The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 14, 1990 - Page 5 Abolitionist Bryan Case, Rackham candi- date, Steve Koppelman, LSA candi- date, and Jesse Walker, LSA candi- date spoke for the Abolitionist party. Party Philosophy: "MSA is unrepresentative and un- sponsive. We want to obliterate it gAd replace it with a network of vol- unteer committees." On Deputization: "We oppose it. The University is not a city. We do not elect a Univer- sity government. The University is setting up a police department that has potentia' control over people who have no vaguely democratic re- course over it." * "We dislike the way in which the two other parties have faced off, with Conservative Coalition proposing the 'responsible' method and Action proposing the 'riot' method. We think that we should oppose depu- tization through whatever means are both necessary and workable without liniiting ourselves to one particular method of protest, rather than shoot 'urselves in the foot by not working ith people with the same goals de- spite ideological differences." On Student Group Recognition: "If it's a group of students it should be allowed to be a student group. We favor automatic recogni- tion, no matter what the group's D~~I 24 A fif DA~r I S. M.~uha Bn~d IA~, T funtk Walker wrong actions as the administration. When MSA acts in a dictatorial manner, when MSA makes decisions in secret, completely separate from the wishes of the student body, then MSA shows itself to be nothing more than a pale shadow of that which it claims to fight." On MSA-funded Foreign Trips: "If MSA's funding is entirely voluntary, and people are stupid enough to give money to an MSA that is likely to have these trips, then certainly MSA should be allowed to spend its money however it pleases." "However, when MSA's funding is mandatory, as it is now, it is unfair to expect a student who may oppose such a trip to fund it. We take nosstance on the merits or demerits of the Palestine trip, but we do not think it right to force pro- Israel students to fund it. It is possible to support the Palestinian cause or any other cause without looting the opposition." Funding for MSA: "There should be a voluntary check-off at CRISP: "Do you want this much money of your tuition to go to MSA? Yes or No." MSA would receive money from those who check yes and no funding from those who check no." "If MSA is in contact with the student body and represents students' interest, it will be well funded; if it fails in its job, MSA will not be rewarded with money it neither de- serves nor has earned." Biggest Problems with MSA: "MSA is neither representative of nor accountable to students. In that respect, it can adopt whatever position that student politicos dictate without regard for the actual opin- ions or beliefs of the student body." "Michigan students are not represented to the Regents or the administration, who can then enact whatever policies they wish regard- less of student opinion or belief." Three Top Priorities if Elected: "To allow all student groups to be recognized. Any groups of stu- dents will be considered by MSA to be a student organization with all the benefits and privileges thereto." "Voluntary funding" "Opposition to deputization and any code of non-academic con- duct whatsoever." Action LSA candidates Eric Stempien and David Mann spoke for the Ac- tion party. Party Philosophy: "The students are being shut down in a lot of ways by the Re- gents and Jim Duderstadt. The whole idea is that we are elected to be there for the students, to be a voice for them and to organize resistance against the administration, which is not ruling out negotiations and dis- cussion." On Deputization: "The students voted overwhelm- ingly against deputization of police officers. We are following up on' students' wishes by fighting the University administration for more student democracy in such vital is- sues. The administration has op- posed the students, especially regard- ing this and we are going to make the Dude think twice before ignoring the students again." "MSA representatives who ran with Action have been leading the fight and organizing students to rally against a campus police force. If elected, Action candidates will con- tinue this fight and make the admin- istration realize that this won't work." On Student Group Funding: "As long as they meet the quali- fications already established by S ......................................T. 0 .. . . . . Mike Shevock Eng C. S$A. B~gn Lrds LA i>d~M~~ A Conservative Coalition James Green, LSA candidate, and Jennifer Starrman, Engineering candidate spoke for the Conserva- tive Coalition Party Philosophy: "Our basic party philosophy is one of fiscal responsibility and ac- countability to the student body which means working for the stu- dents on this campus, funding events here and not using MSA as a politi- cal platform to propagate political ideologies that are not pertinent to the concerns of students." On Deputization: "We're very concerned about the University deputizing its officers. The student body made it pretty clear in the last election that a rather large majority oppose this. If indeed the deputization has the intent of pro- tecting students, their input should be listened to and appreciated." "We are also concerned, however, about the tone that some of the op- position has taken. We do not feel the best way to keep guns off cam- pus is to run around with a pig nose and a guitar. If we want the adminis- tration to listen to us we're going to have to act like college students." On Student Group Recognition: "We are in favor of automatic Stempien be made." Funding for MSA: "To make MSA funding by the students voluntary is an idea that may look appealing at first sight but it holds no substance. In order for students to be truly represented by MSA, MSA needs to be properly funded. Student groups cannot fight for the students if MSA does not have any money. It would destroy any link between the students and the administration." Biggest Problems with MSA: "The students aren't aware of many of the things MSA does for them." "There's a great deal of ineffi- ciency in MSA. This is due to the existence of partisan constituencies on MSA and the fact that many rep- resentatives are unable for one reason or another to attend a majority of the meetings. Action party members are dedicated to serve the students and if elected would work as hard as they could for the students." Three Top Priorities if Elected: "Campus democracy. Students are not being heard on this campus. Action facilitates a louder student voice through pressure for (re-estab- lishing) University Council and if negotiations don't work, a move to a more firm way of showing action." "Environmental concerns. We want to make student recycling more accessible on campus by the mere placement of more recycling bins on campus in accessible places. We de- mand that the administration imple- ment recycling policies for them- selves as well as for the students." "Anti-discrimination. For too long homosexuals and bisexuals, women, and students of color have been oppressed by the climate on campus. Our main goal here is to change the climate into one that is friendly and accepting of these groups. We can go about imple- menting this by making sure the Baker-Mandela Center does not fold, continue fighting for education on sexual assault, demand inclusion of homosexuals and bisexuals in Re- gental Bylaw 14.06 on discrimina- tion, and support groups interested in increasing AIDS awareness on campus." Green "The student assembly should be funded by the students. Students should certainly have input on what the fee is. It is their student govern- ment and they should decide how much they contribute to the body that represents them." "If MSA wants to continue being funded and to be funded more in the future, it must strive to act respon- sibly and to look out for the needs of students on campus." Biggest Problems with MSA: "The number one problem is the tendency at MSA to use the tools at their disposal which are de- signed to help students to hinder stu- dents. These things are designed to facilitate the workings of student or- ganizations. It should not be used to intimidate groups that are not 'ideologically correct' according to members of the assembly, whether it be on the far left or the far right or anywhere in between." "It is the way in which MSA currently tries to deal with things. Jennifer Van Valey calls it 'student activism,' but it's running around with a pig nose and a guitar and call- ing people names, which besides not being responsible really lacks cre- ativity as well." "It also attributes to a breakdown of organization. If you look at MSA right now, you can see that its not very well organized. The External Relations Committee Chair does not have a key to his own office. The; room allocation situation is another example. Over half the assembly, does not show up. These are all symptoms of a lack of responsibility which damages the organization and legitimacy of the assembly." Three Top Priorities if Elected: "Getting us out of debt, to fin- ish the job that we feel we started under the Williams' administration." * "Implementing the automatic group recognition policy to protect the rights of students on campus." "Trying to de-politicize MSA. Try to -stop MSA from using its tools that are designed to help stu- dents to hinder students." ,4 ideology. Without recognition as it stands now, groups cannot go to other school governments or dorm councils for money, or sell coffee in 'hl Fishbowl, because to do all of those things you need a special ac- cqunt number that you can only get if MSA recognizes you." On the Code of Non-Academic Conduct: "The University administration hays no business interfering with stu- dents' private life - their life out- siole the classroom. We are opposed not only comprehensive code of on-academic conduct, but to the ndn-comprehensive codes that have ben imposed or proposed, such as thy Anti-Discriminatory Harassment Policy, the Drug and Alcohol Pol- icy, the Union policy, and the pro- posed protest policy." "MSA has taken a stance against a ,code, but it shoots itself in the fopt when it is guilty of the same MSA, there's no reason they should not be recognized. Student groups have rights up until the point where they infringe on other people's rights - then they should not be given the student resources available through MSA recognition." On the Code of Non-Academic Conduct: "It's impossible to see how the administration has any jurisdiction over these matters. Therefore, it is illegal and unconstitutional. It's a blatant attempt to suppress student freedom. We feel it should be fought against at all levels and as hard as we can." On MSA-funded Foreign Trips: "There are times when it's appro- priate if it is shown to have benefits to a large groups of students, but it needs to be investigated thoroughly before allocating any money. The pros and cons have to be weighed out before an accurate decision can group recognition. In the past MSA has used the recognition process as a tool to intimidate and to hinder groups that they do not feel them- selves ideologically compatible with. Regardless of the prevailing ideological bent of MSA at any given time, it is the governing body of all the students and has a respon- sibility to all the students." On the Code of Non-Academic Conduct: "We are categorically against a code of non-academic conduct. Any such code is a violation of our con- stitutional rights." On MSA-funded Foreign Trips: "The money that is for the stu- dents of this campus should remain on this campus. It's not serving any purpose to go off campus. It's money down the drain. It doesn't mean avoid the issue those trips ad- dress... just do it on campus." Funding for MSA: Independents challenge parties for MSA seats by Christine Kloostra Daily MSA Reporter Six independent candidates are vying for seats on the University's studentgovernment in the Michigan itudent Assembly election to be eld today and tomorrow. The candidates have varying rea- sons for running and a wide range of views on the election's main issues. "I didn't really like a lot of what was going on in MSA," said Brian Kight, an engineering candidate, ex- plaining his rationale for joining the race. "It seemed very disorganized." Greg Rosenblum, a School of Public Health candidate, said he was running to increase student aware- ness about MSA, particularly in the School of Public Health. Kevin Kirk, who is running for one of the Rackham seats, said he wanted to better represent engineers in Rackham. Independents' views on deputi- zation were much different that those of the three parties fielding candidates. All three of the parties oppose deputization. Rosenblum explained that he is in favor of a University police force. "I think that the University is a separate legal entity from the city. It should function as its own legal unit," he said. "Within that structure it should have its own law enforce- ment." Kight criticized the assembly's handling of its opposition to deputi- zation. "MSA should change its focus from opposing deputization to work- ing with the administration to be sure depatization works for students' .___. ?= {D.Ar-. Brri .Kih Both Rosenblum and Kight op- posed MSA funding controversial trips outside of the United States. "We can spend money off cam- pus if it's for something that affects students directly," Kight said. "I re- ally don't think sending a delegation to the (Israeli) Occupied Territories has a lot of impact on students' daily lives." Candidates said there were ad- vantages and disadvantages to run- ning as an independent. "I think it's a disadvantage mate- rially," Kight said. "I obviously don't have as much funds as the big parties." Running as an independent "isn't wise if I want to get elected," Kirk said. However, Kight said it may be an advantage to not be associated with a party. "The parties, specifically Action and Conservative Coalition, have -t negative track record that may de- , tract from their overall appeal," he. said. needs and interests," "Opposing deputization is counterproductive." he said. futile and 4 Students have bevy of choices: for LSA government election .,. by Bethany Robertson Daily Staff Reporter LSA students have the opportu- nity to elect candidates for 17 LSA Student Government executive coun- cil positions in conjunction with Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) alrt, n.nn-r... CC is the first party to have can- didates on the LSA-SG slate as well as candidates involved in the MSA race, said S.A.I.D. presidential can- didate Jefferson Ehrlich, who ques- tioned CC's motives. "Th .-- nnw, r ie nnnin CC presidential candidate Joe Sciarrotta disputed Ehrlich's claims saying that the CC became involved in the LSA-SG race in an effort to make the government more respon- sive to LSA issues like curriculum and the grading system. }}t.V.W9A7:Q 17 ;"1:G's! Y'.": '.U ti ........ } CAai #L.% _ }:i'":i:A:ir51r7Yt.: c:::?:yy ?:X:.: ::C::,_jC'.".;::,:".:ti:;.{{%:L%%:%:r: i: %l