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November 12, 1990 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-12

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Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Sports Monday - November 12,1990

Next up: the NCAAs
Men's x-country qualifies despite Irish upset

by Kevin Sundman
-Daily Sports Writer
If someone would have .told the
'Michigan men's cross country team
that they would defeat Wisconsin on
Saturday, they probably would have
been ecstatic over the prospects of
collecting the team's first ever
NCAA District Championship.
It seemned like a clear picture.
Wisconsin and Michigan would be
continuing their battle for the
season's most important titles which
-began two weeks ago with the Big
Ten Championships. Right?
The Wolverines finished second
with 72 points in winning the battle
over the third-place Badgers, the Big
Ten champions who accufiulated 88
points. But they lost the war, as
Notre Dame captured the title with
t 70 points. Coupled with the three-
,,point loss at the Big Ten meet, it
was the team's second heartbreaking
defeat in as many meets.
Despite the disappointment, the
Wolverines easily qualified for the
NCAA Championships next week in
Knoxville, Tennessee, where they

will compete with 21 other schools,
including the Irish and Badgers, for
the NCAA title.
"We were a little disappointed
that we didn't win," junior Tony
Carna said, "but qualifying for the
nationals was the most important
h - ,"

years ago with a third-place finish,
while Carna and senior Jeff Barnett
finished 10th and 14th respectively.
In addition, the Wolverines received
especially strong efforts from frosh
Shawn Mackay, who finished 21st,
and junior Dan Oden, who placed
"I thought the team ran well,"
Barquist said. "We were happy to
beat Wisconsin, but we were sur-
prised how well Notre Dame ran."
With this week's meet behind
them, the team looks forward to the
NCAA championships next week.
The top two ranked teams, Iowa
State and Arkansas, have proven to
be the class of the country this
season and are expected to be the
only serious contenders for the title.
But, competition for the next few
spots is expected to be hotly
contested. This could give the Wol-
verines a chance to claim their best
showing ever nationally, bettering
their sixth place effort in 1982.
"We hope to place high," Bar-
quist said, "and, with the way we're
running, we should."

Continued from page 1
One of the players under his
supcrvision was Bartkowski, who
turned out to be the number-one draft
pick the following spring. Bart-
kowski hired Steinberg to represent
him, and he landed his client the
biggest contract in the history of the
NFL at that time - $600,000 for
four years with a $250,000 signing
"It was then that I saw the tre-
mendous idol worship that aLhletes
are held in this country," Steinberg
said. "They have the opportunity to
utilize that high athletic profile to
retrace their roots, and go back to the
high school, collegiate and pro-
fessional communities that they are
a part of and trigger positive
behavior. Athletes are role models
whether they want to be or not."
Since then Steinberg has repre-
sented such clients as Jeff George,
Troy Aikman, and Jim Harbaugh.
Combined, his clients have raised
more than $45 million for various
causes and programs, something he
would like more people to follow.
"This society needs more people
with a social vision and purpose.
What I'd like to suggest to you is
that you go out into the world and
try to make a difference in your own
way," Steinberg said.

Once again, the team received
solid performances from their three
front runners. Senior Brad Barquist
repeated his district effort of two

Women qualify after taking 2nd to Indiana

Leigh Steinberg spoke last Friday before more than 150 people at Hutchins
Hall. Steinberg is an agent for many professional athletes, including the
Detroit Lions' Andre Ware and the San Francisco Giants' Will Clark.


by Jim Foss
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan went into this week-
end's District IV meet with its
sights set on second place and an
automatic berth in the NCAA
Championships. And, when the final
runner crossed the finish line, the
Wolverines, who have continued to
improve during every race of the
year, hd accomplished their goal.
With excellent performances from
all team members, a young women's
cross country team proved to the rest
of the nation at the District IV meet
that it will be a powerful force in
future seasons. The Wolverines were
neck-and-neck with the Hoosiers at
the meet, but fell short in the end,
scoring 72 points to Indiana's
winning score of 51.
Iowa grabbed third place with 113
points, while Wisconsin faded to
fourth 'With 173 points. Minnesota
rounded out the top five, with
Miami (Ohio) taking sixth, and
Eastern Michigan sneaking into
seventh place.



"The team ran really well," Mich-
igan coach Sue Foster said. "Wis-
consin didn't have a good day, but
Iowa did. We just rose to the
Sophomore Molly McClimon led
all Wolverines, placing fifth overall
and finishing the 5,000-meter course
in 17:42. Sophomore Amy Buch-
holz, who ran together with McCli-
mon throughout the race, took
seventh place in 17:52.
The second pack for Michigan
included two seniors and a first-year
runner. Chris Tyler and Amy
Bannister took 16th and 17th places,
respectively, both finishing with the
time of 18:17. Rookie runner Chris
Szabo was the final scoring
Wolverine, ending up in 29th place
with a time of 18:40.
Similar to the Big Ten
Championships, Michigan employed
a strategy of starting relatively slow
before eventually passing runners
and moving towards the front.
"The team started back again, and

gradually worked through the pack,"
Foster said. "Amy and Molly worked
together really well."
Foster also praised the perfor-
mances of the second pack, which
.performed without the efforts of
first-year runner Jennifer Armstrong,
who is most likely lost for the
season with a hip injury.
The course at the District meet
was suited for the Michigan team
because they have done a lot of hill
work throughout the season.
"The course was really hilly with
a lot of rolling hills," Foster said.
"It was tougher than at Minnesota
(the Big Ten Championship course),
but I told the women, 'We're a
strength team, and this is our
The NCAA Championship meet
will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee
this year on November 19. Though
not as strong as heavy favorite
Villanova or Providence, Michigan
should still be very competitive in
the meet.

Continued from page 1
avail. Sophomore Chris White, who
normally blocks on the right side,
was moved to the left side to make
up for the weakness there. It helped
for a while, until Minnesota and
Iowa adjusted to the change.
Michigan has had trouble at left
blocker all season, especially in Big
Ten competition. Often, a team will
harp on the inexperience of Michi-
gan's first-year players, and their
lack of a strong left blocker.
In a weekend of disappointments,
White was a real bright spot on the
"The only person who played
well for us was Chris White," assis-
tant coach Jim Smoot said. White
led the Wolverines against the
Golden Gophers with nineteen digs.
She also posted eight kills and four-
teen digs against the Hawkeyes.
In addition to a sputtering de-
fense, the Wolverines could not, for

the most part, fire up any offensive
"(Minnesota) is known for play-
ing really good defense. They did,
and we didn't seem to be able to hit
the ball hard enough," Smoot said.
"They kept returning all our shots. I
think that was the main difference."
Wolverine captain Julia Sturm
led her team in kills against Iowa
with 15. However, Sturm was even
more impressive against Minnesota
with 26 kills and six digs.
The Hawkeyes benefitted from
the numbers recorded by team mem-
bers Barb Willis and Janet Moylan.
Willis led Iowa with 22 kills and 13
digs. Moylan, who head coach
Peggy Bradley-Doppes considered to
be Iowa's greatest defensive threat,
continued to dominate with 14 digs.
The two weekend losses put
Michigan's total record at 5-21 for
the season and 1-13 in Big Ten ac-
tion. Iowa's record stands at 13-12
(8-6 Big Ten). Minnesota's record is
far less impressive at 8-21 (2-11 Big

The Wolverines look forward to
this Wednesday's game against inter-
state rival Michigan State. Perhaps,
the Spartans have not yet received
their copy of Michigan's scouting
Doppes brings to Michigan her repu-
tation of being a top recruite
Bradley-Doppes and assistant coach
Jim Smoot met with a prospective
Wolverine volleyball player yester-
day at Metro Airport. Bradley-
Doppes has met with many possible
recruits and has been in attendance
for a couple of high school
Before Christmas break, Bradley-
Doppes intends to have over tee
high school students visit the cam-
pus to survey the Michigan volley-
ball program. Bradley-Doppes is un-
able to release the names of prospec-
tive players, but she said she hopes
to enlist several quality players into
the program.

p m





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