Solidarity Commit- tee, weekly meeting. International Center, 7:30. El Club de Espanol, weekly meeting of the Spanish Conversa- tion Club. MLB 4th Floor Com- mons, 2:30-4. ACT-UP Ann Arbor, weekly mreeting. Group not affiliated with Revolutionary Workers League. Call 665-1797 or 662-6282 for info. 514 atherine Street, 7:30. ACT-UP, weekly meeting. Union, 6.00. Iritervarsity Christian Fel- lowship, weekly meeting. East Quad, Rm. 126, 7:00. Michigan Video Yearbook, weekly meeting. Union 4th floor, 6;30. Tagar, weekly meeting. Hillel, 8s00. Campus Crusade for Christ, weekly meeting. Dental School, Kel- ogg Aud., 7-8:00. "-omeless Action Committee, weekly meeting. For info, call Jeff or Jeri (936-3076). 219 Angell Hall, 5100. OF of M American Chemical Society. 1650 New Chem. Bldg., 5;15. Students Against Driving dIrunk. Union, Rm. 2203, 7:00. Project Outreach informational ass meeting. Angell Hall Audito- rim, 6:00. 14 Focus Filmworks. Call 662- 8481 for info. Frieze Bldg., Old TV Studio, 6:00. R sskij Chaj, weekly Russian conversation practice. MLB 3rd floor conference roon, 4-5:00. Research Club, with speaker Prof. David Gates on "Global Warm- ing - The Pros - and Cons!" Rtckham Bldg., 4th floor West Con- erence Rm., 8:00. .. "Jews and Muslims: Con- frontation or Cooperation?", sponsored by Muslims Student As- sociation. Hutchins Hall, Rm. 100. 6:30. "Poverty and the Destruction of the Rainforests: Making the Connections," Juan Aules- tia, speaker. 2439 Mason Hall, 8:00. "4-manifold Invariants and Mayer-Vietoris," Prof. Cliff Taubes of Harvard, speaker. Angell Hall, Rm. 3201, 4:00. "The Formation of Surface Coatings on Mineral Phases in Mixed Organic/Metal Ion Systems," sponsored by Chem. Dept.; Carol Kenesey, speaker. Rm. 1640, 4:00. "The Major Nations and the New Asian Order," part of "East Asia and Global Chance" conference series; Prof. Robert Scalapino of Berkeley, speaker. Rackham Am- phitheater, 8:00. "Conservation of Primates in Brazil," slides and talk sponsored by Rainforest Action Movement; Cary Anne Cadman, speaker. Call 662-0232 for info. School of Natu- ral Resources, Rm. 1520, 7:00. "Social Reality of Puerto Ri- cans in the U.S.: Past, Pre- sent and Future," symposium sponsored by Puerto Rican Associa- tion as part of 8th Annual Michi- gan-Puerto Rican Week. Michigan League, Rm. D, 7:30. Furthermore Safewalk functions 8-1:30 am Sun.-Thurs., 8-11:30 Fri.-Sat. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102 UGLi. Northwalk functions 8-1:30 am Sun.-Thurs., 8-12:00 Fri.-Sat. Call 763-WALK or stop by 2333 Bursley. ECB Peer Writing Tutors available to help with your papers Sunday-Wednesday, Angell/Haven Computing Center, 7-11:00. Great American Smokeout, co- sponsored by University Students AgainstCancer. Diag and Union basement, 10-4:00. "Regent Baker, Resign Now!" ACT-UP Rally. Union, noon. by Jennifer Hiri Daily Staff Writer In an attempt to help children with learning difficulties improve their reading comprehension and composition, the School of Educa- tion is testing new teaching tech- niques that may make literary expe- riences more enjoyable and meaning- ful. Education Prof. Anne Marie Pal- incsar and doctoral students are work- ing with Ann Arbor-area elementary school teachers to find new ways of teaching handicapped children to ap- preciate and experience reading and writing. The research program is funded by the Office of Special Edu- cation Programs - a federal agency. "We're trying to use activities that provide reading and writing in- struction in a coherent, integrated, and meaningful way," Palincsar said. The researchers are questioning whether such traditional practices as copying to teach writing are the most effective ways of improving learning. "If children haven't mastereda word-attack skills, we're not going to say, 'well you can't read interest- ing books yet,' or 'you can't talk about text,' or 'write your own text.'l Children can still engage in mean- ingful literary experiences," Palinc-1 sar said. For example, Palincsar and her assistants have found that focusing on titles and illustrations which ac-t company text is an effective tech-r nique which helps children improves their comprehension. Using book se-t ries, in which the characters anda scenes are familiar, is also effective.f For instance, Palincsar's children read the series Clifford. "Clifford is a great character, a huge dog, and it helps make the text very predictable to the children. So just by looking at the pictures and using their knowledge about Clif- ford, they're not so dependent on just using the letters and the words to tell them the story," Palincsar said. To improve writing skills, Palin- csar's teachers encourage children to use a technique called "invented spellings." Children are encouraged to write as many letters of the word they know and leave a space where they think a letter ought to be. Palinesar wants to give children reasons "to want to write," allowing the children to generate their own topics. At Holmes Elementary School, the children wrote a guide to their school for new students. Pal- incsar found that if the children took an interest in the topic, they were more motivated to write. The researchers have found the teachers are beneficial in the ad- vancement of their research. "Teachers have this wisdom of practice, and we want to learn how to incorporate their ideas and their perspectives along with what re- search suggests is good instructional practice," Palincsar said. At the end of the four years allot- ted for this research, Palincsar and her assistants will publish their re- sults and findings in journals for teachers and researchers. They will also prepare prototypical curricula for special educators. ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) - An Alitalia DC-9 jetliner crashed last night, killing all 40 passengers and six crew aboard, police said. Witnesses reported what appeared to be fire and explosions before the plane hit, Zurich police told a news conference. Flight AZ404 of the Italian air- line, coming from Milan, crashed about 8:20 p.m. (2:20 p.m. EST) five miles north of Kloten interna- tional airport outside Zurich, near the village of Weiach, airport spokesperson Peter Gutknecht said. Only a few on board were Italians, an Alitalia spokesperson said. Italian reports said most of the other passengers were apparently Swiss and Japanese. Italy's state-run RAI televisiont said it appeared unlikely the disastef was weather-related but added that first reports appear to discount th possibility of a terrorist act. " Plane crashes near Zurich; 40 passengers, six crew dead; FoodBuys American Subs (715 N. University, next to Alphagraphics and Comerica) Daily Includes Entree, Salad ... choice of: $2.99 Veg. lasagna, Casseroles... Enchiladas, Stuffed peppersM...ore Specials TurkeyoDijon, Manicotti... ++ Our Quality Subs ++ Now we deliver Spring Term * In New * Hampshire New England Literature Program Earn credit as you study Thoreau, Emerson, Frost, Hawthorn " in their native habitat. *Mass Meeting & Slide Show* Thursday, November 15, 8:00 p.m. Aud. D Angell Hall For Further Information, Call 764-6330 or 662-9895. 0 -Indcen e NatwrwL yIfonor Sociztlj New-Inductee Meeting . , 4k Call 663-0009 Open 10:30 - 9:00 p.m. COOKES ,, .