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November 12, 1990 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1990-11-12

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The University of Michigan Union North Campus Commons
November 12 to November 18, 1990

"Common Ties" is a series of powerful programs which
focuses on AIDS and people's reaction to the disease. One
highlight of the program is the display of quilts from the
NAMES Project's AIDS Memorial Quilt on exhibit in the Art
Lounge throughout the series. The "Common Ties" Pro-
grams, which run from November 12 through December 2,
are free of charge and open to. the public.
*Monday, Nov. 12, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. -
Art Lounge, Michigan Union
Exhibit Opening: Display of the 12 ft. by 12 ft. quilt
panels from the NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt and
the reading of the names.
*Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7:00 p.m.
Kuenzel Room, Michigan Union
Fireside Chat: A look at sexual gender differences and
AIDS as they relate to organizations. Coordinated by mem-
bers of the Student Organization Development Center.
*Thursday, Nov. 15, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Art Lounge, Michigan Union
Panel Discussion: "People of Color and AIDS: It's Your Is-
sue" - a discussion on the effects of AIDS on people of color
comnnunities. Sponsored by the Ella Baker/Nelson Mandela
*Friday, Nov. 16, 8:00 p.m.
Art Lounge, Michigan Union
Reading: Poetry and prose in the celebration and memory of
people with AIDS.

Monday to Friday
- Lunch is served from
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
" Happy Hour is held from
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Tuesday Evening
- Reggae and More -
Music with DJ
Wednesday Evening
- UAC Laughtrack:
Norm Stoltz
- Jazz music from
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
" Free pizza (regular and
vegetarian) served from
5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
" T-shirt giveaway night
Thursday Evening
- UAC Soundstage: Trinidad
Tripoli Steel Drum Band
- Jazz music from
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Free pizza (regular and
vegetarian) served from
5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
" T-shirt giveaway night
Friday Evening
- New Music Night with
DJ Jeffrey
Saturday Evening
- Live Band: Captain Dave
and the Psychedelic

Is your head swimming with all the talk of war? Do you disagree
with all those who believe in the inevitability of war? Would you
rather work for peace than plan for war? If so, then several groups
on campus have been created with you in mind. Check into some of
these: Amnesty International, Michigan SANE/FREEZE, U-M
Peace Corps, Women Acting for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND),
and Women for Guatemala. And show your interest by attending
the memorial for the slain Jesuit priests in El Salvador. The
memorial will be November 16 at Rackham co-sponsored by LASC
and Amnesty International. For more information about any of
these groups and events, please contact Project S.E.R.V.E., Room
2211 Michigan Union (telephone number 936-2437).






Here are Some Relief Measures
Between exams and holidays, the stress on us often intensifies.
However, it is as simple as a breath of air to make our stress
into a challenge!
1. Take a Break. Schedule time for yourself. Practice relaxing
your mind and your body. Talk positively to yourself (you're
right ... you can do it!). Imagine yourself succeeding.
2. Don't "Should" on Yourself. Don't place unnecessary
burdens on yourself by telling yourself you really should do this
and that. Instead, CHOOSE to accomplish your goals.
3. Prioritize with 'To Do" Lists. Organize yourself. Make a list
of your Choose To's and prioritize them. Set realistic, challeng-
ing, and exciting goals which give you direction.
4. Treat Your Body Right. Exercise ... regularly. Eat well-
balanced meals; avoid or limit drugs like caffeine, nicotine, and
alcohol.. Taking care of your system allows your body's natural
stress management system to work efficiently.
These stress management tips are brought to you by the
Student Organization Development Center (SODC), whose
mission is to help make you make the most of your U-M
experiences. Call 763-5900 or stop by (Room 2202, Michigan
Union) to find out more about SODC's services or to speak with
a consultant regarding your stress management program.
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Before the
Final Home Game
On your way to Michigan
Stadium for the U-M's final
game in Ann Arbor, make a
detour to the. U-Club in the
Michigan Union. On home
football game days, the U-
Club serves brunch begin-
ning two and one- half hours
before game time.
The brunch is priced at $8.95
per person. For reservations,
please call 763-4648.
If you are unable to stop by
for brunch, join your friends
for lunch at the U-Club. The
all new luncheon menu
features seafood and ethnic
entrees, sandwiches, and
soup & salad bar. Lunch is
served Monday through Fri-
day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For extra special lunches
next week, the U-Club will
offer a Thanksgiving Buffet
on November 19, 20, and 21.
Come join in the holiday

Class does not have to be
learning from books. Trained
Volunteer Corps (TVC) is
offering a Winter term class
of 2 to 4 credits where learn-
ing is doing. This is a new
course dedicated to serving
the needs of: illiterate adults,
youths at risk, homeless
people, and elderly people in
need of support.
The TVC offers the opportu-
nity for you to work with an
individual in need, one to
one. TVC provides the sup-
portive environment and the
hands-on training you need
to do the job well. Check
your time schedule for
Sociology 389 and enroll in a
class that makes a difference
in someone's life.
In addition to TVC, the
course, the TVC organization
is being formed. This group
will provide support for
students who are working in
the community and will share
information about actions to
make a difference. The
group's goal is to provide
needed services to those
who are vulnerable in our
community and to involve as
many students as possible in
community service activities.
Student leaders and mem-
bers are needed to help form
this organization.

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